Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Blimey. ^^^ Top work.

You guys make sure the trick stats are given out properly now, y'hear? I don't want to see James Milner doing triple rabonas this year ;).

You can only view the attributes of the specific team you applied for (mine is my local club in League Two), I don't actually remember there being an option for trick level tho come to think of it...

Have they taken any attributes out when adding these new ones? It seems like there are a lot already, there must be some that can be combined. Can you really grade players on 99 different levels of Curve? I'm not convinced it's necessary to separate Stand/Sliding tackles, either. 'Reading interceptions' seems unnecessarily specific.

Although having said that there are some more attributes I think are missing (unless they're hidden), like an overall Technique attribute, or Composure, or Consistency...

There's definitely a Composure and a Consistency attribute. Composure is a standard attribute 1-99 (Although there's already values for it for most players, where as the new attributes tend to be missing a value for them, so it may already be in FIFA 10 but just hidden?). And Consistency you're given the option of a number of levels that range from very inconsistent to very consistent.

I haven't noticed any attributes taken out but can check if you give me a list. There's also a Reputation one which I think will be hidden.

It's quite easy to apply if anyone's interested by the way if you follow an obscure team.
Re: Fifa 11

Interesting. Cheers danny.

Re: Nets, the two options were square/triangular, and tight/loose. Didn't get to try loose and square.

I'm going to be a bit rubbish at replying for the mo because I'm filling out the feedback form for tomorrow. I've been listening to the FSB podcast with Suff and Adam. Ad said he still saw the fullback thing, but I honestly didn't see it at all. If I could have seen what he'd seen I could have seen whether it was something else or not. The defensive AI all drops back pretty quickly when you lose the ball and it's possible that the centre backs were being used to pressure the man on the ball rather than drop back collectively.

I'm including what Adam said in my form just in case he isn't filling one in.
Re: Fifa 11

I'm going to be a bit rubbish at replying for the mo because I'm filling out the feedback form for tomorrow.

No bother dude, that's more important anyway (as long as they can still alter things at this stage anyway)

Stress to them about improving:

multiple players attacking crosses
low hard shots inside the box
more net styles/options (only kidding)

& perhaps to exaggerate the player attributes a bit more.

Keep up the good work!!!
Re: Fifa 11

No. IMO manual is both a more realistic and fun option so I wouldn't even consider it for a second. Why would I (that is a serious question. Why would I? I really don't know why?)?
Because PES fans are still accustomed to the old computer-aided passes and can't believe that manual passing exists. ;))
Re: Fifa 11

Remember how I said we showed Gary the energy levels at the end of a match and they looked like they were going to take that up as a problem?

EA_GaryPaterson said:

We have been working on the fatigue/stamina model and I hope to be able to release a video (no promises) soon that will show the effects of stamina and of different fatigue levels on the movement (acceleration/sprint speed) of players. We are testing/tuning the changes at the moment as they can obviously have a big, potentially negative, impact on the game.


Re: Fifa 11

romagnoli i know you said in an earlier post that you think EA share certain things regarding developing games, i was playing Fight Night R4 and it would be great to have templates of faces that you could edit for the faces that Fifa do not put in. I mean we pay £40-50 in this country for a game we should atleast get the correct faces of players in all the major divisions, and no more of this crap about we did'nt have time, make fricking time that's what you get payed for. Scott parker in 2010 fifa WC looks nothing like him and how many others have they not got it right with, atleast allow us to have a go at it if they won't. How hard is it to get real time pitch & kit wear? They had it in 07...
Re: Fifa 11

I hope they make Anfield actually look like Anfield by not having the crowd a million miles away from the pitch and add that 'red/brown' 'track' around the pitch.
Re: Fifa 11

And give us a ground like loftus road where the crowd are right on top of the pitch. Can't wait to put in the chant " the referee's a wanker "
Re: Fifa 11

Can't speak for Anfield's fans being close to the pitch but some of the tunnel entrances they've put in are phenomenal. You've already seen the Old Trafford entrance from the corner of the stadium, they have entrances where the teams go up steps, they have entrances where the teams come out one at a time... They're really impressive.

Once the music is in, it's going to be impossible not to be blown away by the authenticity.
Re: Fifa 11

Stop it, getting too excited, & the game isn't anywhere near release...

