Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

PS3 VS XBOX 360:

The PS3 hard drive and CPU should deliver a smoother GTA IV than on Xbox 360, not least because of texture streaming. Less loading, more detail and vibrant colour palette should make PS3 GTA IV stand head and shoulders above the Xbox 360 version. But what about the Xbox 360’s exclusive episodic content? Well, chances are, the PS3 will have similar downloads at some point in the future. If not, we should have PSP connectivity and multiplayer to look forward too. In your face, Microsoft!

Last week, Game Informer invited GTA fans to ask questions about their recent experience at R*. Game Informer’s Andrew Reiner, the only journalist so far to have seen Grand Theft Auto IV in action, promised to answer as many of your questions as he can. The answers are in…

(Interesting points: There are no airplanes in GTA IV, but flying remains a big part of the game. This means you will be able to fly helicopters. Niko can also climb telephone poles, it seems.)

1. Kobe Asks: I heard that you can’t fly in Liberty City anymore. What is up with that?! Flying is one of my favorite parts of this series!

This is incorrect. There are no airplanes in the game, but flying is still there. One means of this is the helicopter. As Dan pointed out, this is just one city and a plane really doesn’t fit into that very well for gameplay. Flying is still very much a large part of the game.

2.Did you see any female pedestrians? Are there any good looking chicks?

Sigh…. Truth be told, I’m curious why anyone would want to know this. Is this really one of the top questions? If my memory serves me correctly, I don’t recall myself thinking “man, that chick is banging” or “I find myself strangely attracted to this game”, but I can confirm that there are female pedestrians in the game. There’s a ton of ‘em, too. They shop. They talk. They even wear clothing.

3.Did you see some indication of seasons (winter, summer, spring…)?

Sadly, the demo that Rockstar presented was only about 15 minutes in length. Time of day definitely progresses, but whether it progresses throughout an entire calendar year remains to be seen.

4.How is the AI? Are the enemies smarter? Can they find cover?

This is another area that Rockstar is keeping under wraps at the moment. I can, however, tell you that I saw a truck driver swerve onto the sidewalk right in front of where we were walking. This strange little incident also took the Rockstar representatives by surprise. It almost looked like the driver was drunk, but then again, he could have just been in a hurry too.

5.Is it possible to climb on a ladder?

I didn’t see Niko climb a ladder, per se, but I did see him ascend a telephone pole to get a bird’s eye view of Liberty City. He didn’t climb up it like a gorilla, however. He simply pulled himself up on the series of rungs on the pole. This feat was actually quite impressive. You could clearly see his weight transfer from side to side as he moved up the pole.

6.Can you speak with other pedestrians on the street?

Niko seemed to have other things on his mind than talk with pedestrians. The people we passed, however, were very vocal.

7.Chester Asks: What was the first mission in the game, and what was you first word when you saw this new game?

I didn’t get to see the first mission in the game, but if I had to guess, I would imagine it would have something to do with the taxi stand that Niko’s cousin runs. As for my first word…I can’t print it here, but I did follow it up with “Oh my God!”

8.Matt Asks: Did it seem to you like Liberty City was an authentically sized city? A problem that I had with San Andreas was that you could drive to a coast in two minutes. Do you think it will be different this time?

Great question. In terms of scale, it definitely feels more like a realistic city. It feels you are traversing New York City. As you’ve seen in the trailer, there are a number of ways to traverse this massive area.

9.We didn’t see any boats in the trailer, what can you tell us about them?

Dan wouldn’t go into specifics on this one, but the only type of vehicle he said that wouldn’t be in the game was the airplane. So this should point to boats still being a part of the GTA experience.

10.What can you say about the graphics quality? Can you compare the trailer to the game, is the trailers quality better or worse?

Rockstar is still putting polish on the graphics. The demo I saw was definitely a step up from the trailer…which is kind of ridiculous given how great it looked already.

11.Can you buy properties like you could in Vice City?

