FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I don't think you have to. I think he was just stating his control preference, irrespective of any stat tweaking later on.

I think any assisted controls hamper the game and make it too easy and unskillful. The minimum I prefer is all semi. But using these tweaks with all manual (or a semi and manual combo if others prefer) is top knotch. If you're looking for a simulation, for me, it's the only way to pay the game.

I would rather EA looked at BluChamp's tweaks and applied it to the 'SLOW' speed setting, beacuse it seems they've neglected the purists who are looking for a realistic simulation.

I've heard conflicting reports that you can play with the slow speed in online custom matches, if you set slow in your offline settings and host the game:

If that's true, then it would be possible to apply the speed tweaks which work better on slow, and play other players using the tweaks in online specialist matches. That would be cool, and we'd have our simulation online, instead of restricting this tweak to offline.
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if u wanna test this the easy way, just play some games with some lower div. teams...that way ull be playing with players that have lower ratings.

Youve missed the point of what he was trying to achieve. Playing at the lower levels undoubtedly makes it a slower game - as it should be when compared the premier league or serie a. But if you reduce the league two players' stats by 15, and the premier league stats by 15, that to him represents more realistic pacing of the game. Ive tried it, and personally, i think its brilliant. some of his suggestions are a bit wack, like using dynamic camera the whole time, but if you use his custom tactics for say chelsea vs manu, and edit all the players of these two teams as he has recommended, you'll see the difference. Its surprising how much more advanced the AI is with these tweaks. they are able to string together much more advanced moves then what ive been seeing with the game up until now. Editing those two teams and playing a night match with his recommended 10 minute halves, trying to play possession and with the lower stats - its completely brilliant. The pace is spot on next to a champions league match, the star players REALLY stand out and become genuinely important (lampard for chelsea in particular) and the general behavioural traits of the players seem to have been enhanced as well, with lampard arriving late with more frequency and drogba holding up the ball, or either of the coles flying down the touchline as they should have done when the game was released.

Also note, brunnoce, before dismissing his theories out of hand, that he has deliberately done this to the top teams so the players maintain their high vision stats, or ronaldo with his high agility stats, so that only the pace of the game, not the technical level or skill of the players is affected. The result is a more entertaining match both to play and especially watch, with a feeling of greater reaction time at your fingers, the ability to actually use dribbling to create diagonal runs and to make defenders commit.

Try it.
you're really making me want to try it but i think im too lazy. if someone wants to try an unranked game with these stat adjustments id be down though.
360 got its 3rd ROD, no more FIFA for me.

At least I'll be able to take a nice break, I got really addicted to it these last few weeks. :PRAY:
Although the stat adjustments were great, i had to reset my squads, as my brother didnt like the slower gameplay and i mainly play internationals with him. Plus, because i only did the big 4 at first (took 1.5 hours!), only some players in some national sides were slow! even though they were the best players...for anyone that plays only single player matches, i would thoroughly recommend the 'update'
Youve missed the point of what he was trying to achieve. Playing at the lower levels undoubtedly makes it a slower game - as it should be when compared the premier league or serie a. But if you reduce the league two players' stats by 15, and the premier league stats by 15, that to him represents more realistic pacing of the game. Ive tried it, and personally, i think its brilliant. some of his suggestions are a bit wack, like using dynamic camera the whole time, but if you use his custom tactics for say chelsea vs manu, and edit all the players of these two teams as he has recommended, you'll see the difference. Its surprising how much more advanced the AI is with these tweaks. they are able to string together much more advanced moves then what ive been seeing with the game up until now. Editing those two teams and playing a night match with his recommended 10 minute halves, trying to play possession and with the lower stats - its completely brilliant. The pace is spot on next to a champions league match, the star players REALLY stand out and become genuinely important (lampard for chelsea in particular) and the general behavioural traits of the players seem to have been enhanced as well, with lampard arriving late with more frequency and drogba holding up the ball, or either of the coles flying down the touchline as they should have done when the game was released.

Also note, brunnoce, before dismissing his theories out of hand, that he has deliberately done this to the top teams so the players maintain their high vision stats, or ronaldo with his high agility stats, so that only the pace of the game, not the technical level or skill of the players is affected. The result is a more entertaining match both to play and especially watch, with a feeling of greater reaction time at your fingers, the ability to actually use dribbling to create diagonal runs and to make defenders commit.

Try it.

im not dismissing anything...just saying that if u wanna see how the pace of the game will be, just play with lower league teams...
ull have a taste.
you're really making me want to try it but i think im too lazy. if someone wants to try an unranked game with these stat adjustments id be down though.

I wouldn't mind trying one. We could each pick a team (or two), edit and then try a match. Andish you could do the same if you want. So far I've edited a few teams on another profile, not my XBL one, which I'll get round to, gamertag being "shorty alien x2". We could arrange times and dates.


Andish, You don't have to reset your squads. Squads 1 is the default file which is also used online. If you save and load a new squads file, you can edit the stats at will, and if you want to go back to default at any time, load squads 1 back up.

I had mentioned the solution in one of my earlier threads. What I do is to save the squad with a title 'REVOLUTION' and as 'REVOLUTIONX' and also as 'REVOLUTIONY' just for safety and backups. As far as I know the online squads are saved as 'SQUADS1' or something. They do not overwrite the manually saved squads as long as you save with a different name such as 'REVOLUTION' etc. What I also do is, whenever I start a session, I go to My FIFA 09 and LOAD the manually created/saved squad file before I start up any match.

Hope this helps.

Also the link above is an updated thread. EA have apparently been looking the threads, interesting!
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It's on page 5 of the updated Revolution thread.

WoooW! You know what, the player attributes editing suggested by me have really got the attention of EA! In one of their podcasts they have made a specific reference to this thread and discussed about it!

Check out this link in

Thanks to all of you who supported this idea and the ones made constructive criticisms.

I've edited Arsenal and Spurs on my XBL profile, saved into a new squad file with the original default Sqauds 1 file still there. I'll just switch and load the second one whenever I play with the tweak mod. If anyone wants an unranked match I'm up for it as mentioned earlier.
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You know, it'd be great if they actually did it. I also find the game to be slightly too fast. Hell, they could even do it for the february update, though it's never gonna happen.
There's no point in me doing it since I mostly play ranked games online, and the changes would not apply.

Let's hope they will take this into account for FIFA 10.
I edited Arsenal and Liverpool with the -15 stat advice, and it was one of the best games I ever played.

I ended up losing 1-0, but it was one of the best games I ever played. Arsenal actually played like Arsenal, with short snappy passing.
damn, im started to get afraid...
seems alot of elites(falcon motherboard) are dieng these last couple of weeks...

i think i might sell mine while it still alive and buy a brand new one with the new jasper motherboard.
I knew that was coming as soon as someone mentioned Jasper, I am amazed it took this long
She's got a kinda charm about her, if you aint seen her act Tim you wont get it, she's no knockout but there's something about her.

And he is not funny. Not any more.
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