Not that i'm being caught up in any hype or anything :WHISTLE:
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Re: Fifa 11

There's definitely a Composure and a Consistency attribute. Composure is a standard attribute 1-99 (Although there's already values for it for most players, where as the new attributes tend to be missing a value for them, so it may already be in FIFA 10 but just hidden?). And Consistency you're given the option of a number of levels that range from very inconsistent to very consistent.

I haven't noticed any attributes taken out but can check if you give me a list. There's also a Reputation one which I think will be hidden.
Thanks for the info. I'm glad that these attributes exist, but I think it is a shame that they are hidden.

I'm not a fan of hiding attributes. Reputation I can sort of understand, but the ones that affect the player on the pitch should be visible, I think. Especially traits.

Or, at the very least, we should be made aware that these attributes exist even if their values remain hidden. Otherwise we (clearly) have no concept that EA have thought to include them, so we'd never factor their existence into how we judge our players in the first place. I would never think 'this player seems less consistent than the other, I'll play him instead' if I have no idea that consistency is in the game.

(unhidden outfield) Attributes in FIFA10:
Ball Control
FK Acc.
Long Pass
Long Shots
Short Pass
Shot Power
Slide Tackle
Sprint Speed
Stand Tackle
Tact. Aware

Since we have some data editors here... presumably EA must supply you with descriptions of what the attributes do so you can rate them accurately? If so, would it be possible to share those definitions here?
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Re: Fifa 11

Heh.. Well, obviously I'm the one in control and would want him to do as I want, not becoming rebellious :P

The logic on that button has never made sense to me. I just hope the FIFA defense can cope and hope for the best.
Fifa 11

Id rather them spend more time on other things than things that will just be skipped after a few games! If it doesn't take long then fair enough but I wouldn't bother putting weeks of time into it.
Re: Fifa 11

Since we have some data editors here... presumably EA must supply you with descriptions of what the attributes do so you can rate them accurately? If so, would it be possible to share those definitions here?

You're asking for stuff which would be a breach of our NDA's.

dannyfc2 above has already quite possibly breached his NDA and those who discussed new attributes a page or two back also breached their NDA's.
Re: Fifa 11

I don't know if it's an aspect of the game you've noticed and have seen improved Rom but there is something I wanted to bring attention to you.
The power bar for long balls need to be tweaked so that players could sent the ball a lot further up the field than what they currently on the FIFA games.Let's take a goal kick, in real life a keeper could make the ball reach the other keeper's goal just by pure power but on FIFA at max you can make the ball reach only 3/4 of the pitch length.
It makes difficult to make proper diagonals passes from a RB who is close his penalty box to a LW who has space and ready to start a counter for instance.Clearances and long passes should be longer.
If you could bring this up to the development team it would be nice as I think it's not so tough to adjust if it's not already done.
Re: Fifa 11

Goal kicks were further, as were drop kicks by the keeper (unless it was just for that keeper). Long balls, I'm not sure. I didnt try ultra long balls.
Re: Fifa 11

I've heard mention of the new way to hit medium height balls or something like that mentioned, did you try it, like a new way to hit the ball upfield?
Re: Fifa 11

JCVF90 - that's the bouncing lob. It's utterly brilliant. It's basically like hitting a shot but aiming at a player. So you can hit those low, drilled long passes. They can either bounce along the ground or reach about head height. And anything in between.
Re: Fifa 11

Goal kicks were further, as were drop kicks by the keeper (unless it was just for that keeper). Long balls, I'm not sure. I didnt try ultra long balls.

Cheers.It's all about adding the little gameplay elements bits by bits to make a great game overall.
Re: Fifa 11

Good news is fatigue is finally going to be implemented (with an actual effect).

However, it should affect more than just movement. It should affect many attributes, even including things like first touch and positioning. Heavily fatigued players (if people are pressing sprint all match long, they should be heavily fatigued) should be virtually dead on their feet.

Oh, and don't forget that cpu players should be equally susceptible to fatigue.
Re: Fifa 11

You would think now they actually have a working stat system that it should be easy to incorporate. The fatigue should already be effecting some of the stats.

They are making the right noises at the moment.........
Re: Fifa 11

I just hope this game is successful, so in Fifa 12 they'll be consulting with fans as much as they have again. Can only be impressed with how much they've listened, really.
Re: Fifa 11

They did say that the fact that they invited us along so early this year should be taken as a sign that they take our input seriously. I don't see how they could invite us along any sooner to be honest - the old build we played was about as early as you could possibly get without being completely unplayable.
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