FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

spot on CW, if you like fifa 08 then you'll love fifa 09...simple
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

...Its Ok to keep saying it looks breathtaking (which it does) but I was happy with FIFA 08 graphics, They have had a year to significantly improve the response and close the door on Konami...

The problem is, EA put the main focus on gameplay this year. So we can't expect major gameplay improvements next year. They'll focus on gaming modes (online carreer, whatever...)

regarding the response issue:
I don't have a major problem with EA's response time, at least EURO has decent response times in most situations. In the meantime I don't like PES response times anymore: too much unrealistic and quick moves, shoots and passes can be done in PES. I have "too much" control, the "human factor" is missing... -> PES is starting to feel more like a computer game (in the past it was just the other way around) The 8 directions movement is far too visible in KONAMI's engine
In EURO most actions need some time to be performed, just like in real life. Of course there are situations I just want the player to shoot, but he just performes another feint or move (especially on one-timers, volleys). Hope this is sorted in FIFA09
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i agree with the player individuality ... def was present in pro evo, not as much in fifa. i miss the individuality of the game.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The better the response the more arcady the game will become its as simple as that

i dont want to be able to have one hand on the pad and just keep pressing pass along the backline ala PES, i want to feel i am in control of my players of some of which cant do 1 touch passing or struggle to shoot first time

Obviously they should head a ball when you press head or shoot when you press shoot without taking a touch, but if you take away the players response then your left with as i say a shitty arcade game
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The better the response the more arcady the game will become its as simple as that

i dont want to be able to have one hand on the pad and just keep pressing pass along the backline ala PES, i want to feel i am in control of my players of some of which cant do 1 touch passing or struggle to shoot first time

Obviously they should head a ball when you press head or shoot when you press shoot without taking a touch, but if you take away the players response then your left with as i say a shitty arcade game

i agree, but i think it should come down to certain players not being able to one touch eveyrthing under the sun. Ribery should be able to almost play everthing one touch, but darren fletcher, i think not. Players like this need more time on the ball to get control think and pass. I think this needs to be refelected in the game... Not eveyone have the same response times..
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The better the response the more arcady the game will become its as simple as that

i dont want to be able to have one hand on the pad and just keep pressing pass along the backline ala PES, i want to feel i am in control of my players of some of which cant do 1 touch passing or struggle to shoot first time

Obviously they should head a ball when you press head or shoot when you press shoot without taking a touch, but if you take away the players response then your left with as i say a shitty arcade game
i dont quit understand, whats your definition of resposne times? in ffia 08 when i wanted to pass first time i have to press the passs button a godo few seconds before my player actualy pass the ball. playing one touch footy in fifa08 was a nightmare due to that.

in PES u cant simply have one had on the pad and pass the ball so easily, you have to direct your passing otherwise your pass's will get intercepted realy easy
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i agree, but i think it should come down to certain players not being able to one touch eveyrthing under the sun. Ribery should be able to almost play everthing one touch, but darren fletcher, i think not. Players like this need more time on the ball to get control think and pass. I think this needs to be refelected in the game... Not eveyone have the same response times..
a better way of doing it is that if u do attempted a one touch, dont make it so that fletcher can NEVER one touche at all, make it so that when he does attempt it, 9/10 the pass is a shit one. dont fuck up the response times based on invividuality
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i dont quit understand, whats your definition of resposne times? in ffia 08 when i wanted to pass first time i have to press the passs button a godo few seconds before my player actualy pass the ball. playing one touch footy in fifa08 was a nightmare due to that.

Considering that you can kick the ball the whole length of the pitch in about 2 seconds, I somehow don't think you have to press the pass button a "godo" few seconds before, unless you somehow aren't aware that a few = 5 or 6........
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Considering that you can kick the ball the whole length of the pitch in about 2 seconds, I somehow don't think you have to press the pass button a "godo" few seconds before, unless you somehow aren't aware that a few = 5 or 6........
i over exaturated a bit but in fifa08 when i press the pass button it doesnt pass. i have to press it maybe a half a second to 1 second early and that can be crucial as you may see a gap in a defence at the last moment and want to exploit that my passing the ball into that space.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

What browser do you use Jonney?

i over exaturated a bit but in fifa08 when i press teh pass button it doesnt pass. i have to press it maybe a half a second to 1 second early and that can be crucial as you may see a gap in a defence at the last moment and ant to exploit that my passing the ball into that space.

