FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Yep, 09 for me offered the best balance between weight and momentum of player vs speed or reactions. 360 was introduced in 10 and has made the game poorer for it imo.

I've always felt the importance of 360 degree movement was overplayed. It's added very little to my experiences of FIFA and PES. All that's needed is 16 or 32 directions accompanied by smooth animation transitions. That's enough to convey a believable sense of freedom while retaining a defined sense of control over the players.
PES is a strange one, they really didn't do the game speed settings properly meaning I've found the faster the game speed, the more responsive players seem to be in relation to your joypad commands. It's a major flaw in the game. But either way, PES generally allows you the time to think about what you're going to do, right down to where to take your first touch. I'm not sure how anyone can call this year's PES arcadey though, PES2010 yes, but this one, no. Maybe if you use the top teams in the world then ramp up the game speed to maximum, then it would look really arcade like I'd imagine, but I'd be amazed at people choosing that speed. Players run like a video recording on fast forward.

Going back to FIFA, it felt really really bizarre. Not just the speed of the players themselves, but the sheer amound of players who were 'bunching', for lack of a better word, and it made it seem totally unrealistic. Players somehow get sucked into little huddles, people even fall over each other it gets so congested, and turnover of possession was insane, even when you comfortably win. Spending a while away from the game really highlights the problems FIFA has with homing missile defending, and other cheap tricks the game uses to make it more difficult. How FIFA 12 is going to fix this is anyone's guess. I don't think it will personally, but one can always hope. I know I always bleat on about World Cup 2010, but while it was, in many ways, more arcadey than 11, somehow it played a more fluid and less artifical looking game of football.

I cant agree with that LT, PES 2010 was as hardcore as it comes. So much so, the majority were put off by it. Only those who put a silly amount of time into it reaped the benefits and realised its huge depth. PES 2009 was quite 'Arcadey' in comparison. PES 2008 was even more so, and just a pure shambles. In my opinion.
I felt that PES2010 was more hardcore, but less realistic. It completely overdid a lot of the limitations on the players, particularly in terms of responsiveness. It just wasn't in keeping with the capabilities of the professional footballers it was meant to be mimicking. There is a point beyondwhich I'm not happy to accept player ability being nerfed for the sake of balancing a game, and PES 2010 crossed way beyond it.

That said PES 2011 does give players too much ability in terms of short passing. Blind passes over distances of 10 yards or so are too effective across the board. Hopefully the big PES news will include an update on the passing, which they should be more confidentabout reining in now that the semi-assisted bridge has been crossed.

Edit: that word again - nerfed. Not 'needed'. Big difference, autocorrect.
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PES 2010 had a lot of great sim functional elements to it. What spoiled that to an extent was the sprinting (tron running etc..) Stuff like that and it was very broken!

I liked it though! Layed the foundations AI wise of PS 2011 and will for PES 2012
I'll do an OCR then google translation, will be pretty rough....

Scratch that it makes no sense, weird language ;)
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Btw. someone in EA forums said that David Rutter said on the press conference
in Vancouver that he is "The line producer of PS3, XBox360 and PC".
So I really hope this is an indication that Fifa 12 is finally the same on PC as on consoles :)
And that the liar Ian Jarvis is gone for good.
Ian is definitly still in as he already confirmed in EA forums but
maybe he is only responsible for the PC specific features like
LAN mode, Voice over IP, button art and so on. Hopefully nothing
important like he screwed up the Fifa 11 LAN mode :TTTH:
I did some translating, but the Google one keeps deleting stuff as you go (unless that's just me speed typing!!).

The keepers will have the Impact Engine applied to them too, was the main bit of new news that I saw. Also various comments about how the new defending system and the improved physicality means that you can play at much more of a controlled pace, and be much freer to create and express yourself.

The camera is much lower as you can see in one of the pics, so you can see the stadium as you play. Personally I think this is a precursor to adding 3D in the longer term, but in the short term I guess it adds more of a sense of place to matches, and gives you better perspective even in 2D.

Also, the menus look like they're going to be in genuine 16:9, not 4:3 on a 16:9 background. Good times!
So I guess these are the screens that made that Dave guy shit his pants? I can't see what the big deal is.
Someone deleted my thread in there asking Ian Jarvis for the promised Fifa 11 bug fix list which he promised August 2010. Made it again tonight, was deleted without any reason, made it again, deleted again, really pathetic.
Posted it 6 more times, deleted 6 more times, no balls to explain why they're deleting it, no decency to PM me and explain, so they just condone blatant lies to their consumers, hide under the rug broken promises to their consumers, shameful.
Placebo: They have your money already. They don't need you again until October. The ball massages will commence in the run up to the European expos.
oh no!!!! jajaja anhoter time kaka!!!

please EA out kaka!! kaka is nothing!!!

you can put ronaldo, messi, rooney, iniesta, xavi, gerrard

but kaka? hahahahaha
oh no!!!! jajaja anhoter time kaka!!!

please EA out kaka!! kaka is nothing!!!

you can put ronaldo, messi, rooney, iniesta, xavi, gerrard

but kaka? hahahahaha
Who cares about the coverstar? :BORED:

Btw. I tried to translate the part with the Chelsea logo and it sounds really great about team photo and a lot of new cinematics before kickoff for example with the star of the team and the replay transitions are with the team logo like a common practice on Great Britain.
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Who cares about the coverstar? :BORED:

Btw. I tried to translate the part with the Chelsea logo and it sounds really great about team photo and a lot of new cinematics before kickoff for example with the star of the team and the replay transitions are with the team logo like a common practice on Great Britain.

the problem no is only the coverstar..
the problem is that the coverstar have a big stats..and kaka now can't have this stats...
the problem no is only the coverstar..
the problem is that the coverstar have a big stats..and kaka now can't have this stats...
This is your worry for Fifa 12, stats of one person that you can easy change by yourself? :CONFUSE:
Gosh, there are a lot other things we can talk about but to call this "a problem" is ridiculous.
I wouldn't worry about it. Most players in FIFA have overrated stats, not just the cover stars.

I miss the old days when it was only the cover star who was overrated. Sigh, one day we'll meet again Adriano.
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Thanks for the scans guys. See if I understand any of it...

Looking at the scans they seem to be copying PES, the lower camera and lighting style, the horizontal menu's. Maybe they realise they need to step up again with PES' renewed improvement last year and probably this year. Let's hope so.
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This is your worry for Fifa 12, stats of one person that you can easy change by yourself? :CONFUSE:
Gosh, there are a lot other things we can talk about but to call this "a problem" is ridiculous.

i can say the that i want.
kaka in coverstar and her stats are ridiculous.

after you play with and you are playing with god, ares, poseidon...

talk another menus are more beauty
the move of wilksharer is new i think
i don't like the rooney head, is smallest

i want see gameplay...
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