Manchester City Thread

I got the feeling MUFC will be the biggest spenders this summer. Chelsea /ManCity will buy but nothing like before.Kompany doesn`t fit into Pelligrini`s plans any longer?
Will be surprised if we don't spend close to 150m. Kompany just isn't being rushed back. Had too many injuries this season

Hopefully true.

With the recent formation change (that we've been crying out for all season) we've looked more solid (4 cleansheets in the last 6) but we've still managed to score an average of 3 per game. It allows Yaya, at his age, to do what he's best at; controlling possession and breaking into the box, without us being caught light at the back


Replace Lampard with Pogba :PRAY: and Milner with a rapid wide player and I'd fap for days \o/
Think your underestimating the 'balance' that Milner adds to that side, so just replacing him with an attack minded winger wouldn't necessarily benefit you that much.

Agreed though, you only need or two 'big' signings and you'll be back in the mix.
Milner is the type of players every manager wants, he's a hard worker, a reliable player, he's the silent warrior.
The FFP hearings have been referred to the ECJ with the 2nd phase of FFP (E30m break even period) suspended
Financial fair play: Court imposes order to block new Uefa rules

A Belgian court has imposed an interim order blocking European football governing body Uefa from activating new Financial Fair Play (FFP) rules.
The Court of First Instance referred a case brought by several claimants to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
The case challenged plans to cut the deficit clubs are permitted from 45m euros (£32m) to 30m euros (£21.32m).
The claimants include football agent Daniel Striani and supporters of Manchester City and Paris St-Germain.
City and PSG were both sanctioned by Uefa last year for breaching FFP rules, which state clubs in European competition must only spend what they earn, with some limited flexibility.
Uefa president Michel Platini has already said his organisation is planning to "ease" FFP regulations, changes which could be ratified at a meeting of its executive committee in Prague next week.
Those amendments may fall in line with the court's interim order, which will remain in place until the ECJ - the European Union's highest court - reaches a ruling.
Jean-Louis Dupont, the lawyer who is leading the case for the claimants, said: "We believe that this Belgian judgement is the right answer to the FFP issue."
The Belgian court is asking the ECJ if Uefa's 'break-even rule', the centrepiece of FFP, violates EU regulations on free competition, free movement of capital, freedom to invest and free movement of works and services.

I'm not fussed about it really. Main reason I'd like to see FFP die is to piss off UEFA, Wenger, Gill and co, but I agree with some form of FFP in theory.

The current FFP rules are unfair tho, even tho they'd benefit City in the long run
M. Dupont has shown the bare faced nerve and brass necked stupidity of UEFA's latest lurch along the path to financial regulation of European club football. The last vestiges of any tenuous claim to "fair" play were gleefully tossed into the dustbin by a simpering, smarmy French ignoramus and a greasy Italian knucklehead as they announced the "relaxation" of the regulations - what Manchester City and PSG have been hammered for, what last year was ruining football and calling down the thunderbolts of that old Bavarian soak in Munich is now perfectly acceptable for Berlusconi and his "investor" in Milan. But not for anyone else, because any new owner, or old one, must have his investment plans agreed by the failed investment banker and financial nullities entrusted with such matters by the dwarfs of Noyon. And they have as much chance of being allowed to rival the "established elite" as Khaldoon Al Mubarak does of being invited to chair the FFP committee.

We now have a situation in which the investment policies of every football club in Europe are to be decided not by those who own the club and pay the bills but by a group of bureaucrats who have no responsibility for any European club at all and who risk not one centime of their own. The ECJ will love that! Maybe M. Platini will enlighten us as to where such measures have any legal basis at all. He will find that M. Dupont has by far the best of the argument on this one.

Along with any pretence of fairness, any pretence of equality and uniformity has been thrown out. The same rules do not apply to all. Milan can do this year what City could not last. Some owners may be allowed to invest: City and PSG may not. City agreed a deal with UEFA, but for the second time UEFA changed the rules. If City's instinct just over twelve months ago was to fight UEFA through every avenue open to it that must surely be its instinct if UEFA gets in the way of its plans now.

