Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

guys how about the CPU. have they scored any good goals against you? or done some sweet tricks or passing moves?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

OK for everyone asking for an upload - JUST CREATE A SINGAPORE PASSPORT. It took me 2 minutes. If anyone needs help on it please PM me.

Back on-topic, I can't get over the crowd chants. So much atmosphere. I have had lots of messages via Xbox Live telling me to "grow up" and "stop playing a kids football game". WTF!? This is a true simulated game! Why are fanboys such turds?

EDIT: Kobashi, A.I. is spot-on much better than previous games. The run C.Ronaldo had against me earlier was oustanding and he flicked a pass through for Rooney which he blasted way over.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jesus Christ, some people are desperate to ruin everybody else's fun... You've never seen someone beat two or three players in real life have you? It was a skilled player and it was a one-off.
(Sneaked onto the PC in the other room, the demo is amazing but I wanted to point out a few more things...)

WOW :shock: is this the same Jack Bauer who critisized everything in the WE/PES topic? Even annoyed if somebody is equally critical is he himself normally is?
No... can't be. Must be somebody else ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

WOOHOO, I really hope so. Would be great to see you on Xbox Live matey. :D

I'd love to get one, but I highly doubt it. My parents will tell me there's no way I'm getting one. They don't see the point of getting another console, to them they're practically the same. Actually, they are but Microsoft respects their costumers, Sony just tells us to fuck off.

No matter how much I'd love to get one, I just won't. :cry:

Regarding the demo, I just can't understand why it isn't going to be released in Europe. Unless the european version is different from the american or australian versions (other teams or something), it just doesn't make sense. Both Europe and Australia are PAL, so there's no explanation to this. And EA just keep telling us there have been technical issues. Yeah, right.

At the end of the day, we PS3 owners are the ones getting screwed the most. We won't get the game until late tonight, and that is if we are lucky. I bet we won't.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Han stop trolling. WHY STICK WITH ONE GAME when there are obvious better titles out there? It's like saying, "I don't want the Enzo Ferrari even though it's the same price as the Skoda." Blind fanboyism. Ludicrous.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Probably my biggest problem with the game at the minute. The strikers are very good at holding you off on headers. I don't know if it's unrealistic but it's bloody hard either way.

At least we'll be able to change the difficulty on the full game, I couldn't cope with not scoring for ten games...

...jack try to go "IN THE BALL" with the strikers instead of waiting for the real football...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have been a hardcore pes player for the last six years but have been playing Fifa07 a lot for these last few weeks. It started with the demo and i bought the full game a week ago. I've had the demo for over a year but didn't really play it a lot until recently. Back then I was still playing pes on an hourly basis and could not cope with Fifa's response times and the fact that there was no super cancel.

I have gradually grown more and more irritated by the overall scripted gameplay and 8 way movements that seem to have defined pes for years now. I was very very disappointed to see the new pes2008 videos and have now decided to give fifa a chance. I love the new fifa engine and really hope 08 will deliver the goods.

Xboxlive says the downloading process is 49% complete.

I got one question: does the demo allow you to play against a friend or even 2vs2?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't wait to do these tricks in the 'one player for the entire match mode' I forgot what it is called. :p
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Watch how the players hit the ball, its spot on and exactly how you would in real life

also watch Ferdinands attempted block and Evras last ditch tackle, oh and the save

edit: i dont think you can see any of that because of the quality of clip
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

In today's unintentionally hilarious news, the demo for FIFA 08 was released today on to Xbox Live in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States ... but not in Europe. So the demo for the Fédération Internationale de Football Association game was released in the country that doesn't even call it "football," but not in Europe, where a man can be shot dead in the street for calling it "soccer." Are they serious? Let us just soak it in for a second, OK? It rarely gets better than this for video game bloggers. Honestly, we feel like we should go out and buy a Powerball ticket or something.

Major Nelson told users EA has promised the demo will be coming to Europe "very soon." Until then, they'll just have to deal with our clumsy, misinformed American impressions of the demo. (Sample: "The kicking looks sweet, but why are the scores so low?").
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Right, i guess Ill give my impressions now. The regulars probably know what my issues were with 07 and UCL. But for those who dont ill just add them.

Previous FIFA issues:
Goalies: Either they would make super 1-on-1 saves, concede daft freekicks with poor positioning/reaction or they would make daft skippy jumps to save all the long range shots, whether powerfull or tame, the animation would always be the same.

Shooting - I never felt incontrol, it was too subtle with the stick, the slightest difference in angle could mean the ball would be centre, wide right or wide left. Just felt like no control. Also the finesse shot you had far too much control, with easy goals being scored.

