FIFA 07 (PS2/XBox/PC) - Current Gen

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

TheWolf said:
FIFA is looking better and better all the time. I haven't touched WE10 since I got the FIFA demo because the same old gameplay and CPU cheating by Konami wears you down. It doesn't matter how you try to shoot or pass in WE10, you get the feeling the CPU adjusts it so that either it can win the ball from you or force you into playing a certain way. FIFA 07 feels a lot more free in terms of being able to build up attacks exactly how you want to and it feels like you have to be smart rather than lucky to create a good offensive build up. Not having Konami's stupid "hey, I'm the slowest defender in the world but I can catch up with your fast forward 20 yards in the space of 3 seconds" feature is a total breath of fresh air. You know if you get a breakaway in FIFA 07 it's an advantage like the real game not just another oppotunity for you to be shout WTF?

Bring on FIFA 07, I might not even bother with PES6 this year at all because I know it's essentially going to be the same as WE10 (Jap) and that's little fun past the first few weeks. The ML is a joke as always.

agreed on all points. bring it on allready! hope i can get it on monday. :) out in sweden aswell by today.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Skill Moves

This year we have re-worked the skill moves on the right stick. Certain moves can only be carried out with a certain skill level of player or are unique to star players. We have things like the rainbow kick (which can be chained together to do some spectacular moves past defenders and then volley the ball into the net), ball lifts, stepovers, lane change, sideways dribble, drag backs, fake stepovers, fake shots, and more. Here's a look at the different skill moves:

Lane change
Good for when you are running at medium speed and have a marker approaching the player in possession from directly ahead at pace and with a little bit of space between you. Also use the same move to break free of a player trying to jostle you for possession of the ball.

Sideways dribble
This skill move can be used in two ways. One way can be used to give you more room when you can see your marker attempting to block your path a little way ahead of your player. It also can be used to 'fake-out' your marker when in shooting distance and the marker is a short distance from you. Try it!

The step-over
This move is just purely employed to try and fool your marker into committing to one direction or another and enabling you to bypass their tackle. The rapid movement of your feet can trick him into thinking that you are going to change direction. Perform this move when there's only a small amount of space between you and your defender. This skill can also be used to break free of a defender jostling your player for possession.

The ball lift
This skill is good for dodging an expected slide tackle or a standing tackle from the side. When dribbling with the ball, the player can chip the ball into the air and over the legs of defending players. Time this to perfection and you get you self out of some seemingly impossible situations or you can earn yourself some free kicks in dangerous areas.
Standing skills

These moves can only be preformed when a player is standing still with the ball at their feet.

Drag back
This is used when you are standing still and your marker is either facing-off or 'jockeying' against you. The move enables the player in possession to drag the ball back towards them, potentially committing the defender and creating a break-away chance to avoid being marked.

The standing step over
This is a similar move to the step-over. Like the Drag Back, the move entices the defender to commit himself, either drawing the foul or creating space for the player in possession to break away.

Fake step
This move is solely to send your marker the wrong way with a step in the wrong direction. It could be enough to send them totally the wrong way. If they do not fall for this your player returns to his standing stance quickly. No harm done

Standing skills extension

Drag back and flick
This move allows you to change your direction by 90 degrees from a standing position.
This extension of the drag back can be used to fake your marker into thinking your going to do the standard drag back trick them to commit.

The standing step over and knock on
Like the drag back and flick, this is an extension of a move: the standing step over.
After you have sent your opponent the wrong way knock the ball on in the other direction and leave them confused as to what has just happened

Our Tip: Do standing skills multiple times then a standing skill extension in your chosen direction to totally baffle your opponent. Both human and AI opponents often become frustrated and will attempt to foul you.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Ive read a lot of people in other threads say FIFA Demo is shit... have they actually bothered to play it? yes bits of it feel typically FIFArised but overall the game for once contains depth! it feels quite good and less scripted and on the rails like WE10 still feels at times...

Why do people just say its shit? have they bothered to play it?

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Is there a list or could someone explain how you do these skill moves? I know some but list would be nice. I would like to see other tips too.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

djdoc360 said:
Ive read a lot of people in other threads say FIFA Demo is shit... have they actually bothered to play it? yes bits of it feel typically FIFArised but overall the game for once contains depth! it feels quite good and less scripted and on the rails like WE10 still feels at times...

Why do people just say its shit? have they bothered to play it?


I've never explicitly said it was shit, cause I haven't played it, but I have said that it could be shit, or that people saying its good are doing the good old FIFA thing, that I have done so many times in the past.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

djdoc360 said:
Ive read a lot of people in other threads say FIFA Demo is shit... have they actually bothered to play it? yes bits of it feel typically FIFArised but overall the game for once contains depth! it feels quite good and less scripted and on the rails like WE10 still feels at times...

Why do people just say its shit? have they bothered to play it?


