FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Yup, i just had to insert my euro 2008 disc(after wipin the durt off it)

I scored to great goals from distance but the game frooze each time and i scored two more after that, not as good as the first which were further out.

i guess we have to settle for these two but scored by Agbonlahor

Number 1

Number 2

The Ball flighttime for the first goal is approx 1:50 seconds.

The Ball flighttime for the second goal is approx 1:61.

The Edman goal (which is from alot longer ways out) is approx 1:48 seconds.
Adriano's shot from some distance outside the penalty area is less than a second.

So there is a quite high percentage value separating the flight times of real life shots and comparative shots from FIFA. Also notice how Adrianos shot is taken while almost stationary, and the first FIFA goal vid you posted is shot while also having lots of momentum and speed, and still being alot less speedy and more like a plastic kids ball which is fighting wind resistance all the way.

So there needs to be a 25-30 percent increase in shot powers to be comparative to real-life.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Trance_Allstar I just realised that Cancel in FIFA 09 wont slow the player down if you just remap the buttons so that the jostle button isn't one of the Cancel buttons. It's not the ideal solution because you have to relearn some actions but I think it's worth it if EA hasn't improved the Cancel already.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Trance_Allstar I just realised that Cancel in FIFA 09 wont slow the player down if you just remap the buttons so that the jostle button isn't one of the Cancel buttons. It's not the ideal solution because you have to relearn some actions but I think it's worth it if EA hasn't improved the Cancel already.

OK, might be good to know, cheers mate. :)

Still hoping they have redesigned it though, would be kewl of them. :D
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Those goals were good but nothing special to watch, they did actually seem to float, didnt seem to have much power on them, I was expecting a rocket from number one considering you was running onto goal, only to find it wasnt that hard... the keeper on the second goal as well, what was he doing.

They both floated by the looks of it, I would agree with Trance, shots need to be powered up a bit. Wasnt there a drive button on Fifa for shots though? Might be wrong.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Yup, i just had to insert my euro 2008 disc(after wipin the durt off it)

I scored to great goals from distance but the game frooze each time and i scored two more after that, not as good as the first which were further out.

i guess we have to settle for these two but scored by Agbonlahor

Number 1

Number 2
Those are good goals but if you look at it from a speed point of view,these weren't that powerful shots (compared to the general speed of the game).I mean that you can of course score great goals as you did but some shots from certain players do not feel as powerful as they could
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Yup, i just had to insert my euro 2008 disc(after wipin the durt off it)

I scored to great goals from distance but the game frooze each time and i scored two more after that, not as good as the first which were further out.

i guess we have to settle for these two but scored by Agbonlahor

Number 1

Number 2

Good goals but still looked floaty.The keepers seem to dive slightly after the balls past them, especially the second shot where the goalie seemed to have had lead boots on.

This was also a complaint of mine in 08 and euro, there is some sort of delay in the keepers reactions in diving and rebounds.Actually watching the keeper struggling around like Bambi when reacting to the second shot is laughable.

I've had tons of situations where he has made a good save, palmed the ball out then gets up in slow motion whilst a forward sprints toward the ball and slams it in from all sort of ridiculous angles.Its infuriating and not at all a simulation of what does happen in games.The keepers are usually very agile and react well to the second ball, in FIFA they remind of good 40 year old sunday morning players.

The other thing that kills the experience is the fact that the goalies, just need to bend down and pick up a deflection heading wide yet they sort of scurry alongside it happy to see it go for a corner.looks and feels shit.

Watching the gameplay video, and seeing the long shot float past a young oak tree form 30 yards is a good signal that this area has been somewhat neglected.

Fifa never ever fails to get you thinking "wow that looks amazing" but give it 2-3 months and the 10 year flaws we have seen all too often, are still firmly in place.Graphics are stunning, it runs super smooth but like its past efforts, you end up getting bored of the same old way of scoring goals so my £40 ends up gathering dust or is sold on at half the price.

