Manchester United Thread

Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Thats cuz his team got relegated. If any other team got relegated, I'm sure all of their star players would leave no matter how loyal they are.
Smith right now has options available to him like moving to another club where theres first team football.
The fact that he wants to stay proves how determined he is to fight for the team.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Some great pics of our lads in training at The Carrington Training Centre.I guess all of them are in,even boys like Dong Fang Zhou,David Jones,Rossi,Richardson etc.I wonder how do the get their training numbers assigned to? Rooney is 9,Kleberson is 7,Ronaldo is 10 and newboy,Park is 32.

United In Training.

Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Dong Fangzhou has been at (I think) Antwerp for ages. I dont think he's had a real game at our club.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Wasnt he forced to go on loan for 2 years?
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

By right,I think he is loaned to our feeder club Royal Antwerp cos he couldnt be granted a work permit.I guess they invited him to train with the first team since the Belgian season is still not underway and then travel to Asia.He got a season under his belt i think and should make his debut for us in season 06-07?
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

RuneEdge said:
Thats cuz his team got relegated. If any other team got relegated, I'm sure all of their star players would leave no matter how loyal they are.
Smith right now has options available to him like moving to another club where theres first team football.
The fact that he wants to stay proves how determined he is to fight for the team.

and good on him! or at least he can try! See you have made a 1m bid for Stokes 3rd choice keeper Ben Foster, Domt know much about him myself!
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Never heard of this Ben Foster dude.
But seeing how he'll only be our third keeper, I dont really care who he is cuz he's not gonna get a game just like Ricardo.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

More Ballack rumours today. *crosses fingers*

Rio, sign your damn contract. That's all I have to say.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

I'm still hoping we get Owen as well.
Owen and Ballack would kick so much ass.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Ballack eh. Wouldn't be a bad replacement for our big man ;)
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Keep your hands off him.
He's ours.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

RuneEdge said:
Keep your hands off him.
He's ours.

OK we'll let you have him :)

I'll repeat my post from the Arsenal forum here as well as i'm sure you lot will appreciate it as well.

Nickybaker said:
I would love to see us get Essien, just for the pure comedy value!

Still you never know, Arsene and Houllier are mates so maybe a negotiation would take place rather than the C*UNTS from west london making some noise, unsettling the player and then trying to throw their money around.

How funny would that be!
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

El Capitan Keano and Wesley Brown is out of the Asian Tour after pickin up knocks.Hope it aint too serious,cause we're unfortunate enuff to lose Fortune,haha.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Expierenced player to me always ends up as 30+ freebie! Lauren Blanc anyone? As for the Rio situation i heard a good view point on it the other day, If you were Rio and your agent came to you and said listen with all this Glazer thing going on nobody knows for sure whats going to happen here for the next few of seasons my advice would be to hang fire leave it a season for everything to settle down then make your mind up. If things go well you can sign up if not you can go off next year ect!
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

that makes sense...i mean, Glazer coming was like Millenium Bug to the IT world...hahahaha

well, experienced....ballack?? lolz...ok, i think it's enough of speculation....just wait for SAF to find.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Whoever SAF finds, he better be good cuz we already have too many midfielders who suck and we only got rid of Djemba. Why couldnt Butt accept a smaller role in the club like Phil Nevill does? I understand his POV but we need someone like him.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

If you read the superficial print somewhere at the bottom at that page,Metallica,it says,"I want Micheal Ballack." LoL...The story speaks for itself really...our number 13 kit will definitely be worn by Ballack next season.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

hahahaha...i spoke too soon,i was at soccergaming forums,united thread an I went,ooppss...hahaha..fcuk that shit,just bring on ballack...
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

I really want to know whats going off with Ballack I hope he joins and you would have thought Fergie would have Park a differant number (19 ?) just in case Ballack does sign

I just hope Arsenal dont come sniffing for Ballack around now that wankers left!
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Keano and Vieira goin head on has become an iconic battle over the past few years.Too bad that pansy wanker has left.Now who is Keano gonna give a good rollickin to in the tunnel when the Arse comes visitin OT??
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Arsenal vs Man Utd just wont be the same.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Its my 3000th post so I thought I'd use it here where it belongs.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

hahaha, nice pillar Rune...

yeah, now without Vieira, Arsenal matches at OT won't be the same...ahhaha,

i thought Park was gonna wear the 21 that Forlan left...i thought i read it somewhere...guess that i was wrong...but i definitly do hope that Ballack can come!!! mroe competition for spots, and back-ups for injuries are definitly needed to boost the quality of the Red Devils!!!

p.s. I HOPE KEANO CAN COME TO HKG!!! i just got the tickets to watch the match...and i want to see THE Roy Keane....too bad that Heinze can't come already...
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Sir Alex said that Keano IS coming and might be able to play too.
And he also said that Giggs is gonna finally have some competition cuz he's gonna play Park on the left wing.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

Didnt fergie say in that interview that Park can Play left, right or through the middle! As for the iminent new signing i think you can forget about Ballack! the way he was talking your new signing isnt going to be a big buy!
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

From what I heard, he's looking for an experienced midfielder. And both David Gill and Dennis Irwin on MUTV said that the signing is going to be "the big one".
I dont think we'll be let down.
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

well see but expeirenced means old! not world class in football lingo(sp) id be suprised but well see!
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread - Owen wants move!

You got a point. That's why I'm not too excited about this. I'm almost certain that it's going to be a dissapointment, kinda like how I was dissapointed to learn that our new keeper was Van Der Sar.
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