Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

I don't recognise the particular PES being played there. But yes, calling them cheats is completely off the mark. It implies the game is being coded to deliberately do these things, which, other than the weird keeper wall thing which I have never seen in ten or so years of solid PES play, cannot honestly be applied to the vast majority of those clips, and certainly can't be carried across to FIFA even if they are.

As I said before, please supply clips of FIFA 10 or WC2010 'cheating' and I'll pass it on and explain that it's a bug that is being misconstrued as cheating, and see whether they can work out what is actually happening.

Edit: btw Drek I completely agree with your four points and when Winston said much the same about the 4th point. If there is tournament based scaling (and I don't know enough about how tournaments feel on lower difficulties to comment) then I don't really approve.
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Re: Fifa 11

I don't think anyone bar kids would class it as cheating though I have screamed that a few times at the screen ;) I think we all understand how hard it is to programme the AI in the game and for the most part both do a great job..

There are certain things that need to be addressed and there are times when be it boost or whatever the game does things seemingly impossible, I would just like to see these toned down and if anything the AI play more aggressively when needing a goal or chasing the game, see it shoot more instead of trying to walk the ball in, play riskier passes and stick the odd bad challenge in as they become more desperate...

This has to be the way rather than them become Brazil for ten minutes, I'd like to see the strong sides play the more physical game and the skilled sides sweeping the ball around.

If EA could just understand this, Bury are always Bury, they may hit the odd great pass and hit the odd great shot but they don't suddenly become Brazil because there in the 2nd round of the league cup. They may defend a bit tighter and run themselves into the floor but they have to always be Bury and obey the laws of physics... :D
Re: Fifa 11

Placebo: no I didn't tbh. I think FIFA does an incredible job of this, generally speaking. There may be one or two glitches with the collision detection but 99.9% of the time it's fantastically well done, with even the ball spin perfectly matching what you'd expect. I personally haven't seen any examples of this or it is so subtly done that I never notice that the game has 'gone magic'. If anything FIFA 10 is too proud of the physics system, not giving free kicks or penalties for sliding tackles that get infinitessimally small contacts on the ball that you couldn't possibly see without a zoom and ultra slo-mo replay cam.

It's an area that will always be improved upon, not least because it's so closely tied to the animation system. So I expect this year to see this area more refined than FIFA 10, but less refined than FIFA 12.
Re: Fifa 11

CPU cheats are in there whether people admit it or not. No, they're not huge exaggerations and vague descriptions.
Re: Fifa 11

Videos from the cheating trademark game (PES) has no relation to FIFA to be honest. FIFA has its own errors though.
Re: Fifa 11

Videos from the cheating trademark game (PES) has no relation to FIFA to be honest. FIFA has its own errors though.

I'm tempted to ask how much time the CPU cheat believers spend playing online/multiplayer? Because a lot of what people typically see as CPU cheats often end up appearing online too, at which point it moves into the more generic 'scripting'.

I'm quite up for this now - send me any videos you can make of CPU cheating or scripting or whatever, and explain what you're pressing at the time so we can picture what is happening with the pad and therefore with any CPU overrides/cheats.

Not sure if I posted this, for example - you can see my defender is clearly cutting across the passing trajectory as the pass is made, but soon after the CPU forces me to try and meet the ball much further along, thereby stopping me from winning the ball (if I would have reached it). I then got quite cross and kicked the striker in :P

I sent this to Gary complaining that my defending was being mucked about against my will. He replied saying that it was a trapping logic issue that they were aware of, and that in FIFA 11 the direction you press is the point at which you'd look to meet the ball. So it'll be a lot more manual for stuff like this, making it harder in a sense but also more 'honest'.

