the demo is out tonight at midnight?
Midnight? Don't think so, at least not in the UK!

In the UK it'll be somewhere between 8am-11am on Xbox Live and either 12pm or 5pm on PSN depending on Sony's willingness. But I don't know when they update in the US.

I ask you, what is the difference between this and the coloured arrows of PES games that showed form, except for PES's being in a fantasy world? They're basically the same thing except EA has gone the long way round to achieve it. Why not just introduce a form factor into their management mode and make form dependent on how well each player did in the game previous?
FIFA 10 has a form system in Manager Mode, I believe it's there in the tournament mode as well but I might be wrong. Marcel Kuhn says that a player's form is determined by the last five games, but more so the last two games. So if a player scores a few goals in his most recent two matches, you know he'll be a good bet to play. If he scored a few goals four or five games ago, he'll still have it in him. Longer than that and his form will be down (if he's a striker of course).

Also, benched/reserve players drop in form all the time without playing. So if you have a star player on the bench for half the season, when he next plays, he'll be a bit rough.

The Manager Mode screenshots show that you have coloured arrows to indicate this form in the same way that Live Season does. Marcel has already said that Manager Mode has its own Live Season built into it basically. It sounds like a brilliant new feature, and all of the Manager Mode features make this Live Season 2.0 mode completely redundant to me...
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FIFA 10 has a form system in Manager Mode. Marcel Kuhn says that a player's form is determined by the last five games, but more so the last two games. So if a player scores a few goals in his most recent two matches, you know he'll be a good bet to play. If he scored a few goals four or five games ago, he'll still have it in him. Longer than that and his form will be down (if he's a striker of course).

Also, benched/reserve players drop in form all the time without playing. So if you have a star player on the bench for half the season, when he next plays, he'll be a bit rough.


I never knew that mate. You've made the wait even harder! :LOL:

My point still stands though imo. There's no real need for this mode if you play lots of management mode off-line. The next true step imo is an online manager mode and they are getting very close to it with this next iteration of "clubs" from the perspective of a player in a club (being in a club in a regional league and signing talent you've spotted that are other real life players etc).
My point still stands though imo. There's no real need for this mode if you play lots of management mode off-line.
Precisely my point.

I'm sorry but I really don't see how playing a load of friendly matches with no interaction outside of each match is worth any money whatsoever, it's a step DOWN from Manager Mode, not a step up!

The next true step imo is an online manager mode and they are getting very close to it with this next iteration of "clubs" from the perspective of a player in a club (being in a club in a regional league and signing talent you've spotted that are other real life players etc).
100% agreed.

What annoys me is that as I said a few posts ago, Ultimate Team has some Manager Mode features that even Manager Mode doesn't have! You've got backroom staff (where you pick the guys you want individually, with contracts that expire, rather than having a "staff slider" like you do in FIFA 09), player training (where you can focus on specific areas of their game), chemistry (so you can't just buy a five-star team and win from the word go)...

If they ditch Ultimate Team for FIFA 11 and flesh it out into an online Manager Mode, I would be the happiest man alive.
The game mode itself was probably very easy to put in, and live season itself is probably hardly at all different from last year's system. We knew last year it would cost us as EA have said as much all along.

I'm thinking of getting the all-leagues package as it should be fairly insightful as to what is happening in other leagues, as well as making sure that players like Fletcher get the ratings their real world performances merit. I also hav money to burn and, combined with shopping at the right place, it's only £3 more than RRP.

I expected indiffernce to the game mode (sounds dull to me) but I'm surprised by the outrage being expressed. What did people think LS 2.0 would be??
I like the idea personally, and i would use the live season in offline mode;

I have a question though - lets say that for some absolute unexplicable reason, Burnley were top of the league come half way through the season when i play them as liverpool.

Will Burnley still be tosh as per the non-live season stats? Im thinking obviously the stats will be better, but the stats will have to be severley increased to make burnley a decent side..

Then, how could you have a defender such as Alexanda for burnley have better stats than Gerrard for liverpool??? Even if Alexander is on form, surely he cant be statistically better than gerrard?

Im confusing myself here :S

edit: In short i dont want that feeling of playing burnley and thinking, how the hell did they get a result at x,y and z when they are clearly so shite
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Midnight? Don't think so, at least not in the UK!

In the UK it'll be somewhere between 8am-11am on Xbox Live and either 12pm or 5pm on PSN depending on Sony's willingness. But I don't know when they update in the US.
Thank god i have 360 and ps3 then. whichever version comes out first i will download.
I expected indifference to the game mode (sounds dull to me) but I'm surprised by the outrage being expressed. What did people think LS 2.0 would be??

