[General Discussion] What have you been playing this week?

After playing quite a bit of Sim City 2013 (Not such a bad game, just not a good Simcity game) I went all in in RTS games these past couple of weeks:

- COH 1 (still one of the best) and COH3
- HW: Deserts of Kharak
- Halo Wars 1 & 2
- AoE4
- Steel Division 1 & 2
- World in Conflict
- Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2
- Installed C&C 3 from Gamepass but it only runs in 800x600 resolution. If I change it crashes so I uninstalled
- Gave a try to the demo of Tempest Rising and looks promising
- Not RTS but tried Headquarters: WW2 (XCOM like but in WW2). Was pretty good.

I've enjoyed most of them but I used to be better at RTS, I'm struggling with a lot of them in normal difficulty.
After playing quite a bit of Sim City 2013 (Not such a bad game, just not a good Simcity game) I went all in in RTS games these past couple of weeks:

- COH 1 (still one of the best) and COH3
- HW: Deserts of Kharak
- Halo Wars 1 & 2
- AoE4
- Steel Division 1 & 2
- World in Conflict
- Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2
- Installed C&C 3 from Gamepass but it only runs in 800x600 resolution. If I change it crashes so I uninstalled
- Gave a try to the demo of Tempest Rising and looks promising
- Not RTS but tried Headquarters: WW2 (XCOM like but in WW2). Was pretty good.

I've enjoyed most of them but I used to be better at RTS, I'm struggling with a lot of them in normal difficulty.
And I though I am going on a rampage when I decide to go through a particular gaming genre! :LOL:

Fair play to you!
Well, let's say a certain TV series has me wanting and playing Fallout 4 again.

I got Fallout 3 GOTY and Fallout New Vegas with all DLC. On steam sale. Fallout 4 do I had yet and wanted to play it again.
Trying F3 GOTY and it didn't launch. New Vegas not tryed. Fallout 4 was CTD without any error message some minutes after creating my character.

After playing quite a bit of Sim City 2013 (Not such a bad game, just not a good Simcity game) I went all in in RTS games these past couple of weeks:

- COH 1 (still one of the best) and COH3
- HW: Deserts of Kharak
- Halo Wars 1 & 2
- AoE4
- Steel Division 1 & 2
- World in Conflict
- Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2
- Installed C&C 3 from Gamepass but it only runs in 800x600 resolution. If I change it crashes so I uninstalled
- Gave a try to the demo of Tempest Rising and looks promising
- Not RTS but tried Headquarters: WW2 (XCOM like but in WW2). Was pretty good.

I've enjoyed most of them but I used to be better at RTS, I'm struggling with a lot of them in normal difficulty.
love COH, but never tried 2 or 3. are they just as good?
I've been playing a bit of “Dirt to Daytona” for GameCube recently and I think that despite its age it still holds up pretty well even against some more recent titles like “NASCAR 21 Ignition” (not that it takes much in that case).

If you haven't seen it, here it is:
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Completed The Quarry yesterday night, half of the protagonists didn't survive. For me, that's actually a pretty good ratio.

Still playing Assassins Creed Odyssey. About 25 hours in and surprisingly still having fun.
I had been playing FS22, Dead Island 2, Fallout 4, Arma Reforger and Manor Lords. All on my PC.

But I give totally up with EA FC 24. It is so facking annoying that EA bring every two weeks a new TU and you have to wait round about another week that the mods was updated. And everytime you have to start a new carrer.

Hey €A I have a message for you: 🖕
I've been enjoying the new changes to diablo 4 after shelving it 6 months ago because i found it a slog. Has been entertaining so far, will see how much it lasts.

Looking forward to trying ghost of tsushima this weekend as i still log in to do a boss run in sekiro once in a while
Back to playing V-Rising after the full 1.0 release.
They have added some new bosses and changed some of the armour so there is now different kinds rather than just this is a newer level.
Also changed the way that spells and magic are unlocked so it is more like a progressive RPG than it was before.

Key bindings have changed as well, which was a little annoying.
But still the same great game it always has been.

Once I finish this then I might go back to Valheim but the 2nd play through of that was such a chore - And certainly not as great as I remembered it.
I would recommend V-Rising to anyone wants it becomes available on the consoles.
Version 1 was just released on PC and has some really good new updates to the game with the whole map now being complete.