So this is not a CPU 'cheat' - it's a bug which felt unfair and just happened to occur against the CPU.
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Re: Fifa 11

I'd feel about the same. Apparently there is this thing called yellow and red cards in football to counter these things, they have been used for some time now in real life with great success. I think they should be able to solve this problem in football simulators also.

come the fuck on. You know there are exploits in games right? You do know how you can basically get away with murder online at times just because the ref refuses to send a guy off for a challenge from behind that only gets you a yellow that ruins a clear one on one with the keeper. You can argue refs fuck calls like that up in real life but even then it does not make it right. Now add to that getting your goalscorer subbed off to a clear scoring opportunity gone because a cunt decided to hack you from behind. There are enough exploits in the game so I do not see reason to add another one.
Re: Fifa 11

come the fuck on. You know there are exploits in games right? You do know how you can basically get away with murder online at times just because the ref refuses to send a guy off for a challenge from behind that only gets you a yellow that ruins a clear one on one with the keeper. You can argue refs fuck calls like that up in real life but even then it does not make it right. Now add to that getting your goalscorer subbed off to a clear scoring opportunity gone because a cunt decided to hack you from behind. There are enough exploits in the game so I do not see reason to add another one.

So instead of trying to do the realistic thing like sorting the refs and especially tackles from behind, you think it's best to keep players that can't be injured?

It's like saying just because the lobs are too easy they should make goalkeepers being able to jump 2 metres up in the air to catch them instead of solving the problem in the most realistic way possible...
Re: Fifa 11

I'm tempted to ask how much time the CPU cheat believers spend playing online/multiplayer? Because a lot of what people typically see as CPU cheats often end up appearing online too, at which point it moves into the more generic 'scripting'.

I'm quite up for this now - send me any videos you can make of CPU cheating or scripting or whatever, and explain what you're pressing at the time so we can picture what is happening with the pad and therefore with any CPU overrides/cheats.

Not sure if I posted this, for example - you can see my defender is clearly cutting across the passing trajectory as the pass is made, but soon after the CPU forces me to try and meet the ball much further along, thereby stopping me from winning the ball (if I would have reached it). I then got quite cross and kicked the striker in :P

I sent this to Gary complaining that my defending was being mucked about against my will. He replied saying that it was a trapping logic issue that they were aware of, and that in FIFA 11 the direction you press is the point at which you'd look to meet the ball. So it'll be a lot more manual for stuff like this, making it harder in a sense but also more 'honest'.

So this is not a CPU 'cheat' - it's a bug which felt unfair and just happened to occur against the CPU.

Good stuff.

I used to play online exclusively. Unfortunately, my PS3 broke and I can't be bothered getting it fixed, so switched to using my X360, which I've never sorted out for online waiting for FIFA11 before I buy my card.

The thing that bugged me most about online play was the boosting that one team might be given, sometimes from kick-off, sometimes after specific events, such as a goal (where the scoring team were usually given the boost). Once it was clear to me that the opposition have been given the boost, I used to just quit....couldn't give a monkey's about my DNF stat, I'm not battling against a human and an AI model that has clearly been skewed.

Equally, there were times where I was clearly being boosted and would rip the shit out of the poor sucker on the other end. They'd sometimes even praise me after a match saying I played great, but I knew it was mostly the AI model tilting it firmly in my favour, and I simply took advantage.

Please get EA to stop this boosting in human v human matches, or at least tone it down greatly. For me, it's by far the biggest problem with online play. In the end, I gave up on 1v1 and played only 2v2 and above.
Re: Fifa 11

Saw on one of the recent videos posted on fifasoccerblog, where Gary is talking about player 'traits', and seems to refer to them as things that only effect players on the AI team when playing against the AI, traits that make lampard shoot from distance, or Ronaldo dribble more ie, they won't work for your players you're not controlling.

I'm hoping this is not the case as I would really hope there are traits that effect your players off the ball ie. as Roma said, plays down the center, Pro evo traits ie playermaker which makes your teammates make more runs when the player has the ball, 'Plays off last defender' for strikers that like to make runs in behind the defense etc. Do you know which will be the case, Roma?
Re: Fifa 11

Winston, those are all just bugs. Calling it a cheat makes it sound like you believe Konami designed and implemented an invisible wall for the CPU to erect on its goal line when it suits it. That's probably just the goalkeeper's collision spazzing out, or something.

CPU cheats are in there whether people admit it or not. No, they're not huge exaggerations and vague descriptions.
The point is that they are reported in that fashion, which doesn't help anybody.
Re: Fifa 11

Good stuff.