Konami had me gripped from 3-5, i loved them, it always felt fresh, aspects of scripting was frustrating, however, in general i would see new things happening all the time.

I played PES08 demo the other night and Turkey scored against me with a header from a corner, my player deseratley try to hook it off the line but could only smash it into the roof of the net.It felt great because it was how a pro would react (I must add here that the game in general is also very average).FIFA does not do this for me, it feels all sort of "staged".

The main point I'm making here is that maybe konami have more of a chance in recaptivating its tired audience because its done it's hoping that in year 3 of this generation, that we actually get a high quality football game.
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread


so if cpu doesn't clear the ball off the line u, then its staged?
lol i dnt get that logic

i just played an online match, Terry tries to clear the ball with his head but the muppet puts it in his own net

i really dnt see the big deal

msg via ps3
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

FIFA09 is playing really fast. That's not good. It all has this "staged" feel to to it.

As always, I'll wait for the demo, download it, and get disappointed. But experience has taught me that EA is the best "talker". Each year its public announcements make the game seem like heaven. But eventually it leaves me disappointed with the overall gaming experience...

Let's wait for the demo and see.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread


so if cpu doesn't clear the ball off the line u, then its staged?
lol i dnt get that logic

i just played an online match, Terry tries to clear the ball with his head but the muppet puts it in his own net

i really dnt see the big deal

msg via ps3

Dont try to be clever.I was giving an example of situations i dont see in FIFA.Try and look at the bigger picture otherwise our posts will be about 10,000 words long listing everything:brick:
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

FIFA09 is playing really fast. That's not good. It all has this "staged" feel to to it.

As always, I'll wait for the demo, download it, and get disappointed. But experience has taught me that EA is the best "talker". Each year its public announcements make the game seem like heaven. But eventually it leaves me disappointed with the overall gaming experience...

Let's wait for the demo and see.

Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

All of them look far too floaty and have no real power behind them.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

FIFA09 is playing really fast. That's not good. It all has this "staged" feel to to it.

As always, I'll wait for the demo, download it, and get disappointed. But experience has taught me that EA is the best "talker". Each year its public announcements make the game seem like heaven. But eventually it leaves me disappointed with the overall gaming experience...

Let's wait for the demo and see.

I don't think it's too fast. It's supposed to be much more responsive which is very welcome but in terms of speed it's supposed to be closer to FIFA 08 than EURO 2008. I can cope with a modest increase in long as it gets nowhere near PES2008's ridiculous 'football on fast forward' nonsense. Because that was both disgusting and embarassing.
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

thts how more shots need to be and in game not during free kicks :)

This is shot you can do but its pretty impossible to pull off correctly trying to get timing right. Most long shot end up rather floaty and either player falling over and ball going up and dipping into net.

They do need to tweak it saying this i think finesse shots are better then Pro Evo but again not quite right need to be tweaked more. :))
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

thts how more shots need to be and in game not during free kicks :)

That one looked decent actually. Realistic time for the ball to reach goal, though the camera is crap to judge distance and overall composition of the shot as it travels to the goal.
But a far higher percentage of shots, as mentioned, need to be in that ballpark. Obviously the chance of missing goal should be a big higher aswell since you would need to put alot of power on the power bar to get one of those unleashed.

FIFA09 is playing really fast. That's not good. It all has this "staged" feel to to it.

To be honest, it doesn't seem unrealistically fast. Players feet don't seem to be moving faster than humanly possible etc. If you have 2 humans playing against eachother constantly keeping Sprint pressed and dashing towards goal, it's going to look fast regardless. As long as it is also possible to slow the game down and move players slowly, while playing it around the back 4 looking for passing routes and such, it's all good.

It would be worse if it turns out to move faster than realistically possible.

