[General Discussion] What have you been playing this week?

I did it... I.finally.did.it.

I had been craving for a game with good combat (preferably beefy sword combat). Tried in the past 6 months: Nioh 2, WoLong, FF7R, CodeVein, Godfall, DMC5, MHRise, Astral Chain, Tales of Arise, God Eater 3, Wild Hearts and a few others. There are some good ones there for sure (esp Nioh 2). I didn't want to try Sekiro because of the difficulty and because Soulslike havent really clicked with me (ex: Elden Ring).
Quoting your post from over a year ago, coz why the fuck not!

I'm going through the exact same phase now. Finally finished Ghost of Tsushima IKI island, but I had to change to Lethal Difficulty, which made the game ultra realistic and super fun. One/two sword slashes getting you killed. The way they implemented this difficulty is fantastic, coz it works both ways and you can also kill with one/two hits.

But Tsushima left this hunger for more meaty, impactful and challenging sword games.

I'm still waiting for Sekiro to go on sale and I will grab it then, but in the meantime I tried few others.
Didn't like Wo Long. Having dodge and deflect under one button is an absolute moronic idea and I just could not play like this.
Wild Hearts and MH Rise were also crap. Felt like a cheap copies of MH World.

But I got remastered PS5 bundle of Nioh/Nioh 2 with all the DLCs and my God - this is Da Bomb. Never played any of them, so I started from Nioh 1 and I haven't had that much fun since Dark Souls 1. Whatever they did with this franchise after just did not sit with me. None of the later Dark Souls, nor Elden Ring ever worked for me. I tried Elden Ring 4 times and it's just clunky and I feel like I was trying to swing weapons under water.

But Nioh combat is crisp like Pringles and smooth like baby's bum. And I heard that second part is a step up again.
I've been stuck on second boss for two days but it's a first this type of game in ages, where I didn't think of uninstalling, just wanted to beat her.

Anyhoo - out of all others that you tried - any of them hit the spot? Any of them worth playing? Or maybe you found some new ones?
(Apart from Sekiro - this one I'm getting 100%)
Today I played the demo of "anger foot" which is released today also. Maybe I will buy it on sale. 25€ is a good price but maybe a bit heavy for an indie game.
The soundtrack is so god damn facking awesome! I love the music. :SNACK::COOL::BOUNCE:
Quoting your post from over a year ago, coz why the fuck not!

I'm going through the exact same phase now. Finally finished Ghost of Tsushima IKI island, but I had to change to Lethal Difficulty, which made the game ultra realistic and super fun. One/two sword slashes getting you killed. The way they implemented this difficulty is fantastic, coz it works both ways and you can also kill with one/two hits.

But Tsushima left this hunger for more meaty, impactful and challenging sword games.

I'm still waiting for Sekiro to go on sale and I will grab it then, but in the meantime I tried few others.
Didn't like Wo Long. Having dodge and deflect under one button is an absolute moronic idea and I just could not play like this.
Wild Hearts and MH Rise were also crap. Felt like a cheap copies of MH World.

But I got remastered PS5 bundle of Nioh/Nioh 2 with all the DLCs and my God - this is Da Bomb. Never played any of them, so I started from Nioh 1 and I haven't had that much fun since Dark Souls 1. Whatever they did with this franchise after just did not sit with me. None of the later Dark Souls, nor Elden Ring ever worked for me. I tried Elden Ring 4 times and it's just clunky and I feel like I was trying to swing weapons under water.

But Nioh combat is crisp like Pringles and smooth like baby's bum. And I heard that second part is a step up again.
I've been stuck on second boss for two days but it's a first this type of game in ages, where I didn't think of uninstalling, just wanted to beat her.

Anyhoo - out of all others that you tried - any of them hit the spot? Any of them worth playing? Or maybe you found some new ones?
(Apart from Sekiro - this one I'm getting 100%)

I really enjoyed Nioh 2 (didnt play Nioh 1 as most recommendations said just to do Nioh 2 as it improved in most ways). unfortunately I hadnt played it in a while and tried it again and completely forgot to play and I just didnt want to get frustratd learning everything again. I completely lost my rhythm.
But I did enjoy it a lot when I was into it.

Besides the ones I mentioned I just went with Sekiro and it just became one of my favorite games (I do not like soulslike games) but Sekiro to me is on another level. I enjoyed the combat too much, no special weapons, just you and your sword which you get 3min after starting and will take you to the end of the game.

The only platinum trophy I ever got was Sekiro. I still log in once in a while just to do a boss run. Hope you can get it on sale soon. I sucked for quite a while in that game, but then it clicks and you feel like a total badass.

I have to try GoT, I have it in my library I just dont feel like doing an open world game now... But I do want to try it as it looks fantastic.
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Actually just completed Suicide Squad, KTJL, but this extra DLCs not sure if I'm going to manage.

