FIFA 11 Career Mode Thread PS3/360

i need your help because I don´t understand quick tactics.

I want to put these tactics in Everton:
UP: my very offensive tactic created
BOTTOM: my very defensive tactic created
RIGHT: Long Balls.
LEFT: default tactic

But selecting for example UP, I can´t choose the tactics that I have created. I get 3 tactic custom from Stoke. It was the first team I picked.


i need your help because I don´t understand quick tactics.

I want to put these tactics in Everton:
UP: my very offensive tactic created
BOTTOM: my very defensive tactic created
RIGHT: Long Balls.
LEFT: default tactic

But selecting for example UP, I can´t choose the tactics that I have created. I get 3 tactic custom from Stoke. It was the first team I picked.



Team management -> Quick Tactics
I'm in the middle of editing most players from the English leagues (random players having lairy blue / green EA boots bugs me), so started a CM with Real Madrid until I've finished. Here's how I'm getting on:

Had a woeful start by not winning any of the opening 6 games, dumped out of the cup in the 1st round, leading to an 'under review' message that wasn't followed up. Managed to turn it around to win the league on the last day - pipping Barcelona by 1 point.

The prize for winning the league was £16m, and the board added an extra £88m to the budget, so I had something silly like £170m & 350k wages at my disposal. I sold off a load of players I hadn't used, but the more expensive players aren't as easy to sell ie Benzema at £25m. I chanced my arm and signed Torres for £45m (as he's Spanish, & ignoring the fact he's an Atletico fan!), Joaquin from Valencia for £10m, & a young Spanish defender with a rating of 68. I'm trying to avoid the fantasy football route, and only sign players that I need.

The second season is under way, and glad I signed some extra players so I can rotate for the 2-3 games a week (now that the CL is factored in).
Didn't have too many injuries in the first season. The worst / best were Ronaldo for 90 days & Higuain for 47 days.
The last game I played was against Betis, and Ronaldo, Torres & Khedira all got injured. Well, they had the plaster icon so I subbed them all, and one is a couple of days, and the other 2 are a couple of weeks.

For all it's flaws I'm enjoying it more than FIFA10, and looking forward to starting CMs with a lower league English team (probably Charlton).
I'm having a go at a new CM with Newcastle (Legendary, Slow, no pressure buttons). So far I've had two injuries in my first five fixtures (eight fixtures if you include pre-season): Guterriez out for 35 days Jose Enrique for 45.

I went searching exclusively for Specialities in the transfer market, trying to wrestle any personality out of the game that I can find. Picked up a midfielder/defender ('Tactician', 'Engine'), a centre back ('Aerial Threat', 'Strength') and an Argentine midfielder ('Playmaker'), who I hope will become an Arteta-type figure in the middle of the park. To raise funds I sold Coloccini to Genoa and flogged a few of the fringe players, like Xisco.

So far, performances have been pretty good... much better than results. Lost narrowly at Wolves, came from behind twice to draw 2-2 with WBA in a really entertaining match, then lost the derby with Sunderland simply because I couldn't get to grips with the elusive movement of Bent and Gyan. We dominated midfield with the extra man in the middle but couldn't make it count.

Then came two very frustrating and (I think) undeserved defeats, to Forest (cup) and Birmingham. Three goals conceded, three cross-head autogoals. The CPU relies on this crutch so often, and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. You didn't know Rob Earnshaw could cross like David Beckham, did you? Carroll hit the post twice vs Birmingham too :(

Yep, totally agree on the AI automated headed goals. I’m counting how many I concede in CM, so far every one of my last SEVEN goals conceded have come from headers via deep crosses. It seems to just decide that it’s going to do it, and momentarily freeze your defenders or something. Because there’s little you can seemingly do about it. FIFA10 played the same trick too.

Is anyone else’s game experience altering constantly? Last week I was raving about how my players seemed to have suddenly started moving off the ball, and I was now scoring some sweet goals. I had a couple of days away from the game and it now seems back to when I first bought the game. 70% possession, 10 man defences, auto-headed AI goals, my team mates seem static all the time, pretty much zero fun from the game last night.

