This is the main crux of it...

A big part of making an iterative title is to listen to fans, you guys have a big effect on what we plan to tackle year-by-year. There is some capacity that is reserved for innovations that hopefully none of you is even dreaming about , but again...a big chunk goes towards improving what we have.

The negativity in the forums, especially towards Manager Mode was pretty strong - and posting a 70 bug heavy list into Peter Moore's blog had quite some impact. As a result, at least some of you, almost got their wish granted...which was to see me leave the team. But in the end, David knows all the reasons as to why things happened the way they did and gave me the chance to explain myself to him and Peter (Moore)..

Seems all our efforts are making an impact...
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Forgot this bit, it sounds good for 11, it looks like they will be re writing most of it and I very much doubt we'll see as buggy product, certainly not on the scale of 10, though that's not hard to do... :P

Manager Mode in it's enterity can only be fixed with a complete rewrite from the bottom up, which requires a lot of endurance. I have been at EA for a while and I know I have the stamina to see this through. I agree with you, the do-less-better approach should be applied for coming FIFA titles...we're working on it

I hope that means no more modes for 11, just improving and innovating the ones we have...
bloody hell, fifa10 nearly cost him his job and could of cost him his wife too, there are more things to life than computer games.

He is getting paid to work on a product that brings in millions of pounds of peoples money.

In any job if you don't do your job properly, then there will be questions on why you are still in that role.

Obviously the job was difficult. But when you start lying to people and promising things will be done, that you know will not be possible, then you start getting into trouble.

Doesn't matter that it is a game, its a product that they are selling for £25 upwards that they have marketed and expect people to pay money for. Like any other product out there.

Stuff like this has hit them and I doubt that initial sales will be high next year because alot more people will leave it a week or so to see what problems there are with it.

It is all about reputation and if they have a guy working for them that is ruining their reputation, then it makes sense to question his position at the company.

Anyway, hopefully he has learned his lesson and will not bullshit us next year and be honest with the people that will be buying the game.
Well I sympathise with him a bit, I know what it's like to "be made a liar of" inadvertently due to what the devs tell you will be included and what doesn't make it in the final game (or doesn't work on release).
Seems all our efforts are making an impact...

Yeah it's good to see that, obviously I didn't really want to get the guy sacked or make him come back early from his honeymoon but the simple fact is releasing a mode with 70 bugs/glitches when you know that they won't be fixed is simply unacceptable.

Obviously there's nothing we can do now but I think when it comes round to Fifa11 review time we should try contacting the various main sites and remind them that despite their great scores MM in 10 was fundamentally broken and beg that they actually test the mode and give some honesty in their reviews, even if it doesn't change the overall score at least give some exposure to the issues so it pushes EA to fix them from review code to final code.
Yeah it's good to see that, obviously I didn't really want to get the guy sacked or make him come back early from his honeymoon but the simple fact is releasing a mode with 70 bugs/glitches when you know that they won't be fixed is simply unacceptable.

Obviously there's nothing we can do now but I think when it comes round to Fifa11 review time we should try contacting the various main sites and remind them that despite their great scores MM in 10 was fundamentally broken and beg that they actually test the mode and give some honesty in their reviews, even if it doesn't change the overall score at least give some exposure to the issues so it pushes EA to fix them from review code to final code.

It's nice to know they have at least felt the effects of the time and effort us so called moaners ;)), have put in to trying to get answers and the bugs addressed...
It's nice to know they have at least felt the effects of the time and effort us so called moaners ;)), have put in to trying to get answers and the bugs addressed...


...Oh wait the games still fucked!

On a serious note though I think they are listening to what we have to say and i'm sure next year they will be taking extra care to get every element spot on.

The whinging whilst annoying for most people actually gets things done quicker than the old pat on the back approach most ea bummers take.

I think personally next year and onwards they should be aiming towards customer created content.

- Face Editor

- Hair Designer

- Kit Designer

- Boot Editor

- Stadium Editor

- Pitch Editor

- Crowd Editor

- Sound Editor

- Celebration Editor

All these elements should allow shareable user created content.

The pressure would be taken off the dev team if you could do it yourself, just look at PES over the years.

If we had all those elements plus quality MM,AI and Gameplay I think i'd give up work.
The whinging whilst annoying for most people

TBH I couldn't give a flying fuck who finds it annoying, history has shown us this is what we must do if we want things to improve, simple fact is those not bothered by the bugs should be off playing Fifa if it's so great for them, not reading forums whinging about the whinging ;)
Surprised with that PM Nick, Again didn't want the guy sacked but I'm quite happy with the fact that its given them a shake up. Hopefully FIFA 11 will not be the same bug ridden game cause of this. :))
TBH I couldn't give a flying fuck who finds it annoying, history has shown us this is what we must do if we want things to improve, simple fact is those not bothered by the bugs should be off playing Fifa if it's so great for them, not reading forums whinging about the whinging ;)

Me neither

I'm a serial whinger and I love it!
Not necessarily bobby...he's a member of a team and he is the guy who is the "face" of MM...if he would have been sacked he would have been a scapegoat. I rather feel for the guy to be honest.
He had to make the promises that others (and he) could not fulfill.
if he would have been sacked he would have been a scapegoat.


