FIFA 11 Career Mode Thread PS3/360

I was thinking about this too but i don't think it is worth it.

The main problem with this is, for example, it doesn't make any difference if the CPU shot the ball more (give him a high shooting slider) or less as long as my team hold the ball for the most of the time.

I tried it with colonge and changed their custom tactics. I was trying to let them shot more and trying to let them work with long balls a lot more. But i don't feel a difference because, as always, i was having 65-70 possession. And the few time cologne had the ball there are countering you. And the way they counter you is always the same (of course).

I think it would only make sense if the CPU would play a possession game, but most of the time you own the ball and their tactic doesn't matter at all.

@ Nick,

I wouldn't bother with the tactics tbh, but then I'm contemplating just not bothering with the game anymore aswell. :P I've been testing them out and the only difference they make is how high up and how aggresively you get pressured. If you haven't got an issue with it with the default settings I would leave it. However it is fairly quick to do, just do it for the team that have very charactaristic play patterns (Arsenal/Bolton/etc) as the tactics get saved under the club's name. Then it's nothing more then just going through the menu and setting them team to the "generic" CT. Once you have the 15 or so CT's it would be about 10-20min per league.

:(( I'll wait to see what the next round of tweaks and patches do then, the main reason I wanted to do them was to make the AI attack and shoot more...
:(( I'll wait to see what the next round of tweaks and patches do then, the main reason I wanted to do them was to make the AI attack and shoot more...

I read that the best results someone found was to actually change players defending stats, dropping them down like 20 points, then upping your difficulty setting. That way the CPU is more challenging attacking but isn't as awesome at defending.

He only did that for one team to test and I'm not about to do that for a whole league let alone multiple leagues! If we only had OFs like PES...
I've put every team bar Arsenal on 100 shooting and there is hardly any noticable differences imo. It's not like 100 means they are constantly attempting 30-yarders or anything, which should be the case if the settinga ctualyl made a substaintial differnce. And they still run into cul-de-sac's a lot of the time aswell. Maybe there might be a difference in 1-on-1's (they always shoot in my matches on WC). But tbh, I can't really remember as I quickly went into WC matches (as Pro was just shockingly bad).

It's like P+ has overruled quite a lot of the CT settings, and I believe the CT from the previous versions was only an edit to player tendencies rather than actual team tendencies. That would explain why team formations/defensive lines always acted the same even if you set up a tactic to park the bus. The defensivelie would always push up to the HW line after a counter. So far I haven't seen anything to think otherwise.

And good news, PES finally arrived today! Need to find a Prem/Championship optionfile before I start a ML. :D
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I never did get a response to that initial job review.

A few weeks later, I got another 'job review' email. This time they said they'd let me know in a few days.

After the next fixture (which I lost, now knocked out of both cups by always being destined to face Arsenal) I receive an email as follows:

Subject: You're Safe.

Hello Mr. Houllier,

The board has decided to keep you on board as the Manager of the club.

Performing well against the season objective.

Please ensure to maintain a high standard of the teams performance.

Yours sincerely,
A. Villa - Management
Performing well? Hmm, let's see... the season objective is to "Finish Top 4". My current position in the January table is a pathetic 18th... just the twenty-six points below Arsenal in fourth. And this is with the board difficulty setting on maximum, I think (as best I can remember - of course I can't even check, that would be too handy).

The email also reads like a 12 year old typed it.

Good to see we're getting our money's worth again, Marcel. Keep pushing that authenticity envelope.
I never did get a response to that initial job review.

A few weeks later, I got another 'job review' email. This time they said they'd let me know in a few days.

After the next fixture (which I lost, now knocked out of both cups by always being destined to face Arsenal) I receive an email as follows:

Performing well? Hmm, let's see... the season objective is to "Finish Top 4". My current position in the January table is a pathetic 18th... just the twenty-six points below Arsenal in fourth. And this is with the board difficulty setting on maximum, I think (as best I can remember - of course I can't even check, that would be too handy).

The email also reads like a 12 year old typed it.

Good to see we're getting our money's worth again, Marcel. Keep pushing that authenticity envelope.

Wow that's bad. You should at least do the right thing and fire yourself. Resign and at least keep your dignity!

