FIFA 11 Career Mode Thread PS3/360

I've seen news reports of players of other clubs requesting transfers. At least one, anyway. None of my players though (only played two half-seasons so far).
Just got my first injury of the 3rd season, Quintero my new £3.7m signing stretchered off in only his 3rd match with us :( 53 day injury :)

I have not seen it or know anyone have one, I'll ask the question though..

Do we have the screen link?...

I tried looking for it but couldn't find it, it's definitely Dorrans the player mentioned as I edited WBA so it registered with me :)
Just got my first injury of the 3rd season, Quintero my new £3.7m signing stretchered off in only his 3rd match with us :( 53 day injury :)

I tried looking for it but couldn't find it, it's definitely Dorrans the player mentioned as I edited WBA so it registered with me :)

Ahaha those smiley sum up the madness of us manager mode fanatics - both loving and hating when our star signings are out for the season.

Bought Carew with me to Liverpool and Man Utd bought Dorrans so I am a bit worried I've left W.B.A with an ageing squad lacking it's 2 best players and headed for relegation
Sitting in 3rd my second year with AZ Alkmaar. My new left back from Wolfsburg was injured leading up to a game against Bremen in the Euro League (Europa?), out 54 days or 53, one of the two. Replacement isn't playing too bad, but not too great either. Upset Monaco in the Euro League, then Bremen two weeks later. Sitting top of the group stage!

Brought in two forwards from other Dutch clubs, both performing decently, one has been massive in Euro League games for me, while the other has been steady in the league campaign.

Hoping my increased manager status will allow me to sign bigger players, as I just can not for the life of me take down PSV, Ajax or Feyenoord, Utrecht or Twente either. I always have problems with them, end up dropping crucial points.

Goal for the season is 2nd, last seasons was 4th, I got 6th, still got some money though.
I've seen the talented Russian youngster Dzagoev from CSKA be asked to be put on transfer-list in the 'news' section very early in the very first season and he was for about $20M.

I should check to see if he was sold after all or not...

Haven't had a player from my team do that though then again I've only played 1 CM mode season so far and I'd be surprised if our 'own' players can do that as well anyway. :(
Just beat Monaco again, and Ajax/Utrecht. Played Ajax early in the week, 2-1. Late goal from Legear sealed the win. THREE damn days later we played Monaco, 2-1 winners again. Late goal from another winger, this time Emnes. Against Utrecht I put in Eccleston (Not sure how I managed to get him from Liverpool) who has been retarded good for me this season, leads the league after his 4 goal performance against Utrecht. I don't know what happened but my squad is starting to come together. I'm still giving up too many goals though. My goalie never catches anything, always parrys, and usually right to an attacker.

Loving CM right now, sure my Euro League campaign is about to get ridiculous soon also.
While waiting for the patch I've been playing a regular EPL season using Tournamnet mode and it's actually sad how liitle you're missing when playing that instead of CM. The big differences are promotion/relegation and transfers, but during the season the experience is basically the same. Same menus, calendar, etc. Haven't had any injuries but it's early in the season, and I don't know if there are meant to be any.

Overall, it works as advertised. Which is nice.
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Anyone know much about the Youth Academy feature in the PC version? From what I understand, young players develop and you have the option to either reject or accept them to your senior squad?

Why the hell isn't this in the console version?
I thought Nick and Marcel were bestest buddies :P

His job title is 'Associate Producer', which tends to mostly translate as 'organising people'. Having some creative direction sounds, uh, nice.
Doesn't matter what his job title is they made a scapegoat of him last year which is completely unfair and unprofessional however you want to look at it, he wouldn't have been in charge of the Q&A process, he wouldn't have been in charge of programming hours utilisation, he wouldn't have been in charge of signing off on alpha/beta code, all these areas are as much responsible for 10's manager mode being released in such a mind blowingly dogshite condition.
Nick, Placebo - you guys done with the mode?

