FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

maybe I will drive to leipzig. havent decided yet. its 4hours by car in one direction.

btw: time to update avatars :)
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I would go for a road trip if it were me :)). Is anyone allowed in to the games convention in Leipzig?
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I would go for a road trip if it were me :)). Is anyone allowed in to the games convention in Leipzig?

Yup. You need a ticket to get in but its open to the public for 3 days
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Swedish preview of the game

Doesn't say very much that hasn't been said yet, and the writer has PES 2008 at first place of his list of best games ever.. he's complaining about responsivness and the overall speed of the game, which in his opinion is too slow. Also he prefer the PS2-version over the PS3 and 360 one.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Swedish preview of the game

Doesn't say very much that hasn't been said yet, and the writer has PES 2008 at first place of his list of best games ever.. he's complaining about responsivness and the overall speed of the game, which in his opinion is too slow. Also he prefer the PS2-version over the PS3 and 360 one.

with what you have said above, that is music to my ears!

someone who has pes2008 as the best game and is complaining about the speed and response of fifa, makes me think fifa 09 wont have gone far wrong at all - and he prefers the oldgen version, need i say more. ARCADE whore
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

All previews are sounding the same, there is no new info at all about at the moment...
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Yup. You need a ticket to get in but its open to the public for 3 days

correct. and it costs only 10€/day.

but I have to calculate 300€ more for gas - a sportscar is thirsty you know :)
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Swedish preview of the game

Doesn't say very much that hasn't been said yet, and the writer has PES 2008 at first place of his list of best games ever.. he's complaining about responsivness and the overall speed of the game, which in his opinion is too slow. Also he prefer the PS2-version over the PS3 and 360 one.

It's like to let KONAMI preview the FIFA.
Seriously, you need to take this preview as a joke.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Swedish preview of the game

Doesn't say very much that hasn't been said yet, and the writer has PES 2008 at first place of his list of best games ever.. he's complaining about responsivness and the overall speed of the game, which in his opinion is too slow. Also he prefer the PS2-version over the PS3 and 360 one.

This is the kind of guy you hope never will like FIFA, because if he does then FIFA has become arcady/PES.
In the preview he writes that the EA people started taking notes when they complained about that it was to slow. Really hope they don't listen to this cunt. The only reason he likes the PS2 version is that it is basically PES as we have seen in the video from the PC version. And he says THAT kind of football is realistic... :CONF:
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Clueless fuckers

PES 08 the best game ever??

He must be really shit at his job
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Translation using GOOGLES Language Tools

EA no surprise at all when you once again lace up dobbskorna and bjussar of a further stake in the persistent FIFA series. Den här gången ska man bygga vidare på förra årets succéspel och verkligen visa Konami vilka som är kungar av det gröna schacket. This time, one should build on last year's succéspel and really show Konami which ones are the kings of the green schacket.

The hammer into us from the start. EA har dedikerat en hel dag på sitt Season Opener till enbart FIFA och dobbtacklingarna mot värsta konkurrentens vader börjar vina redan från minut ett när FIFA-producenten Andrew Wilson tar scenen i besittning. EA has dedicated an entire day in their Season Opener for only FIFA and dobbtacklingarna against the worst competitors starting whistle from the minute when a FIFA-producer Andrew Wilson takes the stage in possession.
- Konami vacklade förra året, det är ingen tvekan om det, och vi ska i år göra allt för att ta till vara på det. -- Konami dithered last year, there is no doubt about it, and we will this year make every effort to seize upon it.

