FIFA 12 slider settings & discussion

I have found the key thing to improve the game!!!!

Positioning:Marking (and Positioning:Run Frequency + Positioning: Fullback Positioning- but these haves already been discussed in detail as it makes your players make more runs)

Noone has talked about the effect of Positioning:Marking in detail. And it has major effect on the gameplay IMO.

For me I hate how there is never any space for shots, moves gets real frustarting. Well I put this down to 40 for cpu on pro and was winning 5 minute games 8-0....I then realised that at 40 marking I had so much space for through balls I tired 49 then again I was having toruble to make chances and score.

So i try 48 and found it the sweet spot I get much more space and chances than 50 but still a hard/fair game overall.I may try 45-48 and play on world class also..I have only tired 40,48,49,50 on pro

Well this is what made the game more fun for me, less tight marking and more space but not too much.


user=cpu even same speed+acc...As IMO having more speed and accleration than cpu is just cheating and silly.

All I do is put cpu marking down to 48 and I get more time and space on ball but not so much to make it easy.

I also put my shot speed to 52 for long range shots more fun...cpu 50
My pass speed 60 to zip the ball about faster...cpu 50

I have being enjoying these games at this settings today:

Sprint Speed - 52/52
Acceleration - 52/52
Shot Error - 50/50
Pass Error - 50/50
Shot Speed - 52/50
Pass Speed - 60/50
Injury Frequency - 50/50
Injury Severity - 50/50
Goalkeeper Ability - 50/50
Positioning:Marking - 60/48
Positioning:Run Frequency - 80/60
Positioning: Line Height - 50/50
Positioning: Line Length - 60/60
Positioning: Line Width - 60/60
Positioning: Fullback Positioning - 60/60
Power Bar - 50/50

OIverall increase user run frequency and full back position and decrease CPU marking=more space and optiosn when attacking. As long as you set the numbers right and play on world class or pro you can have a fair but fun game ratehrt than the frustraitng games which I was having with fifa 12 earlier.

You can also have CPU at same speed and acceleration as you which I think is fair. To make game easier by making user faster is just cheating. Making your players make more runs and loosen the cpu marking is not such cheating IMO. When I have faster speed+acealtion than CPU its silly they can be 1v1 with aguero and I will have some slow CB catch up. Or I have slow forward outpace fast wing back. this is just silly and cheating and spoils realism for me. IMO speed+acc should be user=cpu
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The CPU can make twists and turns faster than a human, faster than is realistic, I don't consider it cheating at all to make the CPU 1 or 2 lower than human for acceleration.
The CPU can make twists and turns faster than a human, faster than is realistic, I don't consider it cheating at all to make the CPU 1 or 2 lower than human for acceleration.

I never noticed this?

They only make these fast twsit + turns on world class and legendary?

I have only tried a few games on world class. I been testing sliders on Pro.

I notice the great playrs liek C.ronaldo etc..make fast amaizng twist and turns but not when your playing average players.

However I also do think its silly when a ATT with speed 80+ is caught by a def with speed 55.

Or when your slow midfielder speed 55 rips past some 80+ speed full back.

maybe =speed but lower acceleration is not so bad?
Don't agree with you mate. Positioning revved up to 60 ended in a tight marking game just like epl games on tv. Yes it might be harder but look at how tight marking is on tv.

I also agree the CPU turns too quickly on professional too. Haven't found the sweet spot for them yet.
However I also do think its silly when a ATT with speed 80+ is caught by a def with speed 55.

Or when your slow midfielder speed 55 rips past some 80+ speed full back.

maybe =speed but lower acceleration is not so bad?

Yes I would agree that speed is best to be equal, I'm using 49/49 for speed.
Yeah I'd recommend having equal stats for user and CPU. This fast twisting and turning this is what I've tried to balance the most, and hit a sweet spot of 47/47 for acceleration and 49/49 for top speed. Speed is only higher because like I said, lowering it seems to screw with AI aggressiveness in its own box, even with evenly rated teams. But it isn't an issue because lower acceleration means players don't hit full stride that much anyways, because the settings mean they take longer to accelerate into top speed.

This is perfectly balanced now, I can keep pace with AI player movement and it looks far more toned down and realistic, but not too toned down. It makes the AI rely on passing and moving a lot more.