(So last year's problems were blamed on old code, i.e. Marcel: "not my fault," but what's the excuse this year if they started from scratch?)
Well my VP is in fine form, if a little tired. (I'm controlling the whole team though)

Northampton Town started the season poorly, losing me to injury after 5 mins of the opening game, then promptly losing that and the following 5 games.
Upon my return we won 1-0, drew 0-0 and won 2-0, Leon McKenzie being particularly ruthless in front of goal, scroing a bullet header and a late strike inside the box after some nice build up play.

Finding the going tough though, as all League 2 players seem to have the first touch of a rapist, be it a simple trap or chest, the ball ends up about 4 miles away from them.

So after 8 games, we lie 14th in the table on 7 points.
I read that the best results someone found was to actually change players defending stats, dropping them down like 20 points, then upping your difficulty setting. That way the CPU is more challenging attacking but isn't as awesome at defending.

He only did that for one team to test and I'm not about to do that for a whole league let alone multiple leagues! If we only had OFs like PES...

Cheers mate...:TU:
Wow that's bad. You should at least do the right thing and fire yourself. Resign and at least keep your dignity!
I think you're right. In the absence of an actual Resign button (might be a good feature to add, not that they'd code it right) I'll sim out the rest of the season and see if they do the right thing in May.

(So last year's problems were blamed on old code, i.e. Marcel: "not my fault," but what's the excuse this year if they started from scratch?)
Not sure what the excuse is, but the reason sure screams 'not giving a ****'.

Simmed to the end of the season. Villa finish 13th, 36pts below the top four, and I receive additional Transfer Budget funds of £4,801,304 (why so specific, can't they just round these numbers up/down?) for finishing in that spot.

Next I get another 'job under review' email, citing a 'final performance check' to be decided in a few days.

The league table looks sensible enough. Chelsea champions, Wolves/WBA/Blackpool go down. Rooney pips Torres to the top of the goalscoring charts. Man City won the FA Cup, Spurs the League Cup.

Finally! I click 'End Season' and get a 'Subject: Fired' email :LOL: . Sunderland, Blackburn, West Ham and Birmingham all offer me a job. Obviously all that simming falsified my reputation somewhat... think I'll quit and start anew.
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- Deploying new online code to our TEST servers, that should perform better at peak and allow easier match-making, esp. in Clubs; once we're happy with it, we will deploy to PROD;
- Fixing more online exploits (World/Classic XI);
- Addressing Cup Draw issue in Career Mode;
- Compiling and testing the code for already-fixed issues;
- Working with our partners towards a patch date.

- We just deployed the above mentioned code code to our production servers. This will allow for better performance during peak usage and allow for easier match-making, especially in clubs.
The 1 to 2 second freeze during every game sometimes it happens once other games it happens 6 or 7 times i have a ps3 120gb slim (Just added this in because i forgot about it)

Player Growth - Whats the point in me buying a 17 yr old only for the coach to say he is improving but when i go to the growth screen it says he has gone down by 1!!

Ratings - just stupid on one screen it says my pro is 76 on another 81 on the stats page im 86 and in the team management at half time im 83... Help

CUP DRAWS -- GGRRRRRR need i say anymore....sick of the same teams in the cups all the time the draw is alphabetical

EA_FLT said:
Those are being worked on.
The team of the week ones, I've sent to the producers of the mode.
agree with above posters... this game would improve 100x if they had season long fatigue and wear'n'tear. was having a chat about real footie the other day and point was made the ONLY time player is 100% fit is game day one. that is where endurance and durability become real factors. i do not have to tell you lot, just joining in.

that being said, i am really enjoy CM. i have a fun one going with Bayern Munich. i had a match with FC Schalke 04 that frustrated and delighted me at one. i was up 2-0 through crafty play by Gomez and Muller. i forget which ref i had, but clearly tough one. i made this mistake of going in feet first with vice captain scheinsteiger... straight red! then Raul got one, bringing it 2-1. next problem was van buyten getting yellow (for a standing tackle) and i had to take him off for out of favor badstuber. huntlear quickly equalized and we lost 2 points...

reason i lost was the manager (me)! clearly i should have immediately changed my formation after scheinsteiger was sent, taking muller off and going 4-4-1, and bringing in Demichelis or tymoshchuk. then, made another error - probably should ahve brought in breno who had been playing quite well...

