FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

The jostle button is vital in the game. In real life you do a mix of "straight" tackling and covering and "holding position" defense. In fact, in real life I play a lot the "jostle until tackle is clear" type of defenseive football. Of course, it depends if the opposition is running or moving slowly. And I'm good at it, I was begging for that in the game, I want to be able to close spaces and that way you're reducing the opposition angle to dribble, leaving him only the speed factor to brake you, but knowing that by this time there's already another defender covering your space.

Maybe my english is a mess to describe such specific situations...

Edit: Oh, I was picked as MOM in a tourney playing left side back for barcelona when I was 10, and that was because my trainer taught me how to defend in close / open spaces. But then I had more speed and hair...
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

The jostle button is vital in the game. In real life you do a mix of "straight" tackling and covering and "holding position" defense. In fact, in real life I play a lot the "jostle until tackle is clear" type of defenseive football. Of course, it depends if the opposition is running or moving slowly. And I'm good at it, I was begging for that in the game, I want to be able to close spaces and that way you're reducing the opposition angle to dribble, leaving him only the speed factor to brake you, but knowing that by this time there's already another defender covering your space.

Maybe my english is a mess to describe such specific situations...
I must admit I struggle with the jostle as you slow far too much... :((
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

yeah after a few checks they are both next gen

maybe the scoreboard is different for friendlies

I think you're most likely to be right, Premier League and other League games might have one scoreboard and international matches could have another.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I agree it's better than just holding a button but I hate the combo button thing, we have a sprint, run and jostle button so why not a tackle button, 'X', you can then choose to sprint or run and jostle or tackle or any variation?...

X is double-press innit? :)

Well, my personal opinion is that the more complez they can make it, the better. Going away from the "Hold A for the player to do everything for you" type system is a nice start in my humble opinion. :;)
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

8pm gmt fifa 09 is been shown at that campus party thing but apparently it will now not be broadcasted live how bollox expect vids 100% 2day though
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Wow. I just realised that in nearly a decade of owning PES and FIFA I have never tried either the Master League or the Manager Mode. The only managerial game's I have played are Football Manager/Championship Manager (back in the day) and SWOS 96-97. I really should start. Its sound's like a lot of fun.

Same here, for some reason it feels strange for me to play manager type mode on any console football game, while I have FM on my PC
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Wow. I just realised that in nearly a decade of owning PES and FIFA I have never tried either the Master League or the Manager Mode. The only managerial game's I have played are Football Manager/Championship Manager (back in the day) and SWOS 96-97. I really should start. Its sound's like a lot of fun.

same here.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

8pm gmt fifa 09 is been shown at that campus party thing but apparently it will now not be broadcasted live how bollox expect vids 100% 2day though

Where this then ?

Anyway hopefully there will be videos and plenty of them. :))
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

8pm gmt fifa 09 is been shown at that campus party thing but apparently it will now not be broadcasted live how bollox expect vids 100% 2day though

just to quote myself again before people get pissed it will probably not be streamed live but you never know..
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

they will be back up in a couple of hours apparently an overloading of the link lol :)

the fif fans are out in force today

Ah i see i hope there videos tonight but dont you get feeling there not going to be and will have to wait until Leipzig. :((
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Ah i see i hope there videos tonight but dont you get feeling there not going to be and will have to wait until Leipzig. :((

nope dude we will deffo be getting footage before leipzig someone I know called weepeller from fifa 08 forums and works for EA recorded footage so there will deffo be vids prior to Leipzig to salivate over:w00t:

and hopefully today from the campus party!
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

nope dude we will deffo be getting footage before leipzig someone I know called weepeller from fifa 08 forums and works for EA recorded footage so there will deffo be vids prior to Leipzig to salivate over:w00t:

and hopefully today from the campus party!

Nice what i want to hear :))
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Electronic Arts will be the Campus Party 2008

The company will present the most comprehensive and innovative range of products this year in Valencia.

Electronic Arts, multinational leader in interactive entertainment software, presented at the International Campus Party some of its star products for 2008. Campus Party is recognized as the largest event of a network of electronic entertainment world
Este encuentro anual que comenzó en España en 1997, reúne durante siete días a miles de participantes con sus ordenadores procedentes de toda España y de otras naciones con el fin de compartir inquietudes, intercambiar experiencias y realizar todo tipo de actividades relacionadas con el ordenador, las comunicaciones y las nuevas tecnologías. This annual event that began in Spain in 1997, brings together for seven days thousands of participants with their computers from all over Spain and other nations to share concerns, exchange experiences and make all kinds of activities related to the computer, communications and new technologies.

In this event called the Feria de Valencia in the nearly ten thousand attendees may attend live presentations of our FIFA09
Was attended by EATV,

Agenda presentations: CET

- Miercoles 30 : -- Wednesday 30:
Spore (18.00) Spore (18.00)
FIFA (21.00) Fife (21.00)
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread
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