Very boring playing against's like playing against the same cpu opponent for the past 5 years. Cpu defenders are still perfect, make every tackle, back 4 never get out of shape....every team is the same, defends the variety.

There are a few minor improvements - manual lob passing can be hit further, first touch is apparent (but only for human controlled players, it seems that all cpu players have perfect first touch...and perfect dribbling, etc), and a few other things that I can't remember but aren't sufficiently significant to lift it beyond that feeling that it's basically still the same boring experience it's been for 5 years.

Tactics still non-existent.

I've come to the conclusion that sliders are a poor substitute for decent AI, proper player individuality (where stats actually have real depth of effect) and team differentiation (particularly in tactics). That said, they could have at least added a few more sliders, such as for first touch, dribbling, etc...but nope...exactly the same as last year....which is pretty much the main theme of this game.

I did notice the acceleration slider now also affects when accelerating with the right stick to kick the ball out. It did not in FIFA12, which rendered the acceleration slider pointless since you could easily bypass it and sprint past opponents using it.
Very boring playing against's like playing against the same cpu opponent for the past 5 years. Cpu defenders are still perfect, make every tackle, back 4 never get out of shape....every team is the same, defends the variety.

There are a few minor improvements - manual lob passing can be hit further, first touch is apparent (but only for human controlled players, it seems that all cpu players have perfect first touch...and perfect dribbling, etc), and a few other things that I can't remember but aren't sufficiently significant to lift it beyond that feeling that it's basically still the same boring experience it's been for 5 years.

Tactics still non-existent.

I've come to the conclusion that sliders are a poor substitute for decent AI, proper player individuality (where stats actually have real depth of effect) and team differentiation (particularly in tactics). That said, they could have at least added a few more sliders, such as for first touch, dribbling, etc...but nope...exactly the same as last year....which is pretty much the main theme of this game.
Spot on.
Still defenders cannot move like attackers. If you think about it, if you use the ballcarrier and perform a stepover and then turn 90 degrees to the side, the player will perform a sharp turn that way. Or use an attacker and just move left-right-left-right every balltouch in a sigsag pattern. Now control a non-ballcarrier and move in a similar fashion. I just find a sluggish response, with no possibility to move with the same snap as the attackers, when in fact they should move quicker, since they don't also have a ball to manipulate. This causes ballcarriers to just be able to dance around defenders alot of the time, and the defenders being unable to anything unless you move one directly into the path of the ballcarrier. This when stats between them are somewhat similar.
Yes - definitely agree with the above.

first touch is apparent (but only for human controlled players, it seems that all cpu players have perfect first touch)
Disagree with this. I've seen at least as many bad touches from CPU players as my own. There's no difference, it's contextual. If you're doing more bad touches, it's the way you're controlling them.
Sometimes I wonder if peoples tv's are the reason for the speed issue. I play on my 19'' monitor looks average speed at 720p on Xbox 360. Play on my 30'' Monitor for PC it looks slow.

Play on my 63'' Plasma on PS3 it looks way too fast. I can't explain it but there's gotta be something with the camera views based on size of monitor I use tele broadcast on all of them and on each screen I get a different look due to the size of screen and the sensation of game speed changes as well. (Maybe just me but I definitely notice it)
I think you could be right

However nothing wrong with people moaning about it being fast as if EA change it I will prefer a slower olie game for manual controls
Three games - zero fouls - same thing every year.
I understand that EA likely intentionally produce a virtually foul-free game to keep it fun and free-flowing for casual fans but fouls, freekicks and yellow cards are a major part of football, and the game can't be considered a sim without them being accurately represented.
I think you could be right

However nothing wrong with people moaning about it being fast as if EA change it I will prefer a slower olie game for manual controls

Not complaining about people complaining :COOL: people are free to air their views just giving a plausible explanation that's all.

I actually like it most on PC this year due to the slower pace I feel playing the game on it, it'll will definitely be my platform of choice although whether I'll find anyone to play clubs on it with is a different issue.
I didn't mean anything by it, I was saying it might ve a good thing for me anyway

I will have iton pc and xbox so I can deffo do some pc with you.

Xbox has most of my mates so will be on that mostly
I didn't mean anything by it, I was saying it might ve a good thing for me anyway

I will have iton pc and xbox so I can deffo do some pc with you.

Xbox has most of my mates so will be on that mostly

The same dilemma I face, I wish all my mates just had a PC it looks so much better on it... I can't wait for the next xbox to come out already so it catches up graphically again for a couple of years.

I'm down for some clubs/head to head on pc when it launches.
Ok, so I've played the game quite a bit more and the biggest concern I have is that it's too fast. Faster than FIFA 12 for sure. If they bring that down a notch for the final release, it's will be a good improvement over FIFA 12. If not, it's still going to be a good game, but not going to be as enjoyable on Normal.

Haven't checked the Triple Screen support yet. Hopefully Jarvis didn't feed us some BS this year (like last year) about it being properly supported in the PC version. I wish it had three independent FOVs instead of a single one, but I bet this one will take at least 10 years to implement lol
Ok, so I've played the game quite a bit more and the biggest concern I have is that it's too fast. Faster than FIFA 12 for sure. If they bring that down a notch for the final release, it's will be a good improvement over FIFA 12. If not, it's still going to be a good game, but not going to be as enjoyable on Normal.