There are other minor things in CM that are starting to annoy me a bit. Vidic was injured for about 6 weeks, so I put in the youngster Evans to replace him. Evans played around 8 or so consecutive games. However, when Vidic became match fit, I put him back in the team. After just 1 match I got an email saying that Evans never plays and needs matches to develop. He’d just played 8 straight matches!

Other small issues are with transfers. I seem to repeatedly have clubs make an offer for a player I’ve transfer listed, only for me to try and accept the offer when it says the deal’s been cancelled because the other club can’t afford the transfer fee. So why did they offer it in the first place? This happens a LOT.

Lastly, I made a bid for Russia goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev in the January transfer window. His club negotiated the bid, so I upped my offer to what they were asking for. This was with a week left of the transfer window. The whole week then ticked by and I got no answer back. I presume the deal’s now completely off until I can make another offer in the summer. This has also happened in the summer transfer window at the start of the game. If you're gonna run out of time before the window shuts, at least make it so that only happens if you bid on the last day of the window. I'm pretty certain that clubs don't bid for players with 7 days of the window remaining, never hear back from the club, and so just shrug their shoulders and leave it unresolved until the window is closed. Annoying.
Finished my first season with MSV Duisburg in the Bundesliga 2. Some thoughts:

- Board expectations were to finish in top 6. I finished 8th and according to the board I met their expectations so I kept my job. Huh?

- During the preseason games I had 2 long term injuries and 1 short term injury; I did not have a single injury during the regular season, not one.

- Transfers are challenging, love the new system in general but:
* Like LTFC said, it's total bullshit that you can have four days left in the transfer window but if you don't have another game in the window then you can't make any deals because the window will run out without teams getting back to you; IRL some of the fun is the urgency in the final days, so making it like it is in CM is plain stupid.
* In the winter transfer window I released a loaned-player but was not credited his 10,000 wages, which for my struggling Bundesliga 2 side was a huge hit because it essentially meant playing with one less ST for the season.
* It's no good that you must approve/reject a deal when the response comes in, rather than having the opportunity to wait for other responses. It not only is unrealistic but it defeats the purpose of being able to enter into multiple negotiations at once. Poorly conceived and really annoying.
* Not enough free agents - this is huge because without the old scout it can be extremely difficult to upgrade talent and fill holes on the cheap when you're a struggling side. I'm not asking to be able to sign an 80 OVR free agent to my 2.5 star squad, but more options and variety are needed.

- Form: finished the year with one player +2, two players -1; seems completely random, it's broken, nuff said. Still, I can already tell even if it's fixed I'll be dissatisfied with the email notification system because it's meant to keep you at arm's length from the process and I like a more hands on approach.

- I like the new scout/formation/squad screen before matches start but this should occur before you have the opportunity to set your squad. A gripe of mine for years has been there's not enough strategy in the mode, and if you had information like this before choosing your squad it would add at least a little tactical element to the game. As it is I never feel the need to alter my squad/tactics other than to tweak what works best for me in general.

- Without injuries/form/fitness I found no reason to rotate my squad throughout the year. Should be a fundamental feature of any management mode. Really let down by this.

Overall it was an okay year in CM. Not much variety, goals, or excitement in matches but about midway through the season I hit a new level with the gameplay, and it became a little more enjoyable. I can't really say that this year is improved over last year's because despite improved transfers and visual layout there are many issues. At this point I certainly would prefer MM 08/09 - it's a worrying trend that MM/CM has been on a downward trend since 08. Forgetting the list of features, the amount of bugs are inexcusable. Say what you will about ML but at least it works. I'll give CM a chance when the patch and fixes are released but right now I struggle to see how it's going to last me a year.
Another odd thing to happen, I've been trying to make a bid for Jack Wilshere (he's not playing at all for Arsenal and he'd slot in nicely at Man Utd), but when you click on the player and make your bid, the only option that comes up is to loan him. Is there some kind of setting Arsenal have on him meaning he's just not available for transfer, or is this an odd glitch?

If I still can't make a bid other than to loan him during season two then I won't be very happy, as I really wanted to sign him.

Also, I just won the League Cup 3-1 against Fulham at Wembley, and the only congratulations I got from the board is for them to tell me that Hernandez is not performing and that I should sell him!