Again, no specifics were given, but Dan did say that this isn’t a game of real estate, or from rags to riches. I wouldn’t be surprised if you eventually do find new places to call home, but it sounds to me like properties might be handled in a different way – perhaps tied to moments in the story.

12.Will there be girlfriends like in San Andreas? If yes, can you marry them?

What is with you people and your woman-related questions. Yes, there are girlfriends. I forgot to ask if you could marry them.

13.Zhooles Asks: Unusual vehicles. Will be there any and if will, name them please.

Rockstar wouldn’t reveal anything in the demo, but strange vehicles are very much a part of the GTA experience. Dan said that much of the game revolves around Niko. I have a feeling that the choice of the vehicles does as well.

14.Aaron Hall Asks: Rockstar have said that the cars in GTA IV will have all new physics to them and the camera will be closer to allow a better driving perspective of cruising Liberty city and seeing more detail on the cars.Could you please elaborate on the experience of driving best as possible and what’s new to the experience? Thanks.

From what I was shown, the only new element was breaking the window of the car to get in. The animation for this was awesome, and something I wish I had seen more than once. The car I saw was newer in make – which was evidenced in both the beautiful crimson sheen and suspension that handled pot holes and variances in the road with ease. Now, I only saw one car, but it really did have that new car look to it. It’ll be interesting to see how Rockstar handles the shocks and struts for other vehicles in the game.

If I had to give a comparison, I would say that the new camera angle positioning is more like Midnight Club now. It’s closer, allowing the player to see more of the minute detailing on the car, and also lower, allowing you to see more of the horizon and verticality of the city.

15.Alex Sheridan Asks: As far as the surrounding area of Liberty City goes, what can we expect to see in things such as countryside relative to San Andreas?

From what I am told, you will not see countryside like you did in San Andreas. I wouldn’t be surprised, however, if the expanded content that Rockstar is planning through Xbox Live will offer new areas to explore. I can definitely see them adding a fifth borough to Liberty City, but outside of this, anything is possible.

16.Have you seen members of any mobs in the game? If yes, which? Is new Liberty City a detailed copy of NY, or just is looking like it? Are there houses enterable without loading?

I didn’t see any mob members, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Rockstar didn’t reveal everything to me. There’s still a lot of the game that remains blanketed in mystery. It is GTA, however, so I would be shocked if a mob or two or three weren’t involved. As for your second question, Liberty City is modeled after New York City, but it isn’t a copy, per se. As Dan pointed out in the magazine, the real world isn’t fun. You can’t just throw in the city and expect gameplay to emerge from that. There are certainly recognizable parts to it, but the gameplay comes first.

17.Sacha Asks: Will characters from earlier GTAs appear in the game?

Rockstar wouldn’t say outright, but from the smile that Dan Houser gave me, I would say there’s a good possibility of crossover.

18.Bobby Swansom Asks: Will the player have to go to the gym and eat right as in GTA:SA?

It doesn’t sound like Niko is the sort of person who does a lot of working out to staying in shape. From this, don’t expect him to have to work out to stay slim. As for eating, I doubt we’ll see him doing that, either. The one thing I am not sure of is whether or not he can get haircuts or buy clothing.

19. J Asks: Is it true that there’s no load time?

I didn’t see one load in the entire demo, and this included visiting two interiors at different points on the map.

20.Marcus Asks: What was the phone like?

The graphic for the phone wasn’t finished just yet, so I won’t go into the detail on that, but it seemed that the interface was very simple in design and easy to use. Truth be told, it looked like a real cell phone. We just have to see if it drops as many calls as a real phone.

21.Brenny Asks: Is it still the same three cars over and over again like previous games we’ve seen?

I’m not sure which GTA you’ve played, but I have always had more than three cars to choose from. There’s a good chance you’ll see more taxi cabs than usual, but if anything, there should be plenty of rides to choose from.

22.Gary S Writes: How are the graphics and how far is the draw distance in the game?