Was a bit repetitive, but loved the story, just not sure if I can be bothered with the grinding levels and waiting for for DLCs to drop to continue the story.

Just loaded up Rise of the Ronin, so will see how that goes.

Also got on the side to play Blade Runner game (the old click and point) and Mass Effect Andromeda.

Before Suicide Squad played Avatar, really enjoyed that, will see if I can be bothered about DLCs though.

Just loaded up Rise of the Ronin, so will see how that goes
Let us know how it was. It's the same crowd that did Nioh 1/2 and I love Nioh's combat. It's their first stab at open world game. I heard that it's not a looker, but the combat is solid.
Actually just completed Suicide Squad, KTJL, but this extra DLCs not sure if I'm going to manage.

Was a bit repetitive, but loved the story, just not sure if I can be bothered with the grinding levels and waiting for for DLCs to drop to continue the story.

Just loaded up Rise of the Ronin, so will see how that goes.

Also got on the side to play Blade Runner game (the old click and point) and Mass Effect Andromeda.

Before Suicide Squad played Avatar, really enjoyed that, will see if I can be bothered about DLCs though.

I love the original Blade Runner, but never played the game, I've heard it's good though. Let us know how it goes.
Due to weather this summer, haymaking has been slow and I have had unusually long stretches of time to play. This is annoying, but what hasn't been annoying is playing the Mass Effect Trilogy, which I have now finished. It has been a while since a game has hooked me like these three. Maybe the Witcher 3, my favourite game so far, and these are actually not far from knocking it of the top perch!
Remarkably, unlike Witcher 3, which I finished and pretty much haven't touched since, I wouldn't mind giving Mass Effect 2 and 3 another go. 1 is maybe just a bit too tedious with the multiple driving bits, and although the planet scanning in 2 is also fairly tedious, the whole game is just so much more polished.
I turned on 3 the same night I finished 2, on a total high after I got through it with only one character (which I didn't really care much for) dead after the famous suicide mission and a generally good ending. The ending to 3 was not as pleasant, but still quite good story wise. Just one little thing happened there which I would like to rectify
Shepard dies - it makes total sense in the story but since I know I CAN avoid it, I would like to.
and I think I might even go through the whole thing again, with different romance options pursued, now knowing what I have to do for that better ending.

I watched Nextlander play through Andromeda a couple of years ago as I was pretty sure I would never bring myself to play the trilogy, so I wouldn't really care about any spoilers. And although I basically remember nothing from the plot I have little to no interest in playing it. I do remember that they reintroduced driving parts which is frankly bizarre, by far the most boring part of 1.
I already talked a bunch about 1 and 2 and 3 is in many ways equal to 2. There are a couple of new things introduced, especially in the combat, where you now have options to dodge. But like 2 the cover and jumping over things being on the same button is sometimes a hassle. I find myself pressing x multiple time just to vault over a box or whatever waist-high object is in the way. But the whole shooting part is still fun as ever. Story is also pretty much on par with two but I have to give top place to part 2 for giving you the option to carry a nuke launcher.

But all three games make an excellent package and are still well worth playing through today. I was comtemplating skipping 1 altogether but I am really glad I didn't as these games are all about relationships with your crew and those characters you bring all the way. For my very last mission I took a long look at my crew and selected two of my most loyal crewmates from the first game to close the circle.

Really happy to have finally played through these epic games.
Andromeda is a very rushed and poor attempt to add something to the story.
I have tried to get through it three times, the third time I even got quite far, but it was unfun, stiff and cringe experience overall. I don't recommend you to play it, as it will leave bad after taste after epic trilogy.
It's funny how we met so many different characters throughout the game, but when it came to the most important missions -
for me there were always Garrus and Wrex - the two coolest mofos in the crew.
I remember how simple side mission of
just hanging out with Garrus in part 3 of the game, after so much we have been through, I remember how happy this mission made me. No romance, no stupid bullshit, just two mates having the craic after being through some shit.
Thought it was brilliant.
I always claimed that if these games were just three separate parts - they would never have such impact. But because you can continue a story of one character and everyone at the end remembers your choices from part 1 - all this creates this epicness that haven't been replicated since.
I'm actually baffled how no other games used this mechanics of giving us an option to continue one save.
I replayed and recompleted Knights of the Old Republic.
Re-did it and completed all the side quests this time.
Must admit really enjoyed it, it is so good playing a game with an actual story again - Although Manaan really sucked and was so slow.

Graphically it is still playable as they aren't that bad for a 20 year old game.
The only issues with it was how people take the piss out of old games as other characters just stand there and completely get in your way so your constantly having to run round them or switch to someone else so your not stuck.

There are other glitches on PC which are caused by newer hardware same as FIFA 16 you have to lock the game to 60FPS or you get loads of weird glitching and screen jolts.

Still hoping at some point the remake is released, although it is still under development the original studio were kicked from the project.
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