FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Well they keep releasing tuner sets for Fight Night Champion which is the same kind of thing and it seems with more tuner sets they break more stuff and piss off more and more people, really is a shambles so I hope fifa doesn't follow.
Well they keep releasing tuner sets for Fight Night Champion which is the same kind of thing and it seems with more tuner sets they break more stuff and piss off more and more people, really is a shambles so I hope fifa doesn't follow.

At least in NHL we can choose the tuner we want to play with before the games, unless it´s an online match that obviously uses the latest tuner. I wonder why in Fifa or FNC isn´t that way too.
Um, yeah, not really sure what at all can be gleamed from that video other than confirming that I definitely don't understand Russian.
Love how EA are adding "flair passing" when normal passing and movement in their game is FAR from adequate.
Quick couple of questions for those lucky enough to have played the new version of FIFA so far:

1) have any improvements been made to player switching? Probably my single biggest non gameplay flaw is the crap player switching (always bringing back a forward when a midfielder is running on to it, changing my player for me during corners when my settings are on manual etc). If not, did anyone bring this up?

2) VPs, Clubs - I know it doesn't normally get much coverage but I don't suppose anyone asked whether this utter abomination would be balanced this year?

3) last year EA claimed that certain things could be tinkered with server side to provide better service when something was wrong as opposed to going through the slow patch/certification process. Spike has alluded to it above in relation to the slider settings. Did they say how much or what they could change? Obviously code changes will always require a patch but I'm eager to understand how many more variables they can alter in comparison to Joe public when "live patching".

Personally I see FIFA 11 under the hood with some glossy new features. The latest pro evo videos on the other hand have me thinking that it is making good progress towards being the definitive football simulation.

Thanks to any g.c who takes the time to answer!


Riche :)
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1) Felt pretty similar
2) No idea, want to know desperately myself
3) Well, there was some hitch with that happening last year and I haven't heard much implying it's changed this year either
1) Felt pretty similar
2) No idea, want to know desperately myself
3) Well, there was some hitch with that happening last year and I haven't heard much implying it's changed this year either

Big shame to me that player switching is likely to be just as bad in FIFA 12. Despite the huge gameplay flaws in 11 the issue of player switching has risen pretty close to the top of my list of complaints during the year. The manual switch isn't actually manual at all, the game loves to pull forwards and midfielders out of position to collect a pass, even when a team mate is closer and in most cases running into space. I experience this all the time playing full manual. That's made me even less optimistic than I was already, when I heard that AI was put in last which made me think instantly it's just pre set patterns put in as an afterthought. It's likely in that case that I'll be just as fed up of the predictable movement of the players next year as I was this year (unless I finally make the switch back to pes for the first time in 4 years).

Thanks Xaor for clearing that up though. I don't suppose anyone made a point of player switching needing some refinement in the play tests, or was it never an issue?

Riche :)
This guy on the EA forum.


He said this after watching the video there with Micha Richards vs the Vancouver Whitecaps guy on FIFA:

-These two guys barely know anything about soccer (You can see it on their playstyles, behaviour etc etc.)

Yes, Micha Richards knows Nothing about soccer according to this guy :CONFUSE:

He's only a full international and Premier League player? Nope, he knows nothing!

I think the fact he didn't know who Micha Richards is speaks volumes in itself!
This guy on the EA forum.


He said this after watching the video there with Micha Richards vs the Vancouver Whitecaps guy on FIFA:

Yes, Micha Richards knows Nothing about soccer according to this guy :CONFUSE:

He's only a full international and Premier League player? Nope, he knows nothing!

I think the fact he didn't know who Micha Richards is speaks volumes in itself!

not sure if this has been posted but Man City unveiled their new home kit through FIFA 12. Vid shows City's stadium ingame and new faces for the starting 11 (milner, hart, kolarov etc)
here is a youtube version
YouTube - FIFA 12 - New Trailer - Advertising New Home Kit + the big deal with Manchester City
The man city vid was nice. It's such a shame the love for 8way tech is going to be such a slow process. It really does look great. The player bodies are better in PES though. I prefer the "stances" of PES players too. Stuff like the shooting, the passing and the way the players react off the ball (little things like how the shrug and look down at their boots etc). PES gets it in that regard. Some nice shots in the vid though.
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This guy on the EA forum.


He said this after watching the video there with Micha Richards vs the Vancouver Whitecaps guy on FIFA:

Yes, Micha Richards knows Nothing about soccer according to this guy :CONFUSE:

He's only a full international and Premier League player? Nope, he knows nothing!

I think the fact he didn't know who Micha Richards is speaks volumes in itself!

Most of professioal players only play football games intersted on the "fun" side of the game, not much about realism like hardcore fans. They probably even think that realism on video games is stupid, since they play in reality in professional level. They surely don't have much time to play video games also.

So i always thought that the argument that says "some player - put a name of a very famous player here - play Fifa, therefore Fifa is the most realistic" is pure bullshit (same thing for pes). This stupid argument is much used for some brazilians idiots in forums.
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It's a shame EA are so intent on milking this series for all it's worth. It shouldn't take £million deals to get each team scanned. I'd like them to just get the passion into their game for once and just try and make it as authentic an experience as they can. This is actually getting ridiculous.

I always say this but the tech is in the wrong hands. We'd be in heaven if konami had all the tech @ EA's disposal.
Would it be naive to suggest there's many on here who understand more about football than Micah Richards?

I know he's a Prem footballer and all, but he's always striked me as more of an athlete than an intelligent player. You could argue if he could read the game well he'd be unstoppable with his physique and ability.
Most of professioal players only play football games intersted on the "fun" side of the game, not much about realism like hardcore fans. They probably even think that realism on video games is stupid, since they play in reality in professional level. They surely don't have much time to play video games also.

