FIFA 11 Career Mode Thread PS3/360

Hey guys is there an easy way to have different CMs going using different VPs? Do I need to create different profiles within FIFA to do this?
EA said in a Q and A it would sim the season if you got fired.

Playing on World Class as Legendary got to hard to be Consistant scoring goals and breaking defences.
Mixture or Semi and Manual.
The Problem with the lower leagues is it feels like the defences AI all play at the same level even tho your forwards are weaker in the lower leagues so its really uneven.
EA said in a Q and A it would sim the season if you got fired.

Playing on World Class as Legendary got to hard to be Consistant scoring goals and breaking defences.
Mixture or Semi and Manual.
The Problem with the lower leagues is it feels like the defences AI all play at the same level even tho your forwards are weaker in the lower leagues so its really uneven.

Yeah it's weird, I'm finding I need to drop the difficulty down a level with the lower leagues cause I can't score - it's as if EA think lower league players can't dribble at all or turn quickly while defender reactions remain superb. Frustrating to say the least.
Just had a couple of very satisfying 1-0 wins away at Blackpool and Stoke, alternating with a couple of frustrating 1-1 draws at home to Wigan and Fulham after leading both games. On the plus side I'm now four undefeated, which is an improvement from my earlier form, but then again I suppose eight points from such a favourable run of fixtures is the least I should be getting. Still stuck in lower-mid-table and need to start climbing, but it is only October.

I'm finding it a nice challenge at the moment. Every goal and point feels like it is earned, which is when football video games are at their most fun for me.
Had a nice bug, I bid for Tim Krul who Newcastle listed for loan, during that process Burnley bid and signed him on a full transfer, yet it let my loan go through, so I'm paying for his loan contract, the news item says we signed him on loan, yet he's not in my squad and still at Burnley, so I had no choice but to either pay his wages for a year or cancel the loan, which I did at a cost of £45k...

But hey at least it's a brand new CM engine with no bugs n shit...
Oh, almost forgot Placebo. Reseting the squat to default didn't work (you may remember my problem with the ghost player). No CM Season for me anymore. Just playing tournaments from leagues all over the world right now and in future (28 leagues - i will try to play one season in every one of them. This should keep me busy until FIFA 12). CM is a disappointment again.
Oh, almost forgot Placebo. Reseting the squat to default didn't work (you may remember my problem with the ghost player). No CM Season for me anymore.

I didn't say it would work, once your saved CM file is corrupted by the updated squad file it can't be recovered, you need to follow the multi CM save and multi squad file steps I covered previously if you have any hope of retaining an uncorrupted CM save.
I didn't say it would work,

I know you didn't say it would work. It was just worth a try (and you give me this hint so i just want to give you a quick feedback).

If i ever start a new CM i wont make this mistake again and will start with 3 save files just like you explained so well.

But next week will be a PES week first. I will try the full game to see what it has to offer. I really have a hard time with FIFA right now (played it the last 2 hours and it was no fun again) and don't believe it will change. It is not my game this year. I will hold it, take a break now and maybe give it a go later. Maybe after EA has patch some things.
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Just won the league cup, no congratulations msg and it doesnt show up under My Career that I won it.

But Clichy is out for 104 days pssssh
Just won the league cup, no congratulations msg and it doesnt show up under My Career that I won it.

But Clichy is out for 104 days pssssh

CM is looking more and more like a complete joke.
What exactly have they been doing to this mode over the past year? They've removed a number of things and added like one... This Marcel dude must have no demands what so ever from those above him.
...or he has some very comprimising photo's!

What's this March crash you guys are talking about? I'm currently in Feb so I'm getting worried!
Exactly, there are things to complain about but not things which are down to basic levels of gaming ability IMO.

In League1 I can defend fairly comfortably but the two times I met stronger opposition (Wigan and Stoke in the cups) I got battered, dreading promotion to the Championship as I reckon I won't get things all my own way any more!

i dont understand how you guys can honestly say that. They reduced the pressure by parking teams in there own goal box, and every clearence goes perfectly to there strikers... to me it has a long way to go to be a good game vs the CPU.
Started my third CM after problems with the first two. I usually start at the bottom in npower league 2, but this time I've gone with Charlton Athletic in the npower league 1, and man am I finding the gameplay much more enjoyable. In past FIFAs I always started at the bottom but this year they seem to be even more inept, or is it just me? Sometimes I think EA exaggerate the lower teams inability to do simple things, like kick a ball or turn quickly.

