FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Still heard nor seen anything yet to interest me in FIFA 12 but I'll still download the demo like every year.

EA need a kick up the arse, a year where FIFA's sales completely flop... Like that's ever going to happen now though with the amount of fanboys who'll shell out their cash without a thought...

You mean like removed all the mocapped animations and reduced all player faces to 4 polygons? ;)
Out of all of the things PES does differently/better, that's what you pick out?

I just hope you were joking...
I like what I've seen by PES so far. I hope the fluidity between controlling and passing the ball has been addressed, and then I can leave FIFA for a year for them to sort themselves out.

EA need one year of shite sales to wake up. I doubt my sale will count but if Gamescom is more "EA Logo CLUB +" then i'm done really.
I bet this years edition will sell more than last year, it takes a clear 1 or 2 iterations of PES being better before it catches on with the casuals and even then FIFA may have made the perfect game for casuals to ever want to revert back.
I bet this years edition will sell more than last year, it takes a clear 1 or 2 iterations of PES being better before it catches on with the casuals and even then FIFA may have made the perfect game for casuals to ever want to revert back.

To be honest I think everything's now just gone back to the old status quo. PES is the more technical, realistic game, FIFA is flashy and full of gimmicks but doesn't play too realistically once you get into it for a while. FIFA always sold more copies off this basis, and it always will. I just hope Konami can pull back some customers to make EA sit up and take notice, because from the evidence of this year's build ups, EA look like they've taken it for granted that everyone will cream themselves over their game again.

Unless they show some kind of gameplay videos, I'll download that demo fully expecting FIFA11.2, and nothing more than that. Given how much EA like to brag, the fact that they'e not saying or showing anything is odd.
Do players get paid to be on the cover of FIFA, or is it sort of like the Madden cover deal (not the most recent voting) where a player often requests to be on the cover? Or at the very least it's not an issue of "x player wants too much money..."?

I ask because Kaka is, once again one of the worldwide cover athletes even though he hasn't played a meaningful game in how long? And even when he has played he's not been much of a factor.

PES has Messi, but as of right now it looks like Cristiano Ronaldo (no matter how much you dislike him) would maybe be a good guy to throw on the worldwide cover no? It just strikes me as odd that Kaka has been on the cover for the past 2 seasons (I think?) and features heavily in promotional materials (yes he's still got the "I belong to jesus, always smiling" thing going for him) when he's largely irrelevant.
Messi is no longer. Looks like Ronaldo will be the cover star for PES. I know with FIFA they have different covers for different regions. Tim Cahill will be on the Aussie cover with Rooney and someone else.
Looking for a list of FIFA 12 sliders.. :(

me too. hope they don't change their mind and take sliders out this time...

These are what were in the July Build we played...

One big addition to 12 is the ability to tinker with a limited amount of the games mechanics, below is a list of all the sliders in the game:

These are available to adjust both the User and CPU...

Sprint Speed
Acceleration Speed
Shot Error (normal shots only)
Pass Error
Shot Speed (normal shots only)
Pass Speed
Injury Frequency
Injury Severity
GoalKeeper ability
Positioning: Marking
Positioning: Run Frequency
Positioning: defensive line height
Positioning: defensive line length
Positioning: Defensive line width
Positioning: Fullback Positioning
I wonder how they have balanced it Nick...If you put shot speed to max and leave the goalie ability at normal does that mean he won't be able to save the very hard shots? As he should have a slower reaction? Or will he also speed up his reactions to save the shot, with ability being always related to shot speed...
Interesting set of sliders. Would like to see how they work in application. Sometimes the passing on FIFA is just too slow. You shouldn't be able to ping pong passes across the pitch without the players being in the right body shape etc, but if you're playing a straight pass, the ball takes a week to reach its target sometimes. If you look at PES, even though ball physics can be a bit off, it really feels like there is some weight behind it with most passes or shots.
Was it Rod who said in his playtest impressions that some of those slider attributes look like they oughta be in the team formation/tactics section instead? I think he's right...especially with regards to defensive positioning because those in particular are the ones I'd like to control on per-match basis instead of application-wide
Thank you Nick, been looking for those but they got lost in dozens of pages here. Have you tinkered with them at all and if you have is the difference between 0 and 10 significant enough to affect the game?
If so then FIFA might (with a bit of tinkering) be a much, much better game then it is out of the box. For instance I hated manual on FIFA 11 because the pass speed was pathetic, this could mend that, giving me a game I could enjoy more. Almost all those options could help me fix one of many problems that plague FIFA since FIFA 10.
Thank you Nick, been looking for those but they got lost in dozens of pages here. Have you tinkered with them at all and if you have is the difference between 0 and 10 significant enough to affect the game?
If so then FIFA might (with a bit of tinkering) be a much, much better game then it is out of the box. For instance I hated manual on FIFA 11 because the pass speed was pathetic, this could mend that, giving me a game I could enjoy more. Almost all those options could help me fix one of many problems that plague FIFA since FIFA 10.

