Hazarr @ Younggun! Well, I'll probably be on after 11 with the looks of it, but if I don't see either of you tonight I will do another night, I'm almost always on. Like most the woman in Eastenders...
Charming. Docs always finishing early nowadays. Too little patience? Nah, too little patients. By the way old butterscotch, I've reupped that TIU mix.
Add me guys. I'm PS3 and looking for some games with decent people. Also a bit of 5v5. I get online a few times a week.
Proxi,Doc & SJP76, i have send you all an PSN invite. I am tired off the cutback and hate to play every match against Barca or United. So i hope you are ready to play some real Fifa.

Forgot you YoungGun, will add you later.
Ahh. Ah. Apologies for the PSN message a while ago, heh. I willhopefully be on around half 11 to midnight tonight. Real FIFA for the win.
Are there any high ranked players on this who don't either: cutback, hack players down (intentionally), quit early, use the kick off shot, or use the penalty exploit (or a combination)?
There's a penalty exploit?

I only know of the AI penalty exploit, in that I never fucking get penalties in manager mode! Well 1 in 75 games so far of my new manager mode career........
You can save shots going into the far corner if you start crab-walking your goalkeeper left/right as soon as the penalty taker starts his run-up. It's much more likely to save the shot if you "walk" the goalie either way than it is if you make him dive, so online it's all you ever see.
Oh that, they call that an exploit? Sheesh in my day an exploit was a little application you ran when playing shooters and it made all enemies show as purple with neon signs flashing above their heads "enemy hiding here".......
Haha! Using the right analogue to move the goalie and save penaltys isn't an exploit! It's the only way to save top corner penalties. Next you'll be saying that pressing B to shoot is an exploit! :LOL:
Are there any high ranked players on this who don't either: cutback, hack players down (intentionally), quit early, use the kick off shot, or use the penalty exploit (or a combination)?
Well, I'm not high level as I've only played around 15 ranked matches, however I'm always Spurs, and it's always against better opposition (except for when playing Arsenal :P). I don't use the Cunts Choice © Kickoff Shot, or the penalty non-exploit, or the cutback except for once or twice in a match, bit of realism. However... although I don't hack players down intentionally, I do have a rather cavalier style of tackling. Pretty outrageous lunges but always head on at the running attacker, and 90% of the time I get the ball, it's all about timing really. Plus I use a lot of the offside trap and call a defender or two to come over and help.

Are you PS3 or 360 chap, I'll add you if the former.
Guys i have a problem with the lockerroom off fifa08 and my profile when i buy stuff for using on my charactar it dont appear ingame.

But for others it does, i just buyed a new hat and glasses updated it on the website but on my char in fifa08 online ingame i cant see it on my eyes and head??

What to do about it.
Haha! Using the right analogue to move the goalie and save penaltys isn't an exploit! It's the only way to save top corner penalties. Next you'll be saying that pressing B to shoot is an exploit! :LOL:

You don't think the reason that you can't save top corner penalties is because...they're supposed to be unsaveable? If the penalty's well powered it makes sense that it shouldn't be saved. Medium powered penalties are saveable.
Tim it is an exploit. It shouldnt have been in the game. Ive started not using it, dont think its right. Would rather lose than play pens anyway theyre pointless.
Tim it is an exploit. It shouldnt have been in the game. Ive started not using it, dont think its right. Would rather lose than play pens anyway theyre pointless.

it is not an exploit it is part of the game... it was poor decision making on ea's part not realising how effective it really was improved in Euro 2008...
How can it be an exploit when it's the only way to save a penalty? I could just turn it round and say if you don't use it, then placing a penalty in the top corner is an exploit because you can't save it normally.
errr no.

Because placing a penalty right into the top corner requires skill. This exploit does not.
errr no.

Because placing a penalty right into the top corner requires skill. This exploit does not.
Requires skill? :LOL: All you do is aim to a top corner, hold the finesse button and power the bar up between a half and a quarter and it's completely unsaveable unless you do the "exploit" and it is always on target with any player...
Agreed! Better than all the other footy games out there... Wouldn't be too hard though. I've actually started playing this again now, so if anyone wants to try play against a girl feel free to add me. :-pp Doing a manager mode, not going to well though cause I haven't played it in agggeeesss. Need to get some experience on it badly, I'll most likely easily get beat on it. I always seem to get the fuckwits online too who quit if you score against them, bah.
Requires skill? :LOL: All you do is aim to a top corner, hold the finesse button and power the bar up between a half and a quarter and it's completely unsaveable unless you do the "exploit" and it is always on target with any player...

Half and a quarter? You mean into the orange zone? How does that not require skill. It's all too easy to overpower it and fire it high and wide...
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