he will actualy be happy with it. there aint no bugs like that in fifa. give fifa a chance on the 360/ps3 version and you wont be disapointed not one bit.

That aint a bug! If u disconnect ure internet connection or block pes2008 with a firewall u wont get that. When the game is officially released, that will be some kind of dynamic adboard.

Here is a pack with widescreen resolution fixes, Contains:
1152x864, 1360x768, 1440x900 and 1680x1050.

Download 1 : http://rapidshare.com/files/64393690/PES_2008_Final_Widescreen_Resolution_fixes.rar
Download 2 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3Z5BDRW2

Then extract the resolution file you need, rename it to "settings" and overwrite the one in your pes2008 folder...

(Thanks to user : madweegie)

Another thing that you should do if you have a medium or high Pc:

go to your control panel settings and activate anti aliasing and fsaa to 4x, 8x or 16x depending on your pc components, force sync on also...

If you do all these things you will get a much better playing experience and choosing your correct resolution you won't get slowdowns, specially the ones when you see the replays in game.

Nice games...


Please 1280*1024 resolution...


Here is a pack with widescreen resolution fixes, Contains:
1152x864, 1360x768, 1440x900 and 1680x1050.

Download 1 : http://rapidshare.com/files/64393690/PES_2008_Final_Widescreen_Resolution_fixes.rar
Download 2 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3Z5BDRW2

Then extract the resolution file you need, rename it to "settings" and overwrite the one in your pes2008 folder...

(Thanks to user : madweegie)

Another thing that you should do if you have a medium or high Pc:

go to your control panel settings and activate anti aliasing and fsaa to 4x, 8x or 16x depending on your pc components, force sync on also...

If you do all these things you will get a much better playing experience and choosing your correct resolution you won't get slowdowns, specially the ones when you see the replays in game.

Nice games...


1440 resolution doesn't work
Also when I am in the edit mode and try to register some players to another clubs,my only option is swapping the players.I mean you can't just register a player to a free slot.(And I have 25 players so there is enough space for it)

Am I missing something?
This "Widescreen fix" fixes nothing.
It just adds the custom resolutions...

Imagine playing 1680x1050 (wich is 16:10) at 16:9.
Right, players are stretched to the fullest!
The game is a bit disappointing to me. There are a lot of slowdowns on my system, x1950 512mb with 2 gigs of ram. This is also on low settings so it isn't caused by hardware specs not being up to par.

Thats a big letdown for me.
The game is a bit disappointing to me. There are a lot of slowdowns on my system, x1950 512mb with 2 gigs of ram. This is also on low settings so it isn't caused by hardware specs not being up to par.

Thats a big letdown for me.

U should run it on high with no problems. Something fishy there...
can anyone hook me up with a kitserver for the full version of pes2008 pc so i can change the resolution to 1024x768 and high details?thx alot.
ok, for those who have slowdown, my suggestion is to make sure you do not have any programs running in the background, or your wi-fi turned on. With pes6 i found that even though my PC was able to easily handle the speed and run the game perfectly, I got random slowdowns with my wi-fi card enabled. Now, with pes2008, I was getting slowdown and discovered that closing Steam made ALL the difference. So check there aren't any programs because, even if it isn't overloading your CPU, for some reason pro ev slows down.
I've the 6800GS (Shader Model 3.0) and I can't activate "High" mode either (latest nVidia drivers).

Which means I will have to wait for a potential kitserver just to have a chance of forcing play on "High" mode (as the demo kitserver). NICE KONAMI! Real smooth...

Occasionally I can select "high" mode, but I might for eample need to restard my computer and then right after it has started go in and change the settings. Pain in the ass, and quite unaceptable.

i've got the same card as you.. i can run the demo on high details
Could somebody translate that to the PC-standard controls. Cause if I know that, i'd be very happy.
Thanks in advance.

This is what says in the site i gave u:

RB (R1 on Playstation) = Sprint
RT (R2 on Playstation) = Trick button - normally 'shift'
LB (L1 on Playstation) = Change player
LT (L2 on Playstation) = Formation button

Isnt it enough?
Dear customer,

Thank you very much for contacting the Konami customer support team.

Please be aware that a retail version of the product might have higher system
requirements than a demo version with less content.
We would like to suggest you to reduce your screen resolution and graphical
details in order to have a smoother game play.

Kind regards,

Your Konami Support Team
I think that engine isn't doing well with this many details @ replays and zoomings - 60fps @ any gameplay camera and 20-30 fps @ replays says it all.
The game is a bit disappointing to me. There are a lot of slowdowns on my system, x1950 512mb with 2 gigs of ram. This is also on low settings so it isn't caused by hardware specs not being up to par.

Thats a big letdown for me.

i have the same videocard and 4 GIG and no problem with the game
I had problems initially with the demo but turning on vsync and unchecking frame skipping made it run super smooth at 1440x900 (I have 7900GT).
It is kinda counter-intuitive though.
Usually turning on vsync slows down my games so I usually switch it off and make make up a few fps for the sake of some shearing. Also frame skipping i thought would make it speedier. In fact both where the opposite in my case.
This only worked for the demo though, so will see what works best for the full game, though presumably the core engine is unchanged.
Last edited:
The game is a bit disappointing to me. There are a lot of slowdowns on my system, x1950 512mb with 2 gigs of ram. This is also on low settings so it isn't caused by hardware specs not being up to par.

Thats a big letdown for me.

yo check i got the same specs but i advice you to download the latest drivers of ati it`s called catalyst control centre (you can get it on guru3d.com it gives you latest drivers and the ability to max your settings thru the ccc advanced
believe me it works i have games that require more then pes 2008

mvg doncherrati,

PES2008 contains Ad/Spyware?

PES2008.exe connects to locate.madserver.net.

Prevention? like mentioned here: http://nationalcheeseemporium.org/

In order to prevent this 'functionality', the server can be prevented from being contacted by placing the following lines in either /etc/hosts on UNIX, or %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows. madserver.net ad.madserver.net imp.madserver.net media.madserver.net
Game Advertising, i personnaly think this is okay, but Konami should have insert a little paper into the gamebox like EA Games had to do when selling Battlefield 2142, you should being informed
i tried to get online and it said i had the wrong client version....so maybe there will be updates?!
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