Team Heffernan
id take your hint as what it is and have another look at my video with you comment in mind! if all my goals looked the same, id agree and try changing that.If I replied to one of your videos and said "meh, every goal's the same", and "hey, it's not ALL bad" (implying most of it is), how would you feel? You can't blame that on mistranslation. For someone who likes to call themselves Mr. Positive, you do seem to make snide remarks like this occasionally, and then you're surprised when people react badly.
And your edit there - sorry, but being offended that someone has been offended by you is not cool. That's making yourself the victim, in a situation where I'm sure you'd be annoyed if someone made the same comments to you.
and my comment was POSITIVE! see, i want him to experience all the variety offered in this game (after watching his video)! thats a good thing!

i dont wanna be a victim here... all i can do is say: i want freaking good! i am not offended i am shocked that he thinks about me that way. and as i am not, i just wanted to correct that. because someone says i am patronising doesnt mean hes right. and here i come, good old PRO_TOO, saying ITS NOT MY THING TO PATRONISE users!!! not intended! when my comment came across like that, then maybe its the language barrier! what more can i do than saying its just something i noticed in his videos ("prove me wrong" would probably make some go beserk so i'm not going that direction) and moaning about less variety (in the opther game) came to my mind.
if i'd gone beserk every time someone hinted me on somthing... ^^
anyway... this train seems to have left the station.
i'll end this here from my side... hope its not coming across cocky!