Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

the_thing said:
wow...this pic looks amazing, probably better than most if not the best.

Sorry mate, dont agree.

imo the Ribery pic is the best so far.

tbh all these pics overall are quite poor. Its not that surprising that its not been changed seeing as the amount of teams being included is absolutely huge. Im just interested in the gameplay. If its improved then it will be a great package.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

hm, there just something about that united one that stands out to me. maybe its cause im a united fan or maybe its cause of the different lighting in the pictures.

anyways about the gameplay, ive played the ps2 07 and it was horrible, not sure about the 360 version though. did they play well? also is 08 expecting an improvement in it?
these new fifas are starting to sound kinda convincing.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The players look like they're floating above the pitch.

And why can they only give Rooney a basic facial resemblance after all the time they spend mapping his mug? EA need to show some gritty realism, because it looks far too clean in my view.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

How can the players look like they are floating then the grass even covers parts of their boots at times?

Rooney looks like Rooney, I don't get your problem.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

In the recent 'in game' shots especially, the players just don't look at one with the pitch. Maybe that's just me though?
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Rooney is recognisable as rooney - but please look at the lower half of his face and his mouth!! It looks very odd!!

Also I get what you are saying about the floaty players - they do seem like that a bit but I am sure once you see the game running it will be fine.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

My main beef is with the players skin, like Nick Cave said its too shiny and plastic modelled still. Also I dont think rooney has a square jawline does he?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All Fifa 08 needs is Goodison Park and it will be the best ever :D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Lol you mean you would buy it over PES if it just had Goodison in it?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I just hope enough of the game has changed since UEFA CL to make it even better. If so I wont be disappointed. Nice to see that the Missing Leagues from FIFA 07 seem to be back with us.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Just read that article and to be honest I didnt get much from it. Perhaps im narrowminded when it comes to FIFA vs PES.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The images look amazing.

But after 5 years of beautiful screenshots, I must say that however big Konami's mistakes are, and however hard EA tries (and they really are trying), fact remains, PES is PES, and Fifa is Fifa.

Something is drastically wrong with EA's gameplay engine. Instead of going hardcore into their gameplay issues, they just "patch" it year after year, or simply do a quickie overhaul.

From the first few seconds into any Fifa game, the UGLY gameplay feel strikes hard.

What I mean is, it's the 2008 game. The graphics will always be amazing no matter what. Time to REALLY look DEEP into Konami's gameplay engine and try to know what makes it so amazing and addictive. (instead of a copy/paste of the control scheme)

Why now? Because with next-gen coming, graphics will not be the deciding factor anymore.

But instead, EA just introduces "CARD TRADING", "BE A PRO", and other fillers. All nice ideas. But the gameplay still sucks. They have only themselves to blame for their demise.

If you can't stand the grass, kits and commentary in PES, simply patch it with Fifa's kits, commentary and user-made turfs. The PES I am playing now looks spectacular.

There are many options nowadays, and EA hasn't taken the right turn yet.

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Graphics shmaphics. Physics is where it's at.

EA have never put together a convincing physics model. They need to use the power of the new technology to nail the physics. FIFA games have always had that particular "feel" and that feel is bad. Whilst it's improved in recent years, particulary with FIFA07, it's still not right and still has that fundamental crappy feel at it's heart.

Konami's physics model used to be vastly superior to EA's, but has actually regressed rather improved in recent releases, with hopeless scripting replacing a proper physics model, so hopefully they'll reverse that trend.

Unfortunately, it seems that there are still plenty people who are satisfied with face graphics and licensed kits.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i just don't like the way the players animation runs look like...they look like over hung monkeys9no disrespect to our friends the monkeys)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I really thought we would see the likes of real time dirt, pitch wear etc, on the next gen systems. OK it's early days but to just have better/finer detail is not all that impressive to me if I'm honest!
I know the game play has been updated and this was not possible on the old systems but I'd love to see them add more "human touches" like gobbing and gesticulating more, pulling shirts out etc.
Unless it's a cut scene or a replay I think I'm right in saying most people play fairly zoomed out to see the pitch, so it's things going on in the environment that will really add to the realism, not the fact you can zoom into the underside of the boot to see the adidas logo? This should be covered in dirt anyway after 10 Min's...
Don't get me wrong I like the better detail and the "flowing" hair n' shirts stuff, just lets have more dirt, grime and realism from the players, officials and even the bench and surrounding pitch side .... Or am I asking too much too soon?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Nick, no your not asking too much and it all should be possible this generation. I am seriously hoping both Konami and EA take note.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

looks to me like (and this might be my monitor) ea have finally seemed to get natural coloured grass. UEFA CL was too bright - FIFA 07 (current-gen and next) was too dull. Most of the shots there have nice green grass - look at the second in-game shot with the shadow - looks great.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Ok guys Im back again with some info from my mate in the US. He has had extensive time on the game and gave me some more info.

One thing that excites me is the use of the trick stick. He tell me the use of it in Fifa 08 is revolutionary. Its gonna open up so many things in the game. He tells me the control you have of the player is far more indepth not only in Football games, but sports games in general. Apparently you press one of the shoulder versions to go into a slow dribble mode, to activate the tricks you play around with the right stick.