this was old fifa playing because i never really had to use my head on fifa before.

even with the poor fatigue system, there is dynamic situational analysis required through ref personalities and injuries (i have seen decent amount, but stick to subbing off as soon as a knock picked up)
Wow injuries are real hit or miss. I've got multiple CMs going, across multiple systems. (This isn't typical, I'm just not willing to commit until fixes/updates happen.) In my Charlton Athletic CM, on PS3, I'm most of the way through a season and I've yet to have a single - NOT 1! - injury. Yesterday I began a new CM with Duisburg in the Bundesliga 2 league, on 360, and before the season began I had two major injuries to key players, and in my third game of the season I had another, more short term, injury occur during training (the first two were in game injuries). Injuries seem weird like that this year.

On the positive side of things, I'm liking the changes to the transfer system overall. Starting out with my Duisburg side yesterday I found it very difficult to completely overhaul my squad in the first transfer window like you could previously. This comes from several changes/improvements, one being that it's more difficult to sell players now. In fact I put up one player, received an email citing interest, but when I went to the accept/reject screen I got a little pop-up saying the club no longer can afford my player and the transfer was cancelled! Son of a...! Also, it's almost next to impossible to bring players to my club that are at a more prestigious club or in a better league. And you can't just throw more money at them 'cause those fuckers say they don't want to hear from you again!

It's frustrating but overall I like the added challenge quite a bit. Before it was too easy to just overhaul your squad and bring in talent that probably would never come in real life, so you could boost your team's star rating by a half or whole star in your first transfer window. O

One question I have though: Duisburg already has three or four players at the club on loan from elsewhere - are these players that like Ibra at AC Milan should be on the squad permanently or are they real loans? I wonder this because a couple of the players don't appear like they'd be your typical loan player, one older striker in particular. (Although I did like how it would cost 500,000 Euros to cancel his loan - too costly for my budget so I'm stuck with him and his 10,000 wage bill!) It'd be nice if we had the option to at least buy him at the end of his loan contract or something.

Also, for the first time with FIFA 11 I went through the entire Budesliga 2 and entered in custom formations for teams, to decrease pressure/aggression and increase shooting. The defense is definitely better but I think I dropped the aggression too low - sometimes the CPU let's me have too much time on the ball in the final third now. Sadly, even though I have notice a few more shots taken, I haven't been able to manipulate the CPU offense into having more possession. All of the CPU goals and scoring chances tend to come from on a quick counter, typically with me giving the ball up in midfield. It'd be nice to see some variety and the more I play the more the CPU offensive AI is bringing down the experience. If anyone has success with tactics for the CPU teams, please let me know.
Bug: with one game and a few days left before the end of the transfer window I submitted transfer offers. Played the game and had one club accept my offer. Submitted a wage offer to the player and moved on. However I'm now at my next match, the transfer window has closed, I never heard back from the player, and he is listed under unsuccessful negotiations. Argh!
Yeah I had something similar, I made a transfer bid for Thomas Muller with about a week left of the transfer window, but never heard back, then the window shut :(

Overall though I've been loving the CM I have to admit. Though, on World Class, I haven't lost after 18 games, I've still drawn 9 of those and come mighty close to losing but for last minute equalisers (and deflected ones at that!). I'm still second though to Chelsea, which is pretty realistic. In fact the whole table is pretty much exactly as you'd imagine it to be.

I personally like how most players can play nearly every week. Most players do play twice a week in real life, plus the odd player in my squad does get tired (notably when my board tells me someone needs a rest) because I think it might affect their form more rather than just the stamina.

I've only had a few injuries, which I think is a good balance. I don't really want them to be as frequent as, say, Football Manager, it would frustrate me more being so realistic in that way. But I do like how Vidic had to be rested for a week or two after picking up an injury during the match, then when he came back into the team he got injured again. It's probably random but sure felt like he was suffering from a persistent injury which was cool.
After testing for these 15 days, both PES and FIFA so I think I have done. This year FIFA.

Although it seems that not many changes compared to FIFA 10, I think that this is the final leap. It is a Fifa 10 but with the playability and certain touches (weight of the players) of Fifa 9 (for me the best at this Fifa even with large errors).