I used to play online exclusively. Unfortunately, my PS3 broke and I can't be bothered getting it fixed, so switched to using my X360, which I've never sorted out for online waiting for FIFA11 before I buy my card.

The thing that bugged me most about online play was the boosting that one team might be given, sometimes from kick-off, sometimes after specific events, such as a goal (where the scoring team were usually given the boost). Once it was clear to me that the opposition have been given the boost, I used to just quit....couldn't give a monkey's about my DNF stat, I'm not battling against a human and an AI model that has clearly been skewed.

Equally, there were times where I was clearly being boosted and would rip the shit out of the poor sucker on the other end. They'd sometimes even praise me after a match saying I played great, but I knew it was mostly the AI model tilting it firmly in my favour, and I simply took advantage.

Please get EA to stop this boosting in human v human matches, or at least tone it down greatly. For me, it's by far the biggest problem with online play. In the end, I gave up on 1v1 and played only 2v2 and above.
I once noticed a drama factor in one of the FIFA PC files in the last few years. :COAT:
Re: Fifa 11

Saw on one of the recent videos posted on fifasoccerblog, where Gary is talking about player 'traits', and seems to refer to them as things that only effect players on the AI team when playing against the AI, traits that make lampard shoot from distance, or Ronaldo dribble more ie, they won't work for your players you're not controlling.

I'm hoping this is not the case as I would really hope there are traits that effect your players off the ball ie. as Roma said, plays down the center, Pro evo traits ie playermaker which makes your teammates make more runs when the player has the ball, 'Plays off last defender' for strikers that like to make runs in behind the defense etc. Do you know which will be the case, Roma?

I don't know what traits there are so I can't say that there is or isn't a trait for playing off the shoulder. You'd think that would be represented by attacking work rate? Give Berba a lower rating and he doesn't sprint forward or play off the last man; give Bent or Defoe a high attacking work rate and he's right up there. Formation would also play a big part.

Just speculating.
Re: Fifa 11

Saw on one of the recent videos posted on fifasoccerblog, where Gary is talking about player 'traits', and seems to refer to them as things that only effect players on the AI team when playing against the AI, traits that make lampard shoot from distance, or Ronaldo dribble more ie, they won't work for your players you're not controlling.

I'm hoping this is not the case as I would really hope there are traits that effect your players off the ball ie. as Roma said, plays down the center, Pro evo traits ie playermaker which makes your teammates make more runs when the player has the ball, 'Plays off last defender' for strikers that like to make runs in behind the defense etc. Do you know which will be the case, Roma?

No that's not true, there are a couple of traits which are AI only because when under your control they're stuff you would be choosing to do yourself (speed dribbling is one IIRC) but the majority are regular traits for a player whether under human or AI control.
Re: Fifa 11

Winston, those are all just bugs. Calling it a cheat makes it sound like you believe Konami designed and implemented an invisible wall for the CPU to erect on its goal line when it suits it. That's probably just the goalkeeper's collision spazzing out, or something..

Oh, that's ok then. I thought it was some fucking awful aspect to the gameplay that, when you shot into the net and an invisible walls stops it, it was about the most pathetic flaw imaginable, sending the principle of gameplay to the dustibin, but as it's just a bug, I now realise it doesn't need looked at.

And when I play a racing game, and have worked my ass off to get to the front, and on the last corner of the last lap, the cpu overrides my controller input and makes my car steer into a wall and my car blows up, labelling that a bug means it's perfectly acceptable and not some atrocious, gameplay killing flaw that needs to be addressed.
Re: Fifa 11

Eh? No, those are bugs that need fixing. I'm merely highlighting the difference between so-called 'cheats' and bugs, and how the latter is often erroneously assumed to be the former.

Re: Fifa 11

Eh? No, those are bugs that need fixing. I'm merely highlighting the difference between so-called 'cheats' and bugs, and how the latter is often erroneously assumed to be the former.

What kind of bug is it that, when you're clean through on goal, and your pointing your controller LAS straight towards goal, makes your guy suddenly stop and lurch around so that the cpu strolls past and steal the ball? Wtf is the AI model doing in that particular circumstance that it would ever be appropriate for even the thought that an over-ride of your controller input should happen?

