Manchester City Thread

Every team gets dodgy decisions for and against and yesterday was another one against us. No contact. Ref guessed and got it wrong. Nothing hypocritical about it.
say what you will but the most important play was Koscielny`s tap of the ball away from Jovetic , He could of had the easiest of tap ins.

I hope City feels unjust and turn Chelsea inside out :APPLAUD:
Definitely don't feel unjust. Similar to the Burnley game tbh. Bit of a dodgy decision but don't think it changed the game. Arsenal carried on playing the same way and would have won anyway, scoring a 2nd proved it. Same applies to Burnley.

Hopefully we park the bus against Chelsea and hit them on the counter. We don't have the personnel available to outplay them this time
Yes they did manage that, but it was at home (THE freaking North-East) and Matic was missing both games.

You're playing us at home, where most teams would consider a draw as an achievement and you need to win (badly). I don't think you fully understand what City is walking into.
Chelsea is very strong, granted, but you can't act like they are beyond the reach of the 2nd place and defending champions. Spurs scored 5 past Chelsea, and it wasn't the freaking North East, just good old North London at the N17.

I think City can win if they play it right. You gotta know your limitations this time around and do exactly what Arsene Wenger did on Sunday. You can't play this one right onto the hands of Mourinho. You have to frustrate them first and them look to get away with something.
I'm a Spurs fan and was delighted with the 5-3, but everything went Spurs' way that day. Although Spurs played well, it was a bit of a freak win and Chelsea seemed tired.

As a neutral Chelsea deserve the title, there football is a joy to watch and (as much i love Silva, my favourite EPL player), much better than what City showed. But most people will disagree because Chelsea is supposed to be the evil club.

The key will be to unsettle Matic. He is Chelsea's most important player. Eriksen unsettled Matic and Chelsea got goals against.
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Despite all the money invested, City have a squad with quite a lot of weak points.

A GK who is far from bad, but makes vital errors at times.
A rather weak central defense: Kompany is injury prone once again and his game suffers because of the injuries. Your other CB's are not good enough.

You miss Yaya Touré. the combination Fernando-Fernandinho doesn't work. They haven't enough creativity between them. If the opponent team can shut down Silva, there is not enough creativity in the team.

Of course you've got Aguëro who on his own wins matches. But imo this will not be enough to win the EPL or the CL.
Fern x2 can work but only away from home against decent opposition, where counter attack is more important. You're right about them when it comes to a game like Sunday tho. Yaya's absence could be overcome too some degree with Nasri in the team but he's out too. This means the opposition just need to surround Silva and then mop up any crosses. Arse could have carried on playing like they did all night and been comfortable.

Against CFC we're gonna have to park the bus, do it well and hope Mourinho hasn't influenced the refs too much
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I sincerely think that parking the bus with that defense is a recipe for disaster, but it wouldn't be the first time i got it totally wrong.
Man City aren't equipped for parking the bus. They only have one really good centre back. Chelsea have 3.

I can only see a Chelsea win at Stamford Bridge, unfortunately.
It will be very tough, Chelsea will be smelling blood and all, so this is the match where City has to show its credentials.
Gotta have concentration at the back for the whole 90 minutes and lots of patience in order to frustrate Mourinho by showing that two can play at that game - because even a ball playing side like this Chelsea prioritizes defence and Mourinho has no qualms about playing like that at their own turf. City has to neutralize Cesc, because everything goes through him. And whatever happens, don't give them counters, or else Hazard and D. Costa will punish you.

I have a feeling Chelsea will be most menacing on set pieces, so hopefully Pellegrini addresses this weak point.
'agendas' and that sort of stuff doesn't interest me personally. Every supporter has to put up with journalists who are pro/neutral/anti your club as well as those, like Jamie Jackson, who are click baiters, as he is for both City and Utd, I choose to just ignore tham and don't click on their articles. I see no point in searching around to be annoyed
There are only a few who I respect enough to read, top of the list being Martin Samuel as well as the likes of Holt, Winter and couple of others. I don't always agree with them, eg. Winter on Ched Evans, but they're clearly more neutral than most.
Both us and Chelsea out...

Football, bloody ell...

My god we were shit in that last 30 mins. No siege or anything, looked like all our players were 60 years old. Boro just running past us at will. Worst I've seen us since... probably the 8-1 defeat to boro when we downed tools :LOL: -fuck this, I'm going for a :BEBO: :ROLL:
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erm same 0-2 result b2b, surely we get have a song about that. I read ManCity just landed last night from a friendly in Dubai ffs.
Pellegrini isnt a world class manager, he is more Roma/Spurs kind of level.

Can you imagine Mourinho or Ancelloti at City? Would be scary for rest of league with your money.
I'm not his biggest fan myself but there aren't many out there atm. Simeone wouldn't suit us. Klopp? not sure he holds up under scrutiny and not just because of this season. Just hoping for Pep when he comes available tbh.

Would rather eat my own shit than have Mou as manager
Would rather eat my own shit than have Mou as manager

Let's collectively not forget this...

And then to think that the manager who rotated most was Karanka.

Well Boro have the best defense in the Championship...surely that must have rung a bell with Pellegrini.

I have a feeling that Karanka will coach bigger teams than Boro.
What's your point?

I don't like Mourinho, deal with it. He could end up being the most successful manager in the history of the game (what a shame that would be btw) and I'd still dislike him.
You stopped supporting Utd because you didn't like Ferguson or for some similar reason. Are you the only person here allowed to dislike a manager?
Mou gets results but leaves a trail of bodies after he passes. He looks to add to his CV ,not players growth. He would of been perfect for MUTD. They need results and the could clean up any damage Mou leaves in his wake.
What's your point?

I don't like Mourinho, deal with it. He could end up being the most successful manager in the history of the game (what a shame that would be btw) and I'd still dislike him.
You stopped supporting Utd because you didn't like Ferguson or for some similar reason. Are you the only person here allowed to dislike a manager?

It was meamt as a joke, Godot. I should have added a smiley.
And of course you are allowed to dislike whoever you like.
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