Wilson has in fact partly right. Konamis Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 var en besvikelse. Konamis Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 was a disappointment. Inte för att det i grunden var ett dåligt fotbollsspel, snarare tvärtom. Not that it basically was a bad football game, rather the reverse. Istället var det den totala bristen på nya inslag och den närmast obefintliga viljan från Konamis sida att uppdatera något som man kört med i flera år. Instead, it was the total lack of new elements, and the immediate lack of willingness from Konamis page to update something that is run with for years. Istället kom FIFA 08 flygandes ur omklädningsrummet med förbättrad grafik, licenser för allt från Premier League till obskyra kalle anka-ligor du inte ens visste fanns, samt det hyllade Be-A-Pro-inslaget. Instead, the FIFA 08 fly out of the changing room with improved graphics, licenses for everything from the Premier League to obscure kalle duck-leagues you do not even know existed, and the acclaimed Be-A-Pro feature. FIFA var helt plötsligt ett fotbollsspel att räkna med igen. FIFA was suddenly a football game to be reckoned with again.

At this year's event spent it harder than ever from EA Sports page on its fotbollsflaggskepp. FIFA släpps till varenda format i hela universum, och fokus ligger i nästan varje enskilt fall på ett unikt spel till varje konsoll. FIFA released to every single format in the universe, and the focus is in almost every case, in a unique game for each console. Wii-versionen är den sockersöta versionen såklart, där "vanligt" spelande kan ersättas med 7 mot 7-matcher där huvudena är gigantiska och varje land, för du kan bara spela som land här, har en stjärnspelare vars huvud helt enkelt är lite extra stort. Wii version is the sockersöta version, of course, where the "usual" Gambling can be replaced by 7 v 7-games in which heads are huge and every country, so you can only play as the country here, has a stjärnspelare whose head is simply a little extra large . Du skjuter genom att skaka din Wii-kontroll och att styra gubben år rätt håll är i övrigt enkelt med den analoga nunchuck-kontrollen. You shoot by shaking your Wii-control and to control the jack-years right direction is otherwise easily with the nunchuck analog control.

But the big heads, and puttinuttig graphics are all very well, most places of course their money in versions for Playstation 2 and 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Just konsollversionerna är så klart de allra mest efterlängtade och mest bollkänsla under huven ska givetvis PS3 och X360 ha. Just konsollversionerna is so clearly the most sought-after and most bollkänsla during the hood will of course PS3 and X360 have. För det första ser spelet ohyggligt bra ut. In the first game looks incredibly good. Småsaker som huddetaljer och skuggor har finslipats in absurdum för att FIFA ska fortsätta vara det grafiskt mest tilltalande fotbollsspelet på marknaden. Småsaker as huddetaljer and shadows have been fine-tuned in absurdum of that FIFA will continue to be the most graphically appealing fotbollsspelet on the market. Dessutom har en hel drös nya animationer tillkommit, vilket gör att spelet känns aningen mer varierat än sina föregångare. In addition, a whole host of new animations added, which means that the game feels slightly more varied than its predecessor.

It is in the little details to find joy, and to Manchester United-fan as myself, it is a pure joy to see Cristiano Ronaldo lose their classic half-spagat before each frisparksansats. Vad gör det om det ser ut som att ett godståg skulle kunna passera mellan mannens knän, när han till slut ändå hänger in bollen i klykan med kirurgisk precision? What does it if it looks as if a freight trains could pass between the man's knees, when he was in the end, however, is linked in the ball klykan with surgical precision? Tyvärr har inte EA lagt någon speciell vikt vid olika unika skottyper, då bollen agerar i luften på i stort sett samma sett oavsett vem som skjuter. Unfortunately, EA has not put any special emphasis on the types of unique skottyper, when the ball is acting in the air at essentially the same terms regardless of who is shooting.

FIFA 08 point in certain situations, of a rather slow to control, especially in urgent situations, but this promise EA that we worked on. Tyvärr syntes inget av det i den version vi testade, då spelarna fortfarande tar den där extra tusendelen av en sekund på sig att utföra det man på analogt vis beordrat dem att göra. Unfortunately, none of it appeared in the version we tested, when players still takes an extra-thousandth of a second in which to carry out the Monday in an analog way, ordered them to do. Samma gäller passningsspelet där en enkel bredsida fortfarande är på tok för långsam. The same applies to passningsspelet where a simple broadside is still unacceptably slow.

