FIFA 15 News & Discussion Thread

Anyone heard anything about this?

2.- Revamped Pre-Season

When planning a pre-season in previous editions of the game, players would normally get randomly assigned fixtures and would have little choice as to who to play against. As a result, they decided to simply simulate those games because they were pretty much pointless. For this year’s edition, EA has decided to revamp the pre-season features by allowing the player to choose his pre-seasons fixtures, as well as the location and pre-season squads. The player will also be able to decide what friendly cup competitions he wants his team to join, giving the player more control over his team and leading to a more enjoyable gaming experience.

Hadn't heard that and it sounds like bull but the rest of the article is 100% correct as far as I'm aware so it's weird to have one item that's fabricated?
Yeah, it is true mate. It is a piece of really good hardware that was used to run some really big tittles on the ultra graphic settings (Battlefield 4, Max Payne 3, Far Cry 3,Watch Dogs ). How FIFA 15 is going to work on our PCs depends on game's integration.

In some cases (the most known is GTA 4), shitty game integration might win the battle to PC that is worth a £1000 even.

Hopefully EA Sports won't sign the contract with Nvidia or AMD to force us to spend "some quids" on a new hardware by giving us, intentionally, bad integraded game.

This would be such an amazing addition to CM that someone would have definitely mentioned it by now.

This seems to be fake.The Ronaldo freekick in page 2 that's CL from PES.
Also FUThead never mentioned that in their CM impressions.

News to me. And I wouldn't put much faith in a site called mindkandy for breaking FIFA news.

Pretty much what I thought! At least with the PC version we can do a little friendly tweaking:

MAX_OTHER_TEAMS_IN_LEAGUE = 1		// Maximum number of other teams in your league to schedule friendlies for at each match day
MAX_MATCHES_SCHEDULED = 5		// Maximum number of friendly matches to schedule before the season begins
TOP_LEAGUE_TOP_PCT = 50		// Likelihood that a team from a top league would play another team from a top league
TOP_LEAGUE_MED_PCT = 50			// Likelihood that a team from a top league would play a team from a medium league
TOP_LEAGUE_LOW_PCT = 80			// Likelihood that a team from a top league would play a team from a lower league
MED_LEAGUE_TOP_PCT = 30			// Likelihood that a team from a medium league would play a team from a top league
MED_LEAGUE_MED_PCT = 40			// Likelihood that a team from a medium league would play another team from a medium league
MED_LEAGUE_LOW_PCT = 60			// Likelihood that a team from a medium league would play a team from a lower league
LOW_LEAGUE_TOP_PCT = 60			// Likelihood that a team from a lower league would play a team from a top league
LOW_LEAGUE_MED_PCT = 25			// Likelihood that a team from a lower league would play a team from a medium league
LOW_LEAGUE_LOW_PCT = 75			// Likelihood that a team from a lower league would play another team from a lower league
Looks really good.

I don't know. The game doesn't really look "next gen". Player models and animations in cut scenes are quite bad imo. Also the overall graphics of players skin etc. AND, those guys were playing the game like kids, just spamming a forward pass everytime they got the ball. I don't think I saw ONE pass backwards. Would've been nice to see how it looks when they're playing it more lifelike, posession game etc. All this pass spamming is doing my head in.
I don't know. The game doesn't really look "next gen". Player models and animations in cut scenes are quite bad imo. Also the overall graphics of players skin etc. AND, those guys were playing the game like kids, just spamming a forward pass everytime they got the ball. I don't think I saw ONE pass backwards. Would've been nice to see how it looks when they're playing it more lifelike, posession game etc. All this pass spamming is doing my head in.
I'm not commending how these guys play ( they picked up Man Utd and Man City, how did you expect them to play? )
I'm just saying the presentation, the animations and the general physics looks good to me.
Maybe because I spend last week playing Fifa14 on PS3 a lot of hours, it looks like a big change, I don't know.
Also I like the "randomness" after the gk deflects a shot. In Fifa14 it's always case A,B or C. No variety.
Still worried about those goal keepers if im honest. Loved the Jovetic goal (that made it 3-3) in the Manchester derby Video though.:BOP:
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