Haven't checked the Triple Screen support yet. Hopefully Jarvis didn't feed us some BS this year (like last year) about it being properly supported in the PC version. I wish it had three independent FOVs instead of a single one, but I bet this one will take at least 10 years to implement lol

whats diff compared to fifa 12..I cant tell much
Three games - zero fouls - same thing every year.
I understand that EA likely intentionally produce a virtually foul-free game to keep it fun and free-flowing for casual fans but fouls, freekicks and yellow cards are a major part of football, and the game can't be considered a sim without them being accurately represented.

+1. I think the biggest problem in this game (and in 12) is that if you are not a dribbler, you will never draw fouls. Fouls in the air, during body contact on runs, etc. are never called... FIFA 11 was barely tolerable with this but it was more or less completely eradicated in 12, which ruined the game completely for me.

The biggest thing I don't understand, however, is EA's reluctance to just give us a damn slider for this... makes no sense at all.
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whats diff compared to fifa 12..I cant tell much

I just watched back a video I recorded from my pc match and :CONFUSE: the game looks scarily fast compared to what it's like when playing it. It's like very fast on steroids. If I played the game and it felt like that normally i'd hate it as well.
Can anyone explain to me why Messi is doing a scissor-kick with his right foot when you first load up the game?
I just watched back a video I recorded from my pc match and :CONFUSE: the game looks scarily fast compared to what it's like when playing it. It's like very fast on steroids. If I played the game and it felt like that normally i'd hate it as well.

i dont mean speed i meant overall..

Cant notice 1st touch stuff sometimes ball goes higher up in air etc..rather than glued to feet if dogy ball.

Apart from that cant see much diff
I've put the sprint speed down to 40, acc to 49, and passing error to 55 (User) and 60ish(CPU).

Really enjoying it at the moment. A crying shame that EA have not added a single new slider though. Nothing for dribbling speed / acceleration?

I'm noticing the lack of fouls and the (occasionally hilariously) unstoppable CPU passing moves, where the player switching simply cannot keep up. But I am at least enjoying putting moves together, and with this reduced speed it feels like the midfield is much more likely to give me a hand in defence.

Encouraged. Not exactly the game I wanted, but a long way closer than 12.
i dont mean speed i meant overall..

Cant notice 1st touch stuff sometimes ball goes higher up in air etc..rather than glued to feet if dogy ball.

Apart from that cant see much diff

1st touch/impact engine/controlled dribbling/shooting and attacking A.I

Worse this year = Defensive A.I still seems suspect/still poor refereeing decisions/jostling is overpowered when a winger/striker gets ahead of them (playing against the cpu may be the reason why)

All majorly improved this year to a point I'm satisfied with.
Great game. Loving it! Can't wait till the Full game is out and CM mode, all players/teams available and online.

I'll be getting EA Season ticket pass to play a few days early even. No doubt!
My two biggest beefs are that slow is still WAY too fast, and the midfield still doesn't give a shit. Once I've slowed the game down to acceptable levels I'll be better placed to judge the game.

Yeah, the frantic pace sort of ruins the demo for me. At times its break-neck speed is more reminiscent of basketball or hockey. It's too fast for the nuances of the game to be enjoyed and only emphasizes the lack of player momentum.

First touch might not be revolutionary but it definitely changes the game. The more I play the more I see its impact.

AI improvements are just "okay" for me. Teammate runs much improved but still lacking at times. CPU attack is still too easy to defend.

Really disappointed with dribbling, but maybe that's connected with the frantic pace of the game. That combined with players moving so unrealistically, turning, accelerating and decelerating too quickly, and little realistic momentum.

I like that passing error seems to have been improved - both through more directional error but also through the increased interceptions.

All that said, I've never really enjoyed the FIFA demos - they're far too short to get anything out of IMO. I'm sure FIFA 13 will be quality and likely more enjoyable than last year, thanks to the AI and first touch improvements, but at this point next gen can't arrive quick enough for me.
Describe in detail how each one is u have time

1st touch - Error applied to 1st touch last year every touch was pretty much a controlled touch without the need to really press the LB button which for me is meant to help with controlling an incoming pass, this year it's actually needed. It also applies error to incoming passes and can free up the ball for a 50/50 that would never have occurred last year, as well as improving 1st touch from big men like Dzeko who can now chest control it into space and pull the trigger to get those tricky goals other strikers of smaller stature are incapable of producing. It's the most obvious feature in this years game for me.

Impact engine - it was in FIFA 12 but it's has been refined/tested further and no seems to be a 2.0 without all the crazy glitches of last year as well as reducing the physical onslaught that was FIFA 12, as an example players like David Silva/Giovinco and Cassano and now you're biggest weapons last year they'd have been over powered because of the addition of this feature along with other issues within the game. They've just struck the perfect balance from what I've played so far and while their is some clipping most collisions and tumbles are very believable some of the best physical play I've seen in any sports game let alone football titles.