There is still a bugs which need to be ironed out before the consoles are released but it is definitely one of the best games I have played with mates.
I much prefer V-Rising over Valheim but feel the novelty has massive worn off with that game now with very little updates and new content since it's release that it is now such a chore to play.

V-Rising is tactical and once you get into the combat is pretty fast pace and hugely enjoyable - But probably not so great on your own.

Is this host/guest sessions, or persistent servers like in Dayz/Valheim?

On PC you can either join a PVT server hosted by someone else and you can join their world on either PvE or PvP basis.
There is also servers which are run by the developers which are free to join but not sure if you join these the data is transferred from one to the other.

I have my own NUC which I have always used to host private servers for me and couple of mates when playing any type of games as don't want other people joining in.

So not 100% sure how the console version is going to work or whether there will be private servers.
After finishing first Horizon I went back Outward and decided to come here and tell you about one of my adventures. I'm gonna put a spoiler tag over it even tho it's not a story spoiler. It's one of the dynamic events that happen when you get knocked out, coz you don't die in this game.

Outward is a survival rpg made by 9 people (!). And it's a bit like Dayz - if you get through initial clunkyness and very steep learning curve - it's absolutely brilliant! It's on both PC and consoles and they are currently working on part 2.
If anybody is up for a long read - please.

So I'm skipping along the road, full of joy, like Bilbo Baggins and I see a chicken. But a different chicken than all other chickens I've seen thus far.. so I decided to kill it.
The chicken, however, turned out to be like that bunny from Holy Grail and he destroyed me.

While unconscious - I was found by bandits and thrown into mines underneath a fortress. And that's where the fun began.
I was hungry, thirsty and all my gear was taken away. All I got was some ragged clothes and pickaxe and they told me to mine and MAYBE one day I'll get my freedom back.

Fuck Dat.

I found some hole with blood trail around it, indicating that that's where they are throwing prisoner bodies. So I hopped inside. Nearly died, I was mortally wounded, but I was outside. On the beach, beside the fortress.
But I quickly realised I fucked up, coz all my gear was still there! And I had some items I was not ready to part with.

I started considering my options. And there weren't many..
There was no way to storm this fortress, even if I went back home, rested, healed and got new weapons. They were proper guards with proper weapons and armour and I wouldn't stand a chance.

So I did only thing I could think of - I went back and turned myself in.
They fucked me back into the mines and I started mining like a good boy.

After a while my "supervisor" told me he put a good word for me and I can start helping in the kitchen in another part of the prison.
So I did. I met a guard, who told me he knew my father and if I manage to get 30 silver - he will try to smuggle me out.

I was on my best behaviour, earning a silver here and there, but I was still miles away.
Then I found a room with rusty gate and I saw all my gear inside! I still needed a lot of silver and I couldn't resist, so I opened the gate. The gate, however, made a lot of noise when opening and alarmed the guards. I killed two but I quickly got overwhelmed.

After battering me, they fucked me into the hole where I first jumped in. I woke up on the beach again. But this time I had all my stuff on me, coz they were so disgusted with me that they wanted to get rid of me right away.


Dying of hunger, thirst, with no stamina and blinking health - I limped back home.

All because of the fucking chicken!
After finishing first Horizon I went back Outward and decided to come here and tell you about one of my adventures. I'm gonna put a spoiler tag over it even tho it's not a story spoiler. It's one of the dynamic events that happen when you get knocked out, coz you don't die in this game.

Outward is a survival rpg made by 9 people (!). And it's a bit like Dayz - if you get through initial clunkyness and very steep learning curve - it's absolutely brilliant! It's on both PC and consoles and they are currently working on part 2.
If anybody is up for a long read - please.

So I'm skipping along the road, full of joy, like Bilbo Baggins and I see a chicken. But a different chicken than all other chickens I've seen thus far.. so I decided to kill it.
The chicken, however, turned out to be like that bunny from Holy Grail and he destroyed me.

While unconscious - I was found by bandits and thrown into mines underneath a fortress. And that's where the fun began.
I was hungry, thirsty and all my gear was taken away. All I got was some ragged clothes and pickaxe and they told me to mine and MAYBE one day I'll get my freedom back.

Fuck Dat.

