FIFA 10 360/PS3 Demo Feedback + Videos

At least you put your points in a respectable way Drekkard and it's hard to argue with you to be honest, the attacking AI is driving me mad as well.

I have passed a list of all the AI issues mentioned over the last few pages (including direct quotes from you) onto somebody who works on the gameplay of FIFA 10. I got a response, which was along the lines of "thank you very much for the feedback, we'll look into this". Whether that means they will or whether that's your typical "thanks but it's put-your-feet-up time" response I don't know, but in fairness to EA, they've responded to everything we've written to them directly so far.

I have a gut feeling that the final game will be tweaked but still have AI issues, and that there will then be a patch at some point, because it seems to me that they are still working around the clock despite this being the period where the game must have gone gold. But it is just a gut feeling.

Here's a question for you though on the defensive AI (you say they never stick next to the guy they're supposed to be marking)...
Have you tried setting up man marking before a game?
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For headers in Fifa10 i jostle for position with LT and then hold the button and aim (timing the button press when the ball is on it's way down) and i don't let go until it hits my head. for heading into the floor i hold it for less time. Works for me. Just uploaded a vid of me doing it. Take a lot of practice though. As i say, when the full game is out and you guys are hammering through a 38game manager mode you'll get better and discover ways of doing lots of this.

here's the vid:
I have a gut feeling that the final game will be tweaked but still have AI issues, and that there will then be a patch at some point, because it seems to me that they are still working around the clock despite this being the period where the game must have gone gold. But it is just a gut feeling.

The game will be in out in a rough two weeks, shouldn't it have been finalised by now? How will they distribute it around the world if they are still tweaking it today?

Does anyone know the length of time between finalising a game and for it to be in the shops?
Well, not necessarily (this is in reply to Scutch, not Gab_) You have to remember that EA will have realised a good chunk of the problems (bugs especially) for themselves.

There are other problems of course - but these are the gamebreakers at the moment. The AI is a bit of an issue, though I don't mind my OWN AI so much, it's the CPU which I hate. It will be gold by now though, for sure. Even a really small game with not many copies to print would have gone gold by now I expect (though, usually you get some notice of the fact a game has been gold).

Forza 3 went gold a couple of days ago - and that releases in late October! That's a bigger game than FIFA probably - probably.
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Well, not necessarily (this is in reply to Scutch, not Gab_) You have to remember that EA will have realised a good chunk of the problems (bugs especially) for themselves.

There are other problems of course - but these are the gamebreakers at the moment. The AI is a bit of an issue, though I don't mind my OWN AI so much, it's the CPU which I hate. It will be gold by now though, for sure. Even a really small game with not many copies to print would have gone gold by now I expect (though, usually you get some notice of the fact a game has been gold).

Forza 3 went gold a couple of days ago - and that releases in late October! That's a bigger game than FIFA probably - probably.

Well, here's hoping :))
I can't say I totally agree with you Trance

I wouldn't assume you did. ;)

Some things just really get to me. When the ball has been cleared from my penalty box and I frantically press LB to change player, and my cursor is stuck. That's not been fixed since FIFA08. Seriously, how hard can it be, I press LB and the cursor moves... It's almost enough to make me think "well, there's always PES2010". I just can't stand it.

I did score a header just an hour ago, from a corner aswell, good strong header. But it's one of those rare occassions where my player wasn't waiting under the ball, but actually slowed himself down for a bit before attacking in the direction of the goal. But I didn't do that, it just happened and it was beyond my control. I will be pushing my stick right to move the player away from the ball, and he still moves towards it. It's unbelievable in some situations. In PES5 all you need to do is tap supercancel ONCE, and that instant you can move the player anywhere you want. In FIFA10 you need to press it once, and then 1 second later the player will suddenly start moving in the direction you are pressing. Why the 1 second delay? I don't understand what they are thinking... Take away the delay for supercancel and let me change players anytime I want, and 50% of my gripes with the demo are gone.
Just went 1 v 1 against the Bayern keeper with Iniesta and won a penalty with that new bridge move. Won the match 1 - 0 with that pen. Bayern can be total bastards to beat i swear!
I wouldn't assume you did. ;)

Some things just really get to me. When the ball has been cleared from my penalty box and I frantically press LB to change player, and my cursor is stuck. That's not been fixed since FIFA08. Seriously, how hard can it be, I press LB and the cursor moves... It's almost enough to make me think "well, there's always PES2010". I just can't stand it.