I still love this game, people criticise it by tarring it with the same brush as previous titles, but this is by far the best ever version because we have these options to tailor the game to our own tastes, but EA deserve so much credit for how much better the AI is. Unlike last year's game, it never seems to score the same goal twice against me. And I've never played a football game before where playing away to Barcelona felt so real, with me spending half the game manfully trying to cut off passing lanes, close down space and chasing the ball to the point where they had over 60% of the possession :)
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Believe me I did the same when I brought my arsenal team to old trafford, Stamford bridge and white hart lane!
Haha it's cool isn't it!

The line height slider really transforms the game for me. Those midfield battles are brilliant. I'm a little concerned about the line height meaning that players can get through on goal a little bit too much, but it hasn't happened a massive amount. And when I think about it, a huge part of goals scored in real football occur by one team getting in behind another's defence, or springing the offside trap etc.

I kind of felt like some goals I scored might have been avoided had the defensive line of the AI been just a fraction deeper, but generally it looks bang on for where a defensive line should be. It enables full backs to join the midfield play far easier, closing down is fairly crisp, but I might still lower it slightly down from 68/68 just to reduce by a tiny margin the number of times you can get clear of the last man, be it a CB or FB on the wings. Just hope doing that doesn't mean the midfield will stretch out again, on 68/68 I love those close midfield battles.

Has anyone else tried the line height at around 68? How has anyone else found the defensive lines being sprung at this number?
Don't agree with you mate. Positioning revved up to 60 ended in a tight marking game just like epl games on tv. Yes it might be harder but look at how tight marking is on tv.

I also agree the CPU turns too quickly on professional too. Haven't found the sweet spot for them yet.

for me I was making the game more fun. realistic or not I guess not?

I like the game a bit faster, more powerful shots and more chances.

Maybe its less realistic but I found playing on normal marking just makes me frustrated all the time as its so hard to make chances.
LTFC, I'm really enjoying your sliders, with a few alterations. At first I found them too easy (mainly being able to dribble past the CPU too easily) so I switched back to my old ones but I've tried them again tonight and bumped the AI up to Legendary and it's great. I've also increased pass speed to 55 and shot speed back to 50 but I think that's just a personal preference.
Im still settling in to a solid set of slider settings.

The speed is the main issue for me, i keep having to weak it, but around the 46-49 mark seems about right, you always feel the weight of the different players too, i.e carragher compared to someone like Downing.

The is everyones sliders looking for this. I might have my error setting too high on this at the moment. I cant seem to do finesse shots. i know it says it doesnt effect finesse shots but for some reason my finesse shots are high and wild.

Any tips?

i might need to slightly up shot speed too. What slider makes the shots bobble more? error?

BTW had a great game between Blackburn and Wimbledon, really surprising, very FA Cup like, won 2-1 but they had a real go and in no way where like a mini real madrid, very realistic and they scored a nice goal from a low cross. Game is fantastic.
At a guess i'd say it's error yeah, seems to do that with passing so I don't see why it'd be any different with shooting.

I played as Bayern last night for the first time and noticed Ribery and Robben were so overpowered down the wings, they could hammer past players and keep going for 50-60 yards sometimes. Is this an issue with altering speed settings or just a fault with the game? My acceleration of 47/47 and speed of 49/49 shouldn't be causing an issue as it seems balanced everywhere else.

Are overpowered sprinters just a bit of a fault with the game? Stuff like this is hard to tell once you've been messing around with some of the game's mechanics.
I think I may have found the sweet spot with regards to speed and acceleration.

I play on professional with arsenal on career mode. User speed and acceleration are both set to 49 while CPU acceleration is set to 1 lower at 48 while speed remains at 49.

Try them. You feel the weight of your own players, really almost every player plays different in my arsenal side. And yet the CPU can't do weird turns. It's almost perfectly balanced I might say. I have both positioning set to 60 and it's so rewarding to break through.

I think I may have been wrong when I though pes2011 was pes6's successor to me. I think it's fifa12 rather. Enjoying every game though I'm terrible in the league, sitting on 14th. But let's keep our hands together that new signings ozil and Johnson helps us up!
Pretty surprised we have pes12 lovers posting 'insults' based on doing skill moves with d2 players when their own game is in total shambles. Made me not want to post in the main thread anymore.
Is there a consensus as to what settings replicate the "game" or is this still a work in progress. I wonder if it matters what league you play. I notice a big difference between the EPL and La Liga and Serie A.
Try my sliders for fast/fun but still hard realistic game

Sprint Speed - 51/51
Acceleration - 51/51
Shot Error - 50/50
Pass Error - 50/50
Shot Speed - 52/50
Pass Speed - 60/50
Injury Frequency - 50/50
Injury Severity - 50/50
Goalkeeper Ability - 50/50
Positioning:Marking - 55/48
Positioning:Run Frequency - 80/70
Positioning: Line Height - 50/50
Positioning: Line Length - 60/50
Positioning: Line Width - 60/55
Positioning: Fullback Positioning - 60/55
Power Bar - 50/50

Let me know what you think guys!!

