for clubs i would prefer to be able to join everyone in the arena with your name above your head and a tick or a cross to say you have pressed ready or not, instead of sitting there waiting for people to click ready, then you can at least have a kick about

also i would like to be able to have a practice mode with my club mates, i.e be able to do set pieces and tactics, either in a practice mode or in some sort of arena

instead of the loading screen with you in the arena we should all be in our own half with our team mates
One thing which annoyed me is that there is no difference between right or left footed players when they do tricks.I know I did mention this before but having someone like Messi doing a flip flap on his right foot bothers me a lot (i know he doesn't even use it in real life haha)
wow, i was tottaly blown away by the article on FSB, the gameplay seemend incredibly improved, the passing, the dribbling, keepers, shots, everything. I was stoked, then i read who wrote the article and all i can say is i will wait to the game comes out, LOL, sounded like he took an old article about a PRO EVO preview and copied and pasted onto fifa.
wow, i was tottaly blown away by the article on FSB, the gameplay seemend incredibly improved, the passing, the dribbling, keepers, shots, everything. I was stoked, then i read who wrote the article and all i can say is i will wait to the game comes out, LOL, sounded like he took an old article about a PRO EVO preview and copied and pasted onto fifa.
If it had been me you would have been the same. ;)

Read the ones on the official EA forum etc. for confirmation that it's not only one or two people saying the same thing. :)

Release date according to Play is 2nd October.. bit late isn't it?
Must be one of the easiest accounts going sorting EA's FIFA packaging...

"As you can see gentlemen, we took 06 to make 07 and then 08 and then 09 and for 2010 we give you... the same cover with a slightly different picture of shrek on it", That will be £250k please.

Thank you, come agian...
Looks like I'll have to buy a foreign copy of FIFA 10 if that cunt R**ney is on the cover again.
I personally would like to see Fifa10 get the following:

Handball (PS2 got it 2 years ago, why cant PS3?)
The ability to incorporate the manager mode team into UNRANKED online matches.
More fouls from CPU opposition
CPU getting yellows and reds. Mine seem to never get any.
The odd wrong offside decision.
The manager and sub cut scenes from Euro2008
Subs warming up
A bigger pool of classic players, why doesnt classic 11, contain Zidane and Maradona? Oh and Ian Wright lol
I'd like to see players squaring up to each other when a nasty challenge happens.
Goalies dropping the ball at corners, shots squirming underneath them Massimo Taibi style.
More National teams too, Nigeria etc so many missing.
The option to download more stadia, ie every Prem League ground

My next idea is this, why dont they do a base game retailing at £19.99 consisting of just International teams and only the teams relevant to the country of sale, ie UK gets Domestic leagues in England and Scotland and the International teams. Then if you want La Liga or Serie A, you buy the download pack for £4.99 or something, Champions League pack the same, World Cup pack etc

Really and truthfully, how often do you delve into the Austrian, Brazilian or Mexican leagues, really?

Anco did this with Kick Off on the Amiga, it enabled them to make sure the gameplay was as good as it possibly could be. And the add-on packs got them more money over the course of a season. They do it with Need For Speed. Why not Fifa? They could even have a 'Transfer Search' that went into a pool of players online, to save all that wasted data on a disc. Maybe like iTunes??

Most football fans around the world are interested in the obvious football countries, all the rest is a waste of data and time, when it could be better spent on enhancing in game REALISM. The less daft data in a game, the less updates need doing.

I dont expect you to all agree, it is my opinion after all.
My next idea is this, why dont they do a base game retailing at £19.99 consisting of just International teams and only the teams relevant to the country of sale, ie UK gets Domestic leagues in England and Scotland and the International teams. Then if you want La Liga or Serie A, you buy the download pack for £4.99 or something, Champions League pack the same, World Cup pack etc
How would that work for online games? If you wanted to play someone in Spain, for example, and you had the UK version. You both have to download a £4.99 pack?

It would also add to the production costs as a guess. At the moment you can have all of the teams on one European disc, which can take the regional settings of the console to set defaults and the like.

Really and truthfully, how often do you delve into the Austrian, Brazilian or Mexican leagues, really?
I would if I had the choice. Think SWOS.

I also don't think more time would be spent on the game engine with fewer teams in there. EA have the resources to work at the capacity that they want to. Additional data and the like is a seperate process to the actual gameplay development.

Anco did this with Kick Off on the Amiga, it enabled them to make sure the gameplay was as good as it possibly could be.
They also released Kick Off 3, which was absolutely shocking. I think I wrote them a letter of complaint too. Old school or what.
My next idea is this, why dont they do a base game retailing at £19.99 consisting of just International teams and only the teams relevant to the country of sale, ie UK gets Domestic leagues in England and Scotland and the International teams. Then if you want La Liga or Serie A, you buy the download pack for £4.99 or something, Champions League pack the same, World Cup pack etc

There's absolutely nothing in it for EA. They still have to make just as much data, but they then have to remove it from most copies and get less money for the same amount of work. They might sell a few more copies but overall that wouldn't even meet the original income, let alone improve on it.

If anything they'd release at full price and add more leagues/stadia at extra cost.

