FIFA 09 Videos & Pictures

They need to improve how long you can record for, It would be great if there was a Fraps like program for console's
I scored the best goal i have ever seen in a football game last night

I crossed it from deep and flicked it on with a header to the edge of the box and Keita hit the sweetest most powerful volley i have ever seen right into the top corner across the keeper

Unfortunately i couldn't record it
Here's a rare outside rocket I scored in a tight 2-1 win I had against Middlesbrough.

It was tied 1-1 at the time, when Rooney received a throw in from the left side of the field and decided to do it all by himself. He runs to the center, and while still looking away from goal, twists and unleashes a beast of a shot into the top left hand corner from about 25-8 yards out. It was sweet since I play on semi shooting and these shots are truly hard to come by.
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Scored 2 goals with Darren Bent (on all manual) which I uploaded today, neither are that special:

First time I have managed to properly skin the keeper: - Darren Bent goal 1

A nice first time ball by Bent to Lennon, then a perfect cross back to Bent who peels off the defence to the back post and strikes a sweet volley into the bottom corner: - Darren Bent goal 2
(someone I showed this to said it doesn't look like it was on manual, but I can assure you it was :))))
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30 consecutive passes then a beautiful finesse curling finish with my Be A Pro player.

Southampton vs Arsenal (Professional) Typical Arsenal goal, ehh? :D

I recommend watching in High Quality :))

[ur=]YouTube - Arsenal "Be A Pro: Seasons" - 30 Passes / Curling Screamer![/url]

If you would've been on all manual, I would have been extremly impressed. Since your not, well, I'm not.. - Who Ronaldinho
The whole "if your not playing on manual" is getting cringeworthy, I agree Assisted is to easy but theres nothing wrong with it if you enjoy playing it like that
But then showing off and saying something like "look at this great goal I scored" is pointless, because the CPU scored it for you basically...
so, didnt see us lot moaning when we used to show off our pes videos. I use assisted I dont care

There I said it , its out in the open. No turning back now Joe
We support you Joe, whatever decisions you make. If it makes you happy that's good enough for us. :) You should have told us sooner you silly billy!
Agree with Joe, No one had any issues when they scored goals like that on PES, You still need to have some creativity to score a good goal.
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