They can make a big difference, didn't have time to do too many fine tuning tweaks but if you just bluntly whack them up and down you can break the game and end up with players making Usain Bolt look slow and rocket shots aplenty, the Positioning ones will take time to work through but it's a start and with some tinkering you could make the game better suit your style or taste...
I wonder how they have balanced it Nick...If you put shot speed to max and leave the goalie ability at normal does that mean he won't be able to save the very hard shots? As he should have a slower reaction? Or will he also speed up his reactions to save the shot, with ability being always related to shot speed...

Good question, the shots I was hitting mostly went over as I was trying to see just how hard and fast they would go on full slider and decent power, I did score some crackers too but it was late in the day so hard to tell if the Keepers stats adapt. Tried hitting the same shot in the same place four times and the keeper never got to any, though from memory only two went in and one hit the post I think...
Good question, the shots I was hitting mostly went over as I was trying to see just how hard and fast they would go on full slider and decent power, I did score some crackers too but it was late in the day so hard to tell if the Keepers stats adapt. Tried hitting the same shot in the same place four times and the keeper never got to any, though from memory only two went in and one hit the post I think...

Where did the remaining one go Nick :P
These are what were in the July Build we played...

One big addition to 12 is the ability to tinker with a limited amount of the games mechanics, below is a list of all the sliders in the game:

These are available to adjust both the User and CPU...

Sprint Speed
Acceleration Speed
Shot Error (normal shots only)
Pass Error
Shot Speed (normal shots only)
Pass Speed
Injury Frequency
Injury Severity
GoalKeeper ability
Positioning: Marking
Positioning: Run Frequency
Positioning: defensive line height
Positioning: defensive line length
Positioning: Defensive line width
Positioning: Fullback Positioning

Thanks for the info nick! :)

My concern is to create a good cpu to play against me using full manual controls. So basically these sliders can make the trick. Hope they´re on the demo so we can test them!
sorry those are not all sliders, those a are mostly tactics... also sliders in other EA games are not that dramatic and have little effect on gameplay as a whole... they wont add soul to the players..
Sorry to go off topic but just a quick question re the World Cup game.

Playing in a qualification tournament, I noted that my squad has no reserves listed anymore but has a bunch of weird numbers there and if I try entering the team management screen (even without making changes) as soon as I enter the arena, waiting for the game to load, it just freezes and I have to power off the Xbox.

Anyone encounter this before? I wonder if it happened because too many of my players are carrying injuries? I do have a full complement of players on the bench...just can't see anyone on the reserves list.

I don't care about the reserves but it's altered my starting line up to have two goalkeepers...both of which are on the pitch! I have to make subs by pausing from the initial kick off.
Your file is corrupt. The bug is related to Custom Formations in some way, and it has been present since at least FIFA 09. In FIFA 11 the way to avoid it is to never save & quit while a Custom Formation is assigned as a team's current formation (i.e. always assign the default before saving), because next time you load you might have goalkeepers with no name and jibberish squad numbers. Once that happens there's no fixing it.

It might just be your Qualification Tournament save game that is corrupt, or it might be your whole Squads file. If it's the latter, you'll have to lose any editing you've done by resetting it.

Given that formation editing doesn't appear to have changed at all for this year (as far as I know), my money's on this bug being in FIFA 12 too.
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Thanks for that. Yeah come to think of it I did make some minor mods to my formation and saved it as a custom one. So I can try assigning the default formation and saving it or there's no hope now?

It doesn't matter...I got the cheevo for qualifying with Australia..even though I couldnt use Harry Kewell or Tim Cahill for the last few games!

I will check out some of the other squads and see how they look. I don't mind resetting it as I've not edited much really, outside of creating myself as a player.
wow, has the artist finally got off his arse and made the sleeves properly?? :o looks good.
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