Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Now here's the BIG question.

What platform?

I can not decide as I have both systems
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

New scans ??
it's gameinformer :roll:

"My name is ThomasGoal and I get all news first. I like to make love to PlayStation NOT lady, I call her Madame PS III, she so so black & sexy, my favourite."
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

"My name is ThomasGoal and I get all news first. I like to make love to PlayStation NOT lady, I call her Madame PS III, she so so black & sexy, my favourite."

Hey El Stupido, you don't see, i ignore you, so please do the same for me, because i see your pathetic thread like if i'm hot or not, please no forget me and go back to your EA UEFA games. :)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Nah Milanista El Diego is only having a laugh goddamn it!

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Rocky, dont you dare tell me I know nothing about Bullies! I was bullied through-out my entire School Life! Why? Jealousy! I was intelligent and good at the subjects I liked! I was treated like a Damn Nobody! I was picked on every single day of my life!

This is an internet forum... totally and utterly damn different from everyday life, what happens on here cant exactly affect you! Ive had to accept a lot of stick on here and I just get on with it. TG should do the same.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I'm sorry to hear about your bullying experiences...but that should give you greater incentive to react negatively to certain comments made here.

I actually find Ninja's comments quite amusing sometimes. But what's being shown is a personal attack on someone for something that he has no control over.

Hold on...isn't that what bullying is about?

I'm not going to fight TG's battles here, but English is not his native language and he'll be the first to admit that he loves his games and can sometimes be a bit neurotic about it. It however doesn't give anyone the right to target him though.

EDIT: I'm not only talking about Ninja's previous comment. There have been a couple of other instances.
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I was never really bullied at school - but I do believe that you can be bullied over the Internet and you should think about the things that you say to people - just like in everyday life.

Although I don't think El Diego is a bully - just trying to be funny. But if someone asks you to stop - you should stop. (I don't know the history of it all)

Thats just my opinion - I know nobody asked for It but I said it anyway.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I AM NOT ATTACKING ThomasGOAL! I just think he is a sad, sad, sad boy (isn't he like 28?). Also, I think his English is very good for a French maid. I just think he should chill out with the peeps who find news before he does, he is such a cow! I love you Tommy baby!

Anyway, GTA RULES etc!

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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Lol this has gone off track (getting back on track) i dont care if theres not planes aslong as we can fly in some way or another :)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

DJ, you're constantly talking about being bullied as if you're still at school. I was bullied at school but you don't see me telling everybody every time there's a comment said. It's an internet forum, it's text on a screen, you can even block users if it bothers you or anybody else that much. Chill out and get over it (and I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but for God's sake, you have to get on with life - and not bang on about it on a Pro Evo forum, in a GTA thread). You've left once before because of this "bullying" crap, do us a favour and either stay here and pack it in or leave again until you're fully over it. You make some decent posts sometimes but my God you're emotionally fragile. I was too at one point, and I feel like a complete lemon looking at some of my early posts, I was a right twat. But you have to keep yourself to yourself - if only to stop certain members being pricks and fucking about with you.

Anyway, yes, on-topic, GTA looks great. I'm considering buying Saints Row back to try and tide me over until it's out (I've tried going back to San Andreas but I'm bored after ten minutes - after playing next-gen I'm finding it really hard to go back to some games).
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Everyone bullies me - I LOVE IT!

Gimme a kiss my fellow Evo-webbers, I want you all!

Back on-topic, are there cars in GTAIV? TommyGoal?
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Rocky, dont you dare tell me I know nothing about Bullies! I was bullied through-out my entire School Life! Why? Jealousy! I was intelligent and good at the subjects I liked! I was treated like a Damn Nobody! I was picked on every single day of my life!

This is an internet forum... totally and utterly damn different from everyday life, what happens on here cant exactly affect you! Ive had to accept a lot of stick on here and I just get on with it. TG should do the same.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Well i bet you all thought screw what i said, im just a newb :) lol seriously guys stop arguing ! please ! anyway ...

@El Diego (when u said will there b cars in gta) - no, youll have to go on electrical scooters :biggrin:
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

csaunders... cheers mate

JB Ta for the advice mate, I am over it mate I still do get barracked and hassled nowadays mate.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Pls can any1 tell me if there will b cars in GTA 4!??11111?? lol omg!!???
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Please can anyone tell me if el_diego will be in gta4?!?!?! Then we can run him over lolz!!!!
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