Alarming enough came our complaints on this particular piece as a surprise to the EA team, who all picked up their notebooks and began frantically typing away, while the judgement asked us for more details of what actually was bad. Vad som dessutom var än märkligare var att PS2-versionen var överlägsen sina flashiga syskon, på alla sätt utom det grafiska. What, moreover, was even labelled was that PS2 version was superior to its flashy younger siblings, in every way except the graphic. Här var passningarna rappa, snabba och överlag var PS2-spelet det bästa av alla som erbjöds oss. It was fitting rappa, rapid and overall was the PS2 game the best of all those who offered us. Förhoppningsvis bjuder next gen-människorna in PS2-gänget på en fika framöver och lär sig ett och annat i hur man faktiskt slår en bredsida. Hopefully offer next-gen people in PS2 club in a cup of coffee to come and learn a few things on how to actually strikes a broadside.

A whole powder keg has this year been placed on the tactical part. Du ska i större utsträckning än tidigare kunna bestämma in i detalj hur dina AI-styrda medspelare ska agera på banan, i alla situationer. You should to a greater extent than previously able to determine in detail how your AI-controlled players to act on the track, in all situations. Med hjälp av ett gäng olika parametrar kan aggressivitet, passivitet, försvarslinje och liknande ställas in för varje enskild situation. With the help of a bunch of different parameters can aggressiveness, passivity, defence and similar set for each individual situation. Självklart hänger detta på en välutvecklad AI hos dina spelare, vilket vi vi inte hann bedöma på den tid vi hade med spelet. Of course, this must depend on a well-developed AI of your players, which we we were unable to assess at the time we had with the game. Men onekligen låter det lovande. But undeniably, it sounds promising.

To all FIFA-älskares delight it was announced that the Be-A-Pro expanded properly to FIFA 09. Nu kommer det finnas något som kallas Be-A-Pro Seasons, inspirerat av det redan mycket tilltalande Captain Your Country-läget från Euro 2008-spelet. Now, there will be something called Ask-A-Pro Seasons, inspired by the already very attractive Captain Your Country mode from the Euro 2008 game. Under fyra säsonger utvecklar du din spelare, med målet att slå dig in i landslaget och bli ditt lands nya Maradona, Platini eller Klas Ingesson. During the four seasons are developing your players, with the goal to beat you into the national team and become your country's new Maradona, Platini or Klas Ingesson. Du kan börja spela som en färdig lirare, eller skapa en ny från grunden. You can start to play as a finished lire, or create a new one from scratch. Du kommer bli scoutad, köpt, såld, och allt annat som livegna fotbollsspelare är vana vid dessa dagar. You will become a scout, bought, sold, and everything else that livegna footballers are used to these days.

To all PC owners great enthusiasm, we can also reveal that their version of FIFA, in fact, for once, look quite okay. Till och med bra. Even the good. I år har man satsat ordentligt på PC-versionen och bland flera nymodigheter märks enormt fin grafik och möjligheten att styra din spelare med musen. This year has been invested properly in the PC version, and among a number of innovations seen huge fine graphics and the ability to control your player with the mouse. Helt klart är i alla fall att man försöker så gott man kan att göra något unikt för de sanslöst förbisedda PC-spelarna som fått nöja sig med halvdana PS2-konverteringar fram tills nu. Clearly, in any case that it is trying as best we can to do something unique to the unconscious overlooked PC players who had be content with half-hearted PS2 conversions up to now.