The visuals are tremendous and easily some of the best I have seen. What’s scary about this statement is that Rockstar North is still improving upon the visuals. There’s little question that it will be one of the best looking games come this holiday. As for the draw distance, I didn’t see one building, car, streetlamp, or pedestrian pop up. The framerate was also incredibly smooth and the lighting really couldn’t have been much better.

23.Isaac “Sculay” Hussain Asks: Will there be a Xbox 360 Demo?

Rockstar hasn’t announced anything yet, but I have a feeling most people will pick this game up whether they play it in advance or not.

24.A Canadian Asks: I just wanted to know when GTA IV for Xbox 360 will be in stores in Quebec, Canada.

Nope. Rockstar specifically told me that Quebec is the one location on earth that won’t be getting GTA IV. Actually, I have no idea. Call your store to find out.

25.Matthew James Asks: Compared to previous GTA titles, how big is GTA IV?

I already talked a lot about the city, so I will answer this question like it is being asked about the length of the game itself. I asked Dan this, and he said it should be comparable to all the other GTA games, but they don’t know exactly how long it is since the game is still in development. In other words, you’ll still be able to vest hundreds of hours. The multiplayer component, which is still a mystery, could greatly expand the time you spend with it too.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

lol, some of those questions were crap!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

People really hate the 360 dont they... its a big shame!

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Thats just from fanboys

i dont understand fanboys at all, the 360 is good and no doubt the PS3 is, so why is there a need to compare them
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Who the hell comes up with the questions for these interviews, I've never seen an Interview yet where the things people want to know are asked or answered.
The football ones are the worst of all, Is it they wont give the info and screen the questions, because non of them are worth reading for what little 'info' you can gleam from them.
Coopz on the 360 v PS3 issue I never had any intention of getting a 360 and was always going to wait for a PS3, though I could not tell you why really, it's weird almost like a brand loyalty or subconsciously I thought the PS3 would be better. I got an Xbox a couple of years after it came out and the only thing I didn't like and still don't is the controller.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

The latest issue of the Italian OPM contains an 8-page Grand Theft Auto IV preview with some new artwork and a few tidbits of info.
During the demo, Niko was seen approaching a bus stop. When he reached it, an icon appeared on-screen that enabled him to control the bus schedule. Is it possible to use the bus service similar to how you can with trains?
When Niko pulls out a weapon, the camera positions itself above his shoulder, and a view-finder appears at the centre of the screen. It's possible to lock a target and move laterally to avoid incoming shots.
Stealing a car can no longer be done simply by opening the door and driving off. Now it involves Niko approaching the car sneakily, breaking the glass with his elbow, using the injection cables to start the car, and only then can he use it.
Niko can freely climb wherever possible (telephone poles, fire escapes etc.)
Philip Glass, the author of the Grand Theft Auto 4 trailer music, will be involved in the production of GTA IV's soundtrack.
The graphical improvements are clearly evident when walking over a grating on the sidewalk. You can see what is underneath it, and the light trickles realistically around the iron bars.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Another magazine preview of GTA IV showed up today, this time it's the latest issue of the Official Xbox Magazine in the UK. The demo given to them was the same introductory preview given to previous magazines, containing an interview with Dan Houser, Vice President of Creative for Rockstar Games.

Below is a summary of new information from the article. We suggest reading the information from OPM and Game Informer first if you haven't done so yet.

According to the magazine, GTA IV is currently 66% complete.

When Niko pulls out a pistol, a crosshair with a simple black cross within a circle shows up on the screen. This could be an indication of manual aiming being available in the game.

Rockstar's humorous take on the number 69 makes an appearance yet again in GTA IV, the editors of the magazine saw a sign for a "69th Street Diner". Another building called "Twitchins", the GTA version of Brooklyn's Domino's Sugar Factory, is in the game.