That is the question: just what effect, if any, will these measures have on City? M. Dupont will win his case, and Platini knows this. UEFA are, as M. Dupont says, playing for time, spinning out the case and then any claim for damages from his clients so that maximum damage is done and the victory is rendered hollow as was Bosman's. The issue is how much damage he can do to City in the meantime. If City decide they have to ignore the regulations and end up expelled from the CL they will have no choice but to seek injunctions and take UEFA to court. For City time would be the major factor: UEFA would pay a heavy price financially for losing. If, on the other hand, City's income enables them to buy the players they want... and this is the most illogical element of these crazy regulations... having sung the Rumenigge anthem that the more successful clubs who develop acceptable revenue streams can spend more, we are now told that, if you are unsuccessful, if your income from TV is low, if no-one wants to watch you on the TV, then you can spend more, with UEFA's permission. Come in Milan, are you reading us!

So M. Platini has shown us exactly why for so long he was the protege of that pillar of financial fair play, M. Sepp Blatter. UEFA does not behave like a governing body of the world's most popular sport, but just like a group of corrupt megalomaniacs in hoc to a few privileged clubs. But the day of judgement cannot be postponed indefinitely.

(a response to "FFP 2.0")
English clubs will be scrutinise imo their world popularity is frown upon. At the same time their business model is 2nd to none where players like Shaqiri joins Stoke City ffs lol and Payet joins WHU.
Yea, I think the latest PL TV rights made a few across europe shit themselves

Anyway, looks like Delph will be our 1st signing this summer. Not exactly Pogba but I'm not against it. Decent squad player for a decent price at £8m and a player we should still make a profit on even if we sell in 12 months.
But he'd be an idiot to join us, esp. a year before the Euros. He's not going to be anything other than a sub (at least I hope not)
Can't wait to see Sterling speeding onto a Silva through ball :BOP:
Pace and dribbling is the only think our attack(ing midfield) has lacked these last few years

Sterling - Aguero - Silva
Pogba - Yaya

would be tasty

as would​

Sterling - Aguero - De Bruyne
Pogba - Yaya​

Either would be fine with me, Txiki :)
Don't think so, not yet anyway. The guy most likely to win the presidency has said Enrique doesn't want him. Whether that's politics between him and Laporta who knows but I still have some hope of welcoming Pogba to Manchester ;)

Obviously it wouldn't sursprise me one bit if Pogba ends up at Barca, they're a bigger draw obviously, but there are reasons to think we could get him.

His family still lives in Manchester
He is said to be very open to the move
We may be more prepared to give Juve a bigger fee
His agent has praised us in the past and has said he regrets taking Mario away from City
He might want to prove a few things to your lot
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All these players are top-class players. (But) on the offensive front we have many creative players, midfield as well. They are players I know well and like – Schneiderlin, Schweinsteiger and Sterling,” Wenger said. “But offensively we have plenty of players. For me Sterling is a top-class player. It’s a good buy for Man City. An expensive one, but they can afford it. Personally I like him. I didn’t make a bid because he plays in an area where we have plenty of players.

Wenger very complimentary lol he`s happy MCity got`em .The more I read ex-Liverpool players bashing Sterling the more it feels like a cult. Liverpoology the next branch of Scientology lol .
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LFC is like the Catholic Church, an old power that is no threat to anyone really these days. Plenty of followers still, all versed in their prayer and hymns, constantly praising their Saints with all the wide eyed fervour of a homeless man who has been on the streets for far too long. Only difference is apostasy is still a grave crime on Merseyside!
Wenger very complimentary lol he`s happy MCity got`em .The more I read ex-Liverpool players bashing Sterling the more it feels like a cult. Liverpoology the next branch of Scientology lol .

What a silly post again.
Read the posts in the Arsenal thread when Nasri and Fabregas left Arsenal.
And those departures were not nearly as daft as what Sterling did. I'm not a Liverpool fan, but i understand the the Liverpool fans perfectly.