Anyone out there finding joy playing in the 4th division? Maybe I'll give it another go, and maybe I'll try it at a lower difficulty setting or something - it might be that the CPU pressures and tackles too well while the 1 star teams need a little extra space and time with the ball.

Anyways, having fun with my new CM but I'm now operating with 3 save files, lol. One funny thing has already happened with player growth though - I'm only on my third game but one of my players has gone up a point. What's strange is the guy is 30 years old, and one of my oldest players by far because I cleared house, and the player growth screen still "has nothing to report" on him despite his early progress. He is a CB though and I find defenders always finish games with higher match ratings than midfielders and attackers.

So is the operating theory that player growth is totally random? Anyone find a way to predict who will improve and who should be given playing time? I honestly have no clue at the moment, which sucks because it means there's no point in trying to plan for the future.
I am through my first season with Aalborg BK and haven't had any crashes at all. The same with my little brother. Hé is through his first season with Ajax and haven't had the March crash either.
I am through my first season with Aalborg BK and haven't had any crashes at all. The same with my little brother. Hé is through his first season with Ajax and haven't had the March crash either.

You're on Xbox right? Someone said most of the problems are on the 360 but I don't know if that's true or not. I haven't had problems with my PS3 CM yet but it's early.

Also, are either of you using custom/edited squads?
Beginning to think I won't be long on the Villa hotseat!

Thought I was starting to turn things around, then promptly lost at Wolves and went 0-2 down at home to the Baggies... :SHOCK: ...just when the knives were coming out for two dreadful derby defeats, Heskey forced home an 88th minute goalmouth scramble and then Agbonlahor sprinted clear in injury time to snatch an unexpected equaliser.

Maybe it'll be a turning point. Really need to put a run together now, no excuses, because 14th in November is not good enough. Back to the tactics drawing board in search of inspiration :THINK:
Or not! :D Painfully lacking in inspiration actually, an injury-time defeat at Sunderland was followed by the unacceptable crime of capitulation at home in the Birmingham derby (although Agbonlahor was denied a blatant penalty, so it was all the ref's fault! :P ).

With boos ringing in my ears, the board sent me a message to say that my job is "under review". I'm basically a dead man walking now, I feel. Even if we recover and find a way to beat West Ham in the next fixture, I don't see how the board's review can conclude anything other than that I suck! :COAT:

I think I approached this job with too much complacency, and Legendary has promptly slapped me down :HAND:
Well, player growth is the same random b'shit that you guys are experiencing.

"This player has already reached his potential etc." and the guy is only 19 years old. So no difference, what-so-ever :TTTH:

I started a CM with my VP and got injured inside 5 minutes. He was out 40 odd days, so I spent the next HOUR simming games and days. It is so god damn slow.
Ouch thats shocking Virtual Pro bit of disappointment all round it got so many flaws needs alot of work.
Have to say that after a week of CM I'm finding the matches to be real slogs. The game is unbalanced imo, nothing new there, but passing speed vs running speed it too similar meaning you can't really create much space with good passing anyway and the running speed is too similar between players combined with the lock-on defending that you never really get free.

I'm finding my games to be a constant loop of;
- passing around in midfield,
- seeing a player free ahead
- passing to him but the combination of the pass being slow, the sprint defending and the lack of strength to maintain possesion means,
- they are countering again
- which is easily stopped, even without using any buttons and only timing
- and you back to passing in midfield again

The game definitly has some meaningfull improvements, but they seem to have taken a few steps back whilst doing it and it's left the game to be more frustrating imo. And yet I find myself also enjoying it sporadically when finally a passing move actually works and isn't stopped by slowness of unfair speed and strenght. I just don't think it happens enough. Will hopefully have PES tommorow so can give that a decent spin and give a final verdict next week.
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I think I approached this job with too much complacency, and Legendary has promptly slapped me down :HAND:
Yeah the same for me here i had to drop to world class!legendary is too difficult!are you still playing without pressing thé 'X"?i m thinking about reducing the stats (defending,tackling ect) of all defenders by 15 cause it is really difficult to break the defenses and it lead to really unrealistic games what do you think?
Yeah the same for me here i had to drop to world class!legendary is too difficult!are you still playing without pressing thé 'X"?i m thinking about reducing the stats (defending,tackling ect) of all defenders by 15 cause it is really difficult to break the defenses and it lead to really unrealistic games what do you think?

I think that would be something to try. I'm playing with Hercules in my CM and it is impossible to break free from defenders. EVERY TIME I think I'm clean through on goal the defenders get some magnetic superman powers and muscle me off the ball. I'm getting really pissed at the obvious CPU cheats atm.
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