It's also quite funny the way the board emails me to tell me that my cup success means I've been allocated extra transfer funds. I excitedly look at how much they've given me, and it's a whopping £15,000. Awesome!
I believe it's one of many wonderful bugs in the all new bug free brand new shiny engine CM mode, he'll always be on loan and there's no way at all to bid to sign him permanently despite the fact the AI can do that. I signed Tim Krul on loan from Newcastle except in the meantime Burnley had signed him permanently, so I got the email saying he'd signed on loan for me, he was listed under contracts that I had to pay him every week, except he was in the Burnley squad, so my only option was to cancel the loan and take a £45k hit...
- I like the new scout/formation/squad screen before matches start but this should occur before you have the opportunity to set your squad. A gripe of mine for years has been there's not enough strategy in the mode, and if you had information like this before choosing your squad it would add at least a little tactical element to the game.
Yep, putting the Scout Report screen after you've set-up your team is retarded. You can't even Back out of it. I think that as a supposed 'Scout Report' it's a bit pathetic anyway :( , it doesn't tell you very much does it? I think it would be more accurately labelled as 'team-sheet'!

You can, at least, check out their formation & lineup on the previous screens while you're setting up yours, which I suppose are the main bits of information you need.
As it is I never feel the need to alter my squad/tactics other than to tweak what works best for me in general.
For me it has become the opposite, I've started altering my tactics game by game because of the difficulty. I've reached Christmas in my Newcastle United CM, and after a horrible start (results-wise) things have really started to click in recent weeks, partly because I'm now gameplanning against each opponent individually. I look at their formation and set up my side to counteract that system, trying to gain the numerical advantage in key areas or position a player between their lines. Anything to try and be competitive.

I've also had more success since I switched to a narrow Defensive Width (30 I think), which really helps to plug those passing lanes when you're playing without using the pressure buttons. Defending without the pressure buttons is a fun challenge. I have to position my defender carefully, trying to shadow the opponent in the direction I'd prefer him to go, trying to deny the forward pass, timing when to step in and commit. Lots of LT-Jockey and RT-Sprint used appropriately, rather than just mashing the tackle button. I recommend it.

Another thing I'm enjoying is how much better the AI is at holding the team's shape. It was just dreadful in FIFA10, it's pretty good now. I feel like I have to shift the ball around to draw opponents out of position, and I have to put some effort into gaining territory in midfield, carefully working the ball into their half of the pitch rather than my own. It's also now possible to defend effectively by maintaining good shape and containing, which you could never do properly last year.

Most of all, having had my behind kicked in my previous CM and in the opening weeks of this one, each goal and positive result now feels really satisfying. I've had a run of fixtures in late November/December against teams around me near the bottom of the table, so potentially huge relegation six-pointers. Tense matches. Fortunately I was able to grind out some important results and go into the Boxing Day fixtures with a five point buffer above the bottom three.
I think that as a supposed 'Scout Report' it's a bit pathetic anyway :( , it doesn't tell you very much does it? I think it would be more accurately labelled as 'team-sheet'!

Is it me or is there a bug where it shows their formation with your players filling the slots? I've noticed a few times it'll show for example a midfielder colour in the LB slot when I'm playing a midfielder in the LB slot...
Ahhh... yes, I have found the colour of the dots confusing. I hadn't linked them to my own team though, perhaps you're right. It's wrong, whatever it is.
Another thing I'm enjoying is how much better the AI is at holding the team's shape. It was just dreadful in FIFA10, it's pretty good now. I feel like I have to shift the ball around to draw opponents out of position, and I have to put some effort into gaining territory in midfield, carefully working the ball into their half of the pitch rather than my own. It's also now possible to defend effectively by maintaining good shape and containing, which you could never do properly last year.

I don't know if this is a byproduct of that but I'm getting more than a little peeved at times with my players switching positions but not switching back for extended lengths of time. Often it isn't too bad but yesterday my RB switched with my CM, and for what seemed like an enternity I was screaming at that dumb ass to get back to his position!

Well I'm out of a job. Midway through my second season with Duisburg I got the good old "fired" email, even though I was 8th in the table and had half a season left to meet my board's expectations of a top four finish. Maybe they fired me for how ugly the football was - think we only had one match in which more than a single goal was scored between the two sides. This can can be a real grind.