I always ended up getting tired of FIFA to the months of playing because something failed in the gameplay and especially the realism of the shots. As PESero was never a sense of realism and jump off the sofa to score a goal. This Fifa has it.

And for me one of the key points is the rhythm of the game. It's slower, more deliberate (although I would also choose to superslow). And I notice that you can play with tactics and style of soccer that you want. Perhaps still sinning a little bit of speed when putting the team in defense and attack everything in default and I think my computer if you do not play anything stands too high.

I've only played against the CPU mode manager (world class) with Everton and is amazing.

My Team:

Alves (Almeria, signed, with huge red gloves)

Coleman Jaygelka (terrific), Heitinga (surprisingly good) Kolarov (M City, signed)


Arteta (such notice the personality) Barry (M City, signed) / Roodwell

Cahill / Pienaar Jury (why you left him to go, Schalke 04, signed) / Byaladetinov

Chicharito (M UTD signed) / Yakubu / Anichebe

I'm having feelings best. World-class game and I'm about to jump into Galactic.

Every game is different. In some, such as the League against Wigan, I struggled very much to have chances against a very defensive. The pace of the game was drowsy but the fact of trying to create the game is a pleasure. Each rejection of a defense, every shot on goal or out.
After fruitless 70 minutes, got to 1.90 and Anichebe and started playing ball at his head and noticed that there is a huge jump over last year. The headers are not random. Moreover, free movement you can put better and even push a little to win the position (the supercancel for Peseros) and finally pushing the goal came.

In another match like against Fulham, 4-2 at the break was the best I've played to date. As noted that Arteta has something. I think it's Playmaker, but is seen in He told them, passes, moves and shots that have something. And what about Fellaini. That guy plays everything in midfield for high, low. Is fed to steal and also is technical. I suggest his signing. Is that they see something in each player. Byaladetinov the hard left (and foul shot), the quality of Barry, placement Jaygelka crossing. Come on, one pass.

This first year I was fourth. I had a chance to win the league until the last 4 days but I played with Arsenal (0-2), M City (1-2), all I was worth winning and 90 min in a corner for the whole team came up with ( set pieces) and I melted and M against Utd (0-3).

In the Champions League with FC Barcelona threw me into eighths. 2-2 at Goodison Park in another memorable match and 2-1 in the Nou Camp where I swept per game. Barca played very well but I see it more realistic than Arsenal (I recognize I have nightmares about this team). Of course, with 2-0 and all decided at the last minute, sent the whole team up and scored Saha (as it hurt me to sell it) a goal of stunning head. I also within 5 minutes off a couple of sites to the pan left the Nou Camp terrified.

The second was even better with the new additions in terms of fun but worse results in the league. I've been saved 8 th season but won the FA Cup
I've heard a lot about the almighty in Chelsea Online. He had played with them 3 or 4 times and lost but I had always played in round 1 and I sent for home (1-0). It is obvious that they are physically brutal, but do not look so bad (I speak from the CPU).
In Eighth touched my Arsenal at the Emirates and here it I was blown away. They are brutal speed. I played with confidence to find holes with a great fear, because it was losing the ball and throw like animals on the counter 4 and 5 players runaway. A half hour was losing 1-0 but could go well 3-0. I guess you noticed that fatigue (I think we still should have a greater effect) and the last 15 minutes and the second half was quieter and got Replay draw and bring to Goodison Park where they won on penalties after a 1-1 draw.
Anyway I think that the role of teams varies play at home or abroad. I found a home Arsenal aggressive, obsessed with the counter and my goal and my field one more gamer and not being so direct.

In case you had not had enough, in the quarter, at home, I got the Man Utd. And this team really surprised me. Play and let play. Won 1-0 (of 5 games against them had always thrashed out) but the first part could end up 2-2, 2-3, 3-4 on occasions.

I won the FA Cup against Wigan 4-0 in a game the whole team very complete.

I'm in love with the game. Too bad there are no more stages such as English Ivy Lane is assigned to most teams and have the songs the shit a bit. Let's see if they fix it.

The game obviously has its bad things that speak when you have squeezed more, but the whole is certainly notable too high.

And by the way, the game is not enjoyable until you use the R2 or LT for controls.