In summary, FIFA promises to be at least as good as last year. Att EA dessutom satsar på en "egen" version till varje format känns fräscht, man får en känsla av att elektronikkonstnärerna verkligen vill bli bäst igen. The EA, moreover, are betting on an "own" version for each format feels fresh, you get the feeling that elektronikkonstnärerna really want to be the best again. Får Konami bara sin kollektiva tumme ur sin kollektiva bakdel kan det bli en riktig fotbollsfest till hösten där FIFA och PES går över lik för att bräda varandra. Can Konami just their collective thumb out of its collective rear, it can become a real festival of football for the autumn in which FIFA and PES goes over like to board each other. Låtom oss hoppas. Let us hope.
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

:LOL: Agree dunno how he came up with PES2008 being the best game ever. Anyway lads i'd just like to say that the D-Pad probably wont change anything for people that use the Analog as you can use the D-Pad on FIFA 08 also with a PS2 Controller with a adapter so im guessing it will be the same but this time they've just enabled it with the PS3 controller?
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

In the 11th of July i was showing a press presentation of FIFA09 in Madrid.
My english is not well but if someone understand some spanish can try to translate my impressions here.
In a few words:
The game is awesome, the player's reactions now are faster, the timing still realistic, but little faster than 08.
The animations are more in number and much better.
Some details that i havent read in other previews:

-The fake shot (press pass to cancell de shot)
Now we can do this move staying static with the player

-The Cross Centers now are much better. We can apreciate the curve effect perfectly.

-The new AI: Now can see how our defender protect you moving well, covering your moves.

-The ball have suffer some changes. Now make some bounces when touchs the parts of the pitch with less grass.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Moore: EA will lead online charge

EA Sports captain Peter Moore believes that within five years we will all be playing games online, maybe with robotic dogs and hoverboards.

Speaking to at E3, Moore warned that if the industry does not embrace the change it may end up like the next music industry.

"You're talking to a company here that truly believes that every consumer will ultimately go online, whether it's five years from now. You're talking to a company that ultimately believes that physical media goes away, that how we get our media - whether it's games, we're already doing it through music, or if it's TV shows - it's going to go through Internet Protocols more than it is through cable or satellite," said Moore.

"Whatever you want to think about the future, there's no doubt that the Internet and connected experiences will be a bigger part of our lives than they ever have been. I'm always fond of saying that we'll tell our grandchildren that we drove to the store to buy a physical disc.

"In tomorrow's world we'll have half a terabyte of storage at home, everything will be in there, and we as an industry need to make sure we don't become another music industry," he added.

Moore believes games without some kind of online interaction are now seen as "primitive" and that EA will "lead the charge" into our digital future.

One of the ways EA will do that is through Nucleus, its social games service that tracks preferences, scores and relationships so you can set challenges for friends across numerous games on different formats.

Nucleus will be implemented into EA Sports games plus Battlefield Heroes and Spore, and aims to feature in around 25 titles by the end of 2009.

Pop over to for the full interview with Peter Moore, where he talks about redesigning sports for Wii and making online multiplayer less "intimidating".
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

In the 11th of July i was showing a press presentation of FIFA09 in Madrid.
My english is not well but if someone understand some spanish can try to translate my impressions here.
In a few words:
The game is awesome, the player's reactions now are faster, the timing still realistic, but little faster than 08.
The animations are more in number and much better.
Some details that i havent read in other previews:

-The fake shot (press pass to cancell de shot)
Now we can do this move staying static with the player

-The Cross Centers now are much better. We can apreciate the curve effect perfectly.

-The new AI: Now can see how our defender protect you moving well, covering your moves.

-The ball have suffer some changes. Now make some bounces when touchs the parts of the pitch with less grass.

This could mean pitch wear and a free'r ball if true, and possibly divots? :))
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

lol Robinson clanger sprung to mind after reading that. :DD

Hopefully someone can translate it soon but cheers for posting NicNic. :))
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

" Ahh by the way, we were told that repetition can be saved on the console but not as we do. "

Not sure if it has been confirmed or not before but I guess this is about saving replays locally?
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

are they not FIFA 08? because in the scoreboard there is logos rather then the teams name (in one of the FIFA 09 images the scoreboard had the clubs name)

Maybe there is an option to switch between the two
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