I did score a header just an hour ago, from a corner aswell, good strong header. But it's one of those rare occassions where my player wasn't waiting under the ball, but actually slowed himself down for a bit before attacking in the direction of the goal. But I didn't do that, it just happened and it was beyond my control. I will be pushing my stick right to move the player away from the ball, and he still moves towards it. It's unbelievable in some situations. In PES5 all you need to do is tap supercancel ONCE, and that instant you can move the player anywhere you want. In FIFA10 you need to press it once, and then 1 second later the player will suddenly start moving in the direction you are pressing. Why the 1 second delay? I don't understand what they are thinking... Take away the delay for supercancel and let me change players anytime I want, and 50% of my gripes with the demo are gone.

Amen to that.
Here's a question for you though on the defensive AI (you say they never stick next to the guy they're supposed to be marking)...
Have you tried setting up man marking before a game?

I know I can sound boring most of the times, but yes, I've tried everything. I've tried even to play with two DMFs, play 5-4-1, etc... but it doesn't matter. Once you do a large build play, your entire team tend to go so near the opponent area and the space between your DMFs and your defenders is always huge. There's the rival strikers doing a picnic alone waiting for the ball to arrive soon. :BYE:

The lines are always to separate (which team competes currently having a constant distance between lines of about 50 meters from defense to forwards??) and there is not enough deffensive awareness.

And when a clearance happen, note how the deffesnive players are more "aware" and quickly get out of the area whil ethe offensive players are less aware and react slowly. That, with the fact that some positions are "scripted" to allow easy clearances make the base of counters. Think about it: how many times you recover the ball at your own area and are forced to simply put the ball away? Almost never, because your team is already doing the transition and it's so uber easy to get out of danger with short passing and create a counter. It shouldn't be like that EVERY time. I would like to feel urged to simply kick the ball away, but I won't do this if I know that in one or two passes I'll have the ball at my strikers in the midfield without any danger. Am I being clear? :BORED:

You will notice also that in your own area so often your players marks the striker from distance. In your own area! It has happened many times now. It makes for goals by the CPU that are impossible to defend, specially in the late minutes when they are "offensive". They simply put a pass inside the area to someone who has the defender 3 or 4 meters away. The time it takes you to switch to the defender and go to the striker the ball is already in the net. :RANT:

Watch for corners, for example, how on earth every corner cleared out to the same defender just outside the area generates a counter? The clearance goes just there, he wins the ball, there's no one else to stop him until midfield. It's very poor positioning in my opinion.

Another thing that worries me is that most of the strikers are faster than defenders even with the ball! For example, if Klose is slightly faster than Puyol at the begining of the play, I know I won't chase him. Klose can make 40 yards WITH the ball perfectly driven and Puyol won't chase him. That's bullshit. Only greatly skilled and quickly players can do that to a top defender as Puyol. And in 40 meters at least my defender should catch him. Know what? Also Amauri can outpace me the whole pitch (to Pique). Oh, and Del Piero, and some of the Chicago players too... That is a big let down for me.

On the other hand, I did a great fake move to dribble Rensing and score into an empty net, I had a fantastic volley that bounced in and out, scored 3 headers in a single match with Drogba, scored and impressive long range with Touré, two great plays and through passes to Ibra... Amazing happens in the game! A shame not so amazing things happen again and again!
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I didn't even realize Klose was capable of driving past Puyol. That is just wrong, it's like saying Lampard can run faster than Puyol...all of those speed comparisons sound so wrong.

And why oh why do defenders mark strikers FROM DISTANCE.

And when a clearance happen, note how the deffesnive players are more "aware" and quickly get out of the area whil ethe offensive players are less aware and react slowly. That, with the fact that some positions are "scripted" to allow easy clearances make the base of counters. Think about it: how many times you recover the ball at your own area and are forced to simply put the ball away? Almost never, because your team is already doing the transition and it's so uber easy to get out of danger with short passing and create a counter. It shouldn't be like that EVERY time. I would like to feel urged to simply kick the ball away, but I won't do this if I know that in one or two passes I'll have the ball at my strikers in the midfield without any danger. Am I being clear?

