HTC Mobile Phones Thread

The scrobbler gives you the media players on the phone and you can choose to only scrobble from certain apps if you want. Tons of customisation in there and works really well.

I've heard of DoubleTwist but never used it so no idea on that. Wouldn't you just want to drag and drop instead? I find syncing is more hassle than D&D, especially if your memory card is smaller than your collection.
If you can find the pouch that comes with the Nexus One, that's highly recommended.
Considering its free, may as well try it :)

Dead excited today, pathetic to say I didnt sleep to well in excitement and actually had a dream about using the phone! (Ok, maybe not THAT sad as I did watch 90 mins of a guys video reviews about the Desire on YouTube before going to sleep at 1am :LOL:) - plus I was buzzing from a good night at darts.

Dags man... whats this 'root' thing and why is it good to do it?...

Did the exact same thing the night before I got mine :LOL: I was up till 2am reading shit too.

Tunewiki is excellent. Walked the shops today streaming hot jamz from shoutcast radio :) - never gonna need to put music on this badboy I prefer online radio! :)
just also got a car charger for £1.95, a leather carry case for £2 and waiting on the incar dock holder for 99p from prepay mania :)

Case is good fits perfect
Got a link to the carry case? My girlfriend ordered a Desire yesterday and she'll definately need a case to stop the screen being scratched in her bag!

Good work on Tunewiki as well :TU: Does the skip button work when listening to a station in yours? It's highlighted to say it will work but nothing happens.

Check out "Fish Food", pretty nice free game :)
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LOVING it so far!!

I think I agree with you Dags, individually, just *something* isnt as good as the iPhone (perhaps just because it isnt an iPhone :LOL:), but overall as a package, its sweet so far!

The speed is amazing - stuck on Google maps down to Street View and there is zero lag, amazing. Browser is fast, camera is bootiful, got some of my faithful apps working from the iPhone and overall I think its amazing.

Not done much work today, keep picking it up and playing with it! MUST CONCENTRATE!!
Behave yourself!!!

I need a good case/holder to wear for when I'm running at the gym...?

Its true! Dags mentioned it and I know exactly what he means!

The HTC is absolutely superb and I think its too early for me to make a solid judgement yet, but I'd put it on a par with the iPhone.

But there is something golden about the iPhone and just cannot put my finger on whats different as for all intents and purposes they are the same - and compared to my slow 3G iPhone, I'd put the HTC streets ahead in terms of speed and flexibility.

Its like one of the Colonels secret spices :LOL:
I THINK it might be the uniform look and appeal of the iPhone software. Everything is made to feel like it's ... meant to be part of the iPhone. The apps all tend to use the same layout, fonts and style. That's probably forced on them by Apple but even still, it just feels a bit cleaner and tidier.
I THINK it might be the uniform look and appeal of the iPhone software. Everything is made to feel like it's ... meant to be part of the iPhone. The apps all tend to use the same layout, fonts and style. That's probably forced on them by Apple but even still, it just feels a bit cleaner and tidier.

Hmmm good point - and yes, Apple have guidelines for all Devs in how things should look and line up on the pages etc (most of the UI is done by standard drag and drop features).
Oh, you need to get Wavesecure as well. Handy if you ever lose your phone or have it stolen! :)
Got a link to the carry case? My girlfriend ordered a Desire yesterday and she'll definately need a case to stop the screen being scratched in her bag!

Good work on Tunewiki as well :TU: Does the skip button work when listening to a station in yours? It's highlighted to say it will work but nothing happens.

Check out "Fish Food", pretty nice free game :)

I've not tried using Tunewiki coz I just used shoutcast but I'll have a look later.

Will check fish food out later :)
LOVING it so far!!

I think I agree with you Dags, individually, just *something* isnt as good as the iPhone (perhaps just because it isnt an iPhone :LOL:), but overall as a package, its sweet so far!

Is it a bit like FIFA lacking the soul of PES? :LMAO:
Got mine today aswell at about 6pm and only took it off charge at 1am. Someone told me it needs a good 6-8 hour charge out of the box which is why but the phone so far is immense and just what iveeded coming from the N97.
Whassup with the Facebook app :( Doesnt display private messages, but directs you to the online FB site.

Thats a bit lame :(

Anyone got a better suggestion? First real downer so far.

Also, no Skype which is a bit of a bummer too, everything else is still being tested!


Other things need help/advice with!

1) BBC iPlayer - any solutions? = BEEBPLAYER!! Superb :)

2) Mail - is the Desire App the best, or something better? Bit miffed you cannot 'read all' and would be nice to sort into folders
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Yea cheers, I did try that earlier today, but its pretty crap - just lets you make a call and thats it. No 'friends' list, no messaging etc.

Might see how Fring is...

That iPlayer App is awesome - and I'm in love with Google street view, especially with the compass.

Any decent apps for overlaying a camera view (seen it on the Gadget Show, where you point the camera at something and it picks up info from like Wikipedia). I guess its one of the Layers on Maps if you are in street view??
Layar is the app you want there I think?

Cool, will check it out!

One more question (for now :LOL:) - yesterday when I got a text message while the phone was asleep, I turned the phone on and a pop-up 'Quick Reply' window appeared.

In this window was the option to do 'Voice-To-Text' (which worked great!) - probably due to the new Voice thingy I installed yesterday as outlined above. But now I cannot find any option to do that - and I dont know (as its not clear) whether the option was part of the Desire SMS app, or part of Handcent.

Anybody seen this before?

Oh and also, I get 2 notifications - how do I turn off the Desire MMS notification please?!
Can't help with the Sense UI questions I'm afraid, someone else will have to do those :)

Although I might installed Sense UI on my phone later today, not sure yet.
Can't help with the Sense UI questions I'm afraid, someone else will have to do those :)

Although I might installed Sense UI on my phone later today, not sure yet.

That "Layar" (or Reality Browser) is amazing! My girlfriend thinks its 'magic' :)
I'm surprised you haven't found it sooner, it was on the iPhone as well (although maybe only the 3GS due to the compass?).
Oh and also, I get 2 notifications - how do I turn off the Desire MMS notification please?!
Go into the default Messaging client and turn off notifications in there mate I think :TU:.

And yes, it's slightly annoying that the Facebook app doesn't do chat or messaging or photos. But the Facebook mobile site it directs you too is always really fast so I'm not bothered really.
Go into the default Messaging client and turn off notifications in there mate I think :TU:.

And yes, it's slightly annoying that the Facebook app doesn't do chat or messaging or photos. But the Facebook mobile site it directs you too is always really fast so I'm not bothered really.

Cheers, sorted the Notifications... will have to have a look around Facebook mobile and see if that is a better option - if so, can stick a link to it on my homescreen.
Oo, oo! Next question! I dont seem to be able to get 3G signal. I'm going to check it side by side with my other halves iPhone later, but I've never seen 3G popup - only H and G :(

Need to know if I have to change any settings in the mobile networks screen - I'm on O2 if that helps. I used to see the 3G sign in and around my house when I had the iPhone, so I know I get signal here.
Adds full Voice Text to Desire...


EDIT: :LOL: This is really good - takes a while to get used to how it needs words spoken, but would be great to use instead of typing a message or email. And if you do it in small chunks, it highlights the words you have just spoken, so you can always quickly press delete and try again.

May be too much fricking about for some, but its still pretty cool :)
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