Retired Footballer
Did this a few years back on my S, and yes its a pain in the ass, but i got to play NBA Live 10 and other great games, so deffo worth itI'm not gonna lie - the process was an absolute pain in the bollox.
You do need a Dev Mode, but you can very easily switch between the two.
The whole process, as I said, was a pain, but only up until you start to understand how it all works.
I would compare it to installing option files. Back in the day I was getting very confused on which boxes to tick, should I update this, or that and it was messy.
Until one day I understood how it all works and never needed anymore guides since.
It's like this here. Took me a gust of a day, where I got really frustrated and had to give up at the end, but then I continued in the morning and realized that I was about 90% done previous day. And the video guides are really well done.
Just few moments that might trip you up, but that's where me, or @geeeeee can help.
I was supposed to install one emulator and now I have three - one for PS1, one for PS2 and one for PS3.
So it can't be that hard.
I'm more than happy to assist anybody and forward all the guides that I used, so if anybody wants - hit me up on private.
That's what you get for being nice!
Just send them all my way, while it's all fresh in my head. 😁
One last thing, @el niche - you will need external drive for this and it has to be formatted to be used as Media, so if you are using one for Xbox games - this won't work unfortunately.