I know what you mean but there's a bit of a difference between what I said and what you said, try playing in League 2 for a season... All the players at that level are virtually identical no matter what the stats, and after two games you've seen every stadium you're going to see for the next 40+ games. It's literally like playing the same match 40+ times in a row. As nice as it is to see the teams in the game, playing as a League 1 or League 2 side is nothing compared to the experience you get in the Premier League (and I don't mean the quality of football, I mean the amount of effort that's gone into making everything different).

I'm with you there I always start in League 2, I would dearly love and even pay for an add on, that would include lower league stadia and if possible, the Non Leagues too. This is the reason I want more than 15 seasons, I want time to work your way up...
I partly agree, but I'd rather have League2 where every team has the same stadium than something like PES where it has the same 30 teams that hold zero interest to me every year.
Actually some of the teams in PES rotate each year, their policy is "add 8 delete 8" (or something like that)... At least with FIFA if a league is added one year it'll be there the next, rather than adding a handful of teams and then the following year they've been replaced by another handful. It's yet another one of those things Konami do every year that makes you scratch your head and wonder what the hell they're on. It's not like they're going to run out of space on the disc, and half the time the added teams aren't licensed so it's not like they're going to be running out of money...
Onto the subject of handballs, a bit of confrontation etc and the odd bad offside call or random dive in the box. You guys have shot these ideas down, then responded by saying its because you want more realism!?! Have you ever watched football, you get bad calls every week, Pedersen throws himself around the box like a salmon, Gary Neville regularly screams at the ref - ITS REAL LOL

Oh and I believe FIFA themselves wont allow bad linesman calls, as they want the game to be represented in rose tinted glasses lol

If theres room for the more useless leagues and teams then surely, I can be allowed to play as any of the African national teams. Why are they missing, or will there be an African Cup of Nations update for sale soon?

Football games are also at least 90 minutes long and still have low scorelines. There are also drop balls, clashes of heads, leg breaks, streakers, pitch invasions, thrown coins, racist chanting, players dying on the pitch, etc.

There are a million billion things that happen in football which FIFA could implement to make the game more realistic. The point is keeping the balance with being fun. It's one thing to have a professionalism slider to determine whether a player's slide tackle might be dirtier than others, or having a trait like "plays for fouls" where a player goes to ground more easily when challenged, sticking a leg out to make sure they're caught for example.. It's quite another for one of your players to be deliberately targetted by an online player to exploit the 'rage' AI and make sure your best players get sent off, without you being able to do anything to stop it, or for EA to put in a dive button which then never gets used because 99% of the time it will lead to a booking, and when it does work people who were cheated online will be completely disenfranchised by the experience.

You could put in handball, but the fact is you'd then have to have some AI where the game can determine whether the player could have moved their hand out of the way (which would also have to be programmed) or if it was completely unavoidable. Bear in mind that in FIFA 09, even the keepers weren't especially intelligent about using their hands.

Slide tackle animations are also fixed, so if a certain tackle is more likely to end up giving away a handball than others players are going to be less likely to slide in, thus greatly impacting the balance of the game and leading to huge threads in forums like this.

It's not that your ideas are completely wrong, but for the next 3-5 years they aren't something I imagine FIFA will really consider seriously. I think Dave Rutter has said in many interviews that he thinks in much the same way as this, which is good news.

I can't disagree with your comments on missing so many international teams though.
About the handball--dive thing, there should be an option on the main menu to turn it on or off. I see what you mean when you say you don't want handballs, but I personally would love to see them more often (we got 'em on PC!)
After our win in Stamford Bridge I thought there were no more handballs to be whistled in this sport.

The "oh my god it's the wrong thickness tape around his ankle" brigade are for me the reason why we don't have those things. When I played SWOS I could feel Shearer was Shearer, great poacher and header and George Weah was Vooooooommmm... :P

You exaggerate about the tape suggestion, when you are going on and on about the cover. Who gives a shit about the cover? At least tape has something to do with the actual game.

And also, try and restrain yourself from insulting our own country man and probably our only hope in the World Cup, Wayne Rooney.
To My Best Sport dev FIFA TEAM Plz add this points:

- More Edit mode
- Bigger staduims
- Lighter player movment and dribbles
- More national teams & asian Teams
- Manager Mode ONLINE !!
I partly agree, but I'd rather have League2 where every team has the same stadium than something like PES where it has the same 30 teams that hold zero interest to me every year.

I'm the opposite. I prefer the PES approach of fewer teams, but better researched and more individual feeling players. Even with the wealth of teams in Fifa I find that I still use the same old teams I would play as in PES. The teams from the smaller leagues in Fifa feel completely soulless to me.
You exaggerate about the tape suggestion, when you are going on and on about the cover. Who gives a shit about the cover? At least tape has something to do with the actual game.

And also, try and restrain yourself from insulting our own country man and probably our only hope in the World Cup, Wayne Rooney.