Overall, often when I have played FIFA08 or such and sit down to watch a real game, I am usually blown away by how fast real life players move in comparison, especially when sprinting. There's more urgency in real life players when moving as fast as possible than FIFA08 and other games capture.
And like I said, as long as there is also a realistic benefit to playing a slow-deliberate game, it's going to be awesome. It should never pay off to hold SPrint all the game, just like real matches rarely can sustain that kind of tempo throughout. It would be nice if the Stamina aspect of FIFA09 was up-played slightly more than 08, so that both players actually could apreciate the occasional rolling around in the back 4, while every player got a breather and gathered their strenghts.
Currently I feel the stamina meter is often not as important as it should be. You can sprint with a player who is completely exhausted, and his speed still seems pretty high than a real-life exhausted player.

That should be a tactical slider in FIFA09, "Overall Team Intensity". If very high, the team plays like they are 1-0 down in the World Cup Final. Everyone is fighting for positions and such, forwards actually constantly looking for good opportunities and positions.
If the slider is set low, the team has very little intensity off the ball.
A good example is looking at the forwards in games. Especially star forwards will rarely press hard on defenders. Usually they just sort of lazily walk around up there not doing much. Even if they are standing 10 feet away from the ballcarrying defender, they won't make a move for it since they know the defender will pass the ball away and it is not a worthwhile effort.
THis kind of intensity slider would be perfect for slowing the game down at times, and it would be essential if the stamina meant more for the players performances. The games could flow more since a team that had been constantly pressuring and forcing for a goal for 30 mins would need to relax a bit, letting the other team into the game.
Obviously if one team is statistically superior in player stats and such to another, they might be able to press their opponents throughout a game. But if 2 equally good (or poor) teams play eachother, the dynamics of the game could be more realistic. Currently in FIFA when players move they always run or "move slowly facing the ball" when you hold LT". But players far from the action should also just be walking lazily like in real-life. Even the fact that players run when you press the stick in a direction does alot to make everything on the pitch seem more fast and chaotic than it needs to.
There would also be a tactical aspect, since you would choose to play more low-intensity match against a poor team if you knew Real Madrid were your opponents the match after, and you want to conserve stamina.
The "Intensity" slider would be separate from "Offensive - Defensive" inclination.
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Most shots in the replays posted before seem more like lobs than actual shots. As I said, they're as fast/powerfull as a long pass.

EA, fix it.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread that looks like a lob ? thts a power shot if ever I saw 1

or this 1 from the same person...

Slightly faster but still does not look right somehow.It could be the way the net reacts and then the ball from the nets.I think if the nets exploded and the all pinged around them then that woud at least gve the illusion of power.The nets are like heavy duty carpet the way they move sometimes.PES5 nets were great IMO.
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Well, speedwise the last posted video was actually very realistic. I clocked it with some authentic long freekicks from that range and it is good in speed.

Though it still looks wrong, and I think I figured it out. I think the camera is what makes it look wrong. The way it is static and suddenly jerks into action as the ball is kicked.
Also, the ball still looks quite floaty, like it needs just slightly more weight and gravity to get a realistic trajectory, just a nudge. And the nets need a bit more flair.

Also, the goalkeeper animation is also a bit off which gives it an off look.

PES always had inertia in the camera movements. If you struck a ball, it would take the camera some time to react, and the movement would start slow and get faster, as if a human was working it. This also plays a crucial role in conveying the speed of the shot, since right after the shot is taken, the ball is flying to the side of the picture when the camera hasn't yet reacted. In FIFA the camera starts moving immediately, so the ball looses speed, since we don't get to see the "true" horizontal speed of the ball when the camera is not moving.

So there are probably a few factors, all quite small, but they lend a "weird" feeling to the whole scene. THe ball also looks like it needs to slow down a bit more towards the end, it looks to have the same speed throughout the whole shot, rather than the "first quick, the slowing down slightly" look which is to be expected.

EDIT: Just for fun, check this video:

Now those are all kinds of awesome. :)

Check 2:30 for a nice one.