Heading - Poor, you had to time it right, but even then there was a lack of control, randomness to it that you could still end up chesting the ball in your area. Attacking headers were unrelated to the cross, a high/lob cross and a standstill jump shouldnt allow you to make a bullet header. 07 did!

Nets - Steelcage

Player likeness - This too was poor, they looked like LOTR extras and also in stats and stature little difference was felt between players.

Dribbling - Now im not a dribble king but the slow, over animated players meant you could never do a quick turn to get away from the opposition and keep possesion. It also carried on for too long meaning you would end up feeling like you were controlling a boat; "oooh im going right.....ooh im going left...ooh too far....oh ive lost the ball again".

Overal speed - I felt this was oke, not as fast as pes but it felt ok.

This game just didnt get a look in because the responsetime was just far too slow for me. And together with the animation lenghts of 07 meant i felt in even less control. Cant comment on the rest as i didnt get to find out.

I hadnt played a fifa since RTWC98 untill last years 07. And that only kept me going for about a month. Ive played all the pes' from the iss snes days right up to pes6 on the 360. Ive given up on pes because i play singleplayer and couldnt stand another year of the ML, wereas i wasnt sure i would get fifa08 as an alternative because 07 and UCL just werent good enough for me and if 08 was too close to them i wouldnt bother either.

So with that said, you guys know where im coming from.

On to FIFA08, Ive played about 10 halfs now and messed about a bit in the arena. The short version is; i agree with Jack. Now the long version which ill comment on my issues with the previous games;

Goalies - Look very good and balanced, great last gasp saves, good footing for basic catches and no "super" saves, skippy jumps, etc. So in other words they look and play really good. The only negative, and its a really really small detail, is that single handed saves made with the palm that go over the bar can be a bit powerfull/high. But thats it so far. Also close saves are now realistic, you can hit a controlled "slow" shot under his body into the corner. Just time it right.

Shooting - In the arena its really quite excellent, it takes getting used to, i still am, but the response time and stick control means you can pretty much place it where you want. In 07 you had quite a bit of control, but getting the correct angles on shots was really hard and not good enough. In 08 though you notice you have more "angles" to work with and because of that have better control. Ingame shooting seems to work aswell really, although ive not had too many opportunities. I hit a nice longrange effort with carrick that was long and just past the post. Ive hit a couple of hard close range shots which have received a good, fair save. No super save, just how you would expect. You can also adjust the amount of comp control your shot gets, from totally free, to semi, to assisted. (assited i think means you choose power but the shot will be on goal and the rest is based on all the ai calculations (wind/footing/favorite foot/defenderpressure/skill/etc), semi means you choose subdirection (left/right/centre/?) and power and manuel you choose everything (how far left/ how far right). Thats what i think/remember it to be. It feels good and accurate. Ive tried one finess shot, a classic henry, edge of the area coming in from the left with a right foot shot, it went past the goalie and hit the post, bounced back and eto was on hand to blast it in. Im not sure how good it works, as ive only tried it once with a lot of space and one of the best players and correct power. So in real life you would expect henry to come close, which is what i did. Dont know how easy it will be to consistently do it though. Shots also vary nicely, hard high, hard low, etc. Nice dip and bounce to them.

Heading - It seems good to me, i think pes had just that bit more control, but its a great improvement on 07 for me and feels good. They could maybe have some more speed/power when doing defensive headers but it could also be my defenders/timing/pass header/far header skill atm. But they are nicely contentested across the pitch. Ive conceded quite a few attacking headers from freekicks witht he strikers making good runs or my defender not picking up someone. A couple have gone in, but most are either saved or just over the bar/wide. Seems balanced. Havent had the chance to get onto an attacking header as ive got crossing on manual and its tough.

Nets - Really nice, good animation to shots and a nice crisp sound when the ball hits it. The only negative i can find is sometimes the sound of the crisp net will be slightly longer then what you would expect when the ball hits the side netting. A wide header/shot will hit the side netting for only a small amount of time (im sure you know the type where the ball gets "caught" in the net and stops instead of going along it, in a natural way). This is greeted with the nice crisp sound, but its just a fraction longer then you would expect it to be. Thats it so far, overal really good.

Playerlikeness - Well as Jack said you do really feel the difference between players, speed, turning, strenght make a big difference. From a distance, tele cam, they look pretty good to me. Not on pes level, but you can see, and more importantly feel, which player you are using. Giggs,rooney,ronaldo ect are all easily spotted. Same for figo, crespo, matterazzi, etc. Closeup however they still seem to have weird proportions, either the shirt/shorts are to baggy or they are to wide, but up close its not as good. Quite a fwe of the faces look good, but not on the pes level. You only really notice it in replays/cutscenes which for me arent important. When playing the game you do notice which player you are using.

