Very good Drekkard - when it comes out I'll be playing it eight days a week!

Nice one mjp! Note that I'll give the fifa demo all my loving.

PS: On a serious note, maybe it's time to end the beatles quotes by now. I know it can be addicting, but just... let it be.
But isn't 1080i just upscaled 720p so unless 1080p is natively supported you're much better off sticking with 720p for fast moving games? I know there's always a big debate about 720p or 1080i......
I know from using 720p/1080i on the PS3 that 1080i looks awful for games and makes this weird kind of tearing effect when anything moves. 720p all the way for me.
You do realise that exactly what you can do?????

Sign in to your Xbox account on then select marketplace then choose Fifa 10>Download and as long as your Xbox is on, it will start downloading. All from the comfort of your work.

Remember to leave your Xbox on tomorrow morning though.

Jesus christ!

I never knew about that! wish I read this yesterday, now I am sat at work and have no option to download the demo. Boo Hoo!!!
How do you force your game to run games only at 1080i then? All my games auto switch my TV to 720p.

I'm guessing on the PS3 untick the 720p box? would that work or will it just drop to something below that?
How do you force your game to run games only at 1080i then? All my games auto switch my TV to 720p.

I'm guessing on the PS3 untick the 720p box? would that work or will it just drop to something below that?
If your TV is automatically switching it to 720p, does that not mean your TV only supports 720p and not 1080i?

The only way to test it I suppose would be to untick the 720p box like you said...
I'm not sure how to go about ordering FIFA 10. I've booked the Thursday and Friday off so I can play it, but in my flat the doorbell downstairs doesn't work so I wont hear the postie coming. Not sure if a game package will fit through the letterbox as it's pretty small.

I could get it delivered to my parents but they're an hour round-trip to go and pick it up from them. Or I could just hang around outside the flat for hours until the postman arrives :LOL:

Dilemma ....
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