I believe the AI is actually the same on Professional, Top Player and Superstar. At a higher difficulty setting, the game simply uses more scripting against you to provide you with an artificial challenge.I actually agree with this. The game functions differently on Professional, Top Player and Superstar, than it does on Regular. For some reason your output on the ball is reduced. Without changing any controller settings or direction shooting on target becomes a lot harder? Why is this?
Surely the CPU should just provide a tougher challenge?
Of course there are huge difficulty spikes in the games that occur completely independent of stats and tactics. It's beyond me how people can choose to overlook this...Sorry majuh there is no such thing as a random second division team beating you from scripting in PES 2017 which you cant change from mastering how your team should play. Sounds like the AI are just exploiting your tactics, i saw enough in the last two games and especially 2017 again that this game is all about how you defend and set you team up regardless of opposition strength to win.
The point is that I win almost all matches on Top Player or Superstar. The game basically rolls a die before each match, and those matches I don't win are the ones where the outcome of the dice throw makes the game ramp up the scripting against me.There no such thing as random, things happen for a reason, find out why to give yourself peace of mind, no point coming here all insecure and wanting everyone to agree with you, this is a forum we are here to debate. Sorry it sounds as if your ego cant handle being beaten on Top player or Superstar.
I even got proof for that: There is a series of simulated PES tournaments called the 4chan Cup, where the various boards of 4chan compete against each other in AI vs AI matches. The managers of the teams invest a huge amount of time and simulate hundreds of matches in order to find the most efficient tactics, but the unanimous opinion of the managers is: The game is purely based on luck. Tactics don't make a difference regarding the win percentage, and each team has exactly the same player stats. You can literally simulate exactly the same match twice with the same teams, tactics and form arrows, and in the first match Team A wins 7-0, while in the second match Team B wins 8-1.
I've seen absolutely ridiculous stuff when watching the 4chan Cup, for example a match between /lit/ and /his/, where /lit/ went up 5-0 in the first 40 minutes, before /his/ came back and also scored 5 goals. The match ended 6-5 and there weren't any tactical changes in between...
The 4chan Cup makes it pretty obvious how bad PES is in terms of simulating football these days. It used to be different.