Controlled Dribbling - this is essentially last years skill dribble instead of only being able to go left or right you can go in any direction this year, as well as drag the ball forwards or backwards it does what it says essentially. You can use it the glide past defenders, create half a yard of space of hold the ball up and bait defenders in, and go for a 1v1 dribble or make a pass to an open player - now in the demo you don't get access to the very best (MESSI/Robben/Ribery/Ronaldo) but the players I mentioned before like Giovinco and even midfielders like Diaby are a pleasure to use with this feature - Nasri especially for me I've noticed. It has for more intricacies but I'd like to keep them to myself so I can rape online :SMUG:

Shooting - It's close to being at PES's level now I still say it's behind as there are still many more variables taken into account in PES but it's at a whole new level to anything FIFA has done before and it's certainly good enough now to compete with PES for sure. Now this is just the demo and some of the things I feel are lacking or are too easy may be ranked up/toned down so for now I'll just say the most realistic ball physics ever in a FIFA game but not a football game. The Final game could nail it.

1v1's, finesse shots, driven shots, volleys, half volleys, free kicks with top spin/back spin/dip they're all there to use and with the right players score from. It's just incredible compared to what I thought were sub standard ball physics in the last few years many have been happy with it but I definitely haven't. Now I am.

Attacking A.I well it's as good as PES 2013 in this department need I say more players make accurate runs no longer straying offside like a bunch of mugs, they may be too good as I've only been caught offside a handful of times in over 10 hours of gameplay. Diagonal runs/runs in behind, runs in between defenders. They're all shown in full glory and it's made the game far more enjoyable to play.

All in all they aren't huge gameplay features and thank god cos then we'd be waiting until next year for them to actually work out as planned. The most complete and compelling football experience of ''this gen'' is what I'd argue it still has some niggles of course but I don't think it'll get much better than this until PES 2014 perhaps.
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1st touch - Error applied to 1st touch last year every touch was pretty much a controlled touch without the need to really press the LB button which for me is meant to help with controlling an incoming pass, this year it's actually needed. It also applies error to incoming passes and can free up the ball for a 50/50 that would never have occurred last year, as well as improving 1st touch from big men like Dzeko who can now chest control it into space and pull the trigger to get those tricky goals other strikers of smaller stature are incapable of producing. It's the most obvious feature in this years game for me.

Impact engine - it was in FIFA 12 but it's has been refined/tested further and no seems to be a 2.0 without all the crazy glitches of last year as well as reducing the physical onslaught that was FIFA 12, as an example players like David Silva/Giovinco and Cassano and now you're biggest weapons last year they'd have been over powered because of the addition of this feature along with other issues within the game. They've just struck the perfect balance from what I've played so far and while their is some clipping most collisions and tumbles are very believable some of the best physical play I've seen in any sports game let alone football titles.

Controlled Dribbling - this is essentially last years skill dribble instead of only being able to go left or right you can go in any direction this year, as well as drag the ball forwards or backwards it does what it says essentially. You can use it the glide past defenders, create half a yard of space of hold the ball up and bait defenders in, and go for a 1v1 dribble or make a pass to an open player - now in the demo you don't get access to the very best (MESSI/Robben/Ribery/Ronaldo) but the players I mentioned before like Giovinco and even midfielders like Diaby are a pleasure to use with this feature - Nasri especially for me I've noticed. It has for more intricacies but I'd like to keep them to myself so I can rape online :SMUG:

Shooting - It's close to being at PES's level now I still say it's behind as there are still many more variables taken into account in PES but it's at a whole new level to anything FIFA has done before and it's certainly good enough now to compete with PES for sure. Now this is just the demo and some of the things I feel are lacking or are too easy may be ranked up/toned down so for now I'll just say the most realistic ball physics ever in a FIFA game but not a football game. The Final game could nail it.

1v1's, finesse shots, driven shots, volleys, half volleys, free kicks with top spin/back spin/dip they're all there to use and with the right players score from. It's just incredible compared to what I thought were sub standard ball physics in the last few years many have been happy with it but I definitely haven't. Now I am.

Attacking A.I well it's as good as PES 2013 in this department need I say more players make accurate runs no longer straying offside like a bunch of mugs, they may be too good as I've only been caught offside a handful of times in over 10 hours of gameplay. Diagonal runs/runs in behind, runs in between defenders. They're all shown in full glory and it's made the game far more enjoyable to play.

All in all they aren't huge gameplay features and thank god cos then we'd be waiting until next year for them to actually work out as planned. The most complete and compelling football experience of ''this gen'' is what I'd argue it still has some niggles of course but I don't think it'll get much better than this until PES 2014 perhaps.

Thanks for that...for first touch and controllled dribbling is it just a matter of pressing l1 on the control pad?
Thanks for that...for first touch and controllled dribbling is it just a matter of pressing l1 on the control pad?

1st touch can be done by holding sprint as you receive it, you risk having a poor touch and turning over possession but it can also create space you otherwise wouldn't have. Same for all other scenario's you can think of just by turning the analog stick a certain direction (without holding sprint)

Controlled Dribbling LT+RT or L2+R2 on PS3
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