Team Heffernan
check this out pal!Any advice on the best settings/sliders for someone coming to Fifa from PES?
I'm enjoying the presentation of Fifa 22 but feeling iritated with defending and creating chances. I've tried default setting and Matt 10's sliders.
and please take the time to read the infos on the values... it really makes you wiser! it did for me!

FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders
♦♦♦ Goal: The reason for the changes from V1B is because as more games played, more issues seemed to appear that needed to be addressed. The biggest one was how there was less resistance in midfield and it was easy for both User/CPU to turn and face goal, with more gap than would be preferred. In addition, some new findings on marking and width has helped bring in a higher, and equal, length value. From there, it's just finetuning the shot to keeper reaction, pass choice and realistic ranges. Also focused on recreating the modern game that is based on wingbacks and the interchange with wingers. ♦♦♦
♦♦♦ Notes and Caution: While not consistent, I do have to stress the importance of paying attention if you play on SLOW versus NORMAL game speed. I know there are a lot who want to play SLOW and love it, but I'm afraid that the same issues that plagued 21 are still there where the defenders lose track of runs - making it incredibly easy to find an open player in the box on counters, etc. I'm not saying this is 100% going to happen, but I just wanted to bring that up as transparently as possible. ♦♦♦
If the value is the same for all difficulties, it will be listed once. If a value does not change from the previous version, there will not be a new writeup for that specific value. Please refer to posted image of slider set as well.
Sprint - 5/5
► The focus here is to get less slidey, less hyper animations that just make it an eyesore to play or watch FIFA. No, there's no instant foot-planting, but there is a more "solid" feel and heaviness of the players that allows momentum based issues not to stand out as much - such as switching to a defender and being exposed, etc. The feel of players as they've gone on full sprints is a much better one as well, with still plenty of room to have a speed differential.
Acceleration - 49/49
► This is to contribute to the feel, but also bring a bit more opportunity to get players to gradually move into position rather than sprint and overcommit. As always, lowering acceleration will reduce the impact of fatigue, so this is more user preference. Feel free to use 50 if you'd like as that has been tested just as much.
Shot Error - 70/70
► I was afraid that the lack of shooting in obvious positions from the beta would carry over - it has not and the CPU shoots whenever it likes, something that can't be talked about enough. However, their accuracy is scary good. As a result, we've raised this value quite a bit - and as always it has great outcomes - and potential for great strikes on goal too. Pair that up with an increase in shot speed, a lowered GK (that can locate the ball), and goals are rewarding all around.
Pass Error - 60/60 | 55/65 (Previous: 55/55 | 58/58)
► Raised the pass error here to help with some of the unrealistic driven passes from the CPU, and just overall taking advantage of tight spaces - allowing the ball to become more of a separate entity. Also helps for more realistic body positions necessary in completing passes, such as when a player is faced one way and tries to pass completely in the other direction - the error chance will increase depending on rating.
Shot Speed - 49/49 (Previous: 51/51)
► The more I played 51, the less I liked it for the keeper's sake. I should've known better that the keepers already struggled to find the ball, but at 51 it wasn't that they had trouble finding it, they just assumed what it was going to do too early. The speed the ball moved, even with the crazy high error of 70, was a bit too much - by too many players. The change to 49 really lets the ball be seen by the keeper, but also the user - which makes for some gorgeous attempts on goal.
Pass Speed - 40/30
► It's always a balance in getting the lower pass error, but not wanting that to result in constant driven passes from the CPU. As a result, the slightly higher pass error is accompanied by the lower pass speed. This forces the CPU to use driven passes contextually, where if they need to pass 30 yards away, they actually use driven pass at a more realistic speed. The same goes for the user where if there is space to switch the field - they still need decide if it's going to be a driven pass or a high quality long ball that they can trust. These types of adjustments brings in decision making and less mindless passing that FIFA on default is known for - although FIFA 22 has done a great job in improving its base.
Injury Frequency - 50/50
► This hasn't been tested yet. There is a good mix of injuries as fatigue increases, but even at random times too. TBD.
Injury Severity - 50/50
► This hasn't been tested yet. There is a good mix of injuries as fatigue increases, but even at random times too. TBD.
GK Ability - 48/48 (Previous: 45/45)
► With the lowering of shot speed, one would assume GK ability didn't need to be touched, but in fact, they do make some strange animations at times, so a bump was necessary. This also gives a more realistic look to easy saves that should be caught rather than pushed away.
Marking - 70/70 (Previous: 52/50)
► I will admit, the lower marking was a bit safe. With the way the 1v1 is set up in FIFA's core, it's hard not to want the players to get distracted from who they're supposed to be marking. As marking increases, so does the area of influence of who to mark, but so does the intensity of the challenges (tackling versus containing), which is more realistic to side on the tackling vs the FIFA design of passive containment. The theme with issues this year's game is the deep defensive line, so raising marking is always a concern because defenders tend to follow runs deeper. Thankfully, with the line adjustments below, the proximity creates position for more aggressive challenges - but it definitely doesn't remove the backing off that happens at times.
Run Frequency - 5/5 (Previous: 1/1)
► Tighter areas means we need just a bit more movement. I like to think the Run Frequency is what helps the non FB runners, and since that has been increased, I didn't want the wingers to run into the FBs constantly.
● The Height, Length, Width (often referred as "HLW") are quite important to consider for each slider set. [/color]
Height - 65/65 (Previous: 100/100)
► The height value still doesn't do anything. This is purely cosmetic at this point. As ridiculous as that sounds, maybe we can hope for this to be fixed - but for now, 65 just looks better (especially as we've become familiar with these values over the years) compared to 100.
Length - 25/25 (Previous 15/20)
► With the adjustment to marking, the lengths can be evened out now. This is much more preferred as previous the 15/20 with a 50 marking was just a bit too passive, leaving more space to surge forward than intended. Now, the midfield definitely meets better, and defenders keep players in front of them. As length increases, so do the run lengths, so the deep defensive line will have to deal with those forward runs, but the marking should kick in to defend accordingly.
Width - 45/45 (Previous: 50/50)
► Lowering width has allowed the marking and FB positioning to be increased. Some teams will have room to switch, some teams won't. It just depends on the tactics used and faced against. This does allow more congestion in the center of the pitch, and it also helps support the higher marking value so there is less passive play in the midfield. Again, it does depend on the tactics in use.
FB Pos - 70/70 (Previous: 50/50)
► With the tighter lines, the more room was needed for the fullbacks to play their role. This also widens out the defensive line as they need to cover a bit more space - which can only be good thing as they tend to group up too closely in transition and near the goal. Something FIFA has done a good job this year is the winger covering for the fullback as well.
FT Control - 85/85
► The control is too silky smooth on default, so a significant bump was needed. We usually don't want to raise FT so high with a low pass - but because the driven pass still exists, it should be built as a risk/reward, and that's exactly what this does. It also makes for some great sloppy play as well.
man, i should get a OS ambassador shirt by now!

@Matt10 whats up with the merch section over at OS!?