Marry that to the fact that cpu boosting has already been admitted to.

It's a bug, but it's a bug borne out of the AI model fucking around with itself in it's merry little cpu boost, which also entails hinderance of human team's players. ie. cpu altering the "level" playing field in favour of itself, ie. cheat. Perhaps if the level playing field wasn't being buggered about with, the laughable bugs wouldn't ever have to occur.
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Re: Fifa 11

Placebo... FIFA 10? Free kicks aren't scripted - anyone can score with a 1 rated free kick taker ;)

Apparently it was my vid of van Der Sar scoring free kicks over and under the bar that made EA fix the free kicks, which I seem to recall Drek was struggling with, in WC2010. I haven't tried the same test somebody did for FIFA 10 (make a 1 rated player the kick taker and concede to the CPU) but I'd hope it wasn't still a CPU sweet spot.

Drek, made any progress with scoring free kicks?
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Re: Fifa 11

The freekicks have been so bad for so long on FIFA that I'm really not sure what the point of them is anymore. They are so boring. You are -very- constrained in terms of where you can hit it. You cannot hit it -anywhere- near the keeper unless you hit it with ballistic power, or he glitches. So basically, you have to choices - slam it and pray - or put it in the top corner. Of course, if the guy against you moves the wall so the goalie moves, it is then impossible to put it in the corner because the goalkeeper will always save things of a certain distance.

I dunno I think freekicks need to be made a lot more difficult, a lot more random, but if you DO hit the target - a lot more likely to go in. One thing I'd really like is if I could look at a freekick and actually have a choice of which corner I was going to - right now, other than blatant glitches you just don't have that choice. To think how boring freekicks would be in real life if they were like FIFA's.
Re: Fifa 11

What kind of bug is it that, when you're clean through on goal, and your pointing your controller LAS straight towards goal, makes your guy suddenly stop and lurch around so that the cpu strolls past and steal the ball? Wtf is the AI model doing in that particular circumstance that it would ever be appropriate for even the thought that an over-ride of your controller input should happen?

Marry that to the fact that cpu boosting has already been admitted to.

It's a bug, but it's a bug borne out of the AI model fucking around with itself in it's merry little cpu boost, which also entails hinderance of human team's players. ie. cpu altering the "level" playing field in favour of itself, ie. cheat. Perhaps if the level playing field wasn't being buggered about with, the laughable bugs wouldn't ever have to occur.
More importantly, this all happens when the AI enters the "urgency" mode to score in the last few minutes!
Re: Fifa 11

The freekicks have been so bad for so long on FIFA that I'm really not sure what the point of them is anymore. They are so boring. You are -very- constrained in terms of where you can hit it. You cannot hit it -anywhere- near the keeper unless you hit it with ballistic power, or he glitches. So basically, you have to choices - slam it and pray - or put it in the top corner. Of course, if the guy against you moves the wall so the goalie moves, it is then impossible to put it in the corner because the goalkeeper will always save things of a certain distance.

I dunno I think freekicks need to be made a lot more difficult, a lot more random, but if you DO hit the target - a lot more likely to go in. One thing I'd really like is if I could look at a freekick and actually have a choice of which corner I was going to - right now, other than blatant glitches you just don't have that choice. To think how boring freekicks would be in real life if they were like FIFA's.

You can put it in the bottom corner as well of course, but I know what you mean. It's a tricky one. It'd be wrong to ask EA to create a separate saving logic for free kicks - the keeper has to use the same system for saving free kicks as for shots. So you can't just make the keepers spill shots or miss them entirely without impacting how they cope with normal shots from distance (although in those cases the keeper usually has the advantage of seeing the ball sooner).

You have to look at why keepers in real life might let one in at the corner they're covering - it's because they pre-empted that the shot would go for the other corner. There are also little things like the kick taker being unsighted (I was chopping an onion! But I think Endo's FK against Denmark was from a position where the second kick taker was hidden by the wall?) etc, but the keeper's own momentum is the chief issue.

So how do you put this into a game without leading to you conceding goals because the keeper moved stupidly, or creating a situation where the keeper is readable? If you left it just to the keeper then couldn't that lead to more potential CPU cheat complaints in the future?