Not outrage as much as bafflement. I think most expected it to cost money as soon as Adidas was dropped from the name, but I think many of us had hoped for something a little more sophisticated than a season of exhibition matches for our "buck".

What's also hilarious is that at the end of the 38 game season, the big pay off will be a fake newspaper cutout saying "[Insert Team Name Here] Wins the League!".

It sounds like nothing now, but when you finally finish that league and you're met with a textual "congratulations", you'll see how ridiculous the whole thing is. I'd like this time to go into making other modes/features better. They'll make enough money from their "store boost" as it is.
A few things...

I expected indiffernce to the game mode (sounds dull to me) but I'm surprised by the outrage being expressed. What did people think LS 2.0 would be??
A) A few people were expecting a scenario mode. I kept saying that it was a bit too much to expect a scenario for 20 different teams in each of the Live Season leagues each week, but a lot of people wanted to see this. I don't, to be honest.

B) My "outrage" (which I would describe more as disappointment, i.e. being gutted, than anger) is that time has been spent developing this Live Season mode. I would have much preferred some extra work going into Manager Mode, online modes - anything, rather than something that involves so little interaction (outside of the matches themselves). It just seems like such a waste of time.

If I wanted to play this mode right now with FIFA 09 I could, just make a league table on the PC, go through the results each week, play 38 friendlies and hey presto.

I have a question though - lets say that for some absolute unexplicable reason, Burnley were top of the league come half way through the season when i play them as liverpool.

Will Burnley still be tosh as per the non-live season stats? Im thinking obviously the stats will be better, but the stats will have to be severley increased to make burnley a decent side..
If you're playing in Manager Mode, the stats of Burnley will be the stats they have in your game, based on their form in your game. Downloaded form doesn't come into play here.

If you're playing the Live Season game mode, the form of Burnley will be their downloaded form based on - well, this is a good question to ask, will it be their previous match form or the form that they had for the match in question (say that week they DID manage to beat Liverpool)?

They won't be SEVERELY increased though. They were last year and EA are claiming they've learnt their lesson on that front.

Is the asian demo droping tomorrow too???
If so we should check that out since their well ahead on the clock.
I don't think so, otherwise everybody would be rushing to download it and it would have been discussed in much more depth!
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to be honest. i dont think it will have eaten much dev time. They have just stitched a few things onto the current live season.

I think it looks ok. Reading the dev blog with the screenshots etc I would be up for one league as I mostly play football games offline anyway and it will be something I could jump in and out of.

Overall not the huge announcement/upgrade we were anticipating, but lets remember this still looks like a cracking game lets not get down because of this news. DEMO TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So they've added management features into this UT that are not in manager mode? So as usual PES has a ton of great manager features but lacks the gameplay. fifa has the gameplay and yet they're half arsing the manager mode yet again.

Ah piss off.
I really don't think LS 2.0 took a significant enough amount of time out of EA's man hours to rob manager mode of anything significant. As I said, LS 2 just recycles LS1 and then chucks in a basic league mode. LS2 didn't cause EA to remove youth academies from MM, or stop the sun from setting at Ivy Lane.

I do think there are too many modes and obviously this doesn't improve matters in that respect but even if MM turns out to be undernourished I won't be blaming a dynamic database and a slightly contrived league mode, especially when the reason why FIFA has improved so much is because of the size of their workforce and their ability to do several things in parallel. I personally value the form system; there's a lot more to it than just being a PES style form arrow in my opinion and I look forward to seeing young upstarts excelling in the game as they do IRL.

Whereas UT seemed like an awful idea to me, I think LS is great value and I'm more than happy to pay such a paltry sum for something that encourages you to play with teams that wouldn't usually draw your attention (and I say that as someone who point blank refuses to play with 5 star teams online).
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UT would be great if they just removed the cards and the whole randomness of it, and made it into an online Manager Mode.

Getting your staff together, retraining formations, even the training idea is great - it's even more advanced than what you get in the offline Manager Mode for God's sake!
My God I couldn't agree MORE with this. My friends and I have been discussing how certain aspects of UT would actually translate really well into MM and it just boggles our mind why EA didn't implement them!! Grr
So they've added management features into this UT that are not in manager mode?
They were already there in FIFA 09's Ultimate Team. Getting the team chemistry right, getting in some staff, training your players... Unfortunately the player training thing was a garbage system and most people now have players with 99 for every attribute, rendering Ultimate Team unplayable for me, but if they tweaked it and put it towards an online Manager Mode next year it would be fantastic.

Just a quick question, re the demo being out tommorrow, has this come from an official source?
Yep, it even has its own feature box (or whatever you call it) when you turn on your Xbox 360. "FIFA 10 demo arrives 10th September" or words to that effect.