What you explain is the concept of first time passing, you have to decide where you want to pass the ball and at what power before the ball arrives to you, it's how it's done in a real football match and it's how it's done in a video game football match, if the ball arrived at the player and he didn't control it and just let it bounce off his foot people would complain, so instead if you want to first time pass the ball you decide on who you want to pass to before it arrives, make the pass movement/press and as soon as the ball arrives at your player's foot he'll pass it......
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i over exaturated a bit but in fifa08 when i press the pass button it doesnt pass. i have to press it maybe a half a second to 1 second early and that can be crucial as you may see a gap in a defence at the last moment and want to exploit that my passing the ball into that space.

did you play euro2008 Jonny? Response times were much improved and fifa09 has built on this again.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Just listened to the FSB Podcast I agreed with most of Adams points except one about speed its exactly the same in PES as far as I am concerned small skillfull players are not that useful but quick players like henry and ronaldo can just breeze past you... I will just have to hope the collision system gives me a chance to atleast knock ronaldo off balance alot more than before although Adam said Ronaldo will still just breeze past you :(
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i love BAP and cant wait for 10v10. im already a memember of a well known BAP league and looking forward to this one for sure
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

hope there is a balance otherwise online everybody will just be barca and man utd and i hate that. That was one major bug with pro online. Couldnt get a game against anybody other than barca. Wouldnt it be a good idea if you could, when searching for an online game, choose teams you do not want to play against.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

can you briefly explain 'be a pro' league. I never played fifa08 just euro2008. I know be a pro mode but didnt know you can play online or anything, is that the case?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Just listened to the FSB Podcast I agreed with most of Adams points except one about speed its exactly the same in PES as far as I am concerned small skillfull players are not that useful but quick players like henry and ronaldo can just breeze past you... I will just have to hope the collision system gives me a chance to atleast knock ronaldo off balance alot more than before although Adam said Ronaldo will still just breeze past you :(

It's probably down to getting good at the game aswell. Remember that people usually comment (in a favorable way) that whenever a new PES game came out, it took lots of time to learn to play it properly. So the same could reasonably be expected from FIFA09. Learning to use the improves jostle and stab tackle systems etc would probably be an advantage.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

It's probably down to getting good at the game aswell. Remember that people usually comment (in a favorable way) that whenever a new PES game came out, it took lots of time to learn to play it properly. So the same could reasonably be expected from FIFA09. Learning to use the improves jostle and stab tackle systems etc would probably be an advantage.

your right:)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'm with Coopz on this one, the faster the response times, the more arcadey it will feel as people will do things a lot faster. Euro 2008 felt arcadey because people were doing tricks all over the place and easily beating the man, and simply running in certain directions to get goals. I'd rather the game is much closer to FIFA 08 than Euro 08.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I think both PES and FIFA exaggerate the abilities of the best players, and make everyone else play the same.

As people have said, the best players just fly past you on FIFA 08, with nothing you can do apart from hack them down and get cards - in real life, that situation for the defenders would only happen if the player was world class and at the very top of his game. In PES6, Adriano would just plough through your defence, knocking defenders over and all sorts then go and hammer it with unstoppable power into the net...

I have not been very impressed by the FIFA videos I have seen, maybe playing the demo will change that.
The demo is only a month away now.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I agree Rob, but then again I want players to feel different, just not super human, but it seems too hard to implement :(
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Maybe this new collision system they praise all the time will change things a bit.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I plan on using Inter due to alot of their players been physical!
i bet arsenal are gunna be liek feathers. anyone can knock them about! i dont care mate, thats my team and i will be knocking one two's all over the area waiting for your defenders to shove me to the ground for a nice easy penalty :-pp
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'd love having the option to knock someone over using body weight, not just slide tackle. Maybe pressing LT + slide tackle. I don't want players running past me and not do anything about it except hope for something to happen or wait till he goes past me and slide tackle from behind.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I agree with coopz too.

If they "overthink" the whole responsiveness issue, we could just end up with a flashy arcade style experience where you can turn on a pin and hit 30yard smashes with relative ease (ProEvo2008).

I like that i have to factor the amount of time i have on the ball in the opposition's half. It turns the game from a brainless pinball game into a patient build-up experience. Some of my best goals in fifa08 have comes though slow build-up play with a sprinkle of close control from kaka/messi (yes, my man utd team is that sick :D).

On the issue of individuality (i was talking about earlier in this new topic), i feel that fifa has tried -this gen- to recreate the individual nature of a player ingame, with traits. The problem is, the traits really didn't stand out in fifa07/08. they don't REALLY worked. Imo, each trait should be well serviced with it's own animation routines etc.

For example LONG BALL SPECIALIST should see the player do a flamboyant, Beckham-eqsue animation. DRIBBLE SPECIALIST should have the player do ronaldo's "tippy-toes" close-dribbling when you hold the LT/L2 trigger. etc

This would bring out the individual nature of players in a team. This way for instance, say you miss a tackle with Alex, and Terry follows in with a tackle, you would see the difference between the two challenges. With Terry's Challage being neat (stopping the momentum in the ball) but devastating (sending the attacking player in the air with the new collision animations).

It really isn't too much to ask for, and i hope they include these new trait animations for Fifa10. It would take as much time to make as the collision animations took.

It's important to give the players a true sense of individuality all the way through the squad/team. Not only because we have powerful enough hardware now, but because if you look at real football, players are being bought and sold for MILLIONS based on their individual skill. It's an important factor that i hope EA challenge head-on.
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