I found some hole with blood trail around it, indicating that that's where they are throwing prisoner bodies. So I hopped inside. Nearly died, I was mortally wounded, but I was outside. On the beach, beside the fortress.
But I quickly realised I fucked up, coz all my gear was still there! And I had some items I was not ready to part with.

I started considering my options. And there weren't many..
There was no way to storm this fortress, even if I went back home, rested, healed and got new weapons. They were proper guards with proper weapons and armour and I wouldn't stand a chance.

So I did only thing I could think of - I went back and turned myself in.
They fucked me back into the mines and I started mining like a good boy.

After a while my "supervisor" told me he put a good word for me and I can start helping in the kitchen in another part of the prison.
So I did. I met a guard, who told me he knew my father and if I manage to get 30 silver - he will try to smuggle me out.

I was on my best behaviour, earning a silver here and there, but I was still miles away.
Then I found a room with rusty gate and I saw all my gear inside! I still needed a lot of silver and I couldn't resist, so I opened the gate. The gate, however, made a lot of noise when opening and alarmed the guards. I killed two but I quickly got overwhelmed.

After battering me, they fucked me into the hole where I first jumped in. I woke up on the beach again. But this time I had all my stuff on me, coz they were so disgusted with me that they wanted to get rid of me right away.


Dying of hunger, thirst, with no stamina and blinking health - I limped back home.

All because of the fucking chicken!
Haha, sounds brutal. I was playing Dayz when it just started as an add-on for Arma 2, I loved that version of the game the most. These kind of games are always best when first created and closest to the original vision.
Haha, sounds brutal. I was playing Dayz when it just started as an add-on for Arma 2, I loved that version of the game the most. These kind of games are always best when first created and closest to the original vision.
Yes despite the frustrating clunkyness at times - I really hope they will stick to the same formula in part 2 and won't dumb anything down for the wider audience.

A lot of developers make this mistake. What originally set them apart was unforgiving and challenging gameplay. Then they come back with a new game and it's dumbed down, coz they think that they will attract more people. What's happening tho is that they are becoming a poorer copy of more casual games (in this case - elder scrolls) and if they are similar - everyone will pick Elder Scrolls.
That's exactly what happened to PES. They gradually dumbed everything down to attract more casuals and became poor copy of FIFA. Lost old fanbase and eventually became F2P mobile game.

So yeah - I hope that Outward Devs realise that their strength is to be different.
Yes despite the frustrating clunkyness at times - I really hope they will stick to the same formula in part 2 and won't dumb anything down for the wider audience.

A lot of developers make this mistake. What originally set them apart was unforgiving and challenging gameplay. Then they come back with a new game and it's dumbed down, coz they think that they will attract more people. What's happening tho is that they are becoming a poorer copy of more casual games (in this case - elder scrolls) and if they are similar - everyone will pick Elder Scrolls.
That's exactly what happened to PES. They gradually dumbed everything down to attract more casuals and became poor copy of FIFA. Lost old fanbase and eventually became F2P mobile game.

So yeah - I hope that Outward Devs realise that their strength is to be different.
I wouldn't say that the last PES was casual friendly or a poor copy of FIFA. It was exactly the opposite actually. I don't think any casual FIFA gamers can play PES. They will be frustrated by the lack of goals, they won't have the patience to play a game where they need to find ways to break a park the bus defence by Crystal Palace or Burnley. And they need to do this by playing 20-30min matches often resulting to scores of 0-0 or 1-0.
Despite all its flaws the last PES was one of the best football videogames alongside FIFA 16. Casuals hate both these ones. Sim offline players praise them. EvoWeb members love FIFA 16.
The month of May I was mostly playing the lambing game. Just as it was ending and I was starting my PS5 again, there were unprecedented weather warnings due to wind and snow so the lot needed to go back inside. This does happen from time to time but before it has been one day and then back to normal. Now it was pretty much Monday to Saturday. So every sheep had to go back inside and it has been mad work. To give you some idea here is what the feeding... manger, I guess, looks like after one trip with some hay. There are literally 30 lambs there, the next trips were mostly about not stepping on them.

Screenshot 2024-06-10 172951.jpg

To wind down between, I have finally managed to get into Mass Effect. Always knew it was up my alley but never played enough for it to stick. It will be fun to find out if I can get through the first game, I imagine it will take me ages.
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