I really don't think LS 2.0 took a significant enough amount of time out of EA's man hours to rob manager mode of anything significant. As I said, LS 2 just recycles LS1 and then chucks in a basic league mode. LS2 didn't cause EA to remove youth academies from MM, or stop the sun from setting at Ivy Lane.
I'm sure it could have been used to add very slight tweaks to a mode's features that make all the difference though. Just my opinion.

Be A Pro Seasons has had barely any work done to it this year, which Mike Takla has openly admitted on the EA forums. That should have had SOMETHING done to it, rather than spending ANY amount of time on this Live Season mode, IMO. You're paying £40 for the game so anything that features within the game as you've bought it should get the most work, not these add-ons. IMO.

I do think there are too many modes and obviously this doesn't improve matters in that respect

Whereas UT seemed like an awful idea to me, I think LS is great value and I'm more than happy to pay such a paltry sum for something that encourages you to play with teams that wouldn't usually draw your attention (and I say that as someone who point blank refuses to play with 5 star teams online).
Well it's all about opinions isn't it; UT has some good ideas in there and at the very least it gives you something to do between matches. Otherwise it's just play match, play match, play match - I completely hate that, hence why I'm not interested in this mode whatsoever. But that's my personal opinion.

I also refuse to play with, or against, a five-star team online - but there's a star-rating filter there now for ranked games etc. so there is all the encouragement I need to pick a random team. I'll never get some moron switching between Man United, Barcelona and France while I'm sat there with Tranmere again. Bliss.
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I hope they improve stats and appearances as well as form this year. Some players in reality were showing they were much better than what the game had them along with them being 6ft+ only being 5 ft 7 in the game.
I hope they improve stats and appearances as well as form this year. Some players in reality were showing they were much better than what the game had them along with them being 6ft+ only being 5 ft 7 in the game.
All of these kinds of errors can be fixed in the January update if they are collated by somebody. They're data errors.

The question now is will you need to be subscribing to Live Season 2.0 to receive the January update (it was distributed via Live Season last year so if they want to do that this year...).
All of these kinds of errors can be fixed in the January update if they are collated by somebody. They're data errors.

The question now is will you need to be subscribing to Live Season 2.0 to receive the January update (it was distributed via Live Season last year so if they want to do that this year...).

That's what I said earlier and I think it's significant that they have said 2.0 includes transfers.
It has me worried that EA seem keen on taking FIFA more and more to an on line title, MM mode and offline content seems to be getting short shrift from them.
One of their bosses eluded to the point, seeing on line as the future to the title. Don't get me wrong on line is great but I'd fight tooth and nail to keep an offline MM mode...
Yeah - like some software houses I've dealt with in the past!

I think it's a little bewildering that the main mantra in the build up to the game has been "we've listened to the community" etc etc then they are going to give us something that I can't imagine has been widely requested?
I'm not that surprised but it is still a let down that they haven't touched BAPS. They need to completely change that mode to something much more realistic. If it was more deep like MM but with you as a player in focus I think it would grow to a big mode.

He said they haven't touched it because only 5% plays it. Yeah I wonder why...
I'm not that surprised but it is still a let down that they haven't touched BAPS. They need to completely change that mode to something much more realistic. If it was more deep like MM but with you as a player in focus I think it would grow to a big mode.

He said they haven't touched it because only 5% plays it. Yeah I wonder why...

Well they are sorta taking baby steps towards that by allowing your Virtual Pro to grow in ManagerMode
Again I don't see what they could have introduced to MM that would have a real impact while using such a small amount of work. Remember that any small change to MM would require the whole thing to be tested for balance and new bugs; myLS is a tiny pocket of code that borrows heavily from pre-existing modes rather than genuinely bringing anything new. I think those that were expecting a complex scenario mode for £4 were never going to get their wish.

I don't think they've touched BAPS because they see VirtualPro as their main focus this year. To be honest I can't argue for or against the reasoning beyond that as I only played it for 10 matches or so as Possebon, and that was only two months ago.

My point about the Live Season stats and their benefit for me as a non-5 star player is that it introduces more variety on a week-by-week basis. At the moment my 4 star team of choice is West Ham; however if I see that Sunderland are bang on form in real life and their in game stats are adjusted to reflect that then I'd be more inclined to use them and therefore try and work with a more physical game than the Hammers would bring to the pitch. Alternatively if Everton are having a torrid time of it and they get bumped down to four stars I might fancy them as my online option;
Well they are sorta taking baby steps towards that by allowing your Virtual Pro to grow in ManagerMode

I just think that is lame though. Your VP will get positional marks from how the CPU is moving him around when you are not in control of him. To me only the user himself should be reflected in the VP, not the CPU.
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