Yeah you tell him.
Ooooh did you guys see the latest video on fifainformer? That guy said they have a big new mode to introduce and later he said that they have plenty of online modes so they don't think any more online modes was needed this year. I really love to hear this because it would mean the big new mode is offline which I prefer. Wonder what it could be...
I got a couple of MM transfer system questions answered by one of my sources at EA and I'm told I can make them public:

1. Does it take the Man City Robinho factor into account? Even if you're not a prestigious club/manager but if you can pay some crazy high wage can you get a super star?

EA: Yes

2. Has the loan system been revamped? 2x 12 month loans is way off the reality of 5 in and 5 out for most lower league clubs.

EA: I don’t think this has changed, will see what we can do.

3. Has it been changed so you no longer can only bid like 4 times in January and 4 times in August with a limit to "negotiations"? For example being able to make bids every day or such?

EA: Yep that’s all much better now, you also start the season earlier so have more time to sign before season starts.

Anyone is free to repost this information where they like, except on FSB*

* Just kidding ;) post where you like but credit as the source please :)
:LOL: Starting the season earlier is very good news, I wonder if friendlies will be in there too...
Yeah that's what I'm guessing as well from that, and I hope that if you don't play friendlies then your player's stamina is affected and it takes them longer to become match fit at the start of the season.
2. Has the loan system been revamped? 2x 12 month loans is way off the reality of 5 in and 5 out for most lower league clubs.

EA: I don’t think this has changed, will see what we can do.

3. Has it been changed so you no longer can only bid like 4 times in January and 4 times in August with a limit to "negotiations"? For example being able to make bids every day or such?

EA: Yep that’s all much better now, you also start the season earlier so have more time to sign before season starts.

I hope they do alter the loans and it's great to get some TF time pre kickoff...
what i want to know is, will it be possible to play manager mode with a few buddies on the same machine?
Anybody know if the goalkeepers kits have been fixed? It would be nice to see a Rory Delap long throw in the game.The post i read earlier about coin throwing and racist chanting in football matches,get real!Are we gonna see Danny Dyer outside talking to some fatbelly twat talking about "Top Boys on the firm" Nothing to to with football at all.
I got a couple of MM transfer system questions answered by one of my sources at EA and I'm told I can make them public:

1. Does it take the Man City Robinho factor into account? Even if you're not a prestigious club/manager but if you can pay some crazy high wage can you get a super star?

EA: Yes

2. Has the loan system been revamped? 2x 12 month loans is way off the reality of 5 in and 5 out for most lower league clubs.

EA: I don’t think this has changed, will see what we can do.

3. Has it been changed so you no longer can only bid like 4 times in January and 4 times in August with a limit to "negotiations"? For example being able to make bids every day or such?

EA: Yep that’s all much better now, you also start the season earlier so have more time to sign before season starts.

Anyone is free to repost this information where they like, except on FSB*

* Just kidding ;) post where you like but credit as the source please :)

Placebo, if I knew how to insert a smiley here then there'd be about 10 applauding icons for you sharing this.

The negotiations question alone is an excellent one and the answer is just, well, spiffing. :-)

That's one of those things that doesn't always spring to mind but seriously affects the authenticity of the whole transfer system.
Well it's something that bugs me about the current transfer system and the news we'd had so far about "improved realistic transfers" is just one part of the problem with the current MM transfer system :)
Must be one of the easiest accounts going sorting EA's FIFA packaging...

"As you can see gentlemen, we took 06 to make 07 and then 08 and then 09 and for 2010 we give you... the same cover with a slightly different picture of shrek on it", That will be £250k please.

Thank you, come agian...

They should have various covers, I for one, don't want to look at that scouse prick on ym games shelf for the next 12 months.
Have you heard anything about loaning players out getting them experience points Placebo? I've asked questions but heard nothing back yet...
If you're asking, can you find out if the bug that causes the freeze on the Simulating screen that kills your MM, has been removed, and the glitch on player selection on 2vAI, where the player you selected changes to your team mate or just disappears especially on through balls...
I would looove to find out if changing the before game attribute menus is anywhere on their radar. I've asked this question before (maybe I'm the only one who actually cares about it :), but remember in pro-evo being able to easily see what your players were good at (with the yellow orange red white color coding system ie. 95 or above was red), and being able to easily compare their stats to another player without going to a separate menu? It made it so much easier to know what your players were good at, and I hate seeing only an 'overall' rating and having to press a button to see a list of stats, all in white. It seems like this would be an easy thing to fix... any chance of finding out? (Chris, Placebo :)

Also I saw your message Placebo about the traits being hidden, but that really doesnt make much sense... does it? that and hiding weak foot accuracy- bring it back to the regular menus!
Yeah they really need to overhaul the player stats menu. And when you look at how much of the screen they use for other nonsense it can easily be done. Also I wouldnt mind if they overhauled the whole menu system as going through them is so slow atm (I know its faster on the 360) but even so. Just moving up and down shouldt feel like you're in a FIFA08 animation sequence.....
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