A bit surprised at getting fired considering I failed to meet my board's expectations in my first season but they seemed to think otherwise and kept me on. Now I gotta figure out what to do next, though since EA for some reason took out the option to take your VP with you when you switch clubs, I have no desire to continue my current career. At the same time I was really hoping a patch would be released in time for me to start my next CM.
My keeper just got sent off!

He slid outside the box taking the attacker down. I had made all 3 subs and had to pick an outfield player to go in goals.

Picked a defender and he played the rest of the match with his outfield top on.

Now I don't have marshal for my quarter final fa cup tie :(
Is it possible to sign players that aren't assigend to any club team? Like Eduardo, he is in the Croatian national team but not in any club team. Is it possible to sign him somehow? Been searching but he doesn't show.
EA_FLT said:
- Reporting and Cup progress now seem fine, looking at the past 3 days of Club data on 360;
- Still focusing on tracking the lag issue;
- The patch for PS3 and 360 is looking good, tons of fixes going into it (like micro-pausing on PS3 and Career Mode issues on both platforms);
- We are actively working with our partners towards the patch release date; unfortunately this takes some time, as we need to submit the patch through Microsoft and Sony certification; we'll get the patch out as fast as we can!
Is it possible to sign players that aren't assigend to any club team? Like Eduardo, he is in the Croatian national team but not in any club team. Is it possible to sign him somehow? Been searching but he doesn't show.

Hey Nick, could you please tell the devs to include among free agents those players who are in the game but not with any club? It's a lot easier for them to do it once rather than all of us have to do it individually. I really don't get why we're still having to ask for this, it's just common sense.
So include some simple UI option that makes the process easier. A "move all unattached internationals to free agent pool" button, or something else that streamlines the manual process rather than having to go through the work-around of removing and re-adding each player. I think it's more the case that they're just not bothered about it.
So include some simple UI option that makes the process easier. A "move all unattached internationals to free agent pool" button, or something else that streamlines the manual process rather than having to go through the work-around of removing and re-adding each player. I think it's more the case that they're just not bothered about it.

I'll add that to the list of things to bring up and pass on to the Dev's too...
lol Rammed into Ashley Young with Sergio Ramos, Young got injured and subbed immediately, news feed says he out indefinitely.
Has anyone had an issue trying to sell star players? I have a few CMs going to kick around the engine- one of those is Arsenal where I actually have Csec listed. No takers... no offers what so ever. Then I listed Arshavin... same thing...
Has anyone had an issue trying to sell star players? I have a few CMs going to kick around the engine- one of those is Arsenal where I actually have Csec listed. No takers... no offers what so ever. Then I listed Arshavin... same thing...

I'm not managing them but in my MM two seasons in Arshavin is at Real Madrid (Vermaelen went to Barca for £23M) - I think you just need to hope an AI team has the £££ and need for a big name and they will bid.
Has anyone had an issue trying to sell star players? I have a few CMs going to kick around the engine- one of those is Arsenal where I actually have Csec listed. No takers... no offers what so ever. Then I listed Arshavin... same thing...

Not sure really. In my Real Madrid CM I had Benzema up for sale for 2 transfer windows and had no offers. He's rated at around £25m. I was able to sell Granero for £13m & Alexis Sanchez (bought him for £11m) for £14m. Whether that's because they're a bit cheaper I don't know...

There seems to be similar complaints on the EA site (, though others say that they've seen the CPU make big transfers...
I actually got my first significant injury in my CM; Pato was tackled viciously and was listed to be out for 50+ days.

Huge caveat to all this? It happened in the LAST GAME of the season. LOL. So he's gonna be all fine once the new season rolls around. Glad to see first hand that these kind of injuries are definitely in, though.
Lucky you! I just got my first injury of the season, Trimmel my leading scorer with 28 goals just picked up a 52 day injury which rules him out of the last 3 matches of the season and crucially the Championship playoffs :(

Of course it happened in the derby with Leeds Utd, tossers! Strangely Leeds played the whole match with the midfielder Neil Kilkenny in goal, Schmeichel is injured and strangely he's the only keeper on their books!

I hope you 'tested' him properly by even making many long-range shots then.

How was his keeping? lol
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