Sorry, i´m from Spain. Google traductor.

Well Northampton Town, after a half decent run, are now stable in mid table.

We had a disappointing 0-0 Draw followed by the elation of a 3-0, comprehensive victory, with my VP earning himself 2 assists. One an absolute peach of a cross to the far post, met by a Steve Guinan diving header about an inch off the ground. Would have been easier to tap in...but whatever!

The highs didn't last though, as we were dumped out of the Paint Trophy by Stockport County, 2-0. A poor display, not helped by the fact that a lot of the chosen 11 were low on stamina, having played 3 games in a week.
The game was summed up by a woeful miss...

YouTube - TAXI! Fifa 11 Shocking Miss!
I've noticed that away matches are much tougher, which is really cool. I got a 1-1 draw away to Everton and was under pressure pretty much most of the match. It was hard to get the ball back or keep possession for long. In fact though I've not lost yet, I have drawn an awful lot of away games. I think if I controlled a team worse than Man Utd then I would for sure have lost quite a few by now, but I wanted to use a top team to ease my way into playing the game.

Yet when I play at home, it seems so much easier to open up defences, the AI seems less aggressive. That to me is pretty good realism.
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I'm trying hard to enjoy CM but crap just keeps popping up that I can't help but be bothered by, for example the email system:

I'm getting sick of this email system, and that's aside from the bugs. For example, I just got this email saying one of my players is not doing well, struggling, not playing up to his potential, blah blah. First of all it says he's a CAM when in fact he's a CDM (I think there's a bug where it displays what position he was in last, not his actual position. Just another bug.)

My problem is this: I have no clue why he's not performing well and yet he's dropped 1 OVR point, from 68 to 67 (I'm playing in Bundesliga 2). Based on my experiences with him and the matches he's played in I can see no real reason for why he should be dropping OVR points. In my opinion he's played just as well as everyone else on the squad. This is a fundamental flaw with this stupid new email system: it tells you B.S. that you can't backup with your own experiences. It may as well be completely random.

In addition, there is no reason for why this guy should be dropping OVR points just because he's not performing well... that's an issue with form, and they supposedly took form out of CM.

Also I got an email recently telling me that a player is doing well... what the hell does that MEAN? Is he close to going up in OVR? Or does my assistant coach just have a thing for the guy?

The more I play CM the more it's evident that whoever is programming this game mode, in addition to who ever is coming up with the ideas, is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. EA need to a) hire someone new to run CM and b) hire more people, because this is a substandard product at the moment.
I don't know, some good stuff in there too.

Just got an email from the Russian Chairman of league or something saying I won the manager of the month award for September and that my reputation was growing among fans/media as well as other managers.

Also had another email titled "Well Spotted" saying my young DMF who's been playing very well and I picked up on a free-transfer is doing very well and that it's good that I can spot a talented footballer when I see one...

And transfers are REALLY improved. I'm quite impressed. No longer so easy to upgrade your team with better players even if you have the money because many will reject coming to your relegation contender team/league just as in real life. I threw away a LOT of money in wages at Emiliano Moretti, Stefan Lichtensteiner and Zuniga but failed as realistically too, all playing for good teams in Serie A, wouldn't come to me.

I've noticed that away matches are much tougher, which is really cool.

And not only that, I also find the home team gets away with more ref decisions which is also cool somewhat realistic!

I'm playing in the fast-growing Russian Premier League (And Fifa's new licensed league) with Anzhi Machakhla (sp?) and REALLY enjoying it. Every game is different it seems and very exciting.

When I was playing away to CSKA, holding on for a 0-0 draw, it seemed like their players were getting away with MURDER in the last 20 minutes or so of the match. Very biased refereeing not even getting fouls when some of their tackle and challenges warranted cards. I found that REALLY exciting and realistic as we were a small team fighting for life against superstars of CSKA and backs against the wall fighting against all odds.

Made the final whistle when he blew for 0-0 all that much more satisfying!

Also I'm scoring all kinds of goals which is very nice and satisfying including rounding the keeper, except chip-shots that is. :/ which I don't even try anymore because the 2 times I had a break-away and I tried, it went ridiculously bad....