Niko will be able to climb and descend exterior fire escapes and some meetings will take place high in the office buildings of skyscrapers. It's said that from on top of them you'll be able to throw people off.

Hand to hand combat is also being reworked on for GTA IV, and will feel "much more natural" than before.

One of the radio stations includes an "Eastern European-sounding" dancing station.

Players will be able to change their camera views whilst in a car according to their needs. This however is said to still being experimented on, and that Rockstar want to give better control and "immediacy" to players.

For confirmation, boats will be making a return and the handling is "really nice".
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I for one like the sound of all of this and cant wait for GTA IV... now the next question is Which machine to buy it for?

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Official Playstation Magazine (Australia)

During the demo, when Niko passed an ATM machine a message appeared on the screen indicating a button to press in order to access his funds. Nothing more official is discussed about this, though it would appear that you'll likely be able to deposit and withdraw money from the various ATM machines across the game.

As part of GTA IV's new physics, you'll be able to hear/feel the base of vehicles passing by with their radio turned on.

Rockstar says that the usual GTA driving controls have been tremendously tweaked and enhanced.

When selecting a contact on your mobile phone, a list of several commands are made available to the player, such as "meet me here" etc.

Playing the single player game through co-operative mode is not possible, however there will be a co-op mode in addition to all the other unknown multiplayer modes.

According to Dan Houser, VP of Creative for Rockstar Games, they haven't yet figured out if GTA IV is going to spark off another set of GTA games connected to it, and they're currently just focusing on this single game. He does say he "would have a certain confidence" setting GTA outside the United States, such as England in the future.

When asked about a San Andreas Stories for the PSP, he replies saying that they don't have any plans for that at the moment, suggesting that they likely haven't started at all on another GTA PSP title.

Official Playstation Magazine (Italy)

During the demo, Niko was seen approaching a bus stop. When he reached it, an icon appeared on-screen that enabled him to control the bus schedule. Is it possible to use the bus service similar to how you can with trains?

When Niko pulls out a weapon, the camera positions itself above his shoulder, and a view-finder appears at the centre of the screen. It's possible to lock a target and move laterally to avoid incoming shots.

Stealing a car can no longer be done simply by opening the door and driving off. Now it involves Niko approaching the car sneakily, breaking the glass with his elbow, using the injection cables to start the car, and only then can he use it.

Niko can freely climb wherever possible (telephone poles, fire escapes etc.)

Philip Glass will be involved in the production of GTA IV's soundtrack.

The graphical improvements are clearly evident when walking over a grating on the sidewalk. You can see what is underneath it, and the light trickles realistically around the iron bars.

Official XBOX Magazine

According to the magazine, GTA IV is currently 66% complete.

When Niko pulls out a pistol, a crosshair with a simple black cross within a circle shows up on the screen. This could be an indication of manual aiming being available in the game.

Rockstar's humorous take on the number 69 makes an appearance yet again in GTA IV, the editors of the magazine saw a sign for a "69th Street Diner".

Another building called "Twitchins", the GTA version of Brooklyn's Domino's Sugar Factory, is in the game.
Niko will be able to climb and descend exterior fire escapes and some meetings will take place high in the office buildings of skyscrapers. It's said that from on top of them you'll be able to throw people off.

Hand to hand combat is also being reworked on for GTA IV, and will feel "much more natural" than before.

One of the radio stations includes an "Eastern European-sounding" dancing station.

Players will be able to change their camera views whilst in a car according to their needs. This however is said to still being experimented on, and that Rockstar want to give better control and "immediacy" to players.

For confirmation, boats will be making a return and the handling is "really nice".

When selecting your mobile phone, a zoomed-in version of the mobile screen pops up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, where you can use its address book to pitch for "jobs" with gang contacts among other things.

One of the things that makes it easier for Rockstar setting GTA in a fictional New York is that they sometimes get a call from the developers at Rockstar North in Scotland, wanting to know more about a specific building or traffic flow in a certain area, for instance, and using their in-house researchers in NYC they can easily assist the guys back at R* North.