It is shit

...because there are only 6 teams to pick from! :D
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Theres a strong rumour going round that Cwright is leaving to join the Fifa forums, he has played it non stop since downloading it for his PC :|

Must be good, cant wait to try it!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

It's nice to know that even the admin can be won over - I was a bit worried that I was missing something huge seeing as there's tons of people just posting "it's shit", but if the admin of a Pro Evo board is even looking at switching allegiances, it must be good. Shame about all the shit-for-brains whose reviews only consist of two words.

I really, truly can't fault it, apart from the hardest difficulty level. With any team in the demo versus any team in the demo, it's too easy to win 2-0 or 3-0. Your players do exactly what you want them to do rather than take seven steps before doing what you've pressed (which is a huge culture shock to start with, let me tell you!!) - meaning that if you know how to play a strategic game of football, it's a bit too easy to score a goal and then play possession football. I'm hoping that on the PC version, if you play in the lower leagues, it's a bit more difficult, and hopefully on the 360 version the difficulty levels will be reworked altogether.

But with the freedom of movement, playing this online is going to be absolutely brilliant.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I think its fair to say though that Kevano is taking the Michael, the words of his dead body would he play FIFA have been tatooed on CWrights head.........

I will however be giving FIFA a go, but then I have done the last two years and found they only held my interest till PES came out, this year though PES6 and FIFA07 come out on the same day for the XB360, so it will be a real fist fight I reckon.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Im also seriously considering getting it, and i havent been able to complete a match on fifa since 98 as i just got so bored and saw so many mistakes/bad gameplay. Now however im regulary playing the demo and havent bothered with we anymore. Now thats never happend before! Will probably be getting both for the 360, hopefulyl fifa can have a decent singleplayer mode
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

lol @ airjoca the full version (Out on Friday here in the UK on Xbox, PS2 and PC) will have lots of teams :)

I think this is one FIFA game I will buy on the day it comes out, its pretty good. I went back to playing WE10 yesterday and someone else mentioned "It Feels Like Its On Rails" it sure does! WE10 feels very restrictive at times and you sometimes never really feel the player is under your control on FIFA you feel as if your in control a lot more on what the player is doing and it doesnt feel the "On Rails" Effect.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

That's funny, they're almost the exact words my friend used when he first picked up the pad and tried the FIFA demo against me (after much persuasion) - "it's football not on rails". It's a sensation, it really is.

I've just watched the TGS WE 360 trailer and it rekindled a bit of love for the game, and made me wonder what I was doing playing FIFA. After being inspired to play WE10 straight after, it was five minutes before it was switched off in frustration. Once you get used to the shooting in this, you know when you've pressed the shoot button exactly what height and what direction the shot is going to go, you're in control and it's instinctual. And I better hadn't mention the passing again, but my God, it's a dream.

As I've said before, my only worry is the difficulty level, but I'm sure if the worst comes to worst and e.g. I get Tranmere promoted in one season, the next season will be twice as difficult (in the demo you're similarly matched teams, if there's a big gap in quality surely there will be a big gap in difficulty - it's a worry, but online play should make up for it if they've fucked up).
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

So how does the shooting work? Passing is nice, however i still find it a bit slow at times. Played pes5 and fifa demo on the pc yesterday and fifa did feel a lot better and quicker in reaction to my movements.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Jack Bauer said:
That's funny, they're almost the exact words my friend used when he first picked up the pad and tried the FIFA demo against me (after much persuasion) - "it's football not on rails". It's a sensation, it really is.

I've just watched the TGS WE 360 trailer and it rekindled a bit of love for the game, and made me wonder what I was doing playing FIFA. After being inspired to play WE10 straight after, it was five minutes before it was switched off in frustration. Once you get used to the shooting in this, you know when you've pressed the shoot button exactly what height and what direction the shot is going to go, you're in control and it's instinctual. And I better hadn't mention the passing again, but my God, it's a dream.

As I've said before, my only worry is the difficulty level, but I'm sure if the worst comes to worst and e.g. I get Tranmere promoted in one season, the next season will be twice as difficult (in the demo you're similarly matched teams, if there's a big gap in quality surely there will be a big gap in difficulty - it's a worry, but online play should make up for it if they've fucked up).

Jack, when I play as Guadujala against Milan or Barca, I usually end up letting in 2-5 goals every time! Maybe its just me, but I could never seem to break down Milan etc, and thats even on proffesional level.

Have you got a link for the 360 PES trailer?
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I played Lyon on Professional with Man United and hammered them 5-0 I dont think that would really happen but I really felt as if I opened them up and scored some nice goals. You have to work the ball around and make space for yourself which I really like. I feel much more in control of my players and I for one now like the Shooting System now I have got used to it. This is the best FIFA I have played since FIFA RTWC98.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Just played the nephew on it and the dribbling, which I think is woeful, he could do with absolutely no trouble (so the dribbling can't have changed from FIFA 06). He was doing step-overs and running a circle (almost literally) around my defenders a few times, so it must be possible to adapt to this new dribbling "stick". Will take me an age though, I find it very hard to use two sticks at the same time with any kind of accuracy.

tiktiktiktik said:
So how does the shooting work?
Whatever direction you're facing is the direction the shot goes in, with the length of the press dictating how high/hard the shot goes. If (after pressing the button) you nudge the stick SLIGHTLY in one direction, just for a half-second, you'll spin it slightly in that direction. Hold a direction down longer and he'll hit it further on that angle, but if that angle is miles away from where you're facing, 90 times out of 100 it won't be a very good shot.

Peter Eyres said:
Jack, when I play as Guadujala against Milan or Barca, I usually end up letting in 2-5 goals every time! Maybe its just me, but I could never seem to break down Milan etc, and thats even on proffesional level.
Well that's weird because usually I am fecking awful at games, and that's an understatement. Bar Burnout Revenge and Top Spin 2 I struggle to win on anything on the highest difficulty, and on Winning Eleven I can only just manage a draw against most people (it amazes me when people come on here talking about winning the ML on six-star with the default players, the most I can manage with the default players on six-star is about 6th).

I'd like to think that the hardest difficulty is easy because, in this new FIFA, if you have a strategy and you stick to it (seeing as the players don't run on rails and you can position them where you need them), then you can perform as well as the real-life team would under real strategic influence from the manager - which is poetry in motion to watch. But maybe not, maybe my fingers are remembering when I used to play FIFA 99 and giving me a headstart... :mrgreen:

Peter Eyres said:
Have you got a link for the 360 PES trailer?
HERE you go!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

This all sounds good.

However, the 360 version could be very different. the ball physics are supposed to be seperate to the player physics in the 360 version. So dribbling may well be harder.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I knew I should have posted last night saying Kevano is talking bollocks...

I aint played FIFA for years and I dont plan on starting now, the last decent FIFA game was on the MegaDrive back in the 90s
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

CWright said:
I knew I should have posted last night saying Kevano is talking bollocks...

I aint played FIFA for years and I dont plan on starting now, the last decent FIFA game was on the MegaDrive back in the 90s
Does no harm to try the demo though surely?
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Jack Bauer said:
Just played the nephew on it and the dribbling, which I think is woeful, he could do with absolutely no trouble (so the dribbling can't have changed from FIFA 06). He was doing step-overs and running a circle (almost literally) around my defenders a few times, so it must be possible to adapt to this new dribbling "stick". Will take me an age though, I find it very hard to use two sticks at the same time with any kind of accuracy.

Whatever direction you're facing is the direction the shot goes in, with the length of the press dictating how high/hard the shot goes. If (after pressing the button) you nudge the stick SLIGHTLY in one direction, just for a half-second, you'll spin it slightly in that direction. Hold a direction down longer and he'll hit it further on that angle, but if that angle is miles away from where you're facing, 90 times out of 100 it won't be a very good shot.

Well that's weird because usually I am fecking awful at games, and that's an understatement. Bar Burnout Revenge and Top Spin 2 I struggle to win on anything on the highest difficulty, and on Winning Eleven I can only just manage a draw against most people (it amazes me when people come on here talking about winning the ML on six-star with the default players, the most I can manage with the default players on six-star is about 6th).

I'd like to think that the hardest difficulty is easy because, in this new FIFA, if you have a strategy and you stick to it (seeing as the players don't run on rails and you can position them where you need them), then you can perform as well as the real-life team would under real strategic influence from the manager - which is poetry in motion to watch. But maybe not, maybe my fingers are remembering when I used to play FIFA 99 and giving me a headstart... :mrgreen:

HERE you go!


I can score plenty with the bigger teams, with enough time (got the infinite time thing), but with Guadajala (sp?) I stuggle, so I think playing with Tranmere would be even more difficult.

The PES trailer looked good. Ironically the thing that impressed me most was the crowd audio, but hey maybe that is just for effect and isn't in game, I wouldn't be suprised. Some of the animations still looked dodgy. If the game gives us a bit of freedom, and none of that pressing bollox, than I'll be a very happy man. I will give PES and Fifa a good go (full version) before I decide what to dedicate vast amounts of time towards career modes and editing ;)
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

The first FIFA I played in ages, to be exact since FIFA 2000, after reading all those positive comments so I wanted to see myself how it plays and thought it was not bad but is still miles behind WE/PES. It does not surprise me though that FIFA is improving when EA copies Konami in terms of gameplay - they had to get somewhere and become better than they used to be eventually.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

kel said:
is still miles behind WE/PES.

Dont agree with that one bit, its almost on a par with WE/PES... as I said before WE/PES the players feel like they are on rails and mostly CPU Controlled at times and its annoying.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

allright I'm home again. Here they are (Fifa 07 xbox 360 screens)

(no premier league fonts :()
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

thanx WEtongelre.

I think you missed some screens :mrgreen:
here's what I gathered... :D

r u ready??? :p :p
Fifa 07 screens


































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