Football Kingdom [PS2]

I have played the Game. First Game won with Turkey-Germany 1:0 and second Game also with Brazil-Italy 1:0. Then I have made an Africa Cup Tournament and have won it with Senegal. In fact I have in this first Games just let one Goal against me, and this was an Penalty...more later...
Is there player stats in this game and what is the club league mode like
The more I play this the less impressed I am. I just beat Spain 5-0 on hard mode over a 10 minute game, but that's not my main concern. The problem is most gameplay seems to be just robbing each other of possession and swinging in a hopeful cross, the :l2: and :r2: dribbles are completely pointless and ineffective. The best thing about this game are the way set-pieces are executed, and the goal nets, that's about all. The goalkeepers as someone mentioned range from quite frankly terrible to ridiculously brillant with no in between.

Once you get past the initial delight of bulging nets and sweet set-pieces, there's not much left. The game is probably ideal for when you and some mates come back from the pub absolutely blootered, but in terms of pitting your wits against another, sorry but it's far too arcadey and random for that.

It really depends on what direction they want to take the series if they want to compete with WE. Namco are a company reknowned for arcade games as opposed to simulations (Tekken compared to VF, Ridge Racer compared to Gran Turismo), and I doubt this will change with FK.
Just played a few games and think this game is pretty good... At least it plays well, although some times it feels a bit sluggish... Nothing serious tho. Well the goalnets are the best ever... Really does feel good when you hammer one home. :)

It's just good to have another footy game to play that actually is good.
All i want to say at the mo is whats with the HUGE football,i mean is the ball tooo big or are the players tooo small.

I not got an opinion on thegame yet as i only played 2 games and the first thing i noticed was the HUGE ball....
As anyone noticed that if you press :square: twice when you shoot the shot is much harder? I also believe that if you press it twice when receiving a cross, that you volley it.
Man, what I love in this game is the sense of freedom in your actions. For example, you can head the ball with any button, anywhere on the pitch, with a power bar! Head with :circle: and the ball goes really high, you can make a series of passes without it touching the ground. Also, when you receive the ball and the ball is jumping, press :circle: and you will make a volleyed long pass. But, unlike WE7i, where you have absolutely no control of this, here you can choose the direction and power of the pass, really wonderful. If we7i and this freedom, nothing would come close. I made a long diagonal pass towards the corner flag, then comes C. Ronaldo which centers the ball with a volley. But, the ball goes towards goal and catches the keeper of guard. I was about to celebrate when he jumps backwards and does this amazing one handed save.. And i was like... DAMN!
Another thing about freedom. When you have a freekick, you can pass the ball to whoever you want, really excelent. For example, in corners, you don't have to pass to nearest man if you want to play it short.
And the free run feature, excelent.
Oh, and when you suffer or commit a foul, the player that suffered the foul appears as VICTIM. :mrgreen: Crazy japs :D
I recommend this game to everyone. It is a bit awkward playing without real kits, but this game is worth it. I really really hope someone can patch this game, it really deserves it.
ahhh this game sounds really good, anythin to get me off we7i, im startin to find it really stale and quite pathetic, yet at the same time i do sumthin good and i love it :D
I didn't say it's better...but it could be...or will be in a year or two
RicKs said:
As anyone noticed that if you press :square: twice when you shoot the shot is much harder? I also believe that if you press it twice when receiving a cross, that you volley it.
Man, what I love in this game is the sense of freedom in your actions. For example, you can head the ball with any button, anywhere on the pitch, with a power bar! Head with :circle: and the ball goes really high, you can make a series of passes without it touching the ground. Also, when you receive the ball and the ball is jumping, press :circle: and you will make a volleyed long pass. But, unlike WE7i, where you have absolutely no control of this, here you can choose the direction and power of the pass, really wonderful. If we7i and this freedom, nothing would come close. I made a long diagonal pass towards the corner flag, then comes C. Ronaldo which centers the ball with a volley. But, the ball goes towards goal and catches the keeper of guard. I was about to celebrate when he jumps backwards and does this amazing one handed save.. And i was like... DAMN!
Another thing about freedom. When you have a freekick, you can pass the ball to whoever you want, really excelent. For example, in corners, you don't have to pass to nearest man if you want to play it short.
And the free run feature, excelent.
Oh, and when you suffer or commit a foul, the player that suffered the foul appears as VICTIM. :mrgreen: Crazy japs :D
I recommend this game to everyone. It is a bit awkward playing without real kits, but this game is worth it. I really really hope someone can patch this game, it really deserves it.


