FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09

Uhm, hands on in what sense?? they played some sort of a demo, or they just listened to EA people talking about the game??

They were flown to the offices in Vancouver, Canada to play the early build. Apparently they could only choose Man Utd or Chelsea, which probably indicates that when a demo hits those two team will be in it.
Re: FIFA 09

Yeh it is.

Its a proper hands-on, as well as a small interview and around 5 large screens. It does span over 7 pages afterall.

Thought so cant wait to read it :))

Another question when is FSB allowed to share there experience they had with game i hear NDA that for few more weeks yet then.
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Re: FIFA 09

i find the cover

Re: FIFA 09

You could also find the PS3 one but it's too far up your own arse to retrieve it.
Re: FIFA 09

Lol this again :) Never mind.... Thomas is the PS3 version going to be any better due to Superior Storage Capacity?

I am looking forward to this lads. I will be going to Leipzig this year for the games convention with FIFA Soccer Blog.... :)
Re: FIFA 09

If anyone understand Deutsh !:))

Referees, linesman etc.. in Fifa09 !


FIFA09 Special - Erster Eindruck

EA Sports hat einigen ausgewählten Personen einen ersten Einblick ist das kommende FIFA 09 für die Next Generation Konsolen Xbox360 und PS3 gegeben. Hier sind einige Impressionen:

:: Das Gameplay ::

Das Gameplay wurde wieder einmal verbessert, besonderen wert wird auf ein realistisches und genaues Spielgefühl gelegt.

So fühlt man am Controller regelrecht jeden Zweikampf, jedes Dribbling, auch die Animationen laufen wesentlich flüssiger und getreu der Physik ab - realistischer als jemals in einer FIFA Version zuvor. Nun können Spieler jetzt während eines Zweikampfs stolpern, die Zweikämpfe sehen wesentlich besser aus, wenn z.B das Standbein des Spielers weggegrätscht wird.

Die künstliche Intelligenz präsentiert sich wesentlich intelligenter, Spielzüge wurden verfeinert und machen es so etwas schwerer zum Torerfolg zu kommen

Auch die Torhüter wurden wieder einmal verbessert, hechten und springen nun weitaus realistischer. Neu ist, dass die Torhüter nach einer weniger gelungenen Aktion auch hinter ihren Körper greifen und den Ball noch auf der Linie zu fassen kriegen.

:: Die Grafik ::

Die Grafik auf Xbox360 und PS3 präsentiert sich im klassischen und gut aussehenden Gewand, es sind keine großen Änderungen zu FIFA08 und dem EURO 2008 Spiel zu erkennen - kein Wunder denn die Grafik ist und bleibt brilliant. Die Grafik wirkt alles in allem vielleicht etwas schärfer und manche Spieler sind nun deutlich besser erkennbar.

Den größten Einfluss auf die optische Wiedergabe haben die deutlich verbesserten Anmationsmodelle. Neu sind ebenfalls dauerhaft sichtbare Schiedsrichter, Linienrichter, Trainer, besetzte Auswechselbänke und Fotografen, die alle auch ihre eigenen Animationen spendiert bekommen haben.

Ebenfalls aus dem EURO 2008 Spiel übernommen wurde der individuelle Torjubel, nach einem geschossenen Tor könnt ihr den Spieler für einige Sekunden frei steuern und feiern.

:: Die Features ::

Die Strategieoptionen im Team Management wurden umgehend überarbeitet, es ist nun individuell möglich spezifische Offensiv und Defensiv Einstellungen zu erstellen. Des weiteren kann nun zwischen verschiedenen Aggressions- und Risikoeinstellungen gewählt werden.

Der "Be A Pro" Modus ist weiterhin enthalten und wurde leicht überarbeitet. Es ist weiterhin möglich einen eigenen Spieler zu erschaffen,zu steuern und so zu einer Legende zu machen

:: Die PC Version ::

Das Nachsehen haben wohl alle Fans der PC Version. Nach aktuellem Kenntnisstand wird sich die PC Version auch bei FIFA09 wieder von den beiden Next Generation Konsolen unterscheiden.

Wie unsere Partnerseite 'FIFA 4 Fans' ja bereits exklusiv nach einem Gespräch mit den Entwicklern berichtet hat, ist die Adaption der ausgeklügelten Physik- und Gameplay-Engine die größte Hürde bei der Umsetzung der sogenannten "Next Generation Grafik" für den PC. Das bedeutet, dass mit sehr großer Wahrscheinlichkeit weiterhin die altbekannte Technik für die PC Version von FIFA09 verwendet wird.

Re: FIFA 09

Course it will be Rob, not everyone has a pc that is up to scratch enough to run FIFA Current Gen so Previous Gen will have to do... Personally I think we should be given the option of what version we would like on the PC....
Re: FIFA 09

Here's the translation using babelfish:

FIFA09 Special - first impression

EA sports has some selected persons a first view is given the coming FIFA 09 for those NEXT generation consoles Xbox360 and PS3. Here are some Impressionen:

:: The Gameplay::

The Gameplay was improved again once, to special worth on a realistic and exact play feeling is put.