I recommend you try it and get back to me.
Is there a consensus as to what settings replicate the "game" or is this still a work in progress. I wonder if it matters what league you play. I notice a big difference between the EPL and La Liga and Serie A.

To be honest I don't think there will be any particular settings, what one person likes another begs to differ etc etc. But you're right, the different leagues do play differently. With my slider settings the games in the Premier League in CM are quite fast, scrappy, both teams constantly attacking, whereas whenever I play with Spanish teams the game on the same settings feels totally different, it's more of a slower, more considered midfield battle rather than a scrap. To be honest I prefer the gameplay between Spanish teams than English ones in the game.
Just a random thought. Try a game against Swansea on professional. They're amazing held the ball just like in real life when they went to the emirates.

On the other hand, teams do play differently to me. Some try to dominate while I had fa cup teams happy to just pump the ball up and hope.

Had friendly games against Argentina. They're absolutely scary to play against the way they hold and pass the ball around.

My sliders are not very different from many here though.
I noticed earlier in the thread that one poster who uses all manual settings has his pass error slider set to 0. I have done that as well. What settings are you guys using for passing? Total manual or semi? I use no pass assistance full manual. I do use semi for shooting.
Really confused with my sliders now, kind of getting it in a muddle. I upped the marking to about 75-80 and increased player runs to 65, then it was a bit scrappy as everyone was tightly marked in the middle of the pitch, but I kept having players break through the AI defence too often as they'd be marking the man rather than the space, and were too high up for the increased player runs.

So, I reduced the line height down to 58 and it seems a little better, but I have no idea what to do with player marking and runs.

I have noticed that increasing player runs seems to also increase the aggressiveness of shooting, seen more long range shots with that slider.
Really confused with my sliders now, kind of getting it in a muddle. I upped the marking to about 75-80 and increased player runs to 65, then it was a bit scrappy as everyone was tightly marked in the middle of the pitch, but I kept having players break through the AI defence too often as they'd be marking the man rather than the space, and were too high up for the increased player runs.

So, I reduced the line height down to 58 and it seems a little better, but I have no idea what to do with player marking and runs.

I have noticed that increasing player runs seems to also increase the aggressiveness of shooting, seen more long range shots with that slider.

Aside from the speed and acceleration sliders I think after a few months the sliders will have to be adjusted for every team you play. Any setting for shooting speed much over 51-52 is just too powerful. The AI plays a pretty good defense if you try to attack through the middle like I do.
To be honest there are only a few settings I want to change now, I have speed and shot/passing etc all down exactly how I like it. I just need to refine the balance between attack and defence.

I'm basically trying to get a settings where the games will play out in midfield without the constant counter attacking you get on the default settings. At the same time though, I'd like the AI to throw just a few more men in their attacks, and likewise for me. It's a really difficult juggling act, if you increase line height and marking to make things tighter in midfield, then both teams break clear of the defence far too often.

I experimented by putting marking right up to 100 just to see what happened, and it made the game crazily easy. Players were so tight that I could almost tackle my way through their team and they'd have no-one covering. Trying to strike that balance between the AI marking tightly, closing down space yet covering space behind them is tough :(
To be honest there are only a few settings I want to change now, I have speed and shot/passing etc all down exactly how I like it. I just need to refine the balance between attack and defence.

I'm basically trying to get a settings where the games will play out in midfield without the constant counter attacking you get on the default settings. At the same time though, I'd like the AI to throw just a few more men in their attacks, and likewise for me. It's a really difficult juggling act, if you increase line height and marking to make things tighter in midfield, then both teams break clear of the defence far too often.

I experimented by putting marking right up to 100 just to see what happened, and it made the game crazily easy. Players were so tight that I could almost tackle my way through their team and they'd have no-one covering. Trying to strike that balance between the AI marking tightly, closing down space yet covering space behind them is tough :(

HOnestly tyr my settings. Its want you want. But maybe faster. Then mod my settings.

My games are so life like and minimal silly counter goals if any at all.

Just try it for a 2-3 games and get back to me, you wont die lol.

I really swear by these settings the game plays so well. Just how you want, good cover in defense not hardcore tight marking so can eventually make/find gaps/space to play and no silly long punt counter attack goals. More realistic counters.
HOnestly tyr my settings. Its want you want. But maybe faster. Then mod my settings.