Put it this way, if this mode doesn't 'crash' on me or some unstoppable bug happens like last time with my Charleroi save (which might have been cause I edited some stuff, I don't remember... ) then I'm a happy man. The mode is FAR from perfect and has an incredible amount of room for improvement. But it is already fun and decent enough for me to enjoy without trying to be too anal and picky and cornering myself into a negative state where I'm no longer enjoying it. That's my view.
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I'm having a go at a new CM with Newcastle (Legendary, Slow, no pressure buttons). So far I've had two injuries in my first five fixtures (eight fixtures if you include pre-season): Guterriez out for 35 days Jose Enrique for 45.

I went searching exclusively for Specialities in the transfer market, trying to wrestle any personality out of the game that I can find. Picked up a midfielder/defender ('Tactician', 'Engine'), a centre back ('Aerial Threat', 'Strength') and an Argentine midfielder ('Playmaker'), who I hope will become an Arteta-type figure in the middle of the park. To raise funds I sold Coloccini to Genoa and flogged a few of the fringe players, like Xisco.

So far, performances have been pretty good... much better than results. Lost narrowly at Wolves, came from behind twice to draw 2-2 with WBA in a really entertaining match, then lost the derby with Sunderland simply because I couldn't get to grips with the elusive movement of Bent and Gyan. We dominated midfield with the extra man in the middle but couldn't make it count.

Then came two very frustrating and (I think) undeserved defeats, to Forest (cup) and Birmingham. Three goals conceded, three cross-head autogoals. The CPU relies on this crutch so often, and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. You didn't know Rob Earnshaw could cross like David Beckham, did you? Carroll hit the post twice vs Birmingham too :(
I don't know, some good stuff in there too.

Just got an email from the Russian Chairman of league or something saying I won the manager of the month award for September and that my reputation was growing among fans/media as well as other managers.

Also had another email titled "Well Spotted" saying my young DMF who's been playing very well and I picked up on a free-transfer is doing very well and that it's good that I can spot a talented footballer when I see one...

But this is my gripe: regarding the "Well Spotted" email, what the hell does it MEAN?!! Obviously something in the code promps the email, but is it because that player is half way to his next OVR increase? I have no problems with having an email system at all, my problem is not knowing what the emails are really telling me - I'm frustrated, that as manager, I really don't have a clue what's going on with my players!

If an email system is to remain in place this is how I'd like to see it: you get an email saying "well spotted" blah blah blah, which is an indicator that has been clearly defined, e.g. your player is mid-way to his next OVR change, and then I can go to the player growth screen that would indicate, through XP bars or numbers or something, how EXACTLY my players are doing. I don't mind an email system that provides hints and suggestions, but there needs to be something more behind it so that I feel like I'm in control of things. If I'm not, what's the point in being manager?

But I do agree: the transfer system is a vast improvement, even if I've seen some unrealistic CPU transfers. Overall though it's easily the number one - hell it might be the only - improvement this year.

I'm having a go at a new CM with Newcastle (Legendary, Slow, no pressure buttons). So far I've had two injuries in my first five fixtures (eight fixtures if you include pre-season): Guterriez out for 35 days Jose Enrique for 45.

Did you adjust CPU custom tactics too? It's making a pretty big difference in my Duisburg CM though some things are still out of balance. More than the defensive side of things I'm seeing the biggest improvement in how they play on offensive, although the difference appears only noticeable when I play on Legendary. Just lost a match 3-1 and it was the first one I think since playing that I really felt like I got owned. Plus I'm seeing much better possession numbers, though I've yet to see the CPU dominate possession.

I tried searching for some "personality" in the transfer market too, but sadly as a Bundesliga 2 side I guess my budget isn't big enough to enjoy P+! I was searching for a CAM with the playmaker trait that was between 65-75 OVR and I got no hits - very disappointing.
No, I haven't tried messing with Custom Tactics yet. I'm sure I will do somewhere down the line.

The Playmaker Speciality just means that he has certain attributes (short/long passing, vision etc) rated highly, players under 75OVR are unlikely to be so technically gifted. I really think they need to start from scratch with the way players are rated.
No, I haven't tried messing with Custom Tactics yet. I'm sure I will do somewhere down the line.