I rather feel for the guy to be honest.
He had to make the promises that others (and he) could not fulfill.

Sure, but he didn't exactly help himself either, posting while on honeymoon "I see you found lots of bugs ;)" did nothing to appease the disappointed masses. Nor did going into hiding and popping out now and then to post inaccurate statements and banal statements like "it's better than last years" or "I'm enjoying playing it" etc. etc.
Not necessarily bobby...he's a member of a team and he is the guy who is the "face" of MM...if he would have been sacked he would have been a scapegoat. I rather feel for the guy to be honest.
He had to make the promises that others (and he) could not fulfill.

I can understand from a point. But at the end of the day he made the promises.

If his bosses were thinking of sacking him, there must have been an underlying thing there where maybe he lied to them aswell? maybe he wanted to impress them and kept harping on about all the stuff he could do. Then he was found wanting.

Its all speculation of course, but he still lied and went along with it. No matter if he had to lie to keep his job (Selfish reasons) doesn't matter he still did it. If he was forced to lie that much, he could have quit? because at the end of the day, his reputation has taken a bashing from this.

The best thing that can come out of this is if next years one is dealt with better.
Paul and bobby, i agree with both of you up to a certain extent. To be honest i don't know a lot aboutthe games industry (nothing), but i guess that Marcel's task was amongst others helping to build up the hype for FIFA 10's MM.
I can imagine that the testers noticed the bugs and that the team wanted to postpone the release in order to have a perfect product. Enter the marketing division who points out that they can take a decisive advantage over PES if they stick with the original release...and Marcel and his colleagues know that they are in for a lot of stick.
Now the guy's crisis communication was not very good, but i'm not sure i would have done better, the internet and forums canbe a harsh place sometimes (as we all know)...

I also now that in professional life people tend to search scapegoats if there is a major fuck-up. Marcel was an dieal scapegoat and he can count himself lucky that he wasn't fired. Still, IMHO that would have been an injustice...

But maybe what i'm supposing here is totally wrong.
Paul and bobby, i agree with both of you up to a certain extent. To be honest i don't know a lot aboutthe games industry (nothing), but i guess that Marcel's task was amongst others helping to build up the hype for FIFA 10's MM.
I can imagine that the testers noticed the bugs and that the team wanted to postpone the release in order to have a perfect product. Enter the marketing division who points out that they can take a decisive advantage over PES if they stick with the original release...and Marcel and his colleagues know that they are in for a lot of stick.
Now the guy's crisis communication was not very good, but i'm not sure i would have done better, the internet and forums canbe a harsh place sometimes (as we all know)...

I also now that in professional life people tend to search scapegoats if there is a major fuck-up. Marcel was an dieal scapegoat and he can count himself lucky that he wasn't fired. Still, IMHO that would have been an injustice...

But maybe what i'm supposing here is totally wrong.

He shouldn't get the sack as you said it would have been harsh.

But hopefully the whole situation will show them they can't do that again. If it happens next year people will go mental.

The crazy thing is people would have been so happy for them just to fix the little things that were wrong with it. They knew the MM wouldn't be the finished article for a couple more years.

So I really don't know why they promised the earth and then obviously lied about it when they knew it wasn't working.

Its just frustrating as it could have been so much better.
the do-less-better approach should be applied for coming FIFA titles...we're working on it

Music to my ears.:))

If EA have to make the game smaller and more manageable then I'm all for it. I think they've been guilty of pushing the game forward too quickly, adding new modes and DLC, rather than consolidating and improving on the core gameplay and single player modes, and generally the massive potential Fifa has had since 08.
I had a couple of games on PES 2010 for the first time yesterday, just to check it out. Overall impression was 'not too bad'. It plays a more tactical game than FIFA 10 (not suprising), the player likenesses are 100x better, and it has more atmosphere infused into it (hearing the Champions League anthem instantly makes anything better, it's the law).

On the other hand: the standard of animation is just horrible, the sound of the ball being kicked is 100x too loud, it doesn't feel anywhere near as fluid in possession, and... most importantly of all... it remains assisted controls only, right? Or at least I couldn't see any manual settings. There is such a difference in satisfaction between hitting the net with a manual shot compared to an assisted shot, that it's now a gamebreaker for me to start with.

I think I'll be getting my football fix from FIFA 09 between now and next October.
Ive just bought it too and I really liking it but I agree some of the animations are shocking. Although FIFA was really bugging me and every game was the same no matter who you were against.

You can have manual passing in PES using the right analogue stick. Ive just added the chants on the PES and it's awesome playing at Anfield with the proper crowd chants
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