FIFA 11 - PC

Torres_Liverpool I love how looks fifa with new setting.lua but after put the new file my gameplay smoothness is gone, I think is too much for my comp, I got 1920x1080 with all high and with first new LOD setting everything is OK, but with new one is not

if there is something I can change in new setting to better game performance without turn player details??

if not I will back to old "new setting" because for me gameplay smoothness is more important than much better look and it's a shame because graphic in new setting is AWESOME

I think much difference between this two files (old and new) is "PlayerLodPercentageMultiplier" value in old is 4, 2, 1 and in new is 100, 100 and 8

but I think something else (not player details) got response for slowdowns in gameplay
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Btw. the depth blur is gone with that file, so if you zoom in to the
player you can see everything behind him sharp. I don't know yet if
I like it like that, so Torres_Liverpool can you tell me which number
is for the blur behind the player, so I can try it? ;)

Please, any answer on that? ;)
I can't back to old "new LOD setting" after copy new and noticed lags and slowdowns I backup the first one but I see that game stil load new setting, anybody knows why? I must reinstall demo?
The annoying thing is - the people that download the illegal version will be the same people moaning next year when the PC version gets shafted again due to lack of sales
i' ve tried the full release cause i could not wait...
and unfortunately stats dont change, i mean you
have to lower some stats to add to others...
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