The Playmaker Speciality just means that he has certain attributes (short/long passing, vision etc) rated highly, players under 75OVR are unlikely to be so technically gifted. I really think they need to start from scratch with the way players are rated.

Ah, I get confused between traits and specialities. I know that for one attributes must be over 80 or something but what about the other? I'll have to check next time I play.

I'm not sure they need to start from scratch - which is a good thing since what are the odds that they would? - they just need to go further with what they had, add a couple things like the hexagon/octogon whatever, tweak something here and there.

I remember a discussion I had some months ago with a data editor who was adamant that P+ was going to make its way down to the lesser known leagues/players, and I wonder what he thinks of it all. I don't expect a 60 rated player to get the Rooney treatment, but with all the editors out there they got working for them, I was hoping for more. The data editor I spoke with, for example, was convinced that players throughout the game would have traits. Honestly, you get beyond the big players and I don't see how P+ can be considered anything but a major fail.
Posted this on the official forums then figured I might get more intelligent input here. Basically, if next year is going to be the year for sliders, I want sliders in CM:

There's talk that next year we'll finally have sliders to tweak gameplay to our liking. If that does happen I'd love to see sliders also added for CM, so that our experiences can be made to our specific liking. A couple features that should have sliders:

* Player growth speed - some of us like slower growth for greater realism; some of us find faster growth to be more fun.
* Board difficulty - basically like we already have I suppose.
* Club budget - self-explanatory.
* Transfer difficulty - the lower the difficulty, the easier it is to bring-in new talent (this applies to both the amount of money it will take to lure players to your club, but also the likelihood whether they would join your club to begin with, i.e. the likelihood a player will join a less prestigious club.)
* Injuries - more or less injuries.

I think it's fair to say it is a requirement that new features be added for next year, and here are a few suggestions for features that could have sliders/options:

* Form - either an on/off option or a slider for difficulty level.
* Manual player growth option - the option to manage player development should return for those of us who miss it (although possibly a better idea would be to develop a new system that revolves around training players).
* Scouting/youth academy - not sure what the sliders would be for but I wanted to include this as we desperately need this feature back!
* Chemistry/morale - on/off?

The way I look at it, this is the second straight year that EA have given us a poor management mode. Compared to the competition it's already sad that CM has so few features, but having so many bugs and issues is simply inexcusable. If EA hope to get my money next year, FIFA 12's CM will need to be vastly improved. Sliders are not only a good idea to allow each person to tailor their gameplay experiences to their liking, but they should also be implemented for CM. I believe the above suggestions are a good starting point but what else can we think of that EA should add?
Perhaps a setting relating to finances, somehow? I haven't yet gone far enough to find out this year, but in 09 & 10 it was always easy to be swimming in money without really doing anything to warrant it.
Perhaps a setting relating to finances, somehow? I haven't yet gone far enough to find out this year, but in 09 & 10 it was always easy to be swimming in money without really doing anything to warrant it.

Absolutely. I haven't gotten far enough either but I can already tell not having the scout makes a massive difference - it was both a big source of talent and transfer funds for me in the past.

I'm enjoying the increased challenge of CM this year when it comes to upgrading my lower league squads. For example there's no way I'll be gaining promotion in my first year with Duisburg in the Bundesliga 2. I'll actually be extremely fortunate to fulfill my obligations!

And it's going to be just as hard next year because I've had to be so reliant on loans. I'm really hoping a patch comes out before then so I'll have a reason to start over! I'm midway through the season and I have one player on +1 growth but two players on -1.

It'll be interesting to see how many total goals are scored in my matches, by both me and the CPU - it's gotta be some sort of record low.

But yeah, I think sliders could be a huge addition for the gamemode since people love to play it in different ways.
Is this a bug?

During the winter transfer window I released a striker I had on loan (he was already on loan at the club when I took over) but I have yet to see an increase in my wages as a result. It's now been a week and a half after I released him yet no change.

Am I missing something or is this a bug? At the moment I'm pissed as hell cause I really need his 10,000 in wages!
EA_FLT said:
- Most Career Mode changes we're looking at will NOT require you to restart your career. Some, like the improved draw system, will actually work right away!
- And I insist - we are working on offline issues at least as much as we are working on online ones, and we have lots of fixes ready to integrate.

Good news...
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