Dan Houser is quoted saying that the Liberty City in GTA IV is bigger than any single city they've done before, giving a more clear indication of the physical size of the game. He continues saying that the "detail" of the game is the big thing.

He also confirms Central Park to be in the game, though it's fictional name is still unknown to us.

Dan says that they're "certainly evolving the way the radio works". He says the same for police behaviour and their reaction to crimes. Nothing further is said about this...

Some interesting additions there and some weird ones
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Stealing a car can no longer be done simply by opening the door and driving off. Now it involves Niko approaching the car sneakily, breaking the glass with his elbow, using the injection cables to start the car, and only then can he use it.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Stealing a car can no longer be done simply by opening the door and driving off. Now it involves Niko approaching the car sneakily, breaking the glass with his elbow, using the injection cables to start the car, and only then can he use it.


Sounds great! Bit more realism
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I really like the sound of that, it was far too easy in the previous games. I hope that people getting jacked can fight back as well, so you have to be careful who you target.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I really like the sound of that, it was far too easy in the previous games. I hope that people getting jacked can fight back as well, so you have to be careful who you target.

Dont jack a hoodie, they may shoot or stab you.
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

New info and screenshot said:
The German edition of GamePro recently provided a full preview on GTA IV to readers in that country, but as you'd expect most of the information is already known to us. It did, however, provide a small amount of information, listed below:

There will be several different animation sets for breaking into a car, so far we know one of them includes Niko breaking the glass of the window with his elbow, then starting the car using the injection cables. We know there probably isn't a lot of different other ways Niko can do this, but we suspect it will involve dynamic animations, and for instance Niko sometimes becoming suspicious in the middle of hotwiring a car, looking around to see if anyone suspects what he's doing, then continuing. Rockstar previously said they want the animations to look less "canned", so this would fit well with that goal.

According to the article, Rockstar are using less non-realistic elements than previous GTA games, such as arrows and markers assisting and indicating things to the player. We already know the in-game mobile phone will play a big part in replacing some of these things, so perhaps we might see other helpful gadgets such a GPS system, though that is just speculation.

One of the ideas going into development is to give every street in the game a name, which could be displayed on-screen when you enter it by foot or car. This feature is yet to be decided on, along with the previously revealed information piece about Rockstar still deciding whether the entire city will be accessible from the start, or if different areas will be inaccessible by way of cordoning off bridges and such.

When R*'s Dan Houser was asked about the differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, he replied saying that it is their goal to have none, and that there are no platform preferences, both are difficult to develop on. For now, we take this as to have nothing to do with the extra downloadable content.
Speaking of which, he further says that they're not sure what exactly will be offered through additional content downloads. He says that maybe some things will be free, and others offered at a price.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

PS3 VS XBOX 360:

The PS3 hard drive and CPU should deliver a smoother GTA IV than on Xbox 360, not least because of texture streaming. Less loading, more detail and vibrant colour palette should make PS3 GTA IV stand head and shoulders above the Xbox 360 version. But what about the Xbox 360’s exclusive episodic content? Well, chances are, the PS3 will have similar downloads at some point in the future. If not, we should have PSP connectivity and multiplayer to look forward too. In your face, Microsoft!

What a load of absolute bollocks :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Yeah after dan rouser (or whatever his name is) said they are aiming ofr identical games. Or something to that effect.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Agree with Cammeyboys comment. It also runs along the same lines as WE/PES for PS3 being 3 times better than Xbox 360 due to Blu-Ray.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Weird how dirt makes things look real, you can have the best graphics going but without the dirt and grime they'll never look right. Shame it's the hardest thing to replicate too ;)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Weird how dirt makes things look real, you can have the best graphics going but without the dirt and grime they'll never look right. Shame it's the hardest thing to replicate too

Yep, its the small details that make the difference.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Holy fook! Those new pics look frigging awesome. :shock:
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