I am very happy hearing this. I'm glad there are a good number of folks that are realistic and honest with their opinions on this game. Realistic in the sense that you know WE is better in terms of gameplay, however, you also realize that FK it's also an axcellent game in it's own right. Gameplay probably isn't as good as WE, but it sure is enjoyable and on the right track to success.

As I said before, it's the little things that are important and can make a soccer game very enjoyable. WE has been lacking in this, I'm glad to hear FK has fulfilled this area to some degree.

Im bored of the game already lol. The fancy little tricks and moves only last for 3 days. WE is still king as i keep going back to it. Football Kingdom lacks the consistant realism that WE has. WE you can pretty much score in any kind of way, in Football Kingdom you have limitations like all FIFA's. In WE you can tap, screamer, header, scissor, goalie error, nutmeg goalie, dribble around goalie,... etc. There is also the sense of achievement when you build up a beautiful goal. In Football Kingdom instead it seems dull, goals end up being similar, and the flaws eventually get on your nerves more than ever.

In my opinion Football Kingdom is a good game, but no whre near as good as WE. Its only good for short periods of time.
I'm not bored with it yet. Just hit my first BICYCLEKICK today! Look awesome! Kinda lob-ish bicycle kick. Look awesome, almost went over the keeper.

Currently playing the career mode. Drew my last match 2-2 (2-0). The mode seems very cool but unfortunately I can't read japanese.

The only thing that is starting to bore is... you people. :D
ok i have had another game and i still stand by my previous statement. I think its unresponsive, your players go walk about, the passing can be awful at times..penalties are unrealistic...i thinkl they have tried bvery hard to emualte winning eleven and then added some extra visuals and minor touches (which are nice) unfortunately they just havent emulated winning eleven
just got it and had one game, its pretty good but no way is it as good as we.

shooting is kinda poor, i like the running system and the tacking is ok
As a first attempt on the PS2, FK is (in my opinion) better than PES1 and better than PES2. Everybody seems to have forgotten the bugs and bad things about PES1, and, don't forget that the WE series date back from the early 90's. Inclunding FE, you have about 10 or more WE games. This is the first from NAMCO. I don't even have to talk about fifa, it was downhill almost from the start.
In PES1 you had no control of your players in several situations, unless you use the RAS you couldn't aim long passes, limited animations.. Everybody complained about something. Well, FK has some bad thinks, but not as bad or as many as some people say. At least in my opinion. I say everybody should give it a go. If you like it, play it. If don't, go back to WE. As simple as that. But remember to respect those who like it...

Soundtracker, how do you pull those feints? I managed to do the overhead flick, and did a 360 spin, when trying to do the overhead flick. I believe it was ClassicD who said the feits were randomly pulled, I think they're not.. I could be wrong though..

The double :square: shots are really powerful, I've scored good goals with this method. And volleys, I'm yet to score, but I've managed to do some scissor kicks and one overhead, which missed the ball by inches.

Another thing I really love and would like to see in WE8 is the camera, and the possiblity to change ZOOM. There is a camera that is very similar to BROADCAST 2 in WE7I, but you can see a LOT MORE of the field, when you put the camera far away from the pitch, it looks more real than we7i this way, especially cause you don't notice some really really lame animations. What were they thinking?

One nice detail is that the players touch the ball when they are running with it, it doesn't magically advance with the players.
This is a good game. I'm really quite excited about it, not because it is better than WE7ij (because it is not) but because it has the potential to be great competition for WE in years to come.

It is already ahead of WE7 in some respects although clearly has nowhere near the depth of gameplay, both on and off the pitch.

Let's hope Namco see sense and release the game world-wide. It will be great to have 2 different footy games to look forward to every year.
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