You can move the wall and therefore the keeper at the moment; is the solution to make the timing and commitment of the keeper's decision making tied to this? Or do you make it player controlled in some way?

I'd be interested in us coming up with a detailed direct free kick system here - one that is much deeper and more involving than those in both PES and FIFA, neither of which have moved on from what ISS PE was doing. One of the things I talked to Gary Paterson about a helluva lot in Canada was improving free kicks, and he agreed that the system they have isn't great. He suggested that the amount you hold the left stick in a direction after charging the shot could determine how much spin you put on the ball - e.g. more topspin = more height error as you might hit the ball too 'cleanly' and hoof it up or end up hitting too high up the ball and hitting it into the wall. Less topspin = safer, better connection, but...well, less topspin. The same would go for sidespin. I thought that was interesting, though it could easily go the way of the PES 2010 penalty and be way too complicated, certainly for novices, with the end result that people just hack strikers down online because they'll never score the free kick. It's the sort of thing that'd need a lot of explaining too.

In Guildford, I think I said, the power bar was broken for free kicks so you couldn't see exactly how much you'd charged the shot up. I thought this was really good - shame it was just a bug. All it needed was some sort of yes/no indicator to show that the game knew you had pressed shoot (which is half the point of power bars) and it would've been immense. You'd have to get a feel for free kicks, rather than just filling up a bar to roughly the same percentage and holding the stick up and left.
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Re: Fifa 11


If it is as is claimed and not stat boosting how can the slower defender catch the faster striker 5 or ten yards from him at full sprint and how when I'm chasing back with a defender I can't catch the AI striker on full sprint but if I swap to another player and hit :square: to 2nd press the same player I just had will speed up when I don't have him...:JAY:

However it's dressed up the game has the AI doing things that are not humanly possible, this is just wrong...

I am absolutely convinced that all of this is in your minds. I've been playing against legendary AI all year and have not seen any speed boosting of any sort. I've seen players not sprint to get a bouncing ball and then be dispossessed but that's because of trapping issues, not speed boosting/

And no I'm not saying this because EA said so. I've never once blamed anything on attribute boosting. It doesn't happen. It's just easier to say that than work out what the actual, underlying problem is.

I haven't gotten to the last page in this thread but in the event that someone didn't do it already, can somebody post that vid from FIFA WC 2010 (I'm almost positive it was shown here) where the Italian back line is in total disarray and at the very end of the play you can see Cannavaro somehow cover 10+ yards in one second it seems.

It was one of those situations where the defense leave a hugely exploitable gap and Cannavaro races back to get into position in a manner that made it seem like he was attached to a string and was yanked back into his proper position.

What is that exactly? Is Canna always capable of running that quickly (faster than is humanly possible) but only decided to do it right there?
Re: Fifa 11

@ Roma,

Isn't that a good, small suggestion to improve freekicks? They have introduced it for passing so why not do the same for freekicks? Add-in player mentality stats (composure, consistancy, etc) with the shot power, accuracy,bend stats linked to fatigue and you have a pretty organic system imo. You could have it as a HUD option (linked to difficulty and an override on/off setting) to make it less of a big shift for gamers. They could just use the present passing powerbar system with an option to turn it off completely. After awhile nobody will look at it because they have the correct feeling for each player. Do the same for the freekicks.

That would make it far better imo, it really is down to your own timing instead of just reading the powerbar. The other problem is that the powerbar moves too slow. It's too easy to hit the sweetspot.

The main problem I had in 10 with the freekicks was that they were too easy. It wasn't so much the control but that you could score 80% of the time if you made the effort and 50% of the time when you didn't.

I think the best way to go to make the game more organic is more related to user timing and less information then creating ellaborate systems. Passing+ is doing that already, incorporate stats and show less info.

In a way the penalty system in WC is too much really. The pressurebar should just be in the actual player without any input from the player and that should create a buffer zone around the power and accuracy you use/imput when taking the shot. It's difficult because you don't want to start having "scripts" that take control away from players, but at the same time if you get "too good" in the game all these added elements lose their strength anyway.