My games are so life like and minimal silly counter goals if any at all.

Just try it for a 2-3 games and get back to me, you wont die lol.

I really swear by these settings the game plays so well. Just how you want, good cover in defense not hardcore tight marking so can eventually make/find gaps/space to play and no silly long punt counter attack goals. More realistic counters.

I see you set the Power Bar at 50. Since I play manual passing I find this a little too low. I like it better at 60-65. What kind of passing are you currently using? No passing assistance full manual or some type of semi assist?
I see you set the Power Bar at 50. Since I play manual passing I find this a little too low. I like it better at 60-65. What kind of passing are you currently using? No passing assistance full manual or some type of semi assist?

ill be honest I went from semi to fully assisted passing. I was having trouble usign the anaolg stick even on semi passing and often misplacing passes. For me assisted passing is fine, some places are still misplaced and some passes are intercepted but I can also zip the ball about fast and quite easy at times. I want a fun game as well as simulation for me I was making far to many errors with manual/semi passign and it was annoying me I put it to assisted and just get on with it. As for shooting defo on semi for that and crosses on semi etc....

I want people to try my settings. Ill be honest i didnt have a clue about sliders I got settigns from dude here who told me he made game like we9 pes5. I tried it but it still had issues. I modified it slightly and man it was just beautiful. The games I play are so real.

I play a good team they socre there chances all the time so maybe need to increase shot error but aart from that its sweet.

My games are played with passing in the middle of the park or up the wing. I dribble, pass about and wait for space and make chances, sometimes I score long rangers, if cpu atacks I get counter chances but its not so easy or often and likewise for cpu on counters etc...The CPU on this setting also attacks very well with good teams. When I play crap teams not so good but thats what I like it feels rel. For exmaple in my career with lazio. I wing 2=0 away to catania then get beat 3-0 away to milan then draw 3-3 at home to roma etc....results and games are so real. Agaisnt Ac milan Pato scored a hat trick and he only had 4 chacnes whole game. CLinical finshing. But I play Catania same team gets a few dcent chncaes but they miss as not as clinical as pato. Individuality is so true in this game for me now.

TBH i can talk and talk but best is to try it otu.

however I notice many people here want slower game and set speed to slow or reuce spped/acceleration settinngs. My game is faster. But I find default FIFA to slow and dull my game is like fun fun fun but still plays out reaslitcally.

I have not even done much experimation with several slides only a few so may change it further but right now Im lovign the game and if you look at my earlier posts before I knew about sliders I hated the game. I played for 14 hours striaght the other day. That says somehthing.

I wish you all try my sldders for a few games just to see. And judge for yourself. And get back to me
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I'm getting better with the full manual passing game. I played semi first off. While it is a bit harder playing manual passing you can play the ball ahead I don't think it's possible using any kind of assists even semi.
I'm getting better with the full manual passing game. I played semi first off. While it is a bit harder playing manual passing you can play the ball ahead I don't think it's possible using any kind of assists even semi.

For me personaly I have no issues with passing, through balls I can place where I want, assisted passes most often go to players I want, long balls when I want, drilled long balls when i want, lofted through balls placed exatly where I want, crosses kinda placed where I want. And this is a mix off asssisted and semi. I dotn feel a need for manual for me personally expcept for shooting though I find assisted good enough.

For me the passing off this game is fine all round manual offers me nothign off benefit and I find that on the analog stick i can be a few degres off the right angle and the pass msipaled too easy. It just annoyed me. passing out for a throwm in when the player was right nxt to me on touchline etc..
ive just invested in a new Pc and I must say FIFA looks amazing on problem is that copying the XBOX sliders I had istnt the same, it appears to be more enhanced on the PC. EG passing error at 65 on the PC seems far more error prone..anyone got any sliders for the PC ?
How much better does the PC version look to consoles mate? I've been thinking of investing in a gaming PC for a while.
How much better does the PC version look to consoles mate? I've been thinking of investing in a gaming PC for a while.

i played at my mates on ps3 hdtv whereas I have pc 1080p on mines and 4x AA.

Its hard to say without side by side evaluation but when I go to my mates I think this looks crap compared to mine.

Then when I come home and play mine Im like :)):)):)) Sweet!!

Fifa on ps3 prob plays at less than 720p 560 or some crap with no AA

However, it is not bad. Its not horrible it just like take any game and double or triple the resolution, obviously it will look better.
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