Dribbling - Trick stick dribbling looks really good, in the arena. In a match you will end up on you face or dispossesed looking a bit of a twat. But the actual animation looks really good, smooth and natural. More importantly though, atleast for me, is the shortness and speed of close control. Its tight and fast, meaning you can do quick turns/adjustments to keep possesion or just to get past a player. I could never do this in 07 and it really pissed me off. But now 08 has shortened/speeded up the close control animation i once again could go past players and react to the opposition instead of the planning it needed in 07 and the even more planning needed in UCL. Ive noticed myself quickly going to the right or turning back to keep possesion. Its not as sharp as pes, but its damn close! Maybe it is, but having to use the analog slows me down as a d-pad oldskooler. Another important aspect to this is player stats, doing a quick turn to keep possesion with rooney works well, he's strong and can keep the defender off the ball, however if you use a lightweight, say scholes, and you have viera trying to get the ball you are likely to be dispossed. You can turn, but viera is going to still be coming at you and he's just to strong. So like real life you either need to keep you distance and not let the opposition get to close, or you have to have a better/stronger player to still be able to come out on top. Pretty accurate imo.

Responsetime - Its good, fast and sharp. Its close to pes, but body weight/strenght/speed play probably an even greater role then in pes. You can do quick turns and stuff and pass it about quickly. Shooting is also very responsive. Really the whole game is just far more responsive meaning you can react to the opposition when passing, moving, shooting, heading, etc. Something which wasnt really possible in the previous games.

So final thoughs and my apologies for the length.
FIFA07 represented a new, serious direction from EA towards football. They built a brand new engine and most of us saw it as a game with great potential. It had its bugs and annoyance but the actual base of animation/ai/graphics were there. The overal gameplay just wasnt good enough at that point in time with some elements lacking and other just poor. UCL, from what i read, corrected quite a few of those. The stutter/collision bug to name one, but for me the responsetime was far too slow to play it.
FIFA08 has forfilled the potential that was shown with 07 and looks to become an excellent game. it plays well, looks good, sounds good, and has the teams/modes/leagues to kepp us playing it.

Im getting it, i was always more looking forward to this then pes because as a single player pes just doesnt have anything more to offer. FIFA on the other hand has two things now, the obvious teams/leagues/modes/etc but more importantly gameplay that is equal or nearly equal to pes. Some of the animation and movement is really stunning, and the way players react to each other and the collisions between each other is really good. The graphics and sound is also excellent. It can again be improved, maybe another increase in speed, but its a great game now. Not could be, not next year, but now and pes will really have to come up with something really, really, really good next year otherwise even the most diehard pesfan will be looking at fifa and seriously considering buying it. For me this year there will onyl be one game, and its easily FIFA08.


Supercancel is in its rt+lt. You can see it in the control menu :D

Sounds really good. Really looking forward to this one now. Thanks for your detailed post, tiktik.

And to think that it will be improving further next year too.

At last, freed from having to resort to PES for my footy fix!!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

You can actually feel the difference between each team (and each player, you can feel who's strong, who's weak and who's agile enough to do tricks without having to look at the name - which, trust me, is handier than it is impressive, I've literally fell over when trying to do tricks with the crappier players).

As Man U v Barcelona, Barca were quite wide and so there was a bit more space and less pressure. Still couldn't score a pissing goal though. They were very creative and the tricks were out all over the show.

As Barcelona v Man U, Man U played a very very physical pressing game and I couldn't get fucking near the area, never mind the goal. Literally like playing a different football game.

As Man U v Inter, they were playing a much slower game, but when they got the ball through to Ibrahimovic, he was almost throwing defenders off him like the hulk. Probably the hardest match I've played so far, they put three past me.

As Man U v Red Bulls, they weren't of the same quality, but they felt "desperate". Defenders were staying a bit too rigidly in position but so much so that I couldn't get past them.

And after all that, I STILL HAVEN'T SCORED!!!

ok i have played four halves and to be frank. what fucking game are you playing? It brilliant, it has improved on 07 and UCL immensley, but i havent noticed any of the above... sorry jack not to be mean or anything or personal, i just dont see what your seeing, but as i said, great game, EA have done a great job
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Oh well. The US PS Store won't be updated before 1 am UK time. And to be frank, I bet it won't contain the demo.

Fuck, I'll get a Xbox360 Elite tomorrow.

Someone has money! Nice to just decide to go and buy a £300 console tomorrow on a split second decision and not have to save up :) Another person for the online league? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Han don't be scared of change! What do they say? A change is as good as a rest!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

played some more, this game is sooo good. love it. hard to describe but pes...what's pes?
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