I guess it comes down to sliders/options, do you manually want to input player pressure or do you want the stats to do it, do you want to time your freekicks or do you want to read it in the HUD.

I'm personally for using stats as much as possible and that the gamer needs to "know" his players to make the right decision. For example playing the old Liverpool midfield you should "know" that if you want to make a 60y pass you give it to Alonso and not to use lucas or masch. Same with shots, have an extra pass to Gerrard instead of having a pop with Lucas. And without the powerbar info you can have the "correct" timing but if you use the wrong player it's not going to work.

The follow-up to this is that tactics will start to be important, if a team has a player that has a great shot or pass, put a manmarker on him to he doesn't get the time/space to do it and thereby has error/more inaccuracy when trying to pull it off.
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Re: Fifa 11

I haven't gotten to the last page in this thread but in the event that someone didn't do it already, can somebody post that vid from FIFA WC 2010 (I'm almost positive it was shown here) where the Italian back line is in total disarray and at the very end of the play you can see Cannavaro somehow cover 10+ yards in one second it seems.

It was one of those situations where the defense leave a hugely exploitable gap and Cannavaro races back to get into position in a manner that made it seem like he was attached to a string and was yanked back into his proper position.

What is that exactly? Is Canna always capable of running that quickly (faster than is humanly possible) but only decided to do it right there?

It was a flaw in the AI. Rom may be perfectly correct in saying that it isn't attribute boosting, in that there is nothing in the program code that says make Cannavaro's speed stat rise to 200, then make him run to fill the gap.

However, the fact that it is technically not attribute boosting is neither here nor there. Nor is whether we label it a cpu cheat or an AI bug. The bottom line is it's garbage gameplay.

I would be surprised if choice of words, scripting or cpu cheats rather than AI logic bug, was reason enough for EA to bury their heads in the sand - they surely have enough pride in what they output (and make $Millions from) to want to fix it, no matter how people describe it.
Re: Fifa 11

Roma, I haven't played Fifa WC enough to get used to free kicks, but they were far more difficult in my first matches. I'm a bad free kicker, though, I have the Arsenal-Barcelona syndrome when I play footy games, where I try to practically end up inside the goal by passing around, even in full manual. It's that or shooting from 30 yards, depending on the mood.

PS: About reaplys showing so-called "cheats" or "boosts"... it would be far more easy if we had had a PROPER save feature and we could save unlimited replays to our hard disk (only limited by hard disk space). Right now I wouldn't like to LOOSE my best goals to make space for a crappy replay showing a defender catching up with my speed. But I'll try.

I've said many times it's not a "conspiracy" as someone says. As I see it, it's boosting only in specific situations. Then there are the team boosts that affect both teams in specific situations (that should be override for a mental stats based model).
Re: Fifa 11

can't you download the replays to your own hard drive once they're online?
Re: Fifa 11

However, the fact that it is technically not attribute boosting is neither here nor there. Nor is whether we label it a cpu cheat or an AI bug. The bottom line is it's garbage gameplay.

I would be surprised if choice of words, scripting or cpu cheats rather than AI logic bug, was reason enough for EA to bury their heads in the sand - they surely have enough pride in what they output (and make $Millions from) to want to fix it, no matter how people describe it.
In terms of actually raising/reporting an issue, you're right that the semantics don't matter. But what matters in the description is the information provided.

Taking the 'PES invisible wall on the goal line' thing as an example:

Likely forum description: 'OMG the CPU cheats, it has an invisible wall that stops the ball going in when it doesn't want me to score. Konami suck!'

As feedback goes, the devs would filter that out as nonsense.

With a video provided, the devs can look at that and go (speculating): "What might be happening here is the goalkeeper's collision during that particular animation is broken, it's using the goalkeeper's T-pose collision instead and the ball is colliding with that. Let's fix that."

Take the Cannavaro thing that Murkurial mentioned. The difference between claiming 'the CPU cheats by making defenders super-fast to cover gaps' and actually reporting the bug with a video, is that the devs will filter out the vague claim but in contrast will be able to identify and fix an AI bug thanks to a video.

It's not about EA petulantly burying their heads, it's about only being able to take complaints seriously if they're accurately described.
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