It'll be interesting when everything's disc-free and download-only though. I imagine it might allow for more blurring the lines between add-on packs and full releases (across gaming, not just FIFA here).
Handballs would be extremely annoying, I hope they stay out of football games for a very long time.
Unless there's a button you can press to make your player stick his arms out to try and block the ball, handballs would be purely based on luck and you would give away free kicks/penalties and a lot of goals through no fault of your own, that would be shit.
Handballs would be extremely annoying, I hope they stay out of football games for a very long time.
Unless there's a button you can press to make your player stick his arms out to try and block the ball, handballs would be purely based on luck and you would give away free kicks/penalties and a lot of goals through no fault of your own, that would be shit.

Exactly. I think things like handballs, dives, players losing their temper and hitting people, coding linesmen so they get some calls wrong etc would all be detrimental to football games in their current form. All of the above besides dives are things that you'd have no control over and if you conceded a goal/lost a player/lost a clear goalscoring opportunity because of them, you'd feel cheated. Diving could work, but I've never seen it done successfully. I don't think it's something that you should be able to do at the press of a button, so I think it falls into the same category as the above.

I think the above could all be implemented well eventually, but there's a hell of a lot of work on gameplay still to do. Leave it for management sims for the moment and let's focus on making the gameplay itself as complete as possible.
How would it work online? Im sure there would be a way, in Forza motorsport I can race against a car I dont own, in a colour scheme I havent made up, so there would be a way.

As for the update packs, in the current Fifa, you have the complete waste of time that is the Korean Leagues, Mexican, Austrian etc - not even the Mexican public play as a Mexican league team. You ever played against Palmeiras online? I'd have thought they are a waste of data, the game has to draw the kits, commentators have to say the names etc etc

Onto the subject of handballs, a bit of confrontation etc and the odd bad offside call or random dive in the box. You guys have shot these ideas down, then responded by saying its because you want more realism!?! Have you ever watched football, you get bad calls every week, Pedersen throws himself around the box like a salmon, Gary Neville regularly screams at the ref - ITS REAL LOL

Oh and I believe FIFA themselves wont allow bad linesman calls, as they want the game to be represented in rose tinted glasses lol

If theres room for the more useless leagues and teams then surely, I can be allowed to play as any of the African national teams. Why are they missing, or will there be an African Cup of Nations update for sale soon?
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As for the update packs, in the current Fifa, you have the complete waste of time that is the Korean Leagues, Mexican, Austrian etc - not even the Mexican public play as a Mexican league team. You ever played against Palmeiras online? I'd have thought they are a waste of data, the game has to draw the kits, commentators have to say the names etc etc

Just because you don't see those teams online it doesn't mean people don't use them. I rarely used Benfica online in FIFA09, but in offline modes, and against my friends in offline matches I pick them a lot.
I actually kind of agree with la21t, I would sacrifice a few of the leagues or even countries in the game if it meant better research and better depth to the clubs that were included in the game. I would even sacrifice playing as my beloved Tranmere.

After begging EA and Konami to include lower-league football for years, it just seems so awful playing as Tranmere in FIFA 09. Every stadium is the same, every player plays the same, every player practically looks the same and the commentary only consists of all the generic lines available. Play in the Premier League and there's three or four times as many stadia, players differ from eachother a lot more significantly, graphically they're more accurately portrayed and the commentary is great with specific lines for teams and derbies as well as players.

Saying all that, I'd much prefer it if they just increased the size of the FIFA team (the data inputters, the stadium modellers, the face makers etc.) so that no sacrifices were neccessary at all. It wouldn't be fair to the guys who live and breathe their team which just so happens to be a non-English/French/German/Italian/Spanish side.
I'd like to see handballs back to be honest, TIF had it that you only gave away a handball if you made a mistimed slide tackle that resulted in your hand touching the ball whilst on the ground, seemed a good way to do it......
I can't see why lower leagues and other leagues can't be included TBH, this thing about being able to see Rinaldo's acne has diverted attention away from what really matters, the core game-play and for me game depth, as long as the players look like players and they look roughly correct, I'd rather have all the teams and the features in the game.

The "oh my god it's the wrong thickness tape around his ankle" brigade are for me the reason why we don't have those things. When I played SWOS I could feel Shearer was Shearer, great poacher and header and George Weah was Vooooooommmm... :P
I can't see why lower leagues and other leagues can't be included TBH, this thing about being able to see Rinaldo's acne has diverted attention away from what really matters, the core game-play and for me game depth, as long as the players look like players and they look roughly correct, I'd rather have all the teams and the features in the game.

The "oh my god it's the wrong thickness tape around his ankle" brigade are for me the reason why we don't have those things. When I played SWOS I could feel Shearer was Shearer, great poacher and header and George Weah was Vooooooommmm... :P
I know what you mean but there's a bit of a difference between what I said and what you said, try playing in League 2 for a season... All the players at that level are virtually identical no matter what the stats, and after two games you've seen every stadium you're going to see for the next 40+ games. It's literally like playing the same match 40+ times in a row. As nice as it is to see the teams in the game, playing as a League 1 or League 2 side is nothing compared to the experience you get in the Premier League (and I don't mean the quality of football, I mean the amount of effort that's gone into making everything different).
I partly agree, but I'd rather have League2 where every team has the same stadium than something like PES where it has the same 30 teams that hold zero interest to me every year.
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