Thus one feels at the CONTROLLER proper each duel, each Dribbling, also the animations runs substantially liquid and faithfully physics off more realistically than ever in a FIFA version before. Now players can trip now during a duel, the duels look substantially better, if the support leg of the player is e.g. weggegrätscht.

Artificial intelligence presents itself substantially more intelligently, play courses was refined and to make it such a thing more heavily to gate success to come

Also the goal keepers were improved again once, pikes and jump now by far more realistically. It is new that the goal keepers get to reach for an action succeeded less also behind their body and to seize the ball still on the line.

:: The Graphics::

The Graphics on Xbox360 and PS3 does not present itself in the classical and looking good garb, it is large changes to FIFA08 and the EURO 2008 play to recognize - no miracle the diagram is and remains brilliant. The diagram works all in all perhaps somewhat more sharply and some players is now clearly better recognizable.

The clearly improved Anmationsmodelle has the largest influence on the optical rendition. Are new likewise permanently visible arbitrators, Linienrichter, coaches, occupied replacing banks and photographers, who got everything also their own animations spendiert.

Likewise from the EURO 2008 play was taken over the individual gate rejoicing, after a shot gate can it the player for some seconds freely steer and celebrate.

:: The features::

The strategy options in the team management were immediately revised, it are now individually possible specific offensive and defensively attitudes to be provided. The moreover can be selected now between different aggression and risk attitudes.

"Be A Pro" Mode is contained and was easily revised further. It is to be created further possible its own player to steer and to a legend make in such a way

:: The PC version::

Probably all fans the PC version have a checking. After current level of knowledge the PC version will differ also with FIFA09 again from the two NEXT generation consoles.

Like our partner side ' FIFA 4 Fans' already exclusively after a discussion with the developers, is the adaptation of thought out physics and Gameplay engine reported the largest hurdle " during the conversion of the so-called; NEXT generation Grafik" for the PC. That means that with very large probability further the long-known technology for the PC version is used by FIFA09.
Re: FIFA 09

Google Translator is way better..

FIFA09 Special - First impression

EA Sports has selected some people a first glimpse is the upcoming FIFA 09 for the Next Generation Xbox360 and PS3 consoles. Here are some impressions:

:: The gameplay:

The gameplay was once again improved, in particular value is a realistic and accurate feeling.

So you can feel downright on the controller every duel, each Dribbling, the animations are much more liquid and faithful of physics - more realistic than ever in a FIFA version before. Now players can now fight during a two stumble, the two fights much better if, for example, the pillar of the player weggegrätscht.

The artificial intelligence presents itself much more intelligent, moves were refined and make it somewhat difficult to come to the goals

The goalkeeper was once again improved, and jump hechten now much more realistic. What is new is that the goalkeeper after a less successful action behind their body attack and the ball still on the line to making it work.

:: The graphics:

The graphics on Xbox360 and PS3 features the classic and good-looking garb, there are no major changes to FIFA08 and the EURO 2008 game to see - no surprise because the picture is and remains brilliant. The graphic works, all in all, perhaps a little sharper and some players are now much easier to see.

The biggest influence on the visual representation have significantly improved Anmationsmodelle. New are also permanently visible referees, line judges, coaches, occupied Auswechselbänke and photographers, all of their own animations spendiert have received.

Also from the EURO 2008 game was the individual Torjubel, after a gate you can geschossenen the player for a few seconds control and freely celebrate.

:: Features::

The policy options in the team management were immediately revised, it is now possible individually specific offensive and defensive settings. Furthermore, now between aggression and risk settings.

The "Be A Pro" mode is still included and has been slightly revised. It is also possible a player to create their own, control and so became a legend to

:: The PC version:

The See have probably all fans of the PC version. According to current knowledge, the PC version also FIFA09 again by the two next generation consoles.

As our Partners' FIFA 4 Fans' already exclusively following a meeting with the developers has reported, the adaptation of the sophisticated physics and gameplay engine, the biggest hurdle in the implementation of the so-called "Next-generation graphics for the PC. This means that a very large probability continue the familiar technology for the PC version of FIFA09 used.
Re: FIFA 09

nothing new here. my biggest concern is the ps3 framreate since euro was a disaster in that category
Re: FIFA 09

Is the first time on next gen that Fifa includes referees, linesman etc..

Its good news no? :DD
Re: FIFA 09

This German preview seems to confirm some of the previous rumours that refs, linesmen, subs and staff will be visible and each will have distinct animations. It also confirms that interactive celebrations from UEFA Euro 2008 are in the game which was also mentioned in the rumours.
Re: FIFA 09

This German preview seems to confirm some of the previous rumours that refs, linesmen, subs and staff will be visible and each will have distinct animations. It also confirms that interactive celebrations from UEFA Euro 2008 are in the game which was also mentioned in the rumours.

All is stuff I couldn't give a damn about - Stuff they should concentrate on when the rest of the important gameplay issues are resolved.
Re: FIFA 09

Might even have close-ups of managers like in EURO 2008 then.

I'm guessing all the major managers will have accurately modelled faces like top players.
Re: FIFA 09

Tomorrow on the german games-tm there will be a hands on on the new ea sports titles including fifa 09. ill try to get my hands on and inform you about the facts tomorrow.
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