But its not as simple as that, or basic. Because you can use it so quick it becomes an essiential part of the game. Its not only useful when trying to beat players, its valuable when you are getting pressured, making room for a shot, dummying players etc

It also have varying effects on your opponent depending on how they go up against you. If, for example, your opponent is pressuring you aggresively, a quick dummy will send him the wrong way. This animation is automatic. This obviously means if your opponent is standing his ground and you attempt a trick it will fail and wont fool him.

He told me he saw EA representatives showing off trick moves from various players and they looked so fluid it was untrue. Its a level up from anything hes seen before, and he truly believes this time EA have nailed it.

The way he summed it up was that for the first time in any football game you feel like you are actually controlling the players feet, aswell as the player himself.

Sounds crazy, but the more you think about it the more 'revolutionary' it sounds. Cant wait :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It's something I mentioned years ago on this board, "in the future would we have control of the player's feet or do you think it would be too complicated" - in all honesty, as amazing as it sounds, part of me thinks that it sounds way too complex. I mean, I will have a game with my 62-year-old dad occasionally, and no way would he get to grips with holding a button down and twiddling a trick stick in a certain way. Even for me I find it hard to grasp how it's going to become "second-nature" - it seems like it will be hard to adapt to.

But saying that, in both PES and FIFA, I don't find the dribbling realistic at all, it's not responsive, it's nothing like real-life and all it requires you to do is hold a button down while you move. So it really could be something big. As long as it's not another one of those features that is designed to be better next year when it's worked on a bit more.

All credit to EA for (finally) attempting to reinvent the genre rather than release the same stale kind of game. It certainly sounds like this could be the start of a new era of football games, and if some actual official WE11 news is released any time soon that says "better graphics" and "ten new dribble types" then we - well, I - will know that Seabass really has had his day.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You're kidding aren't you? Some of the current gen Fifa07 pitches were so brightly yellow/green it was almost painful to play on them and it was extremely difficult to see the ball all the time.....

To me, yellow greeny looks dull. If we are talking about greeness, then yellow as a shade of green is dull. Get my point :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Ok guys Im back again with some info from my mate in the US. He has had extensive time on the game and gave me some more info.

One thing that excites me is the use of the trick stick. He tell me the use of it in Fifa 08 is revolutionary. Its gonna open up so many things in the game. He tells me the control you have of the player is far more indepth not only in Football games, but sports games in general. Apparently you press one of the shoulder versions to go into a slow dribble mode, to activate the tricks you play around with the right stick.

Sounds crazy, but the more you think about it the more 'revolutionary' it sounds. Cant wait :)
Thing is, this should all be achieveble with just the use of the left analogue stick, it's fully analogue, you shouldn't even need to hold down a shoulder button to sprint, there's no reason why this can't be done by pushing the stick fully in one direction.

Something else people forget about is that the analogue sticks on bother the PS3 and Xbox 360 function as a button, if you press them in they click.

So for example you're running with the ball. If you want to stop dead you press the left stick into the controller and the player will trap the ball with his studs.

Alternatively, if you're running full sprint with the ball, if you let go of the stick completely, the ball will roll away, this maybe a good idea for how dummies could work.

Fact is though when it comes to basics in football games EA and Konami are stuck in the 90s!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Ok guys Im back again with some info from my mate in the US. He has had extensive time on the game and gave me some more info.

One thing that excites me is the use of the trick stick. He tell me the use of it in Fifa 08 is revolutionary. Its gonna open up so many things in the game. He tells me the control you have of the player is far more indepth not only in Football games, but sports games in general. Apparently you press one of the shoulder versions to go into a slow dribble mode, to activate the tricks you play around with the right stick.

But its not as simple as that, or basic. Because you can use it so quick it becomes an essiential part of the game. Its not only useful when trying to beat players, its valuable when you are getting pressured, making room for a shot, dummying players etc

It also have varying effects on your opponent depending on how they go up against you. If, for example, your opponent is pressuring you aggresively, a quick dummy will send him the wrong way. This animation is automatic. This obviously means if your opponent is standing his ground and you attempt a trick it will fail and wont fool him.

He told me he saw EA representatives showing off trick moves from various players and they looked so fluid it was untrue. Its a level up from anything hes seen before, and he truly believes this time EA have nailed it.

The way he summed it up was that for the first time in any football game you feel like you are actually controlling the players feet, aswell as the player himself.

Sounds crazy, but the more you think about it the more 'revolutionary' it sounds. Cant wait :)

Is this the same guy who is a Pro Evo nut?
If so I'm excited. What did he say about general gameplay? Are the tricks balanced i.e no rainbow flicks all the way up the pitch? How is the shooting and passing?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Adonis thanks for the news men, nice te hear ea is focused more on the gameplay.
i thing slowing down the player (botton) before u do the trick, it's far more realistic, & it's an exellent idea.
no one in the world can do tricks by sprinting, its nice to see that ea is slowing down the game, by forcing u to have better controll with the player by slowing him down, & letting u be more creative on the pitch, (insted of sprinting non stop with messi ala fifa07) if ea will pull this out, fifa 08 for sure will be in the right direction, in terms of gameplay depth, somthing that always has been missing from fifa games, (possibilitis on the pitch, variacion & gameplay depth)
like i always say we ll have 2 wait & see, hopefully fifa 08 will take as by surprise, & show as how football sim on the next-gen should play like:)
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