Err something's not right here, I went to download latest squads, it said "no new squad file available", so I reset squads to default then downloaded the latest squads, and it's still the same old lalalala as before, no Chucho starting for Birmingham, Mancienne starting for Wolves, don't understand it at all? Looks like exactly the same squad file of at least a week ago.........

Just checked my post to PWride on the EA forum and the custom tactics update has been released.

Anybody tried it yet?

What the hell are they playing at if it's still the same?

Are the custom tactics still at 50's now?

not all 50, but the range is very small... nothing is over 65/70 i think...
its pretty lame actually...all the team tendecies will be a bit numb this way, better stick to the comunity custom tatics...

Btw about Ultimate Team, im willing to buy it if we can finnaly set friendlies agasint m8s with our team... i was gutted last year that we couldnt do that, became pointless to me that i couldnt show or test my team against my m8s.
Hrm...if anything being an oldschool evo-web'ber makes you a hardcore PES-fanboy in disguise, thus your credibility on the matter isn't exactly something I'd write home about.

Whatever floats your boat, though.


Yep, that's why I got Fifa 08, Euro 2008 and Fifa 09 on pre-order before release day and played all of them for many, many months. I'm currently playing Fifa10 because I'm a hardcore PES-fanboy.

Seriously, can you drop the nasty, jumped-up attitude. Let's accept each others views and be civil to one another.

For your information I enjoy both PES and Fifa this year. Both do some things really well, both do some things badly. Both are not as good as they should be.
Retri = The FIFA version of Jimmy G-Force

If we don't love FIFA 10 it's because we don't know what we're on about, havn't played the game and/or enjoy moaning.

I mean, how could anyone not think FIFA 10 is a masterpiece of a football game, the best ever made. The awful AI, the constant pressuring, the rubbish shooting system, robotic keepers and a bunch of other fantastic features all add to the experience and make it the most realistic simulation of football to date. How could anyone think differently...
There are big issues with both FIFA and PES, I can't understand anyone who posts saying they don't see that or either are perfect products?...
Exactly, it makes me laugh when you see some people going way over the top about how good FIFA or PES are and then abuse anyone who posts constructively about the weaknesses of them, saying they expect too much or are too picky (or are even trolling)...

Most of what I have seen people complain about on here has already been done correctly in previous football games, expecting games of the same quality as the past is not expecting too much, in fact it's probably expecting too little as we should expect things to progress, yet it's still not what we're getting.
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Well said, Rob.

I may be alone in this opinion, but I think football gaming in general has been a let-down on this generation of consoles. PES is a let-down for obvious reasons, and Fifa because although it has come on leaps and bounds since the PS2 days I feel as though there is so much more they could do with the game engine. The potential is there for Fifa to be the best football game ever if EA really worked hard on the gameplay faults and manager mode rather than online modes and gimmicks. EA are so close yet so far.

The zenith of football games was towards the end of last-gen. I can't say that Fifa and PES as they are now entirely resemble what I had hoped next-gen football games would play like.
Yep, that's why I got Fifa 08, Euro 2008 and Fifa 09 on pre-order before release day and played all of them for many, many months. I'm currently playing Fifa10 because I'm a hardcore PES-fanboy.

Seriously, can you drop the nasty, jumped-up attitude. Let's accept each others views and be civil to one another.

For your information I enjoy both PES and Fifa this year. Both do some things really well, both do some things badly. Both are not as good as they should be.

The opinion of someone who's claimed that the epitome of electronic football was "toward the end of the last gen" without ever even touching any JWE or Football Kingdom is worthless to me, sorry.

You're just a fucking deluded casual who likes to fool himself into thinking he's not just either acritically eating whatever the big publishers throw into his general direction, in a nicely wrapped package ("ZOMG FIFA IS TEH AWESOME GOTY ALL YEAR EVERY YEAR" or "THE KING IS BACK" 1 week in docet) or riding the latest bandwagon ("ZOMG FIFA SUCKS!!11one!", etc.).

Retri = The FIFA version of Jimmy G-Force

If we don't love FIFA 10 it's because we don't know what we're on about, havn't played the game and/or enjoy moaning.

I mean, how could anyone not think FIFA 10 is a masterpiece of a football game, the best ever made. The awful AI, the constant pressuring, the rubbish shooting system, robotic keepers and a bunch of other fantastic features all add to the experience and make it the most realistic simulation of football to date. How could anyone think differently...

lol, I'm actually more of a die-hard Winning Eleven/SWOS fan than anything (and as I have already stated elsewhere I was one of the biggest detractors of the FIFA series up until 10's release), that's why I just cycle back and forth between FIFA 10, JWE2009CC, WinUAE SWOS 96/97 (mostly Online), JWE9AC and Football Kingdom: they all got their pros and cons, nonetheless they're still pretty fucking awesome videogames and more than enough to fulfill my virtual-football craving.

I suggest you do the same instead of bitchbitchbitchbitchbitch'ing 24/7 causa you ain't gonna get anything done that way aside from entertaining people as easily amused as me.
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Why don't you go edit stuff some more for EA now though instead of shitting up this thread further, AFAIK the players' individuality is SEVERELY lacking, (ainorite!?), guess whose fault is that.

The programmers & game designers, but don't let such major point failure stop you :)
The opinion of someone who's claimed that the epitome of electronic football was "toward the end of the last gen" without ever even touching any JWE or Football Kingdom is worthless to me, sorry.

You're just a fucking deluded casual who likes to fool himself into thinking he's not just either acritically eating whatever the big publishers throw into his general direction, in a nicely wrapped package ("ZOMG FIFA IS TEH AWESOME GOTY ALL YEAR EVERY YEAR" or "THE KING IS BACK" 1 week in docet) or riding the latest bandwagon ("ZOMG FIFA SUCKS!!11one!", etc.)