Wow, this could allow little kids to do some AMAZING dribbles a la FIFA 09 again. Goddamnit. Also it annoys me that sprinting tackles are still unbelievable easy to do. Does anyone else just hold the standing tackle button when they're desperate for the ball? It works.
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I know I can sound boring most of the times, but yes, I've tried everything. I've tried even to play with two DMFs, play 5-4-1, etc... but it doesn't matter. Once you do a large build play, your entire team tend to go so near the opponent area and the space between your DMFs and your defenders is always huge. There's the rival strikers doing a picnic alone waiting for the ball to arrive soon. :BYE:

Isn't this really easy to sort with the custom formations on FIFA 09 though? If you have a low attacking mentality, and a straight-back run when defending and none for when in attack?

I had a lot of problems on 09, but getting a DM to position himself well wasn't one of them.

Edit: Good news I think Drekkard. On FIFA 09, ALL of the default formations (apart from the team's default formation NAMED 'Default' have no settings other than position. So, let's say you have a 4-1-2-1-2 on the demo, you are missing out on both the defensive 'run backwards', AND the low attacking mentality high defensive mentality for the DM.

Without the ability to edit the formations, you are going to miss out on a LOT of the stuff you can do with these formations (and the exploitative stuff probably :(). Not, of course, that this will solve all of your concerns, but mitigate them I think to some extent.

The team on the demo with the closest to a DM is probably Bayern. Looks like Bommel stays pretty well back? Not exactly hugging the strikers, but in front of them to intercept certainly.

Even Yaya (presumeably you use Barca a lot) is really maintaining a more CM position if you look at the formation. Of course, against CPU AI this doesn't make much difference.
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Van Bommel is a total bitch in the demo. As is van Buyten(sp?) FUCK. One time the was a scramble in their box and it dropped to Xavi who smashed a volley only for van Buyten to get the top of his knee to it and send it flying out for a corner. And trying to attack bayern with Van Bommel just sitting there knocking you off balance is hard. Especially when he always has Ribery to rob you of the ball close-by. :(

Anyways, enough with my bitching. I've just scored an abosolute beauty with sick build-up. IMO (obviously i'm biased) it's in the top 10 goals scored in the dmo so far. And i've seen loads.

I'm uploading now...

edit: ok here it is:

YouTube - Fifa 10 Demo - Lampard SCREAMER and some slick passing (Tele Cam)

YouTube - Fifa 10 Demo - Lampard SCREAMER and some slick passing (Sideline Cam 2)

It's really late here and I screamed like a little girl. The police will be round soon...
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i kno not many people are going to agree with me but i think fifa should change some animations. i think that the shooting animations are not good, also the dribbling animations should be changed. they should make these animations a little bit more realistic.
Fucking hell gameklip that is a stunner and the way a footbal game should PES. :SMUG:

BTW I don't beleive it's right to judge a game from the Demo, which sort of goes against the principle of a demo, but bear with me here.
I do beleive that the AI and GK issues have been adressed by EA already. If not, with enough noise it could be patched up.
If it is of any help i have a friend working in the localization department at EA madrid. He can't say a thing about the game, but he claimed it's a hell of a game (and we have been playing pro evo together for ages).

He said demos at EA aren't really that good because it would take away too much time/resources to do a proper one so they rely mostly on a bug free pretty early version of the game (i know it sounds wenbish....)

He has been working there for a year so i guess he knows what he is talking about.

He confirms the fact that you have shitty salary and tons of unpaid overtime...(at least as a linguistic tester).
Had a quick blast on the demo last night and the CPU had a long shot. I was controlling Xavi and took a swing at the ball trying to clear it. Ref gives a corner even though I was sure that my player didn't touch it, checked the replay and it skimmed off Xavi's boot mid-swing :LOL:

Still impressed with the demo the more I play it :D

Brilliant goal, GameKlip :TU:
I have tried using the man marking system to try and close the gaps between defenders and attackers and it does seem to have more of an effect. They definately get closer to the attackers.
guys shooting in this game is unbelievable !! if in 1-vs-1 with the keeper my player shoot the ball out every time or the keeper will get it !! also every time i have the best position of shooting the ball goes up the bar !! thats ridiculous and you know what my friend scored 3 goals on me by shooting from the middle of the pitch by holding R2 and just shooting in it will lob the keeper that makes me hate the game !! PLZ EA !! PLZ EA PLZ EA DO someting :/
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