I still play it every day, about to boot up the 360 shortly to play some more, but I started this CM knowing it would be superseded by a proper one once the patch is out so I didn't bother editing stadiums or putting in the free transfers which is what I'd normally do before starting a MM/CM™
I still play it every day, about to boot up the 360 shortly to play some more, but I started this CM knowing it would be superseded by a proper one once the patch is out so I didn't bother editing stadiums or putting in the free transfers which is what I'd normally do before starting a MM/CM™

do you have high hopes for the patch with regards to CM?
No, but they said they're addressing two of the most annoying problems with CM which are player growth (main problem obviously being bench/reserve players below peaked age are losing attributes every few weeks which makes no sense) and the same cup ties being repeated over and over, if they fix both of those then that's not bad, there are still many other issues which I haven't faced myself and won't face (for example the SPL split bug) simply because I don't and won't play in those leagues, it'd be nice if they did fix some of the other things and tweaked things like injuries etc. but I wouldn't hold my breath, in the status updates they implied they fixed "loads" off offline issues but this is EA we're talking about...
No, but they said they're addressing two of the most annoying problems with CM which are player growth (main problem obviously being bench/reserve players below peaked age are losing attributes every few weeks which makes no sense) and the same cup ties being repeated over and over, if they fix both of those then that's not bad, there are still many other issues which I haven't faced myself and won't face (for example the SPL split bug) simply because I don't and won't play in those leagues, it'd be nice if they did fix some of the other things and tweaked things like injuries etc. but I wouldn't hold my breath, in the status updates they implied they fixed "loads" off offline issues but this is EA we're talking about...

agree want growth fixed, but i am most keen to see resolution to something you highlighted a while back... season long fatigue! please i want these guys knackered come January.
If anyone were to know it would be you Nick surely?

I thought Nick and Marcel were bestest buddies :P

His job title is 'Associate Producer', which tends to mostly translate as 'organising people'. Having some creative direction sounds, uh, nice.

:P I meant now Simon has come in, I don't think Marcel was ever running the show in regards to the CM, and the last I had from him was a PM thanking me for my input on the vid link, which he all but ignored...:CONFUSE::P
Nick, Placebo - you guys done with the mode?
I'm still playing a good 20+hours a week and enjoying it, at times it gets a little repetitive as it's very hard to create space and every team seems almost identical but still liking it.

Getting PES soon as there are some great OF's to try, and it's £20 now so I will see which is going to be in my PS3 come the new year...
agree want growth fixed, but i am most keen to see resolution to something you highlighted a while back... season long fatigue! please i want these guys knackered come January.

Yeah I'd like to see fatigue have more impact as well, that said I think I may have been a little bit hasty when I bitched that they'd removed "match fitness", I noticed that when I brought in 2 players who hadn't played many matches they were far more tired than the rest of the 11 and even before half time they were yellow despite the fact their stamina stat is higher than some of the other players, so that must mean there is a simulation of match fitness in there, so we just need an increase in the amount of injuries per season (by about 500% minimum) and we're getting somewhere :)
:P I meant now Simon has come in, I don't think Marcel was ever running the show in regards to the CM, and the last I had from him was a PM thanking me for my input on the vid link, which he all but ignored...:CONFUSE::P

On the PC side they need to do something about Ian Jarvis who apparently has been abducted by aliens...
Yeah I'd like to see fatigue have more impact as well, that said I think I may have been a little bit hasty when I bitched that they'd removed "match fitness", I noticed that when I brought in 2 players who hadn't played many matches they were far more tired than the rest of the 11 and even before half time they were yellow despite the fact their stamina stat is higher than some of the other players, so that must mean there is a simulation of match fitness in there, so we just need an increase in the amount of injuries per season (by about 500% minimum) and we're getting somewhere :)

meant more that the toll of games takes on players... ie need to rest robben every 4th game or else he cant go past the 70th minute.
Yup I agree it should be a factor, not enough matches = decrease in match fitness, too many matches (plus injury prone trait especially) = decrease in match fitness + increase in injury chance.

My 3rd CM season is going much better, still only mid December and I just got a player out with a 22 day medium injury, yay! 75 work days lost through two injuries this season! :)
My 3rd CM season is going much better, still only mid December and I just got a player out with a 22 day medium injury, yay! 75 work days lost through two injuries this season! :)

And next match but one my star DM is injured in the first 2 minutes and now out for 36 days, two players out injured at the same time, incredible! Funnily enough during that match there were 4 different players that picked up knocks but my other one isn't out injured and dunno about the Derby players, doubt it's relevant but I just changed to large horizontal pitch texture for some reason :)
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