Angry little chap, aren't you? You seem to have a problem with opinion and constructive criticism which makes me wonder why you joined an internet forum.:THINK:

Call me a casual if you want. I've spent more hours than is healthy playing football games for the best part of 20 years (since Italia 90 on the Master System). Kick-Off, SWOS, ISS, Fifa, This is Football, Actua Soccer, and many others. If I'm a casual in your eyes then so be it. I don't care. What I do care about is giving my opinion.

Bullshit does sell form time to time. Sometimes it's all about marketing and making games "fun."

And yes, the next time I decide I want to play a realistic footy sim, I should go outside and play with my friends/get a gf/get a life/stop crying.

Constructive criticism can lead to positive change.

This is less in response to that article you quoted and more in response the rest of the trash that you've been tossing around since then.
Wanted to ask about the team tactics update, but looks like I shouldn't bother...may be more fun to watch someone deregulate over others saying that *shock**horror* FIFA isn't perfect.


You really are doing yourself no favours.

(albeit unsurprising) how hypocritical of you. Wanna see who's posted more in this thread between the two of us? lol, eh.

Bullshit does sell form time to time. Sometimes it's all about marketing and making games "fun."

And yes, the next time I decide I want to play a realistic footy sim, I should go outside and play with my friends/get a gf/get a life/stop crying.

Constructive criticism can lead to positive change.

This is less in response to that article you quoted and more in response the rest of the trash that you've been tossing around since then.

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Yes! Awesome. I've been thinking of reminding everyone what Retri had to say about the whole "I've played Football Kingdom and you haven't so shut the fuck up" scenario, but before I could get round to delving deep into his post history (in a scene reminiscent of the sewers of Ghostbusters 2) I scroll further through the fun and he hits the motherlode.

Funnier still, for all that Retri comes in here boasting about how he has mail ordered things from abroad and therefore knows more about this topic than all around him (a philosophy which has gifted us such managerial greats as Vladimir Romanov, Abramovich and the one-to-watch Sheikh Mansour) I haven't seen a single sentence from him to indicate he has thought in depth, one way or the other, about the quality of the game at all. Pretty much every post has been an attack on other posters, rather than an attempt to constructively debate the issue, which is exactly why things have degenerated as they have right here. Perhaps that's just because he's
Retri said:
easily amused

Sting's beard you're a cunt. A funny one though, so please stay and entertain us. It's not like we'll be playing FIFA, because it's arcadey mediocrity on a disc.

C'mon man, really? I guess if it were a about a month ago I woulda been pissed off enough still about FIFA 10 to really get riled up but you have to realize that those silly pictures don't do anything.

Maybe I'd be angrier if I'd been around here a bit more in recent weeks to read some more of your verbal doo-doo disguised as forum posts.
(albeit unsurprising) how hypocritical of you. Wanna see who's posted more in this thread between the two of us? lol, eh.
Your point being what exactly?

Read the content of my post again, the image says "How about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up" and "Think before you say something stupid".
How then from that did you come up with your point about me posting more in this thread? That's a completely irrelevant point you've made, well done on embarrassing yourself once again.

Were you never taught how to form proper arguments at school? You make your point, give evidence if possible (not really possible when talking about football games) and explain/justify your views.
As mentioned before, you make irrelevant points, you have not justified any of your views properly (meaning they can't be taken seriously) and your attempt at giving evidence was that one video of an extreme exception to the way FIFA usually plays and then said I was "full of shit" because of it (that's like watching a video of 9/11 and coming to the conclusion that planes flying into buildings is a common occurrence).
Sometimes you even skip making points and go straight to insulting people, that's also a rule of making arguments, people know you have a weak case if you resort to insults at such an early stage (we attempted to debate with you first, but evidently you are incapable of this, so you recieved some well deserved insults yourself).
If everyone took the same approach to criticism as you do (i.e. it's just moaning) then nothing would improve.

We (Me, Jamezinho, romagnoli etc.) have made valid points that we have explained about the faults and weaknesses of FIFA 10, and also acknowledged it's strengths. Why can you not do the same thing?

Most of the stuff we have said about the game's faults (pressuring, shooting, set piece physics, keepers and individualism to name a few) are hardly deniable though to be honest, even for the biggest of fanboys so there is no real way to defend the game (which you like to do) when these topics come up.
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I think we can all conclude that FIFA has finally arrived at Evoweb!

We used to be a sideshow with pleasant discussion and critical comments with very little aggro. Now we are going into full on PESesque wars and the game has already been released....nearly 2 months ago! It's going to be great next year before release. :D

Great news on UT release, hopefully they can do another one called ManagerMode2.0. They could even have daytime gamepacks (5 per set), billionaire rescue packs, etc.
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Well downloaded the latest update and there is a variation in there at least.

Knocking it down from Legendary to world class I noticed the constant pressure wasn't what it used to be like before. More blocks and rebounds had come my way also than used to happen.

So they must have tweaked the difficulty levels as well as the custom tactics?

Still annoyed about how this game has been left out to dry and will wait for at least a couple of months before getting Fifa 11 just to make sure.
(...)You make your point, give evidence if possible (not really possible when talking about football games) and explain/justify your views.

I made plenty of reasonable points and backed em up with evidence where possible (hence the videos) and I'm also evidently far more knowledgeable than you and your butt-buddies when it coems to football games, however since ya'll are clearly in denial and refuse to come in terms with the truth (besides, truth hardly ever wins arguments over the internet) you're just gonna get treated the way you deserve, like trolls.

Trolling trolls is the only thing the internet is good for after all and I always manage to get a good laugh out of it in a way or another.
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