FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Just saw this. But apparently in UK (GAME), the Limited Edition is upgraded from regular gold packs to premium gold. Whilst the Collectors Edition which you pay more for is still regular.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Yep, argentinian league might be in too i heard.

Good deal for south america:


hopefully some uruguaian and paraguaian teams in ROTW
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The Bale shot that swerves looks cool. Still waiting for more next gen news as I'm not buying it on the current consoles.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Ozil shooting the ball with the outside of his right foot .. I don't understand how these things never get noticed and corrected.Still the shooting look really impressive and most importantly, varied.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Very good although the outside of the boot shot by Aguero was a little unrealistic in that it would take more leg power in the swing to result in a trajectory like in the video.

But then it's a game. So...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Too many outside boot shots. Too many outside boot passes. That is what I noticed watching EA Sports videos until now.

Btw that variety of shooting, I saw already in Actua Soccer :LOL:.

Glad EA woke up, but sadly, it's not revolutionary to me (not to mention they continue with their silly OTT naming. Pure shot? Really? ROFL).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Anyone seen any recent Fifa 14 PC footage? My hopes are on the floor for that one, but I always like keeping track on both games, regardless of which one I'm more likely to buy.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

That made me go :LOL:

No wonder KSI is silent. Very silent these days when it comes to FIFA :P.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

:CONFUSE: Ugh, all these negative previews make the game sound promising. But you know EA will respond by adjusting it to pander to the casual majority. This is why we can't have nice things. :BORED:

Most game reviewers aren't even interested in football.
:CONFUSE: Ugh, all these negative previews make the game sound promising. But you know EA will respond by adjusting it to pander to the casual majority. This is why we can't have nice things. :BORED:

Most game reviewers aren't even interested in football.

I didn't even read the review. I couldn't care less what anybody else thinks about anything. It's all down to how I feel about it so don't worry about what reviewers think.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

LOL videogamer review is rubbish!!!! The game is more realistic and difficult and thats a bad thing? OMG this is so ridiculous...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Nah, we'll just have our old fashioned midfield tussles with a meager shot on goal every 10 minutes... :p

Haha. Probably! Still great games though and much prefer that to the 100mph shoot from stupid places all the time like some people do.

Looking forward to next gen FIFA but haven't ordered one yet. I want it as an Xmas present for the kids but I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

LOL videogamer review is rubbish!!!! The game is more realistic and difficult and thats a bad thing? OMG this is so ridiculous...

Calling FIFA anywhere near something REALISTIC is a lie of its own.

FIFA will always have arcade written over it. Just like COD will never be realistic WAR SIM.

Face the facts. ;)

Same goes for PES. If you want realistic experience, go play outside and try to do OTT FIFA tricks irl :D ;).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

We can be thankfull that EA didn't (yet) implement the XP gain/level up every time that you do a skill move in fifa and additional XP when you score from 30m. After playing some recent games (like tomb raider 2013) I am not so sure that is not impossible in upcoming FIFAs because that arcady stuff is what most gamers want.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I got bored and tried Fifa 12 after almost a year later since last time and ı am shocked right now.Almost every aspect of the game like ball weight,player weight and movement,passing,shooting,pressing,atmoshpere etc. is far better than Fifa 13.Of cource there are some problems but my final decision about that game is it's the most realistic Fifa up to date.Fifa "Headless Chicken" 13 is a huge letdown in the series.It's arcade and boring..
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Agree, I much pefered fifa 12 to fifa 13, pace was easier to combat than this year.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I agree with u guys, FIFA13 introduced some nice new animations, gfx a lil improved, and maybe evan first touch control was a nice adition to make players with more individuality(bad vs. good technic players) but overal the game has sped up and the damen lobed through ball is working better than never, not to mention other stuff thats gone downhill.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Lofted through ball is very easy to stop, if u dont spam pressure and watch over possible gaps in defence. In fact you can play perfect defense you don't see in real life, 'thanks' to auto contain.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I still find that its very hard to defend against. Even if I do well through out the whole game. Eventually a lob through ball does get through and works. was much easier to defend against on Fifa 12.

Plus I think the first touch control is a bit flawed.

I understand in real life even Iniesta can have a bad touch. But when I make a simple pass to him and his touch is like a spastic about 5 times in the match it really drives me nuts. There are even games were I feel a little bit of scripting can make nearly every players touch dreadful.

I played about 500 games on UT on fifa 12, thats how much i enjoyed it.
Fifa 13 I have only played about 100 matches. Fifa 14s out next month, sums up how much I dislike fifa 13.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm gonna get hammed for this but I tried my old copy of FIFA 11 the other day, and really enjoyed it. I prefer it over 12 and 13. Since 11, they've done something to the balance of the game that I really don't like. FIFA 11 feels far less open and end-to-end, play takes place more in midfield than the other two since. Granted, it's a bit more old school but you can't get the ball and double flick the right stick to run half the length of the pitch in 11, the balance for that sort of thing is just right. Maybe it's the introduction of sliders and the close control button, but even without using the sliders something doesn't feel quite right.

My hopes currently cannot be any lower for 14, I seriously do not like the direction they've taken the game. FIFA 13 was the worst game in the current gen line up, IMO. Hated it, sold it after a weekend. Just my opinion though :)
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

A weekend is nowhere near enough time to judge a football game. It's not enough to judge a demo of a football game. Edit: though pushing yourself through a long period of time while hating the game isn't a particularly good idea to be fair.

Honestly I don't think it's possible to enjoy FIFA when (among everything else that's wrong) the general passing model is as bad as it is. I do play manual but it's not the route to a football sim. It just models some of the restrictions you want to see imposed on passing, but it's the wrong way to go about it outside of Clubs. I've never watched one of these youtube manual matches and thought 'this looks like football', in the same way I haven't found slider settings that make the game look and feel more like the sport. People seem to like them, which is fine, but the game that results doesn't compare to what would be achieved by a game with proper semi-passing and a manual trigger for those moments where you do want to go completely free. :)
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