So i always thought that the argument that says "some player - put a name of a very famous player here - play Fifa, therefore Fifa is the most realistic" is pure bullshit (same thing for pes). This stupid argument is much used for some brazilians idiots in forums.

I think your right mate

Your point proved her by F1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton.

Look! he drives like a wanker on this F1 game, not surprised he dosen't take the game seriously. whats the point? A video game can't compare to actually driving the thing.

YouTube - Lewis Hamilton plays Codemasters' F1 2010 game

Same with a footballer, playing PES or FIFA isn't close to actually playing top level football.

=I always say this but the tech is in the wrong hands. We'd be in heaven if konami had all the tech @ EA's disposal.

If Seabass had EA tech they would bitchslap every single videogame which has ever existed! It'll be the best game of all time by SOME margin.

The whole 8 way photo thing is typical EA. Tech is brilliant, execution is brilliant but can't be reproduced in mass over the whole game! Costs too much money. Takes up too much time. So in the end it's just not effective.

I can see the same thing happening to Impact Engine. tech is great, can product some uncanny realism but also a huge exploit off the ball and at times could turn matches into a destruction derby. With players falling over and getting injured for minor contact.

I wonder if EA ever actually think things through and look at all the pitfalls! EA seem to think "OMG, we need to put this in the game!" and charge at it without thinking of how it could fail.

Would it be naive to suggest there's many on here who understand more about football than Micah Richards?

I know he's a Prem footballer and all, but he's always striked me as more of an athlete than an intelligent player. You could argue if he could read the game well he'd be unstoppable with his physique and ability.

I actually agree with your point there. Micah isn't the most intelligent defender which is true. Very much relies on his physical ability. There are people who aren't professionals who i wouldn't be surprised that they understood more about defensive positioning than he does.

Still, he's a professional footballer so he knows a good deal more than most about football. He's still a decent defender.

Needless to say, even if I'm being polite that egengurkan dosen't know what the fuck he's talking about :)
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It's not so much a question of whether they understand football, I'm sure they do, it's a question of whether they are any better judges of whether FIFA is a good game than anyone else. The reality is that Theo Walcott is a much better footballer than he is a video game connoisseur, same with Richards, Messi, Wilshere, or Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. They are footballers, and casual gamers to boot: most men of their generation are, and they are lucky enough to have a game quite literally designed about them. Add to that the fat endorsement cheques which no doubt followed Wayne Rooney's twitter outbursts and Wilshere's insincere spiel about how FIFA can teach you which feet players use. I doubt they'd necessarily want to play a football simulation if it did exist: if you live and breathe the harsh (and sometimes dull) realities of football, you probably don't want to be treated to it translated onto a gamepad while you're trying to relax and enjoy yourself. There is something to be said for an accessible, fun, and authentic football game - but I don't think FIFA 11 is that anymore than it is an accessible, deep and authentic football simulation.

The problem with the whole way the industry, media, and base perceives FIFA right now is they do it without criticism - it asserts an authority to the view that FIFA is a game with brilliant gameplay: it isn't. It isn't for a casual gamer, for an online player, or for a football purist: it was the best for a couple of years when being the best didn't mean that much and the industry, the media, and the fans/fanboys got way, way ahead of themselves in praising it up. The reality as most people on this forum are acutely aware is that, considering where PES was in 2005, and where FIFA was in 2007, it is absolutely alarming just how little things have improved with FIFA 11 and PES 2011 in 2010.
If Seabass had EA tech they would bitchslap every single videogame which has ever existed! It'll be the best game of all time by SOME margin.

I was so impressed with the approach PES2012 has made with their recent vids that i'm considering writing a lengthy post on just how far EA is off the mark.

Konami are talking about player runs, movement and positioning. EA talk about players falling over "better", yet more features we won't care about in a year and player faces.

Mr. Rutter even went as far to say that the AI is the last thing that goes in". It's the most important part of a football game imo. Sensible soccer is seriously a more intelligent game of football than FIFA11.

With regard to player faces, people told me over and over that it's too hard to fly around capturing player faces for teams. I argue that capturing the top four teams of the top 4 leagues in 3 years isn't really that hard. As soon as Man City waved their Riyals @ EA Peter Moore was on the next plane.

Top teams deserve accuracy with their likenesses. Full Stop. It's that simple. EA are clearly capable of producing the authenticity. Infact it's the least they could do seeing as we seem to be getting FIFA11 with a slightly improved manager mode, interactive leagues (which is the same as the world cup game online) and more orangic... falling over..

EA are the patrons of the most coveted licence in football "FIFA". They need to start loving that fact. I actually thought that they'd have devised a way of seeing the difference in all team's play by now. Simple templates of:

poor team:
- aggressive inaccurate tackle
- long shots
- long ball
- shor build up

excellent team:
- short passes
- counter attack
- overlapping runs
- diagonal runs

etc etc and just stamp it onto teams. they have the tech right there. It's in Team Management set up but they DON'T use it. So frustrating. Instead the priority seems to be buzzwords and money spinning schemes.

I predict the man city deal will be incredibly divisive. I know people who won't buy the game if too much love is shown to one team.

Good post mate. I actually played some FIFA 10 World Cup before and noticed some of the player falls looked EXACTLY the same as the collision video for FIFA 12. So I wonder why the hype and investment to make minor improvements to something that is already overpowered, yet they can't get the offensive/defensive balance right, nor any real intelligence in off the ball movement.
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