RE: Custom settings. I messed about with a few just now and found the game to play really well.

I think the main one that made the difference was to lower Acceleration to 40. In Fifa 12, I felt doing that broke the game because defenders struggled to keep up with attackers on the ball. It doesn't seem problematic this time around and instead lessens the impact of no-momentum because it takes longer to get the ball under control and get away.

Shot Speed - 40
Pass Error - 60
GK Ability - 40
Injury Frequency - 60
Gamespeed - Slow

They were the others. The game doesn't feel as fast anymore.

Another Question: I'm usually a semi-manual player but I find it too hard to play anything but assisted v the CPU. It reminds me of the feeling of when I play against real-life assisted players because everything I do seems to take a bit longer than it takes them. Has anybody got a solution for that or is assisted the best way to play against the AI?
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The update doenst add players, only removes.. for ex: it takes Van persie out of Arsenal but doesnt add Cazorla, same with Cassano/Pazzini in Milan.

Ah the guy earlier said I could play with Cazorla with the update? I wonder why he said that?
Think the demo is fantastic! Ball physics better as are the overall feel of the players. Another year I'll be playing FIFA over PES
Yeah of how do you update squads I have pressed Y on the team select screen to turn matchday on or off but I still cant see Cazorla.

What do I need to do?! :DD

They deleted their earlier tweet about it and just tweeted this:

Gooners: we'll be doing our best to add Cazorla to MatchDay in the #FIFA13Demo later this week for you. Thanks for your patience.

So we wait.
They deleted their earlier tweet about it and just tweeted this:

Gooners: we'll be doing our best to add Cazorla to MatchDay in the #FIFA13Demo later this week for you. Thanks for your patience.

So we wait.

Ah cool :)) I thought I was going crazy
When i change settings there, rosters changes somewhat. RVP in Arsenal now :FAIL:

I had that happen by simply being offline on origin...

I'm loving the FIFA 13 demo I'm just waiting to see what the top tier players (Messi/Ronaldo and co feel like) the closest player in the demo to the type of players I could use were Reus and Van Persie.
Does the demo crash (after downloading and installing Origin and downloading the actual demo) when there is an attempt to start a match for somebody else too ?
To be honest I'm quite disappointed with the demo. Bought fifa last for the first time since the 90's and it was solid enough. But this year they made it play way too fast...if it stays like this online is going to be shite...and play more like nhl than a proper footy game.

While things are a bit smoother...the dribbling still sucks and players still glide around way too much.

Animations look great..definitely better than pes . However the game looks quite a bit arcadey. The player models look strange...with long legs and huge heads. The ball also seem too big in certain situation, again giving the game a coin op feel.

Defensive AI is way too passive and the D stand way too far from them plenty of time to control and turn and thus negating any effect of the heavier first touch. Didnt notice much friendly ai runs aside from down the flanks on the overlap.

Judging by the demo...I'm definitely going back to PES this year.
Liking the mistakes the computer is doing as well, really lifelike. When pressured and even misjudging high balls and them bouncing past the player. Very nice.

The lighting in night games is completely off though (Like somebody mentioned before) it looks as if a few floodlights are not working.

Also the way the players come together, players fall in more believable ways instead of that shitty stumbling motion before, where you couldn't react for a while afterwards.
The lighting in night games is completely off though (Like somebody mentioned before) it looks as if a few floodlights are not working.

Somehow I doubt it's any worse than PES.
Just had 3 games.

First touch is ace.The graphics have been touched up a little,Attacking ai is great and the pace of the game is slower.Also finesse shot aren't overpowered any more.

BTW player individuality has slowly been improving throughout the next gen fifas and now its pretty good. A Lot better then what it used to be.Playing with silva feels great.Toure plays just like he does in real life.

Only negative is that the defensive ai is worse then attacking.Can see it being abused online.
My two biggest beefs are that slow is still WAY too fast, and the midfield still doesn't give a shit. Once I've slowed the game down to acceptable levels I'll be better placed to judge the game.
Question - Last year, if you kept hold of LT and pressed X, you would do a lob cross which would go high in the air. How to you do it this year? I used that a lot last year.
Hmmm, I like it but it's not amazing.

Fluid is a good word to describe it, animations just feel good now. First touch works very well and can change the game at any point, it doesn't feel as robotic as it has done in the past.

Slow speed feels way too fast, players still feel like they glide around and the attacking AI is still poor.

It feels like FIFA 12.5 to me. Not entirely convinced it's worthy of claiming a years worth of development has gone into it because it just doesn't feel like as big an improvement as I'd like but the improvements it has made are still good.
played a few games and I dont like it.
Its way too fast even on slow. I had to check a few times to make sure I had set it to slow. Its like watching a game with your finger on the fast forward button.

One thing I did like were keepers. I really feel EA have nailed them. Also overall presentation/menus are great. Shame that where it matters - on the pitch - lets it down for me.
My impressions so far is that the first 2-3 games the feeling was positive. Now again I see what I didn't like about FIFA12. Still defenders cannot move like attackers. If you think about it, if you use the ballcarrier and perform a stepover and then turn 90 degrees to the side, the player will perform a sharp turn that way. Or use an attacker and just move left-right-left-right every balltouch in a sigsag pattern. Now control a non-ballcarrier and move in a similar fashion. I just find a sluggish response, with no possibility to move with the same snap as the attackers, when in fact they should move quicker, since they don't also have a ball to manipulate. This causes ballcarriers to just be able to dance around defenders alot of the time, and the defenders being unable to anything unless you move one directly into the path of the ballcarrier. This when stats between them are somewhat similar.
Very boring playing against's like playing against the same cpu opponent for the past 5 years. Cpu defenders are still perfect, make every tackle, back 4 never get out of shape....every team is the same, defends the variety.

There are a few minor improvements - manual lob passing can be hit further, first touch is apparent (but only for human controlled players, it seems that all cpu players have perfect first touch...and perfect dribbling, etc), and a few other things that I can't remember but aren't sufficiently significant to lift it beyond that feeling that it's basically still the same boring experience it's been for 5 years.

Tactics still non-existent.

I've come to the conclusion that sliders are a poor substitute for decent AI, proper player individuality (where stats actually have real depth of effect) and team differentiation (particularly in tactics). That said, they could have at least added a few more sliders, such as for first touch, dribbling, etc...but nope...exactly the same as last year....which is pretty much the main theme of this game.
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