EDIT2: And oh yeah, PES had an even more crucial thing with the ingame camera. Just as the camera had followed a ball to the goal as it was about to go in, the camera would stop (so the camera would be stationary when the ball hit the net, giving further feeling of speed since the ball moves quicker horizontally with the camera not panning with it), whereas the FIFA camera is still moving to the side as the ball strikes the net. Just implementing that stopping of the camera would make it look alot more "right".
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Maybe they've found the right speed for powerful FKs and not actual ingame powerful shots
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Maybe they've found the right speed for powerful FKs and not actual ingame powerful shots

Yeah, plus the FKs can be given backspin by pulling the left stick back when shooting, which gives them a flatter trajectory so they don't resemble lobs as much, something the ingame shots need more of.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Well, speedwise the last posted video was actually very realistic. I clocked it with some authentic long freekicks from that range and it is good in speed.

Though it still looks wrong, and I think I figured it out. I think the camera is what makes it look wrong. The way it is static and suddenly jerks into action as the ball is kicked.
Also, the ball still looks quite floaty, like it needs just slightly more weight and gravity to get a realistic trajectory, just a nudge. And the nets need a bit more flair.

Also, the goalkeeper animation is also a bit off which gives it an off look.

PES always had inertia in the camera movements. If you struck a ball, it would take the camera some time to react, and the movement would start slow and get faster, as if a human was working it. This also plays a crucial role in conveying the speed of the shot, since right after the shot is taken, the ball is flying to the side of the picture when the camera hasn't yet reacted. In FIFA the camera starts moving immediately, so the ball looses speed, since we don't get to see the "true" horizontal speed of the ball when the camera is not moving.

So there are probably a few factors, all quite small, but they lend a "weird" feeling to the whole scene. THe ball also looks like it needs to slow down a bit more towards the end, it looks to have the same speed throughout the whole shot, rather than the "first quick, the slowing down slightly" look which is to be expected.

EDIT: Just for fun, check this video:

Now those are all kinds of awesome. :)

Check 2:30 for a nice one.

EDIT2: And oh yeah, PES had an even more crucial thing with the ingame camera. Just as the camera had followed a ball to the goal as it was about to go in, the camera would stop (so the camera would be stationary when the ball hit the net, giving further feeling of speed since the ball moves quicker horizontally with the camera not panning with it), whereas the FIFA camera is still moving to the side as the ball strikes the net. Just implementing that stopping of the camera would make it look alot more "right".

Great post Trance, I think you have summarised it brilliantly:TU:
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Trance, I think the best shooting i've witnessed in any footy game was in we8le.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Great post Trance, I think you have summarised it brilliantly:TU:

Well thank you, if you agree then I might be on to something (or it's a simple case of "Folie a Deux").

Trance, I think the best shooting i've witnessed in any footy game was in we8le.

Haven't played WE8LE actually. I like PES5/WE9LE though, shots are sometimes a bit too hard for perfect realism, but trajectories are often a good mix of dipping shots and the ones that just lift and lift and lift.
PES4 I felt was too floaty and lobbed most times, but WE8LE had some differences from PES4 (they seemingly included the elastico for example, indicating it was atleast fairly different from PES4 other than the identical game on a different market).
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I hope theres an option online where you can choose if you play against manual or assisted players.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Though it still looks wrong, and I think I figured it out. I think the camera is what makes it look wrong. The way it is static and suddenly jerks into action as the ball is kicked.
Also, the ball still looks quite floaty, like it needs just slightly more weight and gravity to get a realistic trajectory, just a nudge. And the nets need a bit more flair.

Thats exactly what it is. Not the speed or velocity but the actual ball weight and physics. This is what has to be improved. Also as you suggest the nets should be better. More like Football Kingdom. :))
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Would be cool, but I doubt it will ever happen. Some people have half assisted and half manual too.

Yes, that really makes it difficult, but it's really easy to make search filters and be able to specify every parameter of control. That's really uber-easy to develop, it only affects the "filter search" screen and taking into account a few more parameters to the search engine.

Now, I don't think it will happen. Maybe better to concentrate in gameplay from my point of view, because when I go online I play only friends and only sometimes I play completely strangers. Experience shows playing with friends is like 1.000 times better.
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