My opinion about FIFA vs PES. FIFA has better functionality in many terms, but specially career. About player control, I am not sure, since I haven't played FIFA 19, but on FIFA 18 it was horrible. I think PES allows for much more precise movements and pace changes.
At the momment, IMO, the problem in PES is AI. AI is fucking op. They defend you as gods and never fail. Whatever dribbling you try to, be it with simple control + change of pace or be it with right stick dribbling, the AI will predict it 100% sure. They will predict passes, they will predict everything. On the other side, they will never fail a pass. Now, this makes you play, yes or yes, in automatic mode, cause there's just no way you can play on manual mode since sooner or later you will make a bad pass and AI WON'T MAKE ONE. And I am not meaning a pass without sense. That's precissely the problem that the AI has. A lot of times I see AI doing passes or shootings without sense. But when they do a pass with sense, they do it SO FUCKING PRECISSELY that you can't do a fucking thing to avoid it. The only thing where there's a little bit of spice and room here is in shooting. They will sometimes make a realistic bad shoot. Like shooting and the ball going over the goal, specially with @incas36 dt's. This man here has made a lot for the game in terms of speed, building up, etc. The problem is that whenever the COM decides to make direct play, they will make a perfect lob pass or through pass that fucks your defense, that of course won't be in it's possition. Now if this happened once or twice in a 90 minute match, or even more times, but not each 3 minutes, this would be a good point. The problem is that your defense is always out of the place, and AI defense is perfectly positioned.
I just started fucking around with traps.o values in dt18 constant_player.bin only to find that there's a couple of values that actually boost somehow the player control, but I don't have still clear which one. Now, look how flawled the game is that the COM will never do a bad control, and when I saw that after a few tweaks, COM would make bad controls indeed, I thought I had removed somewhat scripting. The truth was that I had managed to find some value that was dealing with ball control for both AI and player, but the difference was so big that it was way more noticeable at first glance in CPU, simply because 99% controls in the game by CPU are fucking perfect, doesn't mind how strong that pass is, and in the other hand, passes tend to be so fucking perfect that they will always reach their objective while your defenders stare at it.
Is just... all bad. your players are dumbass and AI players are gods on earth. And when you manage to score a goal, script kicks in and enemy players are just even better. Is not only that they press more and harder. Is just that their stats are altered and they are buffed to death and you are nerfed to death. And this is killing off-line PES. Dunno if this happens with FIFA, since FIFA doesn't even care about off-line modes, to be honest, but it does happen in PES and is destroying the game. And this even turns worse with the horrible Team Spirit feature, something that should be fiddling with your players positioning making it be unprecise, but that actually make your players have fucking 0 reaction. And I could be ok with this if you could work it around somehow, the problem is that you can't cause enemy team won't have flaws. You can't almost take advantage in any flaws cause AI playing perfect. So much perfect that when you fiddle with certain random values and they start making bad, somewhat realistic controls (not always) it seems to you that you have destroyed scripting, but is just that you broke the game, and it feels somewhat more realistic. Simply stupid. I need a good football game and I need it now. We actually need another competitor here willing to do things right. Cause PES was called to be that competitor, and had the tools, actually, but they didn't want to give us a good game, with a good AI, but instead making on-line a money maker machine very much in lane with what EA did with FIFA, and worked for them.
Now, Konami doesn't seem to see that his audience is not the same of FIFA neither they should be competing for the same audience. They should be trying to do a football simulator, they didn't try to, and honestly, I won't buy any of the 2 the next year. I gave my oportunities, and I have lost faith in football games. I'd rather buy NBA 2k that will work quite better and provide me with a much better experience. At least I won't have the feeling of being throwing my money away.
@Hels And what do you think about the AI of previous titles? (PES 2018, 2017..)