FIFA 09 Videos & Pictures

That's what I mean by there being a flaw in the shooting engine, in real life Lucio *would* be capable of drilling a hard low shot yet in FIFA it's almost, if not impossible. You also can't seem to hit a hard shot along the ground a la Rooney/Ronaldo vs. West Brom. At least I haven't and haven't seen a single replay of a goal like that.

u surely can hit that shoot with lucio too..but it will be a lot harder..ull have to get the power bar in a very precise amount..and i find that realistic...since it would be a lot harder for a poor shooter to snap one like that..(lets not consider lucio, as hes a quite good shooter...lets think of a keeper for exemple)

a glorious moment.

that's on world class by the way.

i've scored better online. just now i went on a winning streak and score some fantastic goals. i beat some poor kid 6-1 in one of the games lol.

scored a sliding shot that came off the bar and went over the line and spun out again.

also score a back flick from a a deflected cross into the box. both with Jo.

so sick.
the key here is exactly this...i noticed that the better the player shooting ratings are, the more u can power the shot without blasting it into the stands...
if set that same exact shoot with lucio for instance im sure that ball would be a Fas suvenir by now, cause it would be high and wide.
but I already tested with players that have a good long range shot, like Nedved, also Schweinsteinger.. and even with some players inside my MM who now have good long range shooting..
and I just can't seem to get this low shot =/

I play on ps2, dont know exactly if its the reason of the difference.. but I never got to hit a strong low shot.. when they go low, they usually go weak and easy for the goalie to get it..
and if I hold some more the power bar, so I can hit it harder, it starts to go high..

and I agree some with vglntv95..
I think there should be some way to choose between low and high shots.. I know that it must be some kind of "difficult" for the programmers to make it, but they could put some kind of button, that when u press u get a low shot, something like when u hold R2 for a curly shot, or L1 for hitting it with the inside of the foot.. it would be nice ;p

This is a goal from the crucial away game I had against Chelsea in the manager mode (world class, all semi/manual)... I was a goal down early through Joe Cole's goal and in the 78th minute, Ji Sung Park takes a perfect loft ball from Scholes, proceeds to make Bosingwa look silly by doing the flick over then making the perfect cross to Berbatov in the box, who heads it into the low corner past frozen Cudicini.

Not the best looking goal but the flickover leading to the cross was just epic. :D Just jumped out of my chair when I did this!
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