In the long term this transfer wil weaken Man City. The first time a bigger club courts Sterling, he will play his show all over.

He is a prospect, but until now he hasn't proven much.
I know forums are for everyone to post their opinions but it really does get silly in here sometimes.

The generalisation of a clubs fans in here is nonsense.

I'm not just talking LFC but across all clubs.

There are also so many short memories but I guess most 'fans' I speak with or know have this memory loss issue too.
What a silly post again.
Read the posts in the Arsenal thread when Nasri and Fabregas left Arsenal.
And those departures were not nearly as daft as what Sterling did. I'm not a Liverpool fan, but i understand the the Liverpool fans perfectly.

In the long term this transfer wil weaken Man City. The first time a bigger club courts Sterling, he will play his show all over.

He is a prospect, but until now he hasn't proven much.
The fans have every right to be upset and spew their views. I said ex-players, they know that football business is more then loyalty and money. Titi,Fabregas,Hleb,Song(BARCA),Nasri,ADE,Toure,Clichy(MCFC) RVP(MUFC), Flamini(MILAN) etc. left, it was clear as water why. Arsenal ex-players bash Arsenal and Wenger for not giving them what they needed to stay. That could of been a better squad to Challenge,more money,longer contract or what have you. The point was those players left to win and Arsenal had no ambition during those years. In, fact most ex-players bash Wenger every season on the regular the latest was Henry on Sky.He said" Arsenal will never win a title w/ Giroud leading and that they need a 25 goal striker to win".

Liverpool ex-players bash Sterling like they`re employed by the club.Gerrard in Hollywood had a proper go at Sterling.He knows more about Liverpool`s position.Since ,he belongs to the cult where saying anything about Liverpool is being excommunicated .
My post being silly is due to the media bashing Sterling. I disagree at first on Sterling coming out the way he did I realise to leave a today`s Liverpool at a young age you have to leave radical and loud.MCity must of tap in on Sterling`s agent ,because he did magic to get Sterling out £49m, £9m going to QPR is good business. Liverpool ex-player need to realise Sterling is going to start at MCFC, he`s better then Navas,Nasri and Milner or whatever winger they currently have. Delph snub due to fear he wasn`t good enough to start - on a Euro16 next summer. So hearing everyone congratulating Delph is a joke lol . Sterling knows he has to prove all bashers wrong and MCFC will benefit from it.
Apparently, the money QPR will get out of the deal is a club record for them :DD

Dunno how signing Sterling could weaken us long term. If a Barca or Real come in for him and he wants to leave it will mean that he's been a resounding success, which means we've got our money's worth and we'd make a tidy profit on top.

Agree with Bebo about ex LFC players recently. SKY too, pushing certain angles to get neutrals and LFC fans riled up, all for what? advertising money to try and make up for their lost CL coverage? No other explanation for wheeling out Aldridge every 15 minutes lol.
These ex LFC players telling us now that 'there's no problem players wanting to leave' but that's rubbish. As soon as it broke that Sterling had no intention of signing a contract with LFC, Carragher et al were seething (think he was doing Monday Night Football at the time).
At that point Sterling hadn't done the BBC interview (in fact the reason he did it was in response to the fiasco), his agent hadn't called Carragher a 'nob' yet (:LOL:), and the training/tour stuff only happened the last week, so all this 'it's just about the way he has gone about it' stuff now is a bit farfetched. They couldn't believe that a young promising player wanted out of their club. Losing Suarez was understandable, he was clearly too good for all but the top few teams in world football, but to see a kid want out? that embarrssed them

And with that, Sterling is now officially a Blue :)
He takes no.7
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Well, Sterling leaving is somewhat embarrassing ,but Progba left almost free £1.7m lol similar age. Look how he turn out!
QPR getting money for Sterling is principally a good thing, but not in their case. Here is an example of very badly managed club...

I misunderstood your post, i'm sorry. It was i being silly.
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