Football Kingdom [PS2]

jumbo said:
Final Thoughts:

After 1.5 weeks of playing, I'm totally in love with this game. I've gotten used to the controls and gameplay and all I can say is I'm liking this more than WE. The ball physics are outstanding, the feeling freedom (NO scripting) and excellent passing are reall something.

IMO, the game deserves much more attention and credit than it gets. At the moment, it is completely overshadowed by WE but that should change in the future. FK2 will be big. And that's coming from a HARDCORE WE fan.

My only complaints are the lack of club teams and something like the master leauge in WE.

Thanks for listening.

*runs away and hides :D*

I like it as well, but it´s just to arcady for me, all those nice passes, volleys and headers are to easy, I´ve played about 20 matches and I´m winning almost all matches on hard now when I chose 2 teams with similar skills. And you gotta know that I´m not the very talented for video games :D Also, what spoils the fun even more, the KI is only average, the players behave very stupid just to often, I mean, eg played on hard with England against Brazil, Ronaldo is 1 on 1 against the keeper with the defender 5 m behind him, and what does he do, he stops, turns around and let the defender catch the ball :(
I can't win on hard.

Just started Latin Cup with Chile.

0:2 against Columbia.
0:0 against Paraguy.

and i'm tryin real hard.

Yeah, the game is arcadey coz it's pretty fast. For me it's a positive thing. I love arcade games. I love this game.

Peace out.

WE is the best sim. FK is the best arcade.

Being able to play them both is a real blessing.
i wish i could play it......i have the money but i dont have the balls
Actually I also like the total freedom of this game that you can pass to every player in every moment of this game, scored some nice goals. Just scored a great goal with Beckham when I tried to cross under the pressure of a defender, the cross flew over the keeper who stood 5 m in front of his goal, he tried to save the ball though but it went in, was a great animation of the keeper btw ;)
But overall it´s pretty easy to score goals, just give the ball to your playmaker when he has some space, post your striker with L1 then pass the ball and you´re 1 on 1 with the keeper
gaga, i'm startin to get a feelin that this thing with the game bein easy varies from person to person.

you're sayin it's easy for you, you score a lot.

it ain't easy at all for me. my experience is completely different. i can't get into a clear shootin position that easily.

i think it may have to do with the camera settin tht i'm using.

i'm usin the max zoom. the graphics look killer but you have a very limited field of vision.
2 minute halves?
Milanista said:
Just played against a friend... game ended 7-7 and i won on PK. Thats quite pathetic.

I don't see nothin pathetic about that. It was a multiplayer game. Human vs Human.

You and your friend just can't defend.

I've yet to see more than 5 goals in a 5min a half game.......
Milanista said:
Just played against a friend... game ended 7-7 and i won on PK. Thats quite pathetic.

The only thing pathetic is your defensive skills, Milanista.

Actually, quite apropos your sig. Children often call shit KAKA.

Just messin' with you, man.

who can capture some picture of classic players status please? :)
フットボールキングダム - コロンビア90リネーム

初期ネーム リネーム後 シャツネーム
イビータ イギータ HIGUITA
ラスカル・コルドナ オスカル・コルドバ CORDOBA
エステバン エスコバル ESCBAR
ペレナ ペレア PEREA
ヘレーロ ゲレーロ GUERRERO
メンドーネ メンドーサ MENDOZA
ジダンド・ゴメン ヒルダルト・ゴメス GILDARDO GOMEZ
セウタ セルナ SERNA
アウダレス アルバレス ALVAREZ
オサーモ ロサーノ LOZANO
キンコン リンコン RINCON
バビリナ ガビリア GAVIRIA
ダルデママ バルデラマ VALDERRAMA
ダブリエル・ゴメン ガブリエル・ゴメス GABRIEL GOMEZ
ヘディン レディン REDIN
ラスプリージャ アスプリージャ ASPRILLA
ガエンシア バレンシア VALENCIA
デ・アジラ デ・アビラ DE AVILA
ブルシアーノ プレシアード PRECIADO
エストレノ エストラダ ESTRADA
ハハルゴ ファハルド FAJARDO
アグアナン イグアラン IGUARAN
jumbo said:
i'm usin the max zoom. the graphics look killer but you have a very limited field of vision.

yes, there´s the problem, I like this camera as well, but it´s impossible to play with it for me :D
Have to use the "normal" camera, you have a better overview of the action on the pitch there
btw I´ve also noticed that there are many goals, playin on 10 mins though, but very rarely there are less than 4 goals in a match. Well, I can live with that, still enjoying this game
It's so easy to score .. just go to the edge of the area and hold :square: all the way. If the player is pretty decent its certain to go in.. :l
Noted said:
It's so easy to score .. just go to the edge of the area and hold :square: all the way. If the player is pretty decent its certain to go in.. :l

goal keeper? :l

I decided to put no more effort in this translation-project anymore!

Reason? The Game isn't worth it.
I played a european cup on hard with turkey and blasted all teams away with at least 4 goals and conceded not any goal!

Way tooooooo easy and therefore not long lasting.

I'm back at WE7i (j)!!!

Have Fun Guys...
The difficulty of the game is very small. Ii' s easy compared with We7Int.
KingSly said:

I decided to put no more effort in this translation-project anymore!

Reason? The Game isn't worth it.
I played a european cup on hard with turkey and blasted all teams away with at least 4 goals and conceded not any goal!

Way tooooooo easy and therefore not long lasting.

I'm back at WE7i (j)!!!

Have Fun Guys...

Someone who knows about games.
He did nothing.. it was all a lie.

I don't undertsand why you like it jumbo.. maybe